HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-16, Page 9New features a The 1982 edition of the Hen- sail Spring Fair held Tuesday was one of the best ever with a oouple.of new sections ad- ding to the fair's continuing appeal. For the first time in its 115 years of existence a ladies division was added and it drew a large number of en- tries in flowers, domestic science, home department, arts and crafts and quilts. The sheep show which was originated last year was again successful with more Ut-.• NAST PRESIDENTS — At Monday's 25th anniversary a number of past presidents were honoured. Back, left, mond, Shirley McAllister and Diane Gerstenkorn. Front, Brintnell, Pearl Taylor, Rose Harris and Dorothy Parke of the United Church Women of Hensall and Chiselhurst; Erla Coleman, Mary Brintnell, Kay Mock, Grace Drum - Mona Alderdice, Margaret Cole, Hilda Payne, Dorothy r. T -A photo Church women observe 20th anniversary event Hensall UCW celebrated 20 years of existence by inviting neighbouring locals to join them to hear Rev. Charles Swann of Walton. He spoke about our Stewardship as Christians and life in Bermuda and con- kluded by showing pictures of Bermuda, his homeland. Mrs. Audrey Christie of Unit I was in charge of the programme as convener of the Church in Society com- mittee. Mrs. Anita Cook in- troduced the speaker and he was thanked by Mrs. Key Elder. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Hilda Payne greeting everyone and then Unit 4 members, Mrs. Nan Britton, Mrs. Evelyn Flynn and Mrs. Florence Slade conducted the Devo- tional using the same Devo- tional used at the first UCW meeting. Mrs. Belva Fuss was pianist. An offering plate, purchas- ed in memory of a long friend of both Hensall and Ch}ktelhur- UCW, was Mrr. Aud rs4 Dia Mrs.4iltirl McAllister. Mrs. Grace Drummond. read excerpts from the minutes of the origi►ial meeting and other interesting items of the years between then and now. Mrs. Christie also conducted a short ceremony honouring all the past presidents from Chiselhurst and Hensall and pinned corsages on each. Five presidents have passed away, seven were' present from Chiselhurst and six from Hensall Discussion followed the speaker and then Mrs. Belva Fus,s sang a solo, accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Gertrude Middleton. The Benediction was pronounced by Rev. McDonald and fellowship followed when bir- thday cake served by Units Two and Three. Unit 4 of Hensall UCW met in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, June 3 with 15 members present. Mrs. C. Britton presided with Mrs. L. Mickle at the piano. Following a hymn. Mrs. J. Armstrong chose "God's Promises" for the devotional and closed with prayer. There were 47 visits made to sick and shut-ins during the month of May. The offering was received by Mrs. Lemmon and dedicated by Mrs. Britton. Mrs. Flynn chose the topic The Life of Ray Horde for the study period. He was a former Ilderton boy, the son of a farmer who grew up to become a UC minister. He always spoke out for what he believed and the more he comforted the afflicted the more he afflicted the comfortable. A report of the general business meeting was given. A bake sale is to be held on June 19 in connection with the Fiddler's contest. The meeting closed with a hymn, followed by the i enedi tion. Mrs Rogerson y teR by Mks. N. RiTey and Let*n iler Queensway presidents enter a float On Monday evening the ladies from Zurich Men- nonite Church entertained residents of Queensway Nur- sing Home to bingo and serv- ed lunch. Rev. Stanley McDonald conducted the church service on Tuesday afternoon. Several ladies from the Christian Reformed Church took residents for car rides on Wednesday afternoon and provided a picnic lunch. Thursday evening a film "String Bean" was shown and much enjoyed by all. Friday was bowling at the Town & Country Bowling Lanes, Zurich. Neil Regan was high bowler with 150. Thanks to Hazel Corbett for providing volunteer transportation. The residents have been busy during the past couple of weeks making paper flowers for their float which was entered in the parade at Hen- sall Spring Fair. We are hap- py to say we received third prize in non-commercial division. Our thanks to Hyde Brothers Farm Equipment for the use of their tractor and to Bill Coleman for his wagon. Thanks also to Don Rozendal who accompanied the group for the occasion. Neil Regan and Bill McKenzie stated it was many years since they had ridden on a hay wagon. Staff and residents are busy preparing for the "Heart Jamboree". We are bowling for dollars on June 25th and planning a bike-a-thon. Open house and a barbeque supper will be on Saturday, June 26, proceeds to go to the Heart Fund. Installation held The Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary held a joint meeting on Wednesday evening when officers were installed for the year, -',Zone Commander Bob y to L ipman and -past zone com-r rMenders from Goderich, Blyth, Clinton and Seaforth attended. The Legion officers are as follows: president, Irvin Fer- ris; first vice president. Garnet Allan; secretary, Grant McClinchey; treasurer, Murray Traquair; Sergeant at Arms, Larry Uyl; Chaplain Rev. Stanley McDonald; service bureau representative, Paul Neilands; executive, Ted Roberts. Ladies' Auxiliary: president, Mrs. Alice Neilands; vice president, Joan Beierling and Hilda Smale; secretary, Donna Allan; treasurer, Colleen Fer- ris; Sergeant at Arms, Iva Reid; executive, Vera Smale and Marg McDonald. A social evening followed and refreshments were served. • 100 year-old guest The congregation of Hen- sall United Church was thrill- UCW'S CELEBRATE The 20th anniversaries of the Hensall and Chiselhurst United Church Women were celebrated Monday night. Above, guest speaker Rev. Charles Swan chats with Hensoll president Hilda Payne, anniversary convener Audrey Christie and secretary Grace Drummond. �'rItIMIMHIIII 111 l l l l l l l l 11 l I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I� HENSALL CIVIC CORNER T -BALL & YOUNGSTER BASEBALL is E Organized T -Ball for girls and boys (ages a and 6) is beingYoungster formedl fathe 1 Hensall Ball Park every Thursday at 4:00 p.m.9 girls and boys (ages aiand 8Park. sThee will bezed no charge ford bothtpro g ams. at the Hensall B � Everyone welcome. WNMMIMp11111111188111111H111111111111888IIIII1111111IIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII880111111N11111 mIIIlk ed and inspired on Sunday to have the Rev. J. Ure Stewart of Seaforth as their special guest on Senior Citizens Sunday. Mr. Stewart, who will be 100 years old on June 18 and was ordained into the Christian Ministry 75 years ago read the scripture and then spoke of his experience during his ministry. The service opened with a Gospel hymn sing and the choir, under the direction of Ralph Topp sang. The children's story was on "sharing" and Janis Bisback was the leader of the junior congregation. The ushers for the day were Starr Jesney, Dana Bozatto, Kathy Topp and Sharon Wurm. Greeting the con- gregation was Bill Scotchmer. Following the service the intermediate and senior Sun- day school entertained the senior citizens in the Fellowship Hall. During the es' fellowship a birthday cake, in : ; J honour of Mr.Stewart's11;,_! birthday was cut byd Stewart anserved -te guest.• Everyone was reminded of the service next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the Hensall Community Centre in con- junction with the Old Time Fiddlers weekend. The Ropp brothers from Tavistock will be the guest musicians. - Times-Advocote, June 16,1982 Poo 9 to success of spring fair than 170 entries and an category were Lyle Kinsman, "oldtimers division" was add- Les Coleman, Lloyd Cooper, ed te the fair calf club. John Kinsman, Howard Pym, The fair started with an ex- Bob Parsons and Mery cellent parade involving a Falconer. large number of Hensall and McGregor's top calf was area boys and girls on their - purchased by Jack Phillips of bicycles. Phillips Farms in Denfield for Officially opening the fair 81.45 a pound. were Huron -Bruce MP Mur- In the regular calf club ray Cardiff and fair board competition, Bill Kinsman president David Turner and Was a four trophy winner. His ladies division president calf was judged best in finish Frances Kinsman. to win the Exeter Times Ad - Also speaking were Huron- vocate trophy and it showed Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell, the most gain 419 pounds district eight directors Ken since purchased December 23 McLachan and Dolores Shap- and he was the senior and ton and Hensall reeve Paul overall showmanship winner. Neilands. - • Kinsman s accomplish - The prize for the best in the ment marked the first time in show quilt was won by Mrs. the 30 year history of the club Harold Workman and Mrs. that one member captured all George Townsend won the awards. decorated cake class for a one The reserve championship layer cake honoring the calf for finish belonged to beginning of the ladies divi- Joan Kerslake. Next in lineall sion of the HensFair. were Steve McGregor, Katie Ladies fair president Kerslake, Gerry McGregor, Frances Kinsman said she Michael Hern, Allan Pym and was very pleased with the Jim Parsons. number of exhibits and also In junior showmanship with the fine quality. Mrs. Cathy Carter was the winner. Kinsman added, "We are Next came Joan Kerslake, very happy that so many Tracy Parsons, Mary Jane visitors to the fair took time Parsons, Wilber Kerslake and to go to the upstairs of the Michael Hern. arena to have a look at our . In senior showmanship displays. :