HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-16, Page 13pave Shaw .premier choix des Nordiques
Exeter minor hockey
graduate Dave Shaw and his
family received a real sur-
prise at the National Hockey
League draft Wednesday
morning when he was chosen
number 13 overall by the
Quebec Nordiques.
Shaw who wes a member of
the 1981-82 Memorial Cup
champion Kitchener Rangers
had been contacted by the
Buffalo Sitbres through Kit-
chener coach Joe Crozier.
Players under the age of 18
cannot be contacted by NHL
teams. Dave celebrated his
18th birthday on May 25 which
didn't leave much time for
Buffalo getting an extra
first round draft choice in a
trade with Calgary indicated
they would pick Scott Stevens
and Shaw sixth and ninth,
respectively, but those plans
were upset when Washington
took Stevens as the fifth
When Shaw was picked by
the Nordiques a represen-
tative of the team came to his
seat and took him immediate-
ly to a press conference and
Dave responded well by say-
ing, "I didn't expect to be
picked so early and I'm hap-
py to be chosen by Quebec."
The front page headline in
Thursday's Quebec Journal
said, "Les Nordiques se con-
tentent du'un "petit" de 6'2"'.
Another Quebec City paper
Le Soleil headed the front
page. "David Shaw anime not easy to find a good
par des sentiments defenceman to play defence.
partages". You have one here.,
The first comments by Nor- The Memorial Cup coach
diques coach Michel added, "He's big and strong
Bergeron about Shaw were, and ready to play. He needs
"We finally have a defensive more experience and maturi-
defenceman. We have a ty, but, I havenodoubt he will
weakness on defence. All my play in Quebec next season."
players last year' except the Quebec general manager
goalies wanted to play Maurice Filion was just as en -
forward." - thusiastic saying, "We made
Ranger coach Joe Crozier an excellent selection and we
who has said all along Shaw need a big strong defenceman
would definitely be selected in like Shaw. Without question
the first round is confident he he appears to be the image of
can make the Quebec club Dennis Potvin and represents
this fall. Crozier continued at the typical example of a solid
the Montreal meetings, defenceman who will play his
"David is a real good boy. He position with efficiency
likes to learn, is willing to without fanfare."
listen, readily to advice. It's Filion continued, "I don't
want to brush him aside and
would like to have him play
next year, but, I think another
year of junior would bring
him along better."
The paper Le Soleil said
David Shaw was not bothered
by the language and said he
would play well in hockey and
the rest will follow. The Nor-
diques have already made ar-
rangements to have Dave
Shaw and Mike Eagles room
together providing they make
the team at the same time.
Eagles along with another
Ranger Mike Hough were
also drafted by Quebec.
Dave said he was pleased to
have two of his Ranger mates
tr.ying out for the same team
in Quebec.
REGIONAL TRACK WINNERS - Students from six area public schools competed in
o track and field meet at South Huron District High School, Thursday. Individual win-
ners were: (from left) Rob'DeVries, Exeter, junior boys'; Christine Chalmers, Stephen,
junior girls'; Trevor Cottrell, Hensall, intermediate boys'; Lori Harburn, Hensall, in-
termidote girls'; Doug Smith, senior boys', McCurdy; Chris Coates, Usborne, senior
girls'. Qverall, Exeter Public School lead the events, Stephen and McCurdy tied for
second, Osborne and Hensoll tied for third and Zurich Public School also competed.
Quebec officials were
delighted when Exeter mayor
Bruce Shaw said in French
that he was born in Montreal.
One quickly said to reporters, -
"Make sure you have it down
that he said that in French."
The Quebec paper went on
to say, "Senior Shaw in talk-
ing about the difference in
Anglo-Saxon and French
cultures said, "Senior politi-
cians exaggerate our genuine
differences to the detriment
of everybody. "
The other Quebec paper
.said, "Papa Shaw talked
about being born in Montreal
• in labouring French."
