HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-16, Page 17ARENA PICTURE - Luton Community Centre chairman
Lorry Hotson accepts a picture of the 1981-82 champion
Lucan; Irish from team president Claire Stanley. T -A
photo -
Flower Sunday at
United Church service
Lucan United Church Sun- was a very special boy.
day School celebrated its an-
nual Flower Sunday at mor- She encouraged the
children to
ning worship on Sunday with t pee theister for
V.B.S. on
Sunday School children and ide the churco
staff participating throughout following thse service and to
the service. participate in the parade with
Kelly, Ibbitson and Donna Bible time costumes on July
Vanatanthals were responsi-
ble for the lovely flower ar Jim Robertson, Sunday
rangdments prepared before School superintendent gave
the service. Fred and Beth the message. He challenged
Cowflrey and daughter parents to live up to the vows
Denote welcomed worship- they make when they bring retain November 26 at the
pers as they arrived, while their children for baptism. date for the annual snowflake
Sunday School. members These include making a bazaar. Plans for U.C.W.'s
Tabitha Froats and Jane Christian home for their child participation in providing lun-
Holden played a beautiful, where he can experience the ches for ploughing match
piano prelude. love and. security of parents workers were considered with
As the children entered the who trust and honour Christ. the recommendation that
Such parents will pray for group leaders contact the
sanctuary, each child placed
WI traces history
over 20 year period
The June general meeting
of Lucan U.C.W. met Wednes-
day in the C.E. centre with
president Shirley Ryan
presiding. Worship and pro-
gram were designed to
celebrate the 20th Anniver-
sary year of United Church
Dorothy Lankin and Anne
Holden led in worship through
hymns, prayers and Scrip-
ture. Jean Brown gave a
meditation which recalled the
Lord's faithfulness in past
years. She suggested that
allowing Him to lead and use
us should be our first priority
for the future.
Kit Hearn, in charge of pro-
gram, read a poem she had
written which traced the ac-
tivities of the group from the
days of the first president,
Elsie George to the present.
She then encouraged the
women to reminisce about
friends and events of past
years. She asked that those
with pictures, or other items
of interest bring them to the
Anniversary birthday part to
be held at the October general
Plans were made for
repeating the recent
smorgasbord supper at the
Community Centre next May,
and the decision was made to
a flower from home in thesalvat.
special arrangement on the Th Y will �P mber.Shrrleyannounc- R
be contact person for this
Bernice Lockyer told the
group about plans for the an-
nual Vacation Bible School,
July 12 to 23, and asked the
women for prayer, for
volunteer workers, and for
donations of cookies for the
children's snacks.
Honor Stanley and Doris
Weir were hostesses for the
evening and provided a
delicious lunch for the
fellowship time following the
Blue skies and a good atten-
dance helped make Lucan
United Church family picnic
at Market Square park a
great success Saturday.
Games for children of each
age group were carried on
simutaneously in different
areas of the. park. Races,
relays, tug of war, and other
group games kept , the
children enthusiastically in- -
volved throughout the
Ribbons and small prizes
gave extra incentive to com-
petitors. Later adults of all
ages got involved in the
Congratulations are due to
the committee in charge of
planning and' directing the
programme. Beth and Fred
Cowdry, Barb and Wayne
Gibson, Rod and Diane Mor-
rison, Bill and Judy Darling,
and Ted and Sherry Lane,
Iso to Superintendent Jim
obertson and a number of
he teachers for their con-
ribution of time and effort.
