HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-06-02, Page 9Edge Cromarty 3-2 Greys get two victories The Exeter Greys scored two victories this week in the district ladies fastball league. They defeated Usborne 11-4 2!tr and edged Cromarty 3-2. eat The Greys were in Mount Carmel last night, Tuesday and will be at home Tuesday, June 8 to Cromarty and another close and exciting game is expected. A RELAY SWITCH — Susan McClure takes the baton from Esther Van Oss during o girls relay at the OFSAA regionals in Kitchener, Saturday. New skating pros The Exeter figure skating club has hired three profes- sional coaches for the 1982-83 season. Marg Carey has been rehired as the head profes- sional coach. Mrs. Carey has gold qualifications in dance, free skating and figures. Gold is the highest level that be ob- tained in the Canadian Figure Skating Association classification. Steve Wong of London will become the new assistant pro- fessional cloach. Steve has his Gold in dance, free skating and his fifth figure. He has been teaching skating for the Silver Blades Skating Club, Parkhill, the Silverthorne Figure Skating Club and the Chiefs record at four wins In Exeter and district men's rec fastball this week, the Good Times Chiefs ran their record to four wins and no losses as they downed the Derby Dib Shakers by default, Monday. Exeter Ford also remained unbeaten with three wins and a tie as they beat the Pfaff Electric Sweathogs 8-5. In other action, Gord's Variety rallied to tie Win- chelsea 8-8, Mount Carmel shaded Usborne . 2-1, the Dashwood Hotel Jet Boys doubled the score on MacLean's 12-6 and Chiselhurst surprised Hensall 9-2. Wednesday night, Greg Prout and Steve Francis com- bined to give the Dashwood Hotel Jet Boys excellent pit- ching as they downed Hensall 9-5. In other mid -week games the Derby Dip Shakers edged Winchelsea 6-4, Chiselhurst pounded Mount Carmel 7-1 and Pfaff Electric got by. Usborne Auto Runds 9-8: London Skating Club. Local skater Brenda Pin- combe has been hired as the third assistant professional. Brenda has her Gold dances, Junior Silver free skating and her sixth figure. The new professionals, Brenda Pincome and Steve Wong replace Jeff Loosley who is going to London and Rick Pettit who has accepted a position in Flin Flon, Manitoba for the coming year. President, Gary Birm- ingham states that "we are very pleased to get highly qualified professionals to in- struct our club members." The Exeter Figure Skating Club will be hosting the H.O.M.E. (Huron, Oxford, Middlesex and Elgin) Com- petition March 6, 1983 at the South Huron Rec Centre. Many local skaters will be in attendanee for this competition. • The Exeter Figure Skating Carnival will be held toward the end of March, 1983 so that the skaters can show their skills to the general public. In the win over Usborne, the Greys scored three runs in the first inning as Paula Sereda singled, Brenda Pinder walked and Leah Snell tripled and also scored. Julianne MacLean's triple and singles by Leah Snell and Elaine Gould produced three more Exeter runs in the third inning. In the fourth walks to Paula Sereda and Bonnie Westlake and singles from the bats of Leah Snell, Julianne MacLean and Elaine Gould sent three more runs home. Patti Down and Julianne MacLean scored the final two runs for the Greys in the eighth on the hits by MacLean, Gould and Patti Shapton. Scoring single runs for Usborne were Liz Bowerman, Paddling in moving water A four day, 40 mile canoe trip from Walkerton to Southampton on the Saugeen. River gave nine South Huron Outers excellent experience paddling in moving water, ac- cording to trip organizer, Jim Marshall. "The kids learned to have. respect for moving water. Camping skills, like organiza- tion offoodpreparation,pack ing and carrying. were also acquired. The group plans to use these new skills during a week long trip to Algonquin Park at the end of June. THROWS DISCUS — Faye Gaiser of South Huron was fifth in the discus throw at the Regionals in Kitchener and will go to the OFSAA finals in Toronto, Saturday. Get the basic skills You've always wanfed•stoday English, math, science ---skills in these areas will help you meet either the job -entry standards many employers demand or the entrance requirements for other educational programs. You can learn these skills at Conestoga. Our Certificate programs in ACADEMIC UPGRADING are designed for adults like you. You learn at your own pace because instruction is tailored to your in- dividual needs. Fees are reasonable and you can begin classes any Monday, providing space is available,' You may 136 eligible for sponsorship by Canada Employment or for financial help through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Open the door to your future through ACADEMIC UPGRADING. Just call us for details. Conestoga Clinton G'Ci ArtS gy Campus call I 482-3458 Marg Miller, Brenda Iredale and Donna Kerslake. Patti Down was the winning pitcher for Exeter while Brenda Iredale was on the mound for Usborne. In Monday's close 3-2 win over Cromarty, the