HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-16, Page 7• • History shows active participation by many through the years Times -Advocate, June 16,1982 Over 300 In attendance for chind.boye WI 75th blrthday celebratlon Three hundred guests gathered at the Lucan Com- munity Centre on Tuesday for a Special lou cheon in honour of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Clandeboye Women's Institute. Neighbor- ing Institute branch members and friends, as well as many former members, attended. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, public relations officer, was chairman for the afternoon m. Harold Hardy past president, welcomed the guests and proposed the toast to the Women's Institute. Greetings were extended by Mrs. Don Roloron, of Gran- ton, North Middlesex District President. Letters of regret were read from Mrs. Janet Hiepleh, President of . F.W.I.O. • Miss Molly McGhee, Director of Home Economics; and Mrs. Grace Whittington, Home Economist for Middlesex An impressive "In Memoriam" for deceased members was presented by Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs. Rupert Williams. Musical entertainment was provided by a group from the "Sweet Adelines" directed by Mrs. Clarence Hardy of Lucan. An amusing skit depicting, "better understanding and relationship between the pro- ducer and consumer, was presented by Mrs. Bruce Henry, Mrs. Michael Heffer- nan o..' Mrs. Jim Cunningham. A resume of the history of the Clandeboye Women's In- stitute, composed in verse by Mrs. Arnold Blake, was read by Mrs. Clarence Carter. Dr. Angela Armitt, of Lon- don was introduced by Mrs. 4lan Hill and chose as her topic, "Laughing with Peo- ple". In her humorous man- ner she told countless stories which kept everyone laughing during her entire talk. Mrs. Gerald Lynntha*edtheguest speaker and presented her with a token of appreciation. Mrs. Eric Millard, provin- cial board member, express- ed courtesies on behalf of everyone present. On display was a 4-H ex- hibit, early secretary books as well as Tweedsmuir Histories and family treasures which attracted . much attention. Many thanks go to the anniversary com- mittee, Mrs.' R. B. Wor- thington, president, assisted by Mrs. Jack Hodgson, Mrs. Chas. Coughlin, Mrs. Rupert Williams, Mrs. Harold Hardy and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins. A condensed history of the Clandeboye Women's In- stitute follows as well as the poem, composed by Mrs. Ar- nold Blake. History of the Clandeboye Women's Institute 1970 -1982 The Clandeboye Women's Institute was February 19, 1907 at Mooresville and was called the Mooresville Women's In- stitute. The first president was Miss Elizabeth Grundy. Mrs. Ellison Hodgins, vice president and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield, secretary treasurer. On Sept. 3, 1913, the name was changed to Clandeboye Women's Institute, with Mrs. H. Windsor as president, Miss Grundy, secretary. During the early years of organization, donations for medical inspections of schools was given and Red Cross work was carried on under the direction of Mrs. John McNaughton. The women knitted sox, made shirts and pillows, to be sent overseas. To raise money, dances were held at Mooresville Hall and social evenings at Clandeboye school. A number of quilts were made and sold. It has been the custom down through the years, when a family in the community suffered a disaster by fire, to give a donation of clothing or beding. In 1935, when Mrs. Beatrice Dixon was president, Clandeboye Women's In- stitute reached a peak in membership --83 members.. This number was too large to be accommodated in a home so a new branch known as McGillivray Women's In- stitute was formed with Mrs. Dixon as the first president of the new branch. Later she became District President for North Middlesex W.I. Mrs. Mac McNaughton was then appointed president ►f the Clandeboye branch. Mrs. George Young, a member of Clandeboye W.I. since it was first organized, was elected president of the North Middlesex District W.I. in 1937. The District Annual was held in Clandeboye United Church that year. During World War II quan- tities of honey and homemade jams were sent overseas. In 1942, a donation was made to the FWIO Mobile Canteen fund. Clandeboye