Nordiques president
• Marcel Aubut said he was ex-
tremely happy with the selec-
tion of Dave Shaw along with
Mario Gosselin of the
Shawinigan Cataracts and
1 •
Gunners win
9-1 over Lucan
Exeter "Squirt Division"
TRACK AND FIELD WINNERS — Individual winners from the Exeter Public School Gunners opened the season
field day, Wednesday were: (back from left) CindyHines, girls' champ;with a 9-1 victoryin Lucan
junior9• David
DeVries, junior boys; Dina Lerikos, senior girls; (front from left) Steve Anderson, against Lucan 2. The Gunners
intermediate boys; Shelley Skinner, intermediate girls and Scott Bishop, junior boys. controlled the game
throughout allowing just 2
Lucan shots on net both of
which were saved by five
year old goalie, Greg Cregan.
The second save resulted in
a rebound which Neil Frosts
put in the net. The Gunners
took an early 4-0 lead on two
-••AAs goals each by Jason Heywood
and Sisavay Sengkhounmany.
Lucan scored their goal with
just seconds to go in the first
The Gunners dominated the
second half, not allowing
Lucan anywhere near the Ex-
eter goal: Sisavay Sengkhoun-
many opened second half
�;- scoring from the penalty spot
_•- �' and scored number 4 of the '
night shortly after. Sivachay
Sengkhounmany scored the'
seventh and ninth Exeter
goals, the eighth being Jason
Heywood's hat trick.
Fred Steciuk,' Shawn
Webster, Paul Charrette and
40- Stephen Cregan all had shots
TRACK BEST AT STEPHEN - At the recent track and field meet at Stephen Central onl net and stroDanng
School, individual winners were named. Back, left, Lee Watt, GregBecker and Mar- played a of thehg rollfeas
sweeper defence.
sha Clarke. Front, Randy Hoffman, Christine Chalmers and Tracy Ratz.T-A photo. Strong running by Jimmy
Jarrett and good defensive
tackles by little Peter
Gryseels all contributed to a
strong team effort. A dozen
supporters travelled with the
team and we thank them for
their support.
Next game for the Gunners
is Thursday, June, 17 at the
high school against Grand
USBORNE TRACK WINNERS - Individual winners have been named in the recent
track and field meet at Usborne Central School. Back, left Ruth Ann Essery, Brett
Batten and Carolyn Hoonard. Front, Sherry Kerslake, Brad Borland, Chris Hern and
Steve Sillery. ., T -AP hoto.
Van Derwen Ieods g olfers
Tuesday night, 72 golfers
participated in a special occa-
sion night at the Ironwood golf
course with Jerry MacLean
and Son providing a
bounteous array of trophies.
In "A" flight, Paul Van
Gerwen took gross honours
with a 36 while Doug Ellison's
32 was best in low net. Mike.
Cushman with a 38 was the
"B" flight low gross champ
with Gabby Mol taking low
net at 32.
Low gross in "C" flight was
taken by Ken Bowen with a 44
and Dave Watson won in low
net with 1a 31. Doug Johnston
won "D" flight low gross at 47
anti Lee Webber won low net
at 30.
Paul Charrette was closest
to the pin and Stu Homuth hit
the longest drive. Other win-
ners were Ken Varley, Mike
Anstett, Robert Drummond,
Brad Daters, Jerry MacLean,
Fred Mommersteeg, Lorne
Kleinstiver, Dan Brintnell,
Buck Little, John Heslinga,
Dave Boltzmann, Bob For-
rest, Rob Daniel, Bob Flet-
cher, Bill Kime, AI•Smith and
Don Beaver.
Six wins for
After losing their first game
of the season the Exeter
Centennial senior soccer club
have rolled up six straight
victories and sit comfortably
in first place.
Sunday afternoon saw the
Centennials come away with
a 4-1 victory over the team
from Lucan. Again, like many
Eames this year, the Centen- goal mouth scramble to up
nials started poorly and the score to 3.1.
finished strong. At the end of Near the end of the half for -
the first half Exeter was ward John Muller took a pass
behind 1-0. Exeter had its from Shawn Rotteau and
chances but couldn't scored from 18 yards out to
capitalize. round off the score at 4-1.
