HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-05-19, Page 10sisestio • • ' ' • Sionos.alsivocask Mom 11? wow( Sports Spotlight it* lins +Amish A losing -trip , ditur milk li,,C14E &nth= in 'Tannito :Wednesday • night awash* the Slue .2aySin action was* little ities enjoyakiie We vaunt guns that Awn liannsainkwi411= IMht ni the NW/1ft Tuhditm 'Of manager Bonhy Ow* **thig ..corns lionalk w the name tato v.iinw UWE tit ldliwausef. 1.1-eweis in the Jays tame spew tank in eant.3 - Wednesday nightOlominak gave unfair =Mill -hie . DiEhlIM111g6. Ireatisiemmie theearly inning* andambit tie ties teen getting Mtn a.iffiemon *tie/sniff nponarane. •arwin, the nuttier .viho inonsmasti Ameniamdisionsisammene yearsago With thiegreat nuweetatiraftEