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P094 2 Times -Advocate, May 26, 1982
To name students of the year at annual SHDHS formal
The lehlight of Friday's
annual fennel dance at South
Huron District High School
will be the selection of
students of the year.
M the stroke of midnight,
one female and one male stu-
dent will be chosen from the
12 candidates. An outline of
each candidate's school ac-
tivities and achievements
Bruce Shaw
A son of Bruce and Fran
Shaw, is a resident of Exeter.
Bruce is a grade thirteen stu-
dent and plans to continue his
education next year at the
University of Western
He has been the president of
the S.H.D.H.S. student's coun-
cil this year. Bruce enjoys
sports and has achieved.
moderate success in football,
basketball and track and field
at South Huron.
Lisa Hamather
She is the eighteen year old
daughter' of Bob and Donna
Hamather of Hensall. Last
year Lisa was the treasurer of
the Student Council and this
year she holds the office of
2nd Vice President. During
her five years at South Huron
she has participated in such
sports as field hockey, gym-
nastics, track and field, and
cross country. Lisa -also has
been active in the theatre arts
program. In the community
she has been involved with
4-H, figure skating and has
obtained her leaders in swim-
ming. Next year, Lisa plans
to attend the University of
Western Ontario and study
business and sociology.
Greg Prout
He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Prout of RR 3
Exeter. Greg is a grade 13
student and next year plans to
attend General Motors In-
stitute in Flint, Michigan to
pursue a career in Engineer-
ing. He has been a member of
the football, track and field,
and badminton teams. Over
his five years Greg has been
involved in student council
and intramural represen-
tative. Greg is an honour roll
student and a prefect..,.
Bryan Beer
He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Beer of Hensall.
He is a grade 13 student and
next year, plans to attend the
faculty of Engineering at the
University of Western On-
tario. Bryan is the head
prefect this year. He has also
been involved with the Stu-
dent Cotmcil aBd• the Reach
for the Teo Teajn. Bryan has
participated in football and
curling and is ate honour roll
Dave Woodward
Son of Mr..and Mrs. Dave
Woodward of 253 Churchill
Drive, is a Grade 13 student
who has been active in
various aspects of school life
during his years at South
Huron. This past year he has
served as the treasurer of the
Student Council Executive.
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He has also been involved in
a number of athletic activities
and elubs, and is an honour
student. Dave is going to
Queen's University. He is part
of H -P All Star basketball
team this year and is an
honour roll student.
Heather Sweeney
A grade 13 student and a
student council rep for the
past two years, has been an
ardent supporter and com-
mittee member of many of
their activities. Planning for
assemblies and dances hold a
special meaning for her! Out-
side of school hours she par-
ticipates in Junior Farmers,
COR, choir, and is employed
at Zurich Home Hardware.
Heather is the daughter of
Jerome and Carmel Sweeney,
Zurich. Next year she plans to
attend the University of
Waterloo to study economics.
Jacqueline Hyde -
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Hyde, Hensall has been
an active student during her
five years of high school. She
has participated in sports and
this year competed at OFSAA
Gymnastics, WOSSA basket-
ball and is currently com-
peting at the WOSSA level in
track and field. During her
high school years she was
also a member of the Bad-
minton Club for three years
and is a . Student Council
Representative. Jacqueline
has also taught gymnastics
for the Exeter Recreation
Centre for the past two years
and was head instructor for
the 1981/82 season. Jacqueline
has chosen the medical field
for her future and she will be
entering Fanshawe College
for her first : year in the
Respiratory Technology
Ronnalee Bogart
She is the daughter of Ron
and Elaine Bogart of Exeter.
She is planning to attend
either McMaster or Queen's
University to study for a
career in medicine.
Ronnalee has contributed to
the school through her posi-
tion as Intramural Chairper-
son this year. She has par-
ticipated in volleyball, basket-
ball and tennis and has also
competed in OFSAA Badmin-
ton for the past three year$,
placing third this year. Rob-
nalee has been an honour roll
student and has attended the
Athletic Camp.
Mars Pym
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Pym of RR 1 Cen-
tralia is presently a grade 13
student. This year she was in-
volved on the Student Council
as vice-president and last
year as an intramural house -
leader. Other activities that
Marg has been involved in
over her five school years in-
clude cross-country, track
and field and volleyball. Marg
Authority conducts
census on creel
The Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority is cur-
rently in the process of con-
ducting a creel census within
the watershed. The census
will last until Labor Day
weekend and involves prin-
cipally two of the twelve Con-
servation Areas currently
maintained and operated by
the Authority.
The two 'areas, Morrison
Dam and Parkhill Conserva-
tion Areas, have been a
favourite spot of local anglers
for many years and it is
hoped that the information
provided from this census will
help the Authority to.establish
an even more .productive
fishery in these areas. •
The creel census process.
consists of a short series of
questions designed to supply
the Authority with the
necessary statistics to deter-
mine both the nature, and in-
tensity of angling pressure in
these two areas.
In the past, stocking pro-
grams have been conducted
successfully with the helpful
financial and material co-
operation of the Ministry of
Natural Resources, however,
the Ministry had no access to
information regarding the
fishing pressure stocked fish
might receive.
The information, gained
from the current census will
enable the authority to
establish guidelinesfor future
stocking practices in regard
to both the number and
species of fish required in
each area to maintain a
healthy fishery.
In light of this obvious ad-
vantage to the, angler, it is
hoped that theAuthority staff
conducting the census will
meet with full co-operation
from area anglers thereby en-
suring successful results, and
better fishing.
Nomads en joy outing
Wet Weather didn't dampen
the spirits of 23 families and
four guests of the Ausable
Only two
court cases
Only two cases were heard
by Justice of the Peace Gord
Ferris when he presided at
Exeter court, Tuesday.