Greys scored single runs in the first, fifth and sixth innings while Cromarty registered in the third and seventh frames. Patti Down scored the first Exeter run in the opening in- ning, Donna Glanville circled the bases in the fifth and Leah Snell tripled and scored in the sixth. Counting runs for Cromar- ty were Teresa Finlayson and Jean Dow. Leah Snell was the winning pitcher for Exeter and Shirley Miller took the loss for Cromarty. colonials win over Woodstock The Grand Bend Colonials edged Woodstock 2-1 Sunday in a regular London and district soccer league game. Scoring one goal for the Col- onials were Dave Nolan and Nick Vandenberk. The Grand Bend club will see Ontariu Cup action Sun- day at 2 p.m. when they meet Windsor Makedonia at the Grand Bend soccer pitch. The Grand Bend Ausable league teafn w2fs also vic- torious Sunday as they defeated a Sarnia team 4-3. The Grand Bend goals were booted by Gerry Wilde, Bill Mennen, Joe Mommersteeg and Sam Welton. Their next action will be Sunday afternoon. at 4 p.m. when they travel to Nairn. The four Grand Bend minor teams start their league play within the next week. The mosquitoes play Lucan tonight, Wednesday at 7 p:rn. and play host to the Exeter I I I team at 7 p.m. next Wednesday. The pee wees meet Lucan June 7 and the atoms go to Taxandria the same night while the squirts open in II- derton on June 10. 'JAVELIN TOSS — Derek Hippern of SHDHS tosses the javelin at Saturday's regional OFSAA track meet in Kitchener. Athletic "Tuffy" Knight, head foot- ball coach at Wilfrid Laurier University will be the guest speaker at the South Huron Athletic Banquet, Tuesday, at the South Huron Recreation Centre. The program, organized by athletic chairperson Ron- nalee Bogart and physical education teacher Pat Rowe, will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the team awards. The 7:30 p.m. dinner will be followed by the guest speaker and special awards. "Spirit" will provide the music for a 9 p.m. banquet dance. "We hope to have about 200 persons in attendance. We would like to see lots of parents in attendance this year and we extend a special invitation to them" said Bogart, who will conduct the ceremonies. The cost of the banquet will. be partially subsidized by athletic fees collected earlier in the year. Following is a cost list: Athlete meal $3, dance $3, meal and dance $5, non -athletic meal $5.50, dance $3, meal and dance $8. Times _Advocate, June 2, 1982 Page 9 Two SH athletes off to OFSAA final Two South Huron athletes have qualified for the OFSAA or provincial track and field championships this Friday and Saturday at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke. Faye Gainer's throw of 29.99 metres in the junior girl's discus, although well below her personal best of 31.48 metres, was good enough for fifth place and qualified her for all -Ontario competition. After a disappointing 51.7 second seventh place run in the 400 metre final Friday night, Matt McClure came back Saturday to run a per- sonal best of 56.7 second in the 400 metre hurdles and place second behind London Saunders, Jeff Bibbings. Although his time was still three tenths off the National Junior qualifying standard of 56.4. McClure's time beats the OFSAA target time of 56.9 seconds calculated by the London Free Press. The target is an average of sixth place finishes the last three years of .OFSAA. berek Hippern just missed qualifying on two occasions, placing sixth in both the junior boys shotput and discus. In the shotput, Hip- pern threw 13.10 metres, thir- ty centimetres short of fifth. His throw of 47.96 metres in the javelin was almost a half metre shorter than his WOSSA showing. After a late night Friday at the forknal, Jacqui Hyde jumped 4.69 metres in the senior girl's long jump at nine o'clock the next morning. The junior girl's 4 x 100 team of Jackie Cottrell, Ma- ja Gans, Susan McClure and Esther Van Oss equalled their • WOSSA time of 52.3 seconds to place ninth. Individually, McClure was seventh in the 400 metre hurdles and Gans was tenth in the long jump. "1 was surprised that Faye qualified. I knew she had an outside chance if She threw a • personal best but I didn't think 30 metR.s would get fifth place", said an elated sprints and field coach; Terry O'Rourke. grounds . freebonusvoucherPRODUCT 48 TIN identified i'��" 3 fany y products 20 r cts by this symbol and receive n � .ass 5 " ' � � CANADA:12 f , zehr5 fine markets of fine foods ■ ■ fill a saver on from Zehrs 4 toC anada's 20 bonus TM redeem at I Wonderland store for a - admission 95 Ira LI e Canada's full details ■ ES HOSTS 9 VARIETIES k C 9PKG. POT ' TO20o g$2.89 r M card available cashiers with vouchers and your Zehrs free grounds ticket to ' Wonderland.'" in all Zehrs stores. WITH THE FSE ON THIS A KOOL AID 7 VAR�ET�ES 720 g HANDY CAN. A. • cke up to BRIMS FANCY TOMATO JUICE oz. 99' TIN REM -Din TASTERS CHOICE, INSTANT COFFEE $ 2 80:" 6 JAR z; t< : Tf \ Fs?� alb �p, : A ..;f�,,-.: % I. zz yy � � � � M , . A`� - \ • .2. .__ `^ `,. 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