The second half was a dif- Again Exeter's defense
ferent Story. Within 5 minutes stood up to allow only one goal
winger Shawn Rotteau to keep the goals against
blasted one by the Lucan average just a little above
goalie. Minutes later centre one. Exeter seems to really
Paul Vandewalle took a'pass show its maturity by winning
from Shawn Rotteau and in all situations.
made no mistake on scoring. Next game is at home Sun -
Later on in the second half day at 2:00 against a tough
Alfons Weersink scored on a team from Wallaceburg.
Paul Gillis from the Niagara negotiations with the Quebec
Falls Flyers. club this week.
Aubut added, "With our Shaw added, "We are im-
first three cboioes it's possi- pressed with the Can -Am
ble we are bringing back to organization. Former Peter -
life the old Bulldogs of borough and Washington
Quebec:" • Capitals coach Gary Green is
Director of player person- part of the team and will be
nel Martin Madden was just working with Dave this sum -
as enthusiastic saying, "This mer on conditioning and
is putting the icing on the endurance."
cake, made possible by the Quebec officials hope to
age of the young players we have an official signing
have dratted." ceremony sometime in
General manager Filion August when the entire Shaw
concluded, "I am confident at family will be invited to
this time that we will never attend.
regret any of -au choices and The Quebec club has been
coach. Bergeron added, pleased with the support and
"Dave fills our need and interest shown by Bruce and
everyone here will co-operate Fran Shaw since the draft
to make his life and career in Wednesday.
Quebec as comfortable as The Quebec Journal
passible. reported "If the youn
Bruce Shaw told the T -A defenceman didn't have
Monday night that Norm- much to say, his coach from
Caplan of Can -Am will be Kitchener made up for it."
Dave's agent.and will begin The article said, "The inef-
June 16, 1982
' fable Joe Crozier well known
in Quebec said to anyone who
would listen that the Nordi-
ques had put their hands on a
man of whom they would be
very proud."
In his minor career in Ex-
eter, Dave Shaw was a
member of the Exeter
midgets, winners of an On-
tario championship in the '
1979-80 season.
Jack Fuller, who was
Shaw's coach for two years as
a bantam and one in midget
ranks says, "He is a natural
athlete and really easy to
work with."
Fuller added, "In the se-
cond year of bantam he real-
ly emerged as a star. His
skating improved and he has
that all important sixth sense
in knowing what the other
person is going to do."
He continued, "The ex-
posure he has had on a midget.
championship tough
series in Junior playoffs chener certainly will help him
with Stratford and the be a NHL prospect and I feel
Memorial Cup win with Kit- he really is that."
NOW A NORDIQUE Dave Shaw, the newest member
of the Quebec Nordiques is flanked by general
a manager Maurice Fillion and coach Michel Bergeron.
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
& North Lambton.Since 1873
Two from Hensall win. titles
Exeter wins area schools track .meet
The annual district elemen-
tary school track and field
meet, Thursday was won by
Exeter Public School with a
score of 74 points. Stephen
Central, and J.A.D. McCurdy
were tied for second while
Hensall, Usborne and Zurich
followed in that order.
In the individual depart-
ments, Rob DeVries of Exeter
was the junior boys champion
and Christine Chalmers of
Stephen was the girls winner.
Hensell dominated the in-
termediate category with
Trevor Cottrell winning the
boys title and Lori Harburn
taking the:gj 1s crown.
In the s vision, Doug
Smithi•af dy was the
boys champ and Christine
Coates of Usberne was best
for the girls.
The complete results follow.
using this legend. E- Exeter, -
H - Hensall, S - Stephen, U
Usborne, Mc - McCurdy and
Z Zurich.
Jr. Boys; Stephen, Exeter,
Jr. Girls; Stephen, McCur-
dy and Usborne.
Intermediate Boys; Exeter,
McCurdy, Stephen.
Intermediate Girls; Ex-
eter. Stepehen, McCurdy.
Sr. Boys; Exeter, Stephen,
Sr. Girls; McCurdy,
Osborne, Exeter.
Boys 800 m. Open ; Doug
Smith Mc, Brian Topp E,
Dave DeVries E.
Girls 800 m. Open;
Stephanie Jores Mc, Brenda
Wilson Mc. Tracy Remkes S.
High jump
Jr. Boys; Derek Iloonaard U,
Chris Campbell H, John Bell
Junior Girls; Christine
Chalmers S, Lori Dalrymple
E, Tara Ahrens E.