en -children and for their women with details in a
ion. a to '
Communion table. Mindy endeavour to teach them by ed that- in addition there will t
Bates re word and example how to live be need for many cookies to t
ad two Scripture by Christ s standards, servingassist the hospitalitycommit-
and smay vowes
.others with love. tee of "County Chrches at
outlined baptismal vows po
which parents and congrega- At a child's baptism, the the Ploughingv Match". Ber- ti
ion make when a congregation promises ni
brought to the Church for vide constant love and
Baptism. wholesome example. Jim
The children's choir, under challenged church members
the direction of Linda Froats to live up to these vows by get -
sang a beautiful two part ting to know the boys and
selection, "Sing a New Song", girls personally, praying for
and later in the service . them, and getting involved in
shared with the congregation leading and helping them. "If
anther new song, "Listen". we don't give of ourselves for
Ed Melanson, representing them, me don't really care,"
the adult class, led in the. said Jim. He pointed out the
pastoral prayer. Mike need t r three new teachers
Holden, John Kaune, Tim and otjer helpers to assist the
Bates, and Barb Coughlin Sunda; School in the fall.
acted as ushers to take up and fhe a will be no choir prac-
the offering. tice is Thursday. Instead,
Lorna Sharron of Pleasant pupa of Helen Stanley will
View Bible College Bible Col- presfnt a piano recital in the
lege in Ailsa Craig, who is to Church sanctuary at 7:30 •
be director of the community p. Friends are cordially in -
Vacation Bible School July 12 - vid to attend. The couples'
to 23, with the assistance of c
There followed a delicious
t luck supper with the addi
on of hot dogs and drinks for
t child is p i es to pro- ce Lockyer volunteered to all.
her puppet Irving, told . the
children's story about little
Robby who discovered that he
b annual pot luck barbeque
as announced for June 24 at
e home of Don and Anna
Iaguire. ' "
GET OHA TROPHIES - At Saturday's banquet for the 1981-82 Ontario Junior "D"
champs sponsored by the village of Lucan, trophies were presented by the OHA.
Above, captain. Paul Wraith, coach Dave Revington and manager Bob Taylor receive
their awards from Dave Besse of the OHA. T -A photo.
In minor soccer
Lucani rls
beat Vultures
In minor soccer action this scored twooals and S Lester
week, the Lucan squirts No. I Snider booted aa single for the goals as. (he Lucano all ted star
team lost 2-0 to the Exeter I losers.
• London were defeated 5-2 by
team and 9-1 to the Exeter II
Sandy Hyde scored the on- London Y.S.C.
cl an marksmanroats .
ly goal and Peter Bakker The Lucan bantam girls
Atom lea ue la gained a shutout as the Lucan with Katherine Devlaeminck
g P > saw mosquitoes blanked Exeter II kicking three goals beat the
Lucan I beat Lucan II 4-3. , 1-0.
Chris Hewitt, Todd H de, Carling Vultures 5-1. Scoring
Y The Lucan and Grand Bend one goal each were Linda
Brett Revington and Jason pee wees played to a 6-6 tie. Giesen and Lisa Bakker.
Dukeshire scered for the win- Mike Dewan led the Lucan Diane Watt was the lone
ners whole Michael Damen team with a three goal effort. scorer as the Lucan pee wees
Scoring in single fashion were lost 3-1 to the Carling Cultures
Dan Hartman, Matthew , girls team.
Welsh and Dave Seynour. - Shona Craig was the goal
Matthew Welsh notched the scorer and Tammy Feick
only goal as the Lucan all star picked up the shutout as the
pee wees lost 4-1 to London Lucan atoms blanked the
Y.S.C. N.W. Outlaws 1-0.
GET LUCAN AWARDS - Village of Lucan reeve Ivan Hearn presents official village
awards to the three goaltenders on the Lucan Irish OHA Junior "D" all -Ontario cham-
pions. From the left are Dan Sceli, Brod Milner and Ed Dobinson
A i
the Lucan mixe
pleman. Front,
AMPS — The Generic Gang won the league championship of
owling league. Back, left, Buzz Smith, Robert Pipe and Henry Ap-
enise Caldwell, Lenny Appleman and Kathy Smith.
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Basket craft
.for seniors
The regular Thursday
meeting of the Lucan seniors
was held in the club rooms
with a good attendance.
A reading was given by
Marjorie Steeper "When
Father was a Boy" and a
reading by Edythe Murdy
"Foot Prints in the Sand."