W.I. work- ed with the Red Cross at Lucan. In 1946 a Variety Concert and Dance was held with ceeds going to the Lucan Community Arena Kitchen Fund. The 40th anniversary of Clandeboye W.I. wa.s celebrated at Clandeboye school. Mrs. Frank Hardy was president then and the 50th anniversary was marked with a banquet at Lucan Memorial Centre with Mrs. Ernie Lewis as President. During the 25 years, the Clandeboye Women's In- stitute has continued its work in the community. The 4-H Home making Clubs, led by excellent and faithful leaders, are sponsored by. the W.I. The Tweedsmuir History Curators are preserving Clandeboye's history. Par- ticipation in Red Cross Blood Clinics, Cancer Fund Drives, donations to many charitable organizations, still keep us working for "Home and Country". CLANDEBOYE, WI REMINISC ES - A number of senior members of the Clandeboye Women's Institute are shown prior to Tuesday's 75th anniversary held at the Lucan Community Centre. From the left ore Jeon Hodgins, Myrtel McIntosh, Betty Coughlin, Velma Hardy, Lena Hardy, 011ie Hodgins, Ruth Hifi, and Mary Scott.T-A photo. PAST PRESIDENTS OF CLANDEBOYE WI - Taking time out to reminisce during Tues- day's 75th anniversary celebration of the Clandeboye Women's Institute were past presidents Violet Hardy, Mary Scott and Evelyn O'Neill. T -A photo. CLANDEBOYE WI CELEBRATES - The 75th anniversary celebration of the Clandeboye WI was held Tuesday at the Lucan Community Centre. From the left are public relations officer Jean Hodgins, guest speaker Angelo Armitt, acting president Velma Hardy, secretary -treasurer Hazel Cunningham and North Middlesex district president Irene Roloson. T -A photo. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mayer, Owen Sound wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Kathryn, formerly of Ex- eter, to Mr. Brian Hopson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hopson, South Porcupine. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 31st 1982Po14:00 p'm. in Donald S. Weavlsyth er 'Church, Kilsyth. y Rebekahs mark event Tweedsmuir History Curator Mrs. Arthur Hodgins Assistant Mrs. Isobel ' Simpson 1982 Clandeboye Women's Institute 75th Anniversary - 11M7 - 1982 1 Clandeboye Women's Institute has come •a long way, This is their 75th Anniversary today. An honour for a small community like ours, Credit goes to the women with the doing powers. This world has taken up a very fast pace, It takes a special kind of women to stay in the race. The Institute once had a four generation membership span, That was Mrs. Charlie Carter's clan. The members on the roll call have greatly diminished, But the Institute work is far from finished. Committees are scheming and planning each day, Ways to make the Institute stay and pay. Some of the members have had the same office twice, And there are others that have done them thrice. Clandeboye Institute members visit back and forth, With institutes from east, west, south and north. The old schoolhouse, where parties were held, that netted a goodly sum, Was closed, sold and renovated; It has two private homes become. Prices of public places bas increased with astonishing speed, The Institute sought other ways to meet their financial need. With the Institute, bus trips have become a very big thing, They provide an outside interest and have a profitable swing. Mottos and speakers give themeetings an interesting trend, Dessert Euchres, White Elephant, Plant and Bake sales, help the money end. Many Institute friends and members retired to Craighohne, to sustain, The ladies go there in carloads, serving lunch and to entertain. Sponsoring a Farm Show Princess, is the Institute's will, Having a home town winner, would be a big thrill. 