HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-05-19, Page 22comes upin the Bible again and again, said Rev. Morden. David went to the wilderness to escape from Saul, Jesus went to the wilderness after he was baptized to be alone with God: Have you ever' had •a wilderness experience? I feel am going through a similar xperience, as I near my etirement when I realize I m doing some things for the ast time. Many of us are go- ng through a wilderness 'of ickness, divorce, or bereave- ment. As we come to these ex- periences let us remember hat God will be with us every tep of the way. At St. Thomas Anglican hurch the Rev. Greg Smith ector of St. Thomas, con- tacted the morning Prayer ervice "and was the elebrant of the Holy ucharist assisted by John erbert. The first lesson was ead by Kenny Beatson and he Epistle by Mrs. Lois erbert. The sermon was taken from he John 15:19-17 Jesus'said, . you keep My command- ents you will abide in My ve. This is My command- ent, that you love. one pother as I have loved you. On Friday, May zu, at o in. in the Granton Com - unity Park there will be a ampfire supported by St. homas' on behalf of Huron hurch Camp. It will be led y the camp staff. St. Thomas Anglican hurch Women met in the urch hall last Thursday ening. Mrs. Mavis Harrn- orth and Mrs. Jill Westman ere. in charge of the eeting. A nutritionist from e University of Western On- rio was the guest speaker. business meeting followed th Mrs. Marlene French as -ordinator. Mrs. Lois rbert gave a brief report on e A.C.W..annual held cently at St. Paul's thedral, London. Personals Mrs. Lois Ifebert, delegate ✓ St. Thomas Anglican urch Women, along with esdames Percy Hodgins, arence Lewis, and Kenneth odgins amended the annual C.W. conference held at St. ul's Cathedral, London on y 6. A number of people from anton attended the.perfor- nce of "Guys and Dolls" t on by the St. Marys yers these last two weeks. , Pane 22 Times-Advocote, May 19, 1982 19 Pi cpei ty Fol Sale HOUSE - four bedroom semi- detached 5 years old, bathrooms, finished ret room. Asking 549,900. Phone 235-2208 . days after 6 p.tn. 235-0757.17tfn HOUSE in Dashwood, 3 bedrooms, completely remodell- ed, 1 bath., knlerican style kit- chen. main floor laundry room, electric heat. vinyl siding 12x20 cedar deck. 2 )7-3516 after 5 p:m. I7tfn LARGE YARD SALE Sun. May 23 Noon - 4:30 p.m. Highlands Three on Hwy. 21, Grand Bend. Watch for signs Trailer air scoop, clothing, furniture, household items, books, luggage, crewel work pictures, odds 'n ends. In case of rain - sale to be held following Sunday. TAKE NOTICE -THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will beheld at THE KITCHENER FARM- ERS MARKET, 47 FREDERICK STREET. KITCHENER, ON- TARIO on TUESDAY, JUNE 8th. .1982. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear appli- cations for new licences in ac- cordance with The Liquor Li- cence Act. and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the afore mentioned location and time: Good Times Eating Emporium Restaurant 414 Main Street South • Exeter, Ontario - - Dining Lounge Licence Applicants: Leonard Vert, • Michael Veri AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, shall make their submission to the Board in writing prior to. the date of the hearing, or in per- son at`the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 19 Property For Sale VI'NIXYR Hill hold $16000.00 first mortgage ssithout interest un- til paid in full. 5266.00 monthly for 5 years. Solid brick building includes store and apartment. Can be operated, separately. Full price S32,0110.00. 262-3205. Hensall. 20-22c CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE Rug brick, on nearly one acre, park like setting. Dining -living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lower level finished. Natural gas hot eater heating. Small horse barn. Utility shed, 2 dog ruru. II-fenc- eti ssith'good garden. Property has drilled well, is on black -top road opposite Centralia Agricultural College. Asking '49,500.00 Third.down, balance on 3 yr. mor- tgage at 15°%o. (Open to offers) Phone collect for viewing 482-9380 Clirin Or 228-6728 19:20c LONDON COMMUTER. Attrac- tive 3 bedroom ranch style, 6 miles north of city, 2 car garage on 2 acres. Reduce your gasoline costs by calling 666-1959. 