Intermediate Boys; Bill
Bieber Mc, Scott Bell H, Den-
nis MacDonald S.
Intermediate Girls; Leigh
Soldan E, Michelle Rock Mc,
Janice Shade S.
Senior Boys; Greg Becker
S, Doug Smith Mc, Paul
Johnson Mc.
Senior Girls; Brenda
Wilson Mc. Paulette
Rothbauer Mc, Michelle
Allison Z. Chris Coates U.
Standing Long Jump
Jr. Boys; Thay Nyugen Mc,
- Eric Remkes S, Craig Soldon
Jr. Girls, Cindy. Hines E,
Heather Westlake Z, Serrie
Kerslake U.
Intermediate Girls;
Cheyenne Mosurinjohn E,
Caroloyn Hoonaard U.
Shelley Skinner E.
Running long jttnrp
Jr. Boys; Randy Hoffman S,
Scott Russell Mc, Scott
Bishop E..
Jr. Girls; Tara Caissie Mc, Greg Becker S, Scott Miller S.
Christine Chalmers S, Paula
Bozzato H.
Intermediate BoyTrevor Ball throw
Cottrell H, Bill' ys; r Jr. Boys; Jeff Bennewers S,
Lee Watt S. John Bell H, Brent McDonald
Intermediate Girls; Lori E.
Harburn H, Lorraine Lewis Jr: Gies; ChalmersSheilaDougTa H -
Mc. Tracy Ratz S. Christine H. S, Tam
Sr.. Boys; Greg Becker S,. my teTnrmel
Doug Smith Mc, Ivan Intermediate Boys; Pat
Triebner H. Harman E, Jim Payne S,
Sr. Girls; Marsha Brand S,
Chris Coates U, Dina Lerikas
Triple jump
Intermediate Boys; Trevor
Cottrell H, Dwayne Coolman
E, Lee Watt S.
Sr. Girls; Marsha Brand S,
Liz Cottrell E, Chris Coates U.
Sr. Boys; Dave DeVries E,
Steve Anderson E.
Intermediate Girls; Kellie
Whiteford E, Kim Crawford
E, Lorraine Lewis Mc..
Sr. Girls; Arlene Johnson
U, Brenda Wilson Mc,
Michelle Allison Z.
Shot put
Sr. Boys; Roger Ward
Scott Miller S, Dorkeo Chan-
samone Mc.
Jr. boys 60 m.: Rob Devries
E, Rob McLelland E, Allen
Rader S.
Jr. Girls 60 m.: Christine
Chalmers S, Tara Caissie Mc,
Arlene Hoonard U.
Int. boys 80 m.: Dan Rooth
E, Larry Miller U, Trevor
Cottrell H.
Int. girls 80 m.: Kristen
Lovie E, Shelley Skinner E,
Tracy Ratz S.
Sr. Boys 80 m.: Doug Smith
Mc, Dave Devries E, Greg
Becker S.
Sr. Girls 80 m.: Chris
Coates U, Marsha .Brand S,
Dena Lerikos E.
Season record 11-3
Jr. Boys 200m.: Rob
DeVries E, Scott Russell Mc,
Chris Chanyi E.
Jr. Girls 200 m.: Christine
Chalmers S, Arlene Hoonara
U, Tara Caissie Mc.
Int. Boys 400 m.: Larry
Miller U, Dan , Rooth E,
Trevor Cottrell H.
Int. Girls 400 m.: Laurie
Forrester Z, Lori Harburn H,
Tracy Ratz S, Michelle Rock
Sr. Boys 400 m.: Doug
Smith Mc, Brian Topp E,
Dave DeVries E.
Sr.' Girls 400 m.: Chris
Cgates...i], _ L,pi_- Lewis. Mc,
Brenda Wilson Mc.
Saveway gets three straight victories
Exeter Saveway raised
their won -lost record to 11-3
with three more wins this past
week. Wins over Lucan
Astros 7-0, Ilderton 4-1 and
Bryanston 6-5 increased their
current win streak to• seven
games. The llth win also
leaves them one short of last
season's total wins of 12.
