HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-16, Page 18Times -Advocate, June 16, 1982
WIN OPTIMIST WALK ATHON — The Stephen Optimists sponsored a very successful
walkathon Sunday for Bunny Bundle. Above, walkathon chairman Harold Borden
who also participated presents the prizes to those with the most pledges Donna
Smith, Mark Rothbauer and Karen Borden. T -A photo
Church visits shrine
• Shipko
Ferman and Leota Snyder
were on the bus trip last Mon-
day sponsored by Church of
God. They stopped in Coll-
ingwood to tour the Blue
Mountain Pottery and a can-
dy factory. Then on to
Midland to the Jesuit settle-
ment of Sainte -Marie among
the Hurons. They saw a film
of history, a native village,
stockade and museum, and a
stop at Martyr's Shrine. the'
group stopped in Barrie for
Christopher and Melissa
Plein, of Elmira spent a few
days last week here with their
Snyder grandparents. The
childrens parents, Suzanne
and Otto Plein, were atten-
ding a church group meeting
at Stayner, near Wasaga
The second annual Webb
reunion was held Sunday in
Bergoyne Park . in St.
Catharines with around 50 in
Attending from this area
were Doug and Ann Russell,
Connie, Alex, Elizabeth and
Jill, Cliff and Velma Russell,
Don and Ann and Chantal
Russell, Kathy Russell and
friend Mark.
Hugh and Annie Morenz, at-
tended the Morenz reunion,
Sunday, in Mitchell.
Mrs, Fred Hoffman, of
Evart, Michigan, is holiday-
ing here at her daughter's,
Lucille and Harold Vincent,
Lori, Mike and Michelle.
Katz reunion
The annual Ratz reunion
was held Sunday at Shipka
Community centre with over
40 in attendance. Officers are
president, Mrs. Alma God -
bolt; chairman, Harvey
Ratz; secretary treasurer,
Olive Ratz, all returned to of-
fice for 1983.
Barbara Ratz and Mary
Margaret Thompson con-
ducted an excellent program
of games and sports. Pre-
school races won by Brent
and Megan Ratz; pre-school
kick shoe, Kevin Sharpe,
Steven James Kopp son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Kopp,
London, received his
honours Bachelor of Arts
degree' majoring in
economics and
mathematics, at the
University of Western On-
tario Spring Convocation,
June 8. Steven was on the
Dean's Honour List for four
years and was the reci-
pient of The Gold Medal
Award for top student in
economics and,
Murray Stewart, husband
of Cheryl Stewart,
Waterloo and son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Stewart,
Kirkton, graduated
tecently from the Univer-
sity of Waterloo receiving
his Bachelor of Science
Degree in Honours
Kinesiology. This fall he
will be continuing his
studies at the Canadian
Memorial Chiropractic
College in Toronto.
Toronto; irgermediate kic
slipper, Tracy Ratz; sac
race, Bruce Smith, London;
legged adult race, Barb an
Bill Ratz; 3 legged for juniors
Kevin Sharpe; water balloo
toss, Laurie Bowden an
Barb Ratz; clothes line game
Roslynne Sharpe, Toronto.
Straw water game and ove
and under water balloon wo
by Barb Ratz team. Soybea
guessing game, Earl Smith
lucky chair, Margaret Smith
guessing spices, Nola Ratz.
It was decided to hold nex
year's picnic, same place o
the second Sunday in June.
People attended .fro
Toronto, London, Exeter
Parkhill and the local area.
Morenz reunion
About 40 attended the 31s
annual Morenz reunion hel
at the Lion's park in Mitchell
Sunday, June 13.
Special prizes awarde
were to longest married cou
ple present, Les and Marjbri
Adams, of Exeter married 5
years; youngest child
Heather McLeod, Toronto
oldest lady, Mrs. Gertz
Bushfield, Stratford, (a siste
of hockey player, the las
Howie Morenz) oldest gent
Bill Lockhart, Mitchell,
largest family, Bill Jeffre
Sr.; coming farthest distance
Bob Boyd, Toronto; birthday
nearest June 13, Andy
McLeod, Toronto.
Guessing games - What's in
the can? won by Marilyn Jef-
fery, and number of jelly
beans in a jar won by Hazel
Corbett, Hensall.
Winners of children's races
were Sally Chaffe, Bobby and
Kimmy La Croix, young
men's race and kicking shoe
won by Bill Jeffrey Jr. Ladies
kick slipper won by Connie
Chaffe, Mitchell. A relay
game with men and women
stuffing a pillow in a pillow
case was won by the ladies's
It was decided to hold next
year's picnic same time and
place. Officers for 1983 are:
President, Bill Jeffery Jr.,
Harmony;- secretary, Mar-
jorie Adams, Exeter;
treasurer, Debbie Jeffrey,
People attended from
Toronto, Stratford, London,
Mitchell. Harmony, Exeter,
Hensall, Eiimville - and
Why do so many people
replace their old dishwasher
with KitchenAid?