4-H projects teaches future homemakers, that extra know how, Clandeboye Institute has been strong in this work, over forty years now. The Tweedsmuir History Book is something to treasure, Most of our members contribute with pleasure. For new ideas we continue to look, This year, it is the County Institute Cook Book. The Institute manages, despite rising inflation, To the less fortunate people, they give generous donations. For those shut-in members, that need a lift, Receive each year, visits and a Christmas gift. Today - With so many illness's, no one can plan, The Institute helps, with blood clinics, cancer canvassing, and any way it can. We thank thee Lord for the many blessings, on us you have bestowed, Please give us strength in living each day, in the words of the Institute Ode. Lucille Blake GUARDIAN DRUGS® Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge celebrated its 35th an- niversary Wednesday even- ing when guests attended from Hensel!, Forest, Seaforth and Clinton with an attendance of 92. The Past Noble Grands opened and closed Lodge with PNG Vi Coates as Noble Grand and PNG Lois McFalls as Vice Grand. NG Cheryl Edwards welcomed all members pre- sent and presided for the business assisted by VG Audrey Rowe. It was agreed to have a pic- nic Tuesday, June 22 at 6:30 at Riverview Park. Following the meeting cookies and punch were served after which a program was enjoyed. PNG Audrey MacGregor as chairlady reminisced about the past 35 years. She was assisted by Sis. Christine Phillips, Lillian Pym, Millie Fulton, Ruth Skinner, Emma Campell, Alice Bowen and Ev. McAllister who gave in- teresting highlights. DDP Alice Bowen and all past DDP's lit the candles on the birthday cake for several NG's. PNG Kay Cann cut the birthday cake. She was also the first Noble Grand. The only charter Odd Fellow instrumental in form- ing the Lodge and presently a Rebekah is Garnet Hicks who was present for the festivities. Several of the first officers of Pride of Huron were also present. Following the program a delicious lunch of birthday cake and ice cream were enjoyed. rlllllllllllllluu111u11u111111111111111111 0 B Prices in effect June 17-26. 1982 or while quantities last rop ftleshiebandages abric KODAK eliSC 4000 0 • ELASTOPLAST ADHESIVE . FABRIC BANDAGES 0 lip. 4000 �o�c CAMERA OUTFIT BIC DISPOSABLE BUTANE LIGHTER Electronics so advanced, you press 99. the button. the camera does the rest for great-Itioidng pictures. Model AD4R-T. Comes with one pack o1 K0DAC0L0R HR Disc Film. 100's ■ CHECK THESE AND OTHER GREAT GUARDIAN VALUES! CRACKER JACK 170g • .87 SILKIENCE Moisturizer 3.19 60rn1.. SERGEANT'S "Sentry V Flea & Tick Collars for Dogs or Cats 2.29 SCHICK Personal Touch Blades 4's 1.49 SECRET DEODORANT 200 ml Spray or 75 m1 Roll-on. 2.09 CLAIROL LOVING CARE Colour Lotion PLUS FREE GIFT of 200 ml Condition Shampoo with purchase 369 • 2110 DEBUT Skin Care Lotion with CEF 1200 120 mi Bottle 6.99 AAPRI Apricot Facial Scrub 120 ml 2.39 .FABERGE ORGANICS Shampoo or Conditioner 450 ml 2.29 JHiRMACK 340 ml Shampoo OR 350 ml Conditioner 3.09• CURAO First -Aid Bandages .100's Plus 25 BONUS 2.29 ELASTOPLAST First Aid Strips 100 s 2.59 FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE -- Mr. and Mrs. John DeWeerd RR 2, Lucan, are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Marian Hannah, to Anthony Henry deBoer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sybren deBoer, of Exeter. The wedding dewill take r Christian ReFn ce on June 25, 1982, 6:00 p. Church. - • Wea'cI;n, hoIojrap/ Hank's Market Garden fresh AOUAFRESH Toothpaste09 loom1 ■ GILLETTE DRY LOOK Hair Spray for Men 250 ml PLUS 50 mi BONUS 2.39 . PLAYTEX TAMPONS Plus 28's, Regular or Super 30's 3.19 PLAYTEX DEODORANT TAMPONS Plus 28's, . Regular or Super 30's 3.39 V05 HENNA Shampoo or Conditioner 200 ml .57 NEET Hair Remover 50 ml Crearror 100 ml Lotion 1.39 NATURE'S ORGANICS Henna Shampoo or Conditioner 450 mt 2.59 DIOVOL Antacid 350 mi llgwd or Tablets 50s 2.69 Vegetables Box Book Now to have our d happiest da).da).I preserved for years to come 1 CALL Schwartzentruber Photography 235-0617 z Plants RR No. 1 Exeter Oust south of Exeter dump g. PLAYTEX MAXI PAQS 30's Regular Deodorant 2.33 2.49 NATURE'S ORGANICS Wheat Germ Shampoo or Conditioner 450 ml 1.79 OIL OFOLAY 100 ml Bottle with pump .69 LOWREY'S BRIDGE MIXTURE 454 g 1.97 EFFERDENT Denture Cleansing Tablets 32's 1.09 STAYFREE Maxi Pads 30 s 2.88 tt1111111111111111111IIIl lll111lllll lltttltluti ® CerhhrM,on and Trademarks of Oroo T AAmq Company binned. Toronto. Canada 350 PLANTERS MIXED NUTS 3g tin.39 SCHICK Personal Touch Ladies Razor 2.79 UNTO -CREME Paste 100 mi 1.69 OUE 10 SPACE lM TATk74S AM) MR Acs IT AT Tai OF SASE ITn1S•BoIOW' IMV NO) • SME rat s!RVF Tr* /sec,, ' Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. Main Street 235-1570