HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-02, Page 13Awards presented
Brownie banquet well attended
Eighty-seven people attend-
ed the Brownie annual pan-
quet for the second Lucan
Pack which was held at the
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
in Lucan on Tuesday. The 214
Brownies were joined by 59
parents and invited testers.
While enjoying punch, they
were able to look at an exten-
sive display of programme,
service badge and craft work
the girls had accomplished
during the past year. A
delicious dinner was provided
by the Ladies of Guild.
A shortprogramme by the
Brownies followed. Piano
recitals were by Mary
Holden, Andrea Sire, and Car-
rie Lane. A puppet play on the
theme of "Little Red Riding
Hood" was presented by An-
drea VanGeel and Bobbi Jo
Quinlin. Peggy and Katie
Malone and Daphne Damen
provided a dance routine. a
large segment of the Pack
sang two songs, "Buddies and
Pals" and "Rattle Rattle
Bang Bang". Nine of the older
Brownies put on a play entitl-
ed "Enemy Playmates."
Badges and awards were
presented as follows: Perfect
attendance - Daphne Damen,
Cathy Roestenberg, Bobbi Jo
Quinlin, Shonna Maslen,
Peggy Malone, Jane Grider,
Katie Malone, Jennifer
Duskocy, Laura Culbert and
Coby Butler.
Most badges earned first
year - Andrea VanGeel, se-
cond year - Peggy Malone,
third year - Mary Holden;
Thinking Day Presentation
Award - Carrie Lane, Shonna
Maslen, Tabatha Perry,
Tracy Feick, Daphne Damen,
Meadow Smaill, Angela
Finch and Melissa
Dillabough; Tapes - Melissa
Smaill and Amy Sullivan;
YOUTHFUL FASHION MODELS — Thursday's fashion show in Lucan sponsored by
the Lucan and district Nursery was a.tremendous success. At the back are tennis
enthusiasts Susan Stokesbury-Leeson and Laurie St. Pierre. At the front are nursery
school students Leigh Anne Ryan, Michael Johnson, Cheryl Fraser and Jesse Waters.
At Heritage Museum
UCW to
In the absence of Mabel
Froats, the leader of the Dor-
cas Unit, a former leader,
Bernice Lockyer chaired the
meeting on Tuesday after-
noon in Lucan United Church.
The roll call was answered
WI sale
The Lucan Women's In-
stitute held a very successful
spring sale in the Masonic
hall; all day Friday with Vina
Emery as convener.
The sale of home baked
goodies was, of course, the
most popular spot and was
soon depleted. The penny sale
was enjoyed by all with most-
ly local people winning the
many prizes.
A door prize was donated
by the convener and the win-
ning ticket is No. 091362. If the
holder of that ticket will con-
tact Mrs. Ernery at 227-4702,
the prize may be picked up,
on presentation of the other
half of the ticket.
The "poodle" made by
Rachel Tuke, of Craighulme,
a former member, was raffl-
ed and was won by Bernice
Lockyer. Mrs. Emery thanks
all who assisted in any -way,
particularly Jim Lockyer,
John Ellis and the Lucan and
District Lions Club who loan-
ed their smaller size
Special outings Perfect Atten-
dance - Coby Butler, Daphne
Damen, Annalies Sloetjes,
Peggy and Katie Malone,
Meadow and Melissa Smaill,
Shonna Maslen. Service '
badges earned during the
past month numbered 44 and
were handed out.
Brownies having earned
their Golden Bar were:
Meadow Smaill, Cathy
Roestenberg, Sarah Kennedy,
Heather Hugill, Bobbi Jo
Quinlin, Angela Finch,
Frances Mawdsley, Melissa
O'Leary, Laura Culbert and
Andrea VanGeel. Golden lad-
ders were earned by: Daphne
Damen, Peggy and Katie
Malone, Andrea Sire, Jen-
nifer Duskocy, Melissa Smaill
and Lori Vanneste. •
Golden Hands were earned
by: Coby Butler, Carrie Lane,
Mary Holden, Cathy Atkin-
son, Annalies Sloetjes, An-
drea Sire and Tabatha Perry.
Special thanks was extend -
,ed by Brown Owl, Sharon
MacDonald to all parents who
have assisted the pack by pro-
viding transportation, crafts
at meetings and help when it
was needed. Acknowledge-
ment also went to all of the
testers who were present and
volunteers of their time and
talent to the girls.