Find out at 1111)
Only people who have owned a .
KdchenArd drsnwashe'. can tru''y
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KdchenArd cOnStruclron . a ri.gic+rett
Sleel.lrame Thal assures
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Ask us about e'c.usI'.P Yr'r mr-^w d
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and soft waste disco'' ' '•at
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Ail good reasons tr,
dishwasher With F r' enA.r, Or m ;...
learhenArd you, first dishy \\{;hr;•
There never was a
Candlelight service
Explorers get awards, entertain at Crediton UCW
Thursday evening, the
Crediton Explorers group
entertained the members of
the United Church Women
and Explorer mothers and
friends. Everyone was
welcomed by President Jean
The Explorers paraded in-
to the sanctuary and were led
in a candlelighting service by
their leaders, Mrs. Allan
Finkbeiner, Mrs. Alvin
Draisey and Mrs. Don
The girls sang several
numbers they had learned at
Explorers, Mrs. Lorne
Preszcator playing the piano.
Highlights of the Explorer
year were read by Kathy
Awards were presented as
follows: Second Red Star, Gia
King, Christina Glanville,
Arlene Cottel, Denise Hen-
drick and Kim Landsbergen.
First Blue Star:. Kristy
Eveland. Second Blue Star: •
Charlene Browning, Laura
Draisey and Angela Land-
sbergen. Second Gold Star:
Kathy Hendrick and Joel
After the meeting was clos-
ed with the Explorers Prayer,
the leaders were presented
with cup and saucer from the
girls. Lunch was served by
Elva Lamport, Alma
. Schwartz, Clara Ratz, Doreen
Lightfoot, and Thelma
Following the lunch a short
business meeting was held by
the UCW. The meeting was
opened with the UCW Pur-
pose, followed by the roll call
and,minutes of the last
meeting. The Treasurer's
Report was given and the cor-
respondence read.
A minutes silence was
observed in memory of Mrs.
Ed Hendrick, an active
memberwho passed away
suddenly May 25. Her
presence will be missed in the
acitivites of the United
Church Women.
Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner gave
a report on Westminster
Weekend which she recently
attended. The meeting was
closed with the singing of
Amazing Grace. •
Westminster weekend '82
The theme for the weekend
was Amazing Grace, spon-
sored by the London Con-
ference and — held at
Westminster College,
Windermere Road, London,
May 28, 29 and 30. 173 ladies
registered for the event. Mrs.
Marion Anderson of Sarnia
welcomed all guests in the
conference, wishing them a .
joyous .experience at the
Margaret Wonfor, Dean of
the school encouraged them
to make it worthwhile in the
study groups and in the social
times. Bible study was under
the leadership of Rev. Beth
Chapman, Minister of St.
Pauls Botany Charge, Kent
Presbytery. Worship leader
wa,s Mrs. June Spence lay
Wadian of Kent Bridge. Music
in song was led by Mrs. Jay
Vetes of Windsor with Mrs.
Lorna Ferguson of
Thamesford as pianist.
Grace and Rights was the
theme of the first discussion
led by the various group
leaders. "Grace is unmerited'
favor that is given to us by
Jesus Christ. We may find
this by prayer, worship,
sacrament, fellowship and Bi-
ble Study."
Grace and Prayer was the'.,
theme for Number two study
session. "Prayer proceeds
from God's grace. When we
are comforted, prayer is said
with or without words. We
must deal with our emotions
when we settle to pray. There
are four ways to pray. 1A -
Acknowledge we have a need.
2-C Confession, 3 -
Thanksgiving. 4- S by
Theme three was Grace,
Wealth and Poverty, "We
have two kinds in the world
today, those who are spiritual
and those, who are
economical." On Friday
evening the ladies were enter-
tained by the Celebration
Players, from Windsor.
Following the final discus-
sion in groups each one
returned to the auditorium -for
the final worship service and
communion: All joined hands
moving in a circle outside the
building onto the campus
singing the theme song
"Amazing Grace."
Children's Day
Sunday morning, Church
and Sunday School was corn-,
bined in a 10:30 morning ser-
vice. Harry Schroeder, Sun-
day School superintendent
was master of ceremonies,
leading in the Call to Worship
and Invocation prayer.
The offering was taken up
by members of the Sunday
School, Tracey and Trevor
Ratz, Michael Lightfoot and
Janet Lewis. The choir sang
the song "Higher Ground".
Bob Heywood sang several
musical numbers and spoke
to the children of all ages con-
cerning "Heros of the Bible."
The Benediction was con-
ducted by Rev. Brian Elder.
The loose offering given in the
collection will go to the work
of the Sunday School.
