HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-05-19, Page 15Trip to Michigan completely filled The senior citizens trip Emery were celebrating bir- Montrose, May 25 is now fill- thdays May 13 and Mary Scott ed and money is to be in during the week. All were tomorrow, Thursday. Members and friends atten- ding are asked to be at the Masonic Hall at 7:45 a.m. A "get -well" card was sign- ed by those present and sent to Gordon Hotson, a former president and long-time member, who is in St. Joseph's Hospital. Members were asked to !madder what they would like aeclosing sing "bash" June 24. i your Ideas to the eeog tomorrow. ; Ethel Lewis and Vina wished a Happy Birthday. Cards were convened by Liz Conlin with winners as follows: high lady's, Kay Neil, lone hands, Marg Carter; and low score, Rose Atkinson. Idan's high, Tom Kooy; little hands, Jean Miller, playing at man's card and low, John Loynes. The craft prize was won by a new member, Honor Stanley. Lunch was provided by Gertrude Hodgins, Rheola Hotson, and Mary and Tom Kooy. Plcswin mate g h group progress�s The committee for the Christian ers' Federa- County Churches at the tion, Mr. Elbert Van Donker- Ploughing Match is well sgoet, of Harriston. • pleased with the progress be- The Medway choir will pro - Ing made by the sub- vide special music, and ban - committees, as reported at ners are being prepared by the meeting on Tuesday even- the students of St. Patrick's . ing, May 11th, at Riverside School, Lucan, to decorate the United Church, London. arena and for use in the Father J. Finn, St.. Pavilion during the week. - Patrjck's Parish, send word, The Church bulletins or in- vialhe chairman, Rev. Bruce serts were used in some Chur- Pocock of Holy Trinity Lucan, ches Sunday and others will that the guest speaker at the use them shortly.. If your opening Church service church was overlooked in get - September 28, in the arena, ting a supply please call will be the Director of the 227-4714 and this oversight will be quickly remedied. It was pointed out that the money from the gift envelopes should be sent, by your church treasurer, to the committee treasurer; Paul Officers of the Lucan O'Reilly, Box 447, Lucan. detachihent of the Ontario The Facilities Sub - Provincial Police in- committee advised that a vestigated three accidents local service club may be in - this week with damages terested in assisting with a filling 16,890. building,vs. a tent, which Thursday at 2:05 p.m. would, after the match, be vehicles driven by Jack. purchased by their club. Lamb, London and Richard The program is well Brown, RR 1, Ailsa Craig col- organizedwith the schedule laded on Highway 4 at Mid- laid out for a 15 minute devo- dlesex road 16. Constable tional morning and afternoon, D.N. Vance set damages at with groups, singles, puppets, 12,500• etc. performing each hour, on At 1:40 a.m. Friday, a vehi- the hour, and with organ or cle driven by Peter Samways, piano musical interludes. London Left Middlesex Road There is room for a few 23, north of Concession 8-9 in more items of program. For London township. Constable further information please Jim Craig listed damages at call 461-1013 or 227-4817. The 13,550. Committee has been asked to The same day at 11 p.m., invite a group to sing at the Constable J.A. Wilson next meeting at Holy Trinity estimated damages at 1800 Anglican Church, Lucan on when a vehicle driven by Tuesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. Ronald Granville, Thorndale with members of the commit- " was invoir/edinasingle vehi- tee meeting at 7 p.m. to view cle mishap on Concession the site of the Match. Plan to road 1-2 of West Nissouri attend this and each of the township, north of Middlesex last three meetings - it won't road 28. be long now!! Three area accidents COPPETTES WIN — The "A" chomplbnship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowling league was won by the Coppettes. Back, left, Joan Gibbs, Sue Wilcox and Audrey Watt. Front, Edie Burt, Joyce -Von Geel and Muriel Kennedy. T -A photo' y a Up by .7.8 percent Times -Advocate. May 19, 1982 Pop. 15 Small increase for village taxes Residents of the village of Lucan will be facing a 7.8 per- cent tax increase when they receive their 1982 tax notices. At a budget meeting Thurs- day night, council tentatively set the overall residential mill rate at 46.59 mills. This is up by 3.39 mills