• .Against the Astros Thurs-
day, it was Doug Todd at his
best once again, gas he allow-
ed only two singles, struck out
10 and walked two in gaining
his fifth win of the season
against one loss with a 7:0
shut out.
Paul Wrath took the loss,
while giving up 11 hits, strik-
ing out two and walking one.
Dan Heywood led the way
with a triple and single. Doug
Pearson, Paul McKnight, and
Malcolm McAlpine each had
two singles, with lone singles
going to Doug Todd. Will
Lamb and Garry MacMaster.
McNair's bunt single and
, Glanville's single were all the
Astros hits. '•
Travelling to Ilderton
usually means a tough game
for Exeter and Friday night
was no exception. However
Brian Hodgins rose to the oc-
casion (and some revenge for
a shakey start against
Lieury' with a hyo -hit perfor-
mance and a 4-1 win. Hodgins
struck out ten and walked two
for his fourth win of the
season. Siddall, for Ilderton
allowed eight hits, struck out
two and walked three for the
loss that lead to three of the
four runs. The eight hits off
Siddall came from eight dif-
ferent players.
Exeter's third win of the
week was possibly their worst
game in a winning way of the
whole season. Bryanston's
Gilmour allowed only six hits.
but three came in the 5th
along with two walks and two
errors plated five runs that
saw Exeter erase a 2-0 lead
and go on for a 6-5 win.
Brad Marsden started on the
mound for Exeter. He allow-
ed seven hits, struck out five
and walked none in gaining.
the win, but needed relief help
from Hodgins, who gave up
two hits :.truck out seven and
walked one to get the save.
Gilmour allowed six hits,
struck out four and walked six
for the loss. Kevin Doupe led
Exeter with two singles. Will
• •
Lamb and Dan Heywood each
doubled while singles went to
Doug Todd and Brian
The Saveway crew play in
Lieury Tuesday, and at home
this Thursday against league
leading Nairn at 9 p.m. Hope
to see a better fan support for
this very important game.
Fan support so far has been
limited to player's wives and
girl friends, but with their
record the team deserves a
better turn out.
or soccer win in
The Exeter soccer club sent
a team of 10 and 11 year olds
to Kincardine Saturday to
play in a tournament there.
The team coached by
Shawn Rotteau and 'Herman
Wulterkens left an impression
on the participating teams
and coaches of being an ex-
cellent and clean soccer team
with a desire to win.
• After a day of fun and three
tough soccer games Exeter
came away with a second
place overall.
The first game against Port
Elgin- brought the Exeter
boys a 5-0 win. Some solid
team play put- Exeter on lop
1-0 in the first half and they`
then took complete control in
the second half and finished at
5-0. This win put Exeter in the
championship group.
Scoring for. Exeter were:
Chad Miller and Tim vanDam
tw leach and Mike Ranlund.
Assists went to Henri de
Bruyn. and Sisavay
In the second game against
Walkerton, Exeter dominated
play throughout the game but
needed too many chances.
They only managed to score
on one of these chances.
Walkerton made a lot more
of their opportunities and
scored three goals on only
three chances. A tough loss
for our boys. The lone Exeter
goal was scored by Sisavay '
The Exeter club however
bounced back in the next
game against Goderich and
scored three times in a game
that again was dominated by
excellent passing and heads
up play by the whole team.
Scorers in this game were:
Toni Ralph. Chad Miller and
Henri de Bruyn on a penalty
So after a beautiful day of
soccer in which the play of the
Exeter team was lauded by
everyone, the boys and their
coaches were awarded the
silver medal. •
Special mention goes to
Henri deBruyn and Chris
Bierling Who both played in
this tournament some of the
bet soccer seen by 10-11 year
old players.
LOCAL KIN WIN - The Exeter Kinsmen club won the 'B' championship in a weekend slo-pitch tournament
in Brussels. Bock, left, Doug Brooks, Chub Edwards, Gary Wurm. Wayne Edwards: Gory Ford, Bill Armstrong
and Peter Dearing. Front, Brad Johns, Bob Willis, Preston Dearing. Ralph Batten, Keith Davey and Terry
Sweiger. Photo by. Schwortzentruber.
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