Next Sunday will be
Cemetery Decoration Ser-
vice, this years service will be
held at the regular worship
time of 10 a.m. in the Church
The Soul Survivers will
meet this Friday for their
final meeting until fall. In this
respect, the time will be
changed from 8 until 11 p.m.
Parents please note the
change, when picking up the
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Morlock attended the Spring
Convocation of the Universi-
ty of Western Ontario, which
was held in Alumni Hall last -
week, to witness the gradua-
tion of their grandson, John
Scott Morlock, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Fred Morlock, Waterloo.
John received his Doctor of
Medicine degree, and has ac-
cepted a position in Victoria,
British Columbia.
Congratulations to Gerald
and lsa Smith on their recent
marriage in Caven
Presbyterian Church, Exeter.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Finkbeiner,
Della Sims and Buelah
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Pfaff, Wallas etown aM
the Pfaff-Voison rte
Saturday and stayed over to
visit with friends and
relatives Sunday.
Congratulations to Ervin
and Bonnie Pfaff on their
wedding Saturday. A recep-
tion was held in Hensall with
many of the people of
Crediton attending.
Remember Dad
Father's Day
Check these Gift Idea Specials
Timex Watches
The Manufacturers Suggested Retail
Chocolates 300 gr. 1.39
Dares, 400 gr.
Erlene Gingerich,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Gingerich, Zurich
has recently 'graduated
from the University of
Waterloo. _ After
graduating from C.H.S.S.
she spent twoears of
study at Richmond College
in Toronto. She then
transferred fo Waterloo
where she completed her
B.A. in Social Develop-
ment Studies and now has
a summer job working
with mentally disabled
children near Toronto, and
is looking for employment
in the Fall.
Beer, daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs. George Beer, Hen...
sall, graduated from the
University of Western On-
tario at Huron College,
June 11 from the Bachelor
of Arts programme. Betty
will be attending the
Faculty of Education at the
University of Windsor in
Accompanies brother
to U of T ceremony
By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Park, Goderich.
' Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. Burns
Miss Evelyn Walkom of Blackler were guests Sunday
Kitchener spent the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Loyens, RR
with Miss Ethel Copeland.
Mrs. Maurice Blackler ac-
companied her brother Dr.
Albert Berry of St. Marys to
a luncheon at Toronto Univer-
sity where he was made an
honoured member of the
Engineering Hall of
• Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Davis
visited Saturday afternoon
with Mrs. Agnes Davis at
Huronview Clinton and sup-
per guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Fairbairn at Meneset
1, Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill
visited with Norris' aunt on
the weekend,'Mrs. Casey at
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carroll
of Exeter, Mr. Jim Stephen of
St. Marys were Sunday even-
ing dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Rea Stephen.
Word was received in the
village of the death Sunday of
Mr. Corneluis Van Muyen of
B.C. formerly a resident of
Almondillos 400 gr.
Pot of Gold 450 gr.
Your choice
Roman Brio, Soap on a rope,. 140 gr.
Gift Set
After shave lotion, 114 ml. 4;69
HiKarate, Soap & After Shave letion-
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Quaker Chocolate, 5 Ib. bag Connors, 7 oz. tin
Cake Mixs.
89 c
For the price of 2 Ib.2.49 Fillet of Herring
'Mohs, 1 litre bottle
Our reg. S1.79 In Heavy Syrup
99 C Peaches 28 oz. tin99
Kal Kan Unlabelled, Case of 24 Assorted, 14.5 oz. tin
Cat Food 13 oz. tins8.99 Dog Food
Luxury Snow Crabmeat 5 oz. tin 2.79
433 MAIN ST. 235 1661
12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m.
With a pair of designer
Now With Savings of
And now there is another good reason
to buy KitcholrnAid.
The new KitchenAid Energy Saver V •
is the only dishhashe• Thal can ears you money on your hot water Ddl and
SIM gree you saarktrnq•Clean• samhred dishes
And while you re m our store be sure to see the KitchenAid Superba Food
Waste Disposer. powerlut enough 10 handle. all food wastes including hones
The oertecr romnamnn for you, K,rrhenA,d dishwashers
better dme to see the new KitchenAid Energy Sever V at ..
2.35 1964
Brenda Pepper, daughter
of Cecil and Joyce Pepper
of Hensall graduated
.recently with an Honors
Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Sociology from University
of Guelph. Brenda is a
graduate of South Huron
District High School, Ex-
eter and is presently
working at the University.
She plans to begin her
Masters degree in the fall.
Westlake, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. r, Walter
Westlake, Hensall,
graduated June 12 from
Conestoga College, Kit-
chener with a diploma in
Criminology. She is a
graduate of South Huron
District High School and
hopes to enter into a
career as an insurance
each pair
Jeans are both practical and good
looking. , . and at $5. off for each pair
you are getting really great t►alue.
Choose from Jordache, Sas oon,
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