from 43.2 mills in 1981. The rate is expected to be finalized at the next regular' council meeting set for June 3. Reeve Ivan Hearn said he was quite happy with the pro- posed rates and a fairly small increase. Hearn continued, "The on- ly levy we have any control over is for our own expen- ditures in Lucan and we have, been able to keep this in- crease down to about only a half mill) or 3.7$ercent. The overall increase of 3.39 mills is made up of .56 fo- village of Lucan purposes, . for the county of Middlesex 1.04 for elementary schoo purposes and 1.49 for secon 3 dary schools. Clerk Ed Melanson said the overall 7.8 percent tax in crease would amount to 147.46 on an average home assessed at 114,000. Total taxes on this type of property will be $652.26 for 1982. On the same average home, the increase of 147.46 is broken down to 17.84 for village of Lucan expen- ditures, *4.20 to the country of Middlesex, $14.56 for elemen- tary schools and $20.86 for secondary schools. Back to individual percen- tages, the village of Lucan is up1.7 percent, the county of Middlesex 7.12 percent, elementary schools eight per - 1 cent and secondary 13.5 percent. For commercial property owners, the overall increase is four mills from 50.82 mills 'to 54.82 mills this year, a similar increase of 7.8 percent. Clerk Melanson said be ex- pected final tax notices would be mailed out by mid-July in time for the third payment due on August 15. The final payment is set for November 15. Interim billings were due February 15 and May 15. Cancer ride a success e Lucan "Family Ride for Cancer" got off to a good start from the Market Square Park in Lucan and the Scout Hall in .Granton with 75 cyclists taking part. -The number is down, but you can't win every time! To those taking part thank you very much, also to the helpers at all check points. Ron Funnell of Edgewood, 12 years of age, obtained the most pledges in the Granton area and Pat Hodgins of Clandeboye was the top per- son for the Lucan area. Con- gratulations to you both. Everyone in the ride is reminded that all who have their money in by May 31 are entitled to participate in the draw for the 27 gift certificate prizes donated by various food outlets, so "get crackin' ' and get your money col- lected. Good luck! News from Revival Centre Sunday morning Bruce Henry led the song service: Mrs. Marlene Thornton and Mrs. Lorraine Armitage sang "Jesus is Lord of All". Rev. C.J. Williams, speak- ing from Genesis 41:1-16, showed how the life of Joseph gave an example to work out our own salvation. The Chris- tian's life is not free, , even though our salvation is free, through Jesus' sacrifice; but we may have to pay a price to live a Christian life. Joseph was serving God in a home in Egypt, but thrown in jail on a false charge. In jail he con- tinued serving God as a good servant. He never complained. Sunday evening Rev. C.J. Williams continued. Joseph's story of obedience to God from Genesis 41:34-41. Train- ing up your child in the way he should ,go will give that child spiritual wisdom to „guide hips when he grow up. The Lord was with 'Joseh. Upcoming Events May 23, Sunday evening, at 7 p.m. service, will be a Water PNS ARE "S" CHAMPS — The Rolling Pins won the "B" championship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowlino lea aue. Back, left, Diane Williams, Judy Damen and Vicki Horbaniuk. Front, Marla Wilson, Pat McDonald and Pat Riddell. Baptism service. May 26, Wednesday even- ing, at 7:30 p.m:, the Fourth Annual Blossom Tea will be held in the Fellowship hall of Lucan Revival Centre. Crafts, flower arranging, will be shown by Mrs. Shirley Dor- man. Singing will be by Mar- tha Sullivan and Mrs. Jana - Lyn Rutledge. Guest speaker is to be Mrs. Ann Elliott. A softball league, for men and ladies, is being organized by Marco Williams, Harold Fletcher, and Howard Currie. Those interested please con- tact these men, 227-1702. Summer School starts June 6-11 at Christianview Bible College. Seminars will be held for married couples and Sun- day School teachers, College and careers, 'and Youth leaders and workers. Starting August 8 . to 22, there are to be children's retreats, to Youth Retreats. Those interested please con- tact 293-3506' Forest Friends enjoy outing at area park Members of the "Forest Friends" 4-H club enjoyed an outing Saturday when they entertained their -mothers for lunch at