20:21c Hugh A Evans Realtor 55 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend An Affordable House On quiet street, 3 yr. old, split en- try, lovely kitchen, 3 bedrooms 11/2 baths, living and dining room, family room with fireplace. Main floor laundry, sliding doors to deck. Maintenance free exterior. About 5200 per month pays all utilities. Location - Dashwood. Dashwood 2 lots - 66x132 - piped water available. Asking price 517, 500.00. • Lakefront - Southcott Raised ranch with heated double garage - 3 bedrooms 3 baths, love- ly kitchen with all appliances. 2 floor to ceiling fireplaces. A place for everything and privacy for everyone. Must be seen to be • appreciated. Call 238-2822, May Morenz, for appointment 20:21c NEAR GRAND BEND - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, with garage. 11/2 acres. Asking 62,500.00: Call 672-6863. 151 20 Property For Rent Retail or Office ,Space Available Grand Bend 2 storey house located in 'com- mercial area, ideal for a retail outlet or office space. Will sell or lease. Contact Peter Warner 238-2391 Grand Bend 10tfn L NOUSE FOR SALE - Exeter: 11/2 storey on corner Iot.Pryde and Sher- wood. 3 or 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, TV room, 11/2 baths, attached garage, full basement. Nicely landscaped. Close to schools and recreation. Priced at $56,900. Apply in writing to Box 65P Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario • A APARTMENTS FOR- RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within .Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235 -0141 - Notice to Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in possession of lands in any Municipality in the County of Huron. In accordance with the Weed Con- trol Act, R.S.O, 1980, Chapter 530, Section 4, 14 and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 7, 1982 and throughout the feasor., the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weed destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes,os set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. Joe Gibson Weed Inspector County of Huron • • - 1 20 Property For Rent IN HENSALL - 2 - two bedroom apartments, stove and refrigerator. One bedroom apart- ment, stove and refrigerator. Phone 262-3146 after 5, p;m. l0tfn COUNTRY SETTING - Upper floor, 2 bedroom broadloomed throughout, garden plot, bc(autiful treedlot, 5235.00 mon- thly. Phone 235-2430 or 35-0392 evenings. i2tfn • Elizabeth Court Apartments Two Bedrooms $285.00 One Bedrooms $259.00 Available May, June, July Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensal), Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 15t INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 2,500 sq. ft. in Exeter. Available immediately. Phone 235-0141.151 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available May 1 in Ailsa Craig. References required. Call 293-3368. • 151 OFFICE SPACE available, ex- cellent location, reasonable. Phone 235-1341. 1.7tfn PRIME COMMERCIAL or of- fice space, Main Street, Central location. Call 235-0440. 18.21 c LUCAN - completely modern 1 bedroom apartment, electric heat, close to downtown. Call 227-1710 or 227-4766. 18-20c HOUSE IN HENSALL, 2 bedroom, 237-3422. 19:20c ONE . BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in Hensall ground level with front and back doors, well tended lawns across from park. Free parking and gar- bage pickup. Laundry facilities. - Phone 262-2014 or 262-3446. • 19tfn PARTIALLY FURNISHED one bedroom, new panelling and carpet, laundry facilities, suitable for single working adult. Above Canadian Tire. 235-1497 or 235-0451. 20tfn STORE FOR RENT with small apartment at rear. $200 per month plus utilities. Main St. Ailsa Craig. Phone 1-293-3461. 20-23c CHECK 168 Main St. North Ex- eter. Large garden, newly renovated, two bedroom house. Check - 184 Main Apt. deluxe. 2 bedrooms. To maintain privacy. Senior citizens, single couples preferred. No pets. New furnaces. Mealtime phone 235-0354. 20c BARN FOR RENT. 3 miles north of Zurich. Ideal for feeding cattle. Contact John Geiger 236-4592. 