Special thanks should be' ex-
tended to Mrs. Anne Holden
who has been the badge
secretary for the past few
years. The Brownies have
kept her very busy. The last
award presented was by
Brown Owl, Sharon Mac-
Donald, on behalf of • the
Brownie Pack to Tawny
Owls: Pam Wright, Mary Lou
Malone and Elizabeth
Roestenberg; and to their Jr.
leader, Jennifer MacDonald.
visit quilt show
by the members telling of
something they could do to
help the cause of justice,
some from the Bible, but
more from the minds of the
Thank you notes and per-
sonal thanks were received
from Penny Thompson and
family, Verna Pitt and Iva
The members decided to
forego their usualJune outing
arid Birthday Party and to at-
tend the Quilt Show and Com-
petition • at the Heritage
Museum, on Monday, July 5,
Scout group
plan meeting
The first Lucan Scouting
group committee will hold its
regular meeting and the elec-
tion of officers, in Lucan
United Church, Monday even-
vening, June 7 at 8 p.m. .
More than 120 Beavers,
Cubs and Scouts in Lucan
area depend upon the group
committee to.organize fund
raising, administer funds,
help leaders with their work,
Please plan to attend the
meeting to show your support
of the local scouting move-
ment. Parent participation is
essential. For further infor-
mation please call the group
committee secretary, Phyllis
Brady, 227-4006, evenings.
leaving the Masonic Hall at
9:15 a.m. and returning to the
Church late in the afternoon
for cake and ice cream.
Because of such an overlapp-
ing of membership, the Dor-
cas Unit and the Women's In-
stitute will plan their outing
A card was signed for
Dorothy Young, one of the
members, who is in St.
Joseph's Hospital. Get well
soon, Dorothy, our prayers
are with you.
U.C.W. at Kee -Mo -Kee will
be held Monday, June 14 and
is open to all U.C.W. Bring
your Bible, your lunch, a
camp chair and insect
repellent! '
Greta Gibson led the group
in worship on the theme
"Faith and Justice" and Iva
Hodgins reviewed the study
on the section "Women and
Justice" dealing particularly
with the story of Shirley Paul,
a'Christian woman who grew,
shared and reached out to
others. A discussion followed
on some of the things our Unit
or individual members could
do to further the cause of
Justice. Lunch was served by
Alice Thompson.
"Plaques" will be made
during the summer to be in-
cluded in the "shut-in
baskets" in December, date
to be set by Mrs. Froats.The
next general meeting of
U.C.W. is Wednesday June
News from
Revival Centre
Bill Davies opened the Sun-
day morning service leading
in chorus singing. Mrs. Faith
Prong sang "This is the Time
I must Sing."
Rev. C.J. Williams spoke
from James 5:15-16 on
foregiveness. James exhorts
us to confess our faults one to
another. This does not mean
we tell people our Weaknesses
and sins. If the, enemy can
keep an unforgiving spirit
boiling in us he can destroy
Bruce Shaw read Psalm
149: 5-8 to the evening service.
Rev. George Hazeen spoke
from Matthew 5:13-16 where
Jesus called His disciples the
"salt of the earth." In Jesus
day a bag of salt was reckon-
ed as precious as a man's life.
Salt is a preservative from
corruption. Meat would be
smoked, then buried in salt.
Today God calls us to be salt
to prevent corruption \from
spreading around. The reason
society is going down is
because Christians are not do-
ing their jobs as preserving
agents. The world is worth
preserving :because Christ
died for it.
Upcoming events
Spaghetti dinner for youth
from 12 to 26, Saturday, June
5 at 7 p.m. Special guitarist
and soloist from Oshawa.
•Speaker, John Behochop.
Tickets, $1.00.
V.B.S. Preregistration,
Sunday, June 6. Christian -
view Bible College Seminar
for Married Couples. Topics -
Solving conflicts; Family
altars; Child training.