the Lucan Conserva- tion Area. •'' The girls met at the area at 10 a.m. where they went on a scavenger hunt,convened by Darlene Paton and discussed the skit they will present on Achievement Day, June 19th. The president, Debbie Manders, • appointed members to each part in the skit. At this point in the program the fire was built and the meal prepared for the mothers who, arrived at 12 noon. The menu included ham and cheese rolls, heated over the open fire, angel-ka-bobs which 4'rsquares of angelfood , cake, mar- shmallows, maraschino cher- ries and pineapple chunks, sounds "yummy" doesn't it? Having been taught the rules of good camping, the girls did a thorough clean-up. job before leaving the Conser- vation Area. The next meeting is today, Wednesday, after school, at the home of Sheila Butchart. Faithful cou Le p honoured by UC Murray and Iva Hodgins were honoured Sunday by friends at Lucan United Church at a pot luck luncheon held following morning wor- ship. Murray recently resign- ed as Church treasurer following 18'2 years of dedicated and faithful service in this position. Chairman of the Board of Stewards Wes Stanley, spoke of his respect for.Murray both as a person and as an advisor in the financial affairs of the church, and commented on the time and skill that are necessary to do such a job ef- fecly Martivej Park paid tribute to Iva's many contributions to the Church over the years, in her xvork with Junior Con- gregation, • Explorers, C.G.1.1'., Young People's and U.C.1$* Iva also served as Camp Director for Presbytery for many years and a term as North West Regional Vice President for Middlesex Presbyterial. , On behalf of the congrega- tion. Wes presented Murray and iva witha nine ineh por- table combination T.V., radio. and cassette tape tecorder. Both Murray and Iva responded with appreciation saying that they had found great pleasure in the work they have done over the years. • EVERGREENS • FLOWERING SHRUBS • PETUNIAS • MMIOOLOs • AOERTUM • PANSIES • SALVIA • GERANIUMS • COLEUS • MAPATiENS • BEGONIAS • ASSORTED ROSES • FEAT MOSS • HANDING BASKETS r. QUALITY PRODUCTS Afi Ili COMPETITIVE PRICES, 01""tii FULL UNE OF BEi0DINa PLANTS • AND MUCH MOREL Crafts n' . GIFT wIiee a GARDEN CENTRE 2 MILES WEST OF l'LGINFIELD ON HWY. 7 "Wu %atop Not jag A 60 LADIES LEAGUE CHAMPS -- The Sputniks wort the league championship of the lacer) Monday ladies bowling league. Back, left, Lorraine Mosurinjohn, Joyce Sovereign and Beulah Storey. Front, Nancy Murphy, Mae Murphy and Sandra Disher. READY TO START — The many participants in Sunday's Great Ride for Cancer in Lucan line up behind the ban- ner held by Middlesex MP Garnet Bloomfield and former campaign chairman Elsie Gibson. T -A -photo Infant baptism at United Church Members and friends were welcomed to the Lucan United Church Sunday morn- ing by Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Thompson and family. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was celebrated by Rev. Keith Brown when Kristopher Alexander, son of Ian and Barbara Wallace was dedicated to the Lord. Jim Robertson gave the monthly Mission and Service. Minute Talk speaking of various United Church projects. The children's story and Junior Chllreh were taken by Beth Cowdrey and the choir, under the direction of Helen Stanley, sang the gospel an- them "w" Mr.Fill BrownMe Nospok.e on "Possessions - God's or Ours," from Matthew 6:24-34. Flowers in the Sanc- tuary were from the funeral Local Keeshonds keep on winnin Friday and Saturday, Mrs. Eileen Currie, of Brialin Ken- nels Reg'd, Lucan, showed her Champion Brialin Regal Knight (Captain) at the Forest City Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show at Dorchester. Friday, Captain won Best Breed, being the only. Can dian Keeshond there, wi several America Keeshonden being show Saturday two more Canadia Keeshonden were show along with the America Keeshonden. with Ch. Briali Regal Knight again winnin Best of Breed. Captain gave Mrs. Currie a' real thrill by showing like -a Champion to win second in the "Non -sporting group.' Congratulations Eileen! of a- th n_ n. n n, n n g Anglican Church A celebration of the Eucharist was held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Sun- day which was Rogation Sun- day when God's blessing is asked for the labours of • his people to briifg forth the earth's fruits at harvest