Donald BruceKoehler, Hen-
sall. was fined $300 for driving
while under suspension on
March 20. His car was found
unattended in a ditch along
Highway 83 and it had been
damaged to the extent of $800.
The accused admitted that he
had been driving at the time
of the incident.
He was given 30 days in
which to pay the fine. His
licence had originally been
suspended for impaired
In the only other case, Carl
S. Walker, RR 3 Bayfield, was
convicted of driving at a
speed of 105 in an 80 km zone
on January`25. He was fined
•.. - ; -r- r.••.
River Nomads camping club
from attending the 20th An-
nual Ontario Provincial
Association campout at
Woodstock May 21, 22, 23, 24.
The group enjoyed many
hospitalities hosted by
various Ontario• camping
clubs. as well as many ac-
tivities. such as a ladies tea,
projects. sports, dance,
church service, and the usual
There were dances, various
sports. roller skating and a
bike tour•for the teens and
young adults while the pre-
teens enjoyed a carnival,
bicycle decorating contest;
pet show. dance and roller
Mrs. Marie Broom's entry
into a cookie baking contest
won her the title of Mrs.
Spring Camper, 1982, over 33
other contestants. Mrs.
Broom received three
trophies and a sway bar for
her efforts. The Brunziows
received a pre -registration
draw prize and Mrs. Pat
O'Connor won the first draw
prize at the ladies tea.
..tea_-wM�r►sw . -
has also been involved with
4-H, Junior Farmers and with
her church. Next year Marg
is taking the Diploma Nursing
Program through Conestogo
Kevin Glasgow
Son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Glasgow of 221 Huron Street
East, Exeter is a Grade 13
student who plans to study
sciences at the University of
Western Ontario in the fall,
with eye towards a career in
medicine. Over his years at
South Huron, Kevin has been
involved in the Reach for The
Top Team, debating club, ski
club, badminton club, school
newspaper, tennis team, soc-
cer team and Ulster -
Canadian Club, as well as per-
forming his duties as a
prefect this year. In addition,
Kevin has participated in
several national and provin-
cial secondary school writing
competitions,. most notably
placing in the top 20 in
Canada in the 1981 Clarke -
Irwin National Essay Contest.
Kevin was also one of 20
students selected from across
the province to attend the
weeklong 1980 Nature of
Materials chemistry course
at McMaster University.
Matt McClure
A nineteen year old Grade
13 student at South Huron, has
been involved in a wide range
of activities, both inside and
outside the classroom.
Interested in writing, Matt
has edited the school
• newspaper while at South
Huron, and presently
employed by the Times -
Advocate to cover the high
•school beat.
Matt has been a member of
interschool cross country,
basketball and track and field
teams. In cross country, he
has twice won the Huron -
Perth individual champion-
ship, while in track he has
competed at the provincial or
OFSAA level in the 400 metre
In the classroom Matt is an
honour roll student, a student
council representative and is
also a three year veteran of
the Reach for the Top Team.
Last May, he was a winner
in a National Essay Contest
on Canadian Literature spon-
sored by Clarke Irwin
publisher. He has also
represented South Huron in
area public speaking and
debating competitions.
Matt is the son of Margaret
and Dave McClure of hR 1
Sharon Rundle
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Rundle, RR 1 Centralia,
is 18 and in grade 13. She
plans to attend university
next year to major in physical
education. During her years
in high school she has been in-
volved in various extracur-
ncular activities. Such are:
volleyball, X-ootuttry, track
and field, field hockey, in-
tramural'', SC rep., SC
secretary, Spanish club,
camp Sylvan. She also ran a
swimming program last year.
Outside of school activities
she is involved in such things
as,4-H, calf club, piano,
church choir and a part time
job at the S.H. rec centre.
No holiday crashes
Drivers in the area record-
ed an accident -free Victoria
Day holiday weekend,' the
first holiday period of the
summer season.
However, there were three
minor collisions earlier in the
week, one in which a Hensall
home was damaged by a
runaway trailer.
That occurred on Thursday
when Alvin Cole, Hensall,.was
pulling a trailer albng Rich-
mond St. The hitch broke and
the runaway trailer crashed
into a house owned by Mrs.
Pearl Shaddick.
Damage to the home was
listed at $1,000.
In another accident on
Thursday, vehicles driven by
Doris Westlake, RR 3 Exeter,
and Jay Campbell, Exeter,
collided on Highway 4 just
north of the Mt. Carmel Road.
No estimate of damage was
The other collision was
reported on Wednesday when
vehicles operated by Betty
Rasenberg, RR 3 Zurich, and
Kathy Ford; collided in the
latter's driveway. Damage
was listed at $300.
Rally successful
Sunday's car rally spon-
sored by the South Huron
Junior Farmers was a suc-
cess despite the fact a
number of cars became lost
within throwing distance of
the starting point.
Junior Farmer president
Cliff Hicks said 26 vehicles
started the 96 kilometre route
and all finished but one.
The rally began at Zehr's
parking Iot at the corner of
Highways 4 and 83 and head-
ed east on Highway 4. The
first turn was only a few hun-
. dred feet easterly into the
Agri -Book parking lot.
When returning to the
highway, six of the 26 cars
turned right instead of left
and were confused for a
Each entry was given seal-
ed information which could be
used if lost to find any of the
three checkpoints along the
wThe rally took the 26
vehicles to Staffa, Motherwell
and the St. Marys before
returning to the final stop
near Farquhar.
The winners were Jeff
Borland, Hugh Rundle and
Mike Stewart.
Cut to order
Spring Garden Farm
Calla p.m. to 10 p.m.
555 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2H6. -
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