INDIVIDUAL WINNERS -- Trophies were preionted to the fop individual bowieri
in the Lucon mixed bowling league. Bock, left, Harold Smith, Dave Wickens and
Lenny Anderson. Front, Buzz Smith, Rose Maxwell and Marlyn Smith. T -A photo
To bless
plow site
COMPLETE WALKATHON — Rev. C.J. Williams, wife Freda and grand -daughter
Lora Prong relax with a slice of watermelon after completing the seniors route on
Saturday's Waikathon in Lucan for the Canadian Bible Society. T -A photo
The committee for the
County Churches at the
Ploughing Match will meet
Tuesday evening; June 7 at
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
at 7 p.m., proceeding to the
site of the I.P.M. for the bless-
ing ceremony.
At 8 p.m. members will
return to the church for their
regular monthly meeting. All
members presently attending
are urged to be present plus
representatives from all other
churches in the county, who
have not previously been pre-
sent. Time is getting very
short, only three more
See displays
of governments
Lucan and area residents
were treated to the opportuni-
ty of seeing the "Canada , On-
t"rio" exhibits in the large
tractor trailer which was pull-
ed in front of the Post Office
all day Monday.
Displays included all facets
of Government sponsored
programs aimed at young,
seniors, farmers, consurber,
working person and covered
many types of Energy
Resources, Research, search
and Rescue, etc.
Three area accidents
involve one. vehicle
Three of the four accidents
investigated this week by of-
ficers of the Ontario Provin
Bial Police detachment . at
Lucan involved only one
Friday at 5 p.m. a vehicle
driven by Fergus McKellar,
London struck an unattended
vehicle on Highway 4, just
south of the Medway Creek
bridge. The vehicle was own-
ed by Joseph Wilson, RR 1, St.
'Marys. Constable J.A. Wilson
set damages at $450.
At 11:30 p.m. Saturday, a
vehicle driven by David Flet-
cher, RR 1 Arva went out of
control on the London -Lobo
townline and skidded into the
ditch and struck a fence own-
ed by Paul Bergman.
Damages 'were listed at $1,750
by Constable F.L.
A vehicle driven by Rooney
Littleon, London was damag-
ed to the extent of $600 when
it struck a Great Dane dog on
Highway 4, north of the Med-
way Creek bridge .at 7:30
a.m., Sunday. Constable J.A.
Pian • f lower Sunday
The teachers, officers and Saturday evening or by 9:30
pupils of Lucan United Sunday morning. If you need
Church Sunday School are a "pickup" please call one of
busy preparing for their an- the girls at 227-4701 or 227-4132
nual Flower Orgibiy, June 13. • and this will be arranged. It
Superintet Jim Robert- will be a lovely family ser -
son will bring the message. vice, plan to attend.
Lorna Sharron of Christian Also in connection with the
View Bible College will give Sunday school and the whole
the children's story and tell of church family, don't forget
the plans for the Vacation Bi- the picnic on June 12th in the
ble School, Linda Froats is Market Square Park. Ac-
training the children for tivities will commence at 2
special music and Kelly Ibbit'- p.m. with games, races and
son and Carolyn Lankin will . sports and will conclude with
be in charge of decorating • a "pot luck" supper. Come
Irl this connection, if you and bring your whole family.
• have flowers to share, please You will be more comfortable
if you bring a lawn chair.
Wilson investigated.
The same day at 4:10 p.m.
a vehicle driven by Shawn
Garth Gyre, London left Con-
cession 1 in West Missouri
township, north of County
road 28 and landed on its side.
Constable C.S. Fleming
estimated damages at $200.
Times -Advocate, June 2; 1982 Page 13
Seniors enjoyed
Michigan trip
At the meeting Thursday
afternoon members of the
Sunshine group who travelled
to Montrose, Michigan Tues-
day, reported a "super" time.
The treasurer, Edythe Mur-
dy, started to receive money
for the Cullen Gardens trip
June 23rd and will continue to
do so at the next two
Helen McDonald reported
on the "dinner out" June 24 at
the Shillelagh Motor Hotel,
returning to the club rooms
for cards, etc.
A report of the finances of
the Busy Buddies was given
by the chairperson, Iva
Hodgins, outlining the expen-
ditures made on behalf of
both groups, and it was sug-
gested that a float be entered
in the Ploughing Match
Two new members were
welcomed, Honor Stanley and
Joan Mohr and a "new -old"
member Agnes Hotson, who
rejoined the club after a
year's absence.
A reading "You are Old
When You..." was given by
Edythe Murdy which contain-
ed excellent advice.