time. Greeting members and friends were Beth and Illkssell Radcliffe and their on Michael. Reading the New Testament Lesson was Betty Ankers. In the absence of the rector, • it was a privilege to welcome Dr. Douglas Fox, Professor of the Old Testa- ment at Huron College who was our guest speaker and of- ficiant for the service. The flowers in' the sanc- tuary were from the funeral of Bruce Bradley. Our sym- pathy and prayers go out le his family. .Organist, Mrs. Beulah Har- dy, is in hospital and our prayers go out to God• for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Loret- ta Dickson is taking Beaulah's place at the organ in her absence. Upcoming events Next Sunday, please note that only one service for both congregations. Clandeboye and Lucan, will be at Holy Trinity. Lucan at 10 a.m. 1t will be a lay service and a cof- fee hour will follow the service. of the late Bruce Bradley, and the prayers of the congrega- tion were extended to his lov- ed ones. Thank you! Thank you! The Lucan United Church Women wish to say a sincere "thank you" to all who helped by contributing time and bak- ing and to the many who sup- ported the smorgasbord sup- per by theist attendance help- ing to make it an unqualified success. Thanks to all. . Upcoming in the U.C. - Tonight Wednesday, at 8:30 the Friendship Unit meets in the C.E. Wing with Beth Miller in charge of wor- ship and Linda Froats taking the study. The Dorcas Unit will meet at 2 p.m. next Tuesday, May 25 when Marjorie' Park will lead in worship and Iva Hodgins will take the study on "Women and Justice". The roll call will be "Something I can do to assist the cause of Justice." Please bring something "grown, sewn or baked" to the Dorcas Unit. All women of the congregation are invited to either or both unit meetings. Sunday, May 30th, the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be celebrated and the Confirmation Class will be received. I_EtiETU) t 1hL IiUi ITii3 2 .1:f TIE Legend of the Roman Line The Donnellys of Biddulph ay Leslie JoM The haunting tale of this heroic -villainous famil recently televised on CBC TV and Canada's most fascinating folk legend. - With portraits, maps and illustrations, $5 plus 11 mailing ppd. Agnes Greene Publishing Box 5032, Station E, Hamilton, Ont. LSS 4K9 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX 1981 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS REVENUES Requisition on local municipalities Direct char9es'on ratepayers Ontario grants Other EXPENDITURES General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services .Planning and development 1981 Budget $ 2,832,235. 4,571,890. 1,455,781. 727, 102. 33,160. 3,456,761. 160,915. 4,168,443. 435,519. 113, 327. CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS CAPITAL FINANCING \ Long term liabilities incurred Contributions from the revenue fund Contributions from the rdserve fund and reserve Ontario grants Other CAPITAL EXPENDITURES General government Transportation Services Social and Family Services RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND OPERATIONS Revenue Transfers and expenditures Year-end position of reserves and reserve YEAR END BALANCES OF ASSETS 1981 Actual $ 2,825,453. 4, 535, 764. '1,413,407. 833,069. 32,564. 3,281,115. 165,139. 4,292,112. 430,585. 133,374. 1981 Actual s 1980 Actual S 2, 542, 294. 4,171,322. 1,383,198. 761,957. 1'1, 300. 2,949,134. 222,689. 3, 751, 700. 404,585. 112;363. 1980 Actual 1,211,244. 1,33▪ 9,767. 31,868. 673,346. 1,945,164. 2,488;000. 346,970. 1,292,555. 2,275,631. 3,471,509. 3,518,037. 63, 737. AND YEAR END BALANCES 1981 Actual funds 98,428. 55,533. 657,116. AND' LIABILITIES Cash and short-term investments Accounts receivable Temporary loam! Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net long-term liabilities Accumulated net revenud (deficit) at end of year Unfinanced capital.outlay at end of year Trust funds under'administration (1) (2) • 1981 Actual $ 4,724. 1, 557, 374. 1,399,088. 320,135. (158,0- 13) 432,850. 1980 Actual .$ 119,820. 697,680. 614,221. 1980 Actual $ 5,766. 2,964,409. 2,032,504. 635,023. 235,321. 407, 965. NOTES These financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities of the municipality and the Middlesex County Library Board. Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted are available at the Treasurer's Office at 399 Ridout Street North, London, Ontario.