20:2lc FARM HOUSE - 3 bedrooms, available June 1st in Kippen area. .No pets. Phone 262-6609.20:21c OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE OFFICES Now leasing in Zurich. New con- veniently located, opposite the post office. Ideal for legal, finan- cial, accounting, real estate or in- surance. Electrically heated, broadloom and parking. AVAILABLE NOW In Zurich. New 2 bedroom apart- ment centrally located, electric heal, broadloomed, parking. . ' Box 33, Zurich 236-4124 20tfn 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels', wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Cor- rivcau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. - 15t FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. -Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 235-0231. 23t CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT FOR RENT. Cement forms, wedges, concrete saws • and hand cart, cement mixer and power trowells, darbies and hand trowels, propane con. )reater, hil- ly gun, hand grinder, electric power wrench, barn jacks, plate tampers. Lloyd Mousseau, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 236-48l9. 2011n DOCK SPACE for rent. 18 to 20 feet, reasonable. I-238.8692. 20:21c RENT OR Lease Purchase 4x8 mobile signs to promote your business. Buy or lease with terms to suit your needs. Call Adver- sign 542.6320 Sarnia. 20-23c MOVING WEST Calgary one way truck rental 7000 GMC van power tail gate, reasonable rales. Phone 238-8553. 20-24c 22 For Sale or Rent CAMP OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 west Stratford 393.5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers - from . lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. i)caler for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. 18-27c 23 Wanted To Rent 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT by July or August. Preferably ground floor with laundry facilities. Call after 5 p.m. 235-1804. 2O:21c 25 Notices I 1 ORRIE CULNAN will not be responsible for any debts other than those incurred by myself. 20-22c ,j 15 r� . 26 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Louise Albino • Denomme Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of LOUISE ALBINA DENOMME, late of the Township of Hay, who died on March 3rd, 1982, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1982, after which date the Estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario th) 21st day of April, 1982. ' JOSEPH DENOMME and LLOYD DENOMME executors DONELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y7 . 18-20c 27 Tenders Wanted VILLAGE OF HENSALL Tenders for Building Removal Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received un- til 5:00 p.m. May 25, 1982 for the removal of a frame building located on lot 347, Plan 10 (N.W. corner of Oxford and Brock St.). Building to be retftov- ed in its entirety to ground level and the site left in a clean and neat condition satisfactory to the village works superintendent. Each tender is to be accompanied by a 5100.00 certified cheque payable to the Village of Hensall which will be returned to the bid- der upon completion of the work. Highest or- lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Betty Oke • Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensall. 108 King Street Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 20c Who says Craig dull? Who says life is dull in the village? Residents from Craigwiel Gardens apart- ments held Family Night in the Craigholme auditorium , Monday evening. All enjoyed readings by Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Becky Ross as well as mouth organ selections from Mrs. Morton f and John MacDonald. - The honoured couple, Alma and Lloyd Roth, were a presented with a purse of money as they celebrate their c 40th wedding anniversary. S Suitable replies were made by the Roths. - Lunch was served followed by a time of fellowship. Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Smithers (Marilyn McCallum) who were mar- ried Saturday in the Presbyterian Church. Sympathy' is extended to the Clemens family in the sudden passing of Mr. Harry Clemens. Word has been received of the passing of Mrs. Pearl Anderson of Oshawa, wife of the late Frank Anderson, former village residents. To the family, sympathy is expressed. Mrs. Olive Currie entertain- ed ntertained her family to dinner at Craigwiel Activity Centre recently. Guests were present from Windsor, Leamington, Strathroy, Beechwood, Lon- don, Parkhill and Ailsa Craig. r photo READY FOR GRANTON. RIDE - Rob Funnell who gained the most pledges in the Great Ride for Cancer in Granton Sunday checks his sheets with conveners John Egon and Eileen Summers. T -A photo Granton seniors enjoy trip bike ride is success again On Sunday afternoon 37 master of ceremonies was speech on the highlights of ham. riders from Granton and 38 Scout Steven Ready who held C.G.I.T. years. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * from Lucan set off, those from everyone's attention between ('hurch news * Antiques & Furnitvre Auction * Including a collection from Mr. Geo. * Ulyott, St. Marys, Mrs. Carl O'Neil, * Lucan, and a London Home., 'Merton Curling Club * Wednesday Eve. May 26 - 6:30 p.m. * ANTIQUES: Collection of 40 tea pots, 20 * t.m:,II chamber candle holders, carnival and old -* glassware, silverware, china plates and plat- * ters, jugs, bowls, crocks, wicker rocker and * chairs, oil lamps, milk bottles, picture frames, cups and saucers, books, 100 copies of National * Geographic magazine, Champlain explorer pic- * , ture, sq. oak table and six chairs, copper * boiler, rocker, telephone, etc. * HOUSEHOLD: Westinghouse 2 door fridge (like * new), other fridges, electric stove, chrome * sets, 8 pc. dining room suite, small tables, writing desk, rugs, beds, dresser, chesterfield * and chairs, desk, de -humidifier, electric * heater, ladder, odd chairs, linens, garden * tools, plus many, many other interesting items. * Hugh TERMS: Cash Sale Night Booth AUCTIONEERS Filson Tom Robson * * 666-0833 - 666-1967 Granton to Lucan and back acts with his humorous and those from Lucan to stories anR . Elwood d jokes. At the United Church the * SURPLUS AUCTION Granton and back. ' The evening concluded with ev. �"' Morden con ducted the morning. worship • -Both the Scout Hall in Gran- the audience participating in for the fifth Sunda ft ton and the Lion's P k ' someactiong I d by Y a er * SALE Of lumber supplies, woodworking equipment, trucks, car, etc. For Langford Lumber, Corner of George and William Sts., Lucan. Friday evening May 21 - 6:15 p.m. * No.15 Cdn forge drill press and motor, Boise- * * Crane shaper and motor, Beaver No. 880 7" jointer, Continental machine planer and anti- ,,k, que motor, Westinghouse 50 hop. 550 electric * * motor, 25 h,p, 550 electric motor, Underwood art calculator, Olivetti Editor 11 electric typewriter, * * Royal typewriter; Stow trench gas powered �It * tamper, Epps pressure washer, 4000 pr. * 2x3x86'/, precut studs, quantity of rough pine * .[ boards, 2x4x10 spruce, 48 pr. 2x6x10 spruce, quantity of 8x10 steel building studs, 3 new * Tweed Steel fireplace heatilators, 120 bundles red shingles, TOO bundles IKO Chateau * shingles, 100 sheets 4x8 Cladwood, wrought : . * iron railings and posts, metal flashing, odds . and ends of new carpet, miscellaneous win- * dows, door sash,. shutters, bifolds, doors, . * aluminum doors and windows, miscellaneous builders hardware and cupbord h,ardware, light * * fixtures,'vanity' and top, paintB8D battery 1973 5 ton * operated accessories, build your own shed * plans, etc., etc. a, TRUCKS & CAR: All selling as is. 1972 Chev. T. Impala convertible, Dodge truck with hoist, 1971 3 ton Fargo with flat bed and hoist, * Army truck with fork lift, 1976 '72 ton GMC �It pickup, one flat bed for truck. * TERMS: Cash sale night , Booth * Hugh Filson AuctioneersTom ,Robson 666-0833 * 666-1967 * • ***************** * ar 1n sons a Easter. * Lucan were stations for rest Beaver Leader Susan Noon. He entitled his message .( and refreshments. A few The show was -a credit to "Going through the children from the - the leaders for all their time wilderness". plow important kindergarten set entered the spent in coaching these . and pertinent is the * ride ones wnnr tf, e whole groups. wilderness? it �( distance. • Congratulations to Ronnie Funnel of Edgewood who was pledged the most money $166.00. When asked why he worked so hard for that sum, he said "I did it for a good cause."'