Cards were convened by
Eleanor Darling with prizes
going as follows: High lady,
Helen McDonald; lone hands,
Agnes Hotson; low score,
Gerry Zinn; man's high, Ed
Dowdell; lone hands, Murray
Carter; and low score; Adrian
Bax. The Busy Buddies prize
was won by Honor Stanley.
Lunch was provided by
Ethel Langford, Angeline
Scott, Ann Kish and Mary.
Baptismal service
at United Church
�► beautiful service was
held Sunday morning at
Lucan United Church when
Kimberley Lynn Heywood
was baptized and Kim, Lorie
Irene Leitch and Paul Jack
Lankin were confirmed and
received into full membership
by Profession of Faith. By
transfer of membership,
Ethel Lewis from Hyatt Ave.
U.C. and Eva Allison Young
and Dora Thompson of
Lieury, also became
members of Lucan U.C.
The Sacrament of Holy
Communion was ad-
ministered by Rev. Keith
Brown and the choir sang "To
God be the Glory, with Wes
Stanley as soloist.
• Mr. Brown speaking par-
ticularly to . the com-
municants, said it was most
fitting for them to be confirm-
ed on the Day of Pentecost,
the birthday of the Christian
Church, its beginning and so
is confirmation the beginning
of a new life in Christ. "It is
just a starting point in your
Christian Life", said Mr.
Brown and continued to the
congregation "we must keep
growing in our faith and
witnessing for Christ in' our
daily lives. Mr. Brown's text
was found in Acts 2-47.
Members and friends. were
welcomed to the service by
Dennis and Dorothy Dedels.
Upcoming in Lucan U.C.
Next Sunday, June 6 the
120th anniversary will be
celebrated when the guest
speaker will be Rev. Cecil
Jardine, London and special
music will be provided by the
Medway Madrigal Choir.
Refreshments will be served
following the service.
WALKING FOR BIBLES— Kristine Finlayson; Jane Holden and Holly Darling par-
ticipated in Saturday's Canadian Bible Society-walkathonin Luton.. T -A photo
NURSERY SCHOOL FASHION SHOW -- A successful show sponsored by the Lucan
and district Nursery School was held Thursday night Shown above are commen-
tator Angela Armin and show organizers Rosonne Ryon and Sue Haskett.
Anglicans celebrate Pentecost
The Feast of Pentecost
(The Festival of the coming of
the Holy Spirit) was
celebrated with the Service of
Holy Baptism and the
Eucharist at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church.
Greeting members and
friends as they arrived were
Eileen and Clarence Haskell.
The lessons for the appointed
day were read by Norah
Elson and the leader of
prayers taken by Robert
Three infants were receiv
ed into the congregation of
Christ's flock. Colin Jeffrey
Haskell, son of Bill and Susan
Haskett; Tyler Gregory
Roberts, son of Gregory and
Linda Roberts; Jordan Mat-
thew Unwin, son of James
and Joyce Unwin. All can-
didates received candles lit
from the Paschal Candle
which symbolizes their
spiritual passing from
darkness into light.
•The homily was • given by
Rev. Pocock on the Holy,
Spirit. When the Spirit of (.off
moves, it always moves by
His word In the lessons we
heard how on (he Day of
Pentecost, God sent the Ho
ly Spirit to nis faithful people
The fruit of the Spirit is
.love, joy, peace. patience.
kindness. goodness.
faithfulness, gentleness, sell -
control. The indwelling.Spirit
is the power given to enable
Christians fo be witnesses in
the world to God's love. This
seems ingA)ssibte iii the midst
of the world totlav with so
many crises , - but to the
faithful believer. the lloty
Spirit is our Comforter which
brings God's everlasting
peace •
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Village of Luton
Notice is hereby given to all persons in
possession of land, in accordance with
the Weed Control Act, Chapter. 530,
R.S.O. 1980, Sections 4, 14 and 20, that
unless noxious weeds growing on their
lands within the Municipality of the
Village of Lucan are destroyed by date
of June 19, 1982, and throughout the
season, the Municipality may enter
upon the said lands and have the
weeds destroyed, charging the costs
against the land in taxes, as set out in
the Act.
The co-operation of all citizens is
earnestly solicited.
Weed Inspector - Hugh Baird
Clerk - E.J. Melanson