Ilappy Birthday was wish-
ed Maurice MacDonald,
Ethel Crouch, Adrian Bax,
Mary Davis and Gayle
The craft group continued
with their basket weaving
while the remainder played
progressive euchre convened
by Ethel Crouch with prize
winners as follows, ladies
high, Pearl Shoebottom; lone
hands, Mary Kooy; low score,
. Angeline Scott; man's high,
Ed Dowdall; lond hands, Tom
Kooy; low score, Murray
Lunch was served by Per-
cy and Laura Williams, Pearl
Shoebottom and Marie
Anglican church
Morning Prayer was the
order of service at HolyTrini-
ty Anglican Church and
greeting members and
friends were Mary and Emer-
son Degraw.
The Collect for the first Sun-
day after Trinity reminds us
that because of the. frailty of
human nature we are depen-
dent on the grace of God to
help us unite our intentions
and our action in doing His
. T -A photo. will.
Damages $12,900
in five accidents
Five accidents with township.Constable J. Briggs
dhmages • totalling $12,900 set damages at $2,000.
were investigated this week - Vehicles driven by John
by officers of the Lucan Dufour, Oldcastle and Elaine
detachment of the . Ontario Johnston, Ilderton were in
Provincial Police. collision Sunday at 1 a.m. on
Monday 8:08 p.m. vehicles Highway 7 at county road 22.
driven by Matthew McClure, Constable D. Marshall listed
RR 1 Crediton and Janice damages at $4,000.
Gaunt, London collided op
Highway 4 at Highway 7 at
Elginfield. Constable F.L.
Goldschmidt set damages. at
A vehicle driven by Nancy
Maguire, RR 1, Lucan left
Concession road 4-5 in Bid=
dulph township, north of coun-
ty road 47 at 9:35 p.m. Friday.
Constable Goldschmidt listed
damages at $1,000.
Constable B.D. Munro
estimated damages at $4,000
when vehicles driven by Brad
Hodgins, RR 4, Denfield and
,Jeanette Gregory, RR 2,
Granton collided on Conces-
sion road 15-16 in London
,township at Lot 12-13
At 2:50 p.m. Saturday, a
vehicle driven by Rae Irene
McCracken, Listowel left
county road 23, north of con-
cession road 10 in London
Rev. Pocock spoke on the
parable of the mustard seed.
Jesus compares the kingdom
of God to a grain of mustard
seed, which, when sown is the
smallest of all seeds, yet when
it grows up it becomes the
greatest of all shrubs. The
seed, is the Word of God, and
the necessary ingredient for it
to spread•is the Holy Spirit.
As followers of Christ we
move by faith and our securi-
ty is in God. having the
assurance of new life and life
everlasting. Today, more
than ever, we need to renew
our faith in Jesus Christ. We
will be accountable for what
we have put our faith in.
We give thanks to God for
her recovery and her return
to us, our organist, Beaulah
Hardy. We missed you.
Upcoming events: Next
Sunday, Lorna Sharron will
be present -to pre -register
children for Ltican Vacation
Bible School, June 23, Ham
and Strawberry Supper at Ho-
ly Trinity from 5 p.m. to 8
Twist and
shout. Move it
all about.
Fitness is in.
Fatness is out.
I •
SENIOR BOWLING CHAMPS -- Individuals were named recently in the Lucan senior
citizens bowling league. Back, left, Ella McDonald, Wilhemenia Dehaan, Verna
Dowdall and Jean Miller. Front, Alf Riley, Ed Armstrong, Maurice MacDonald and
Frank DeBlock.
T -A photo
I 1 L --
SPECIAL IRISH AWARDS --- At Saturday's Lucan Irish hockey banquet, o number of individual awards were
presented. Above, Doug Vance of Molson's presents trophies to leading scorer Geoff Edwards, most improved
Art Gregory, best rookie Steve Glenn, most valuable in regular season Doug Latta and most valuable in playoffs
Dan Sceli.
T -A photo
Times -Advocate, June 16, 1982
>e .Rsjjo- •
Powe 5A
ACW hears report
The afternoon group of
ACW was held at the home of
Mrs. Violet Hardy on June
2nd. The meeting was opened
with a "call to worship" by
the president, followed by the
Member's Prayer and prayer
for our prayer partner, Rev.
Henry Kakekayash,
Weagamow Lake in Northern
Marion Hodgins gave a
report on the Annual Con-
ference of Anglican Church
Women which was held at St.
Paul's Cathedral, London.
Over 750 women from across
the diocese attended.
The meditation was taken
from the Living Message and
was the conclusion of a series
on the Fruits of the Spirit, the
fruit of self-control. Scripture
from Galations 5:16-26 was
The worship in song was
conducted by Bruce Henry
Sunday morning. Doug Butler
sang a hymn of praise,
Beautiful Saviour.
Rev. C.J. Williams led in
responsive reading from
Psalm 95:1-7, Psalm 96:7-9,
Matthew 11:28-30 and Habak-
kuk 2:20. He stressed that
after we are saved, God calls
us to work, and worship.
Salvation is the most impor-
tant event in our lives,
because it makes men and
women out of people.
We. need to possess
thanksgiving every day that
comes from ourexperience
with God. Christian training
to make us what God wants us
.to be is worth it when we get
to heaven •
Bruce Shaw read Matthew
• 11:25-30 at start of the evening
service, stressing Jesus said
"Learn of Me."
Nick Murray, Christian -
view Bible College student,
ministered from Amos 3:1-3.
When people do not obey
' God's word, they cannot walk
read by Joyce Sovereign.
Another article entitled "The
Perfect Service" was read by
The meeting closed with the
Grace repeated in unison and
a social hour followed with
refreshments being served.
Helen MacDonald moved a
vote of thanks to our hostess.
Members were reminded to
save good used clothing for
the bale in October and those
with.wool to take advantage
of the summer to make knit-
ted articles.
• Dwight Henderson, who
served as Sunday School
superintendent for many
years at Holy Trinity Church
was presented with a plaque
in recognition of his
faithfulness and devotion in
this position.
with God in agreement. Many
Christians are not ready for
fellowship with God because
they have not given up all
. their worldly things.
To glorify Jesus through
Christians is the work of the
Holy Spirit. We can walk with
God's Spirit when we do the
same as He is doing accor-
ding to God's Word, living
righteously, and Godly lives.
Do we love God enough to be
cleaninsidefor the Holy Spirit
to live in us? .
Upcoming events - Satur-
day, 1:30 p.m. at Lion's Club
Park, is to be the Church pic-
nic. After the picnic the youth
are meeting in the Church
Fellowship Hall at 7:30 for
film "Givers, Takers and
Other Kinds of Lovers."
July 4 - Special guest
speaker - from Haiti Mission
field, Rev. Ray Brewster. All
June 20-25 at Christianview
Bible College a Seminar for
all Sunday School
superintendents, teachers
and officers and workers.
dent Claire Stanley receives congratulations and a Pro-
vince of Ontario plaque from Huorn-Middlesex MPP
Jack 'Riddell in Lucan Saturday night. The banquet
honouring the all -Ontario Junior "D" champions was
sponsored by the village of Lucan.
' Towrship of Biddulph
Notice to Property Owners
Destroy Weeds
Notice is hereby given to all presons in posses-
sion of land, in accordance with the weed con-
_ trol act, chapter 530, RSO 1-980, section 4, 14
and 20, that unless noxious weeds growing on
their lands within the municipality of Biddulph
are destroyed by the date of June 19, 1982 and
throughout the season, the municipality may
enter upon the said lands and have the weeds
destroyed, charging the cost against the lands
in taxes, as set out in the Act.
The co-operation of. all citizens is earnestly
Weed Inspector Hugh Baird
Clerk Austin Hodgins
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