. Appreciation from the Lucan and Biddulph Cancer Society is extended to all who helped to make this project success. Happy Gang bus trip The Granton Happy Gang and their friends enjoyed a pleasant bus trip to the African Safari at Rockton on May 10. The travelers stop- ped on the way home in Cam- bridge at the Knotty Pine Inn or dinner. Everyone agreed it had been a very enjoyable time nd thanked driver Pete McNaughton, for the good are he had taken of them. pecial thanks went to Charlotte Kerr. for making all the arrangements. a Why bake, why not, come to the Activity Centre, near the Craigholme, on Saturday, May 22 at 1:30 p.m. for fresh tasty baking and auction sale. Phone Lyle Stokes or John MacDonald if you have. items for the auction. The Craigwiel Gardens Ac- -tavitxCommittee held their last euchre of the season May l0. W i nners were Helen Smith, Kay Simpson, Jean McCallum, Ella Tweddle, Laura Chapman and Carmon Stewart. Granton U.C.W. Units, meet Unit three 9f Grant U.C.W. met at the home their president Mrs. J Hayden for their M meeting. She opened t meeting with a Mother's D reading. Mrs. Pat Chorancek a Mrs. Margaret Bryan were charge of the program a led in a Bible study on "T Virtuous Woman". A g discussion followed. During the business peri some upcoming events we discussed. The meeting co eluded with a dessert lune served by the hostess assist by Mrs. April Bryan.. Mrs. Florence Bryan wa the hostess for Unit five. Mrs Chas McRobert presided an opened the meeting wit Lesson Thoughts on "Peace' Mrs. Ina Harlton an Garnet Baker convened th program and discussed th activities of the Klu Klu Klan. It seems that we sti ave'$ blem with racis re this group is concern ed. U.C.W. members are ask ed to write to their local M 'regarding the danger of thi organization. Mrs. Baker gave a repor on hers and Mrs. Ina Harlton's attendance at a ser vice at Lakeside United hurch where the Rt. Rev is Wilson, Moderator of the nited Church, was speaker outh Groups variety show The Granton Youth Group riety show with perfor- ances on May 7 and 9 was 11 attended in the Scout Il. This presentation consisted a number of skits perform - by each of the groups, outs, Cubs, Beavers, G.I.T. and Explorers. The Canadian Forester news Court Valentine Lady Foresters met at the Mason's Hall May 11. Sister Jean McComb opened Court and conducted the business. The members discussed sending delegates to the High. Court Convention in Frederic- I ton, New Brunswick, this e summer. The decision was r made. Plans were made to a have a bake sale at Camp I Windmill near Fullerton on i May 22. - s Sister Oliver Hodgins won the attendance draw for a Forester spoon. Lunch was t served by Sisters Olive s Hodgins and Eileen Summers. • C 4-H news R The first meeting of the d Granton 4-H club was held at s the home of leader Mrs. c Roger Harmsworth. The E meeting opened with the 4-H H Pledge followed by the roll _ r 'call which was answered by t telling "What camping ex- H perience or outdoor cooking experiences have you had?" t Four members were present, if on they were Margaret McGuf- of fin president, Heidi Hayden, oar m vice president, Jennie Ander- la aY son and Julie McRobert. a he Leaders Mrs. Harmsworth ay and Mrs. Dennis St. Dennis, demonstrated how to make p' nd animal tracks out of plaster of m in paris. Then the c nd pletedgirl a page of differentcam- T c he animal tracks. b and The second meeting of the club was held at the home of C od Julie McRobert. The group ch re decided that they would pre- •ev n- sent the skit "The day before sw h the outing" at Achievement w ed Day. m Leader Mrs. Harmsworth th s showed the members how to to f' make a "Jiffy Bag". This bag A -can be made in a matter of wi h • minutes and has dozens of co uses.. The girls learned about He d :the "Danforth Dare" and th e discussed how they should re e • balance their lives in the four Ca X aspects of physical activity, it social life, mental activity m and religion.fo The group therrtalked about , Ch -poison ivy and how to pick a M campsite. CI s C.G.I.T. news H Granton C.G.I.T. leader A. t Mrs. Robt Harloff, also Mr. Pa and Mrs. Wm. Goos parents Ma of C.G.I.T. member Joanne Goos attended the graduation Gr ceremony at Byron United ma Church on May , 16 when pu Joanne made her graduation Pla C Thirteen tables were in play Lo at the Masonic hall sponsored U by Riverview Women's In- Y stitute, May 11. Dessert was enjoyed at 1 p.m. followed by va euchre. m Winners were Mrs. Mildred we Hirtzel, Mrs. John Walker, Ha Mrs. Maude Rigney, Mrs. Janet Rose, Mrs. Chas of Coughlin, and Harold ed Guilfoyle. Lucky table card Sc was won by Charlie Rollings. C. 2iimtemdi 844,540":74, FURNITURE AND ANTIQUE AUCT1ON � We are pleased to offer by Public Auction contents of two Seaforth area homes at the Rathwell Building, 77 Main Street, Seaforth on Tuesday, May 25, at 6:15 p.m. FEATURING: Pine buffet with mirror top and matching white pine 41/2' x 9' x 3" top dining table, oak 51/2' x 11' dressmakers :able, pine dry sink, plus many mor• heavily carved woof furniture, appliances, plus mony more items too nume:ous to mention. NEW FUitNITURE:loveseat and sofa, 2 pc. sectional love seat. For frill information, please contact: el-ad//Jeil.J cc a/e.1 Dick Robinson - Sale Manager Phone: 527-1458 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1459 t 1: r, r. RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER FARM - ESTATE - HOUSEHOLD- ANTIQUES- REAL ESTATE MACHINERY - LIVESTOCK - ETC. 289 Bayfield Road P.O. Box 342ClInton, OntarioPhone 482-7898 NOM l LO AUCTION SALE 3 bedroom house, furniture, anti- ques, etc. to be held in Brucefield, - Ont. for Mac Wilson. Seventh house west of main corner. Saturday, May 22 at 1 P.M. JennAir counter top stove, 4 years old; antique love seat in good condition; toilet set; antique chest of drawers; buffet; wash stand; hide -a- bed couch; blanket box; hand made quilt; wicker baby basket; antique jam type cup- board; antique Coleman lamp with flowered shade; press back arm chair; oil lamps; sad irons and trivitts; crock churn; crocks; wooden planes; twoadze butter bowls and ladles; ap- ple peeler; copper boiler; Beaver sealer; Do - little sealer; Continental single bed; wooden chairs; chesterfield; upholstered chairs; dishes and glassware including antique pieces; plus many furniture and small items. Terms' sh OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE Business Liquidation of commercial property, vehicles, tractor, snowmobiles, garage and restaurant , equipment, antiques and misc. items to be held 2 miles south of Mitchell on Highway 23.on Sat., May 22, 1982 at 12:30 p.m. PROPERTY: This 2 acre property with 180 ft. highway frontage is zoned rural commercial and is presently set up as a service station with a lunch counter but would have several other possibilities. ,On the property is situated a 2' storey building with o full basement which has �r1 overhead door so it can be used as a shop. On the first floor is an office; 2 washrooms and a large store area with a lunch counter. Upstairs is located a spacious 3 bedroom apart- ment with electric heat. The building has separate hydro metering for the residence and business section. For inspection of this ideal business location contact the proprietor at 348-9646 days or 348-9771 during the evening. Property will be offered of 1:30 p.m. TERMS ON PROPERTY:•1O% down day of sale with balance in 30 days. Selling subject to a reasonable reserve bid. -There is an assumable mortgage of $40,000.00 at 12% for 5 years to o qualified purchaser. VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT: 1976 Chev Im- pala 4 door hardtop, certified; 1976 Buick 2 door hardtop, air, certified; 1977 Ford B 4 wheel drive, certified; 1980 Ski -Doo Blironco zzard 7500, liquid, 165 miles (A-1); 1980 Yamaha 340 Deluxe, electric start (A-1); four bed snowmobile trailer; Ford 1500 diesel tractor with four wheel drive and single auger Ford snowblower to fit (this unit hos 120 hours and is approximately 201i.p.); 15 ton tandem grain wagon with hoist. HOUSEHOLD & RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: • G.E. 17 cu. ft. frost free refrigerator; G.E. 30 in. electric stove; G.E. automatic dishwasher (all appliances are avocado and A-1); Elec- trohome 25 in. colour T.V.; Lloyds adding - machine; Bordeau display cooler, Deepfreeze fridge; Bunn coffee maker; Keating food war- ming lights; display cabinet; four slice toaster; Berke) cash register; assorted restaurant dishes and glassware; Leigh range hood; toaster oven; electric heater; down -draft stove; Niagara massage choir; oda chairs, etc. ANTIQUES: Oak barber's chair; hand tools; milk bottles; broad axe; wooden extension table: etc.. , MISC: Coates 2020 tire changer; Acri-Speed wheel balancer; hydraulic jack, hydraylic bumper jack; ladders; hand tools; chains; wheelbarrow; Garden -Master 2.5 h.p. tiller; homemade drill press; appliance cart; Armaco amplifier; speakers and microphone (A-1); etc. Plan to attend this business close-out auction of well kept items. Proprietor and auctioneer not responsible for accidents dby of sale. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. 7% sales tax in effect. PROPRIETOR: Jim and Susan Maloney AUCTIONEER: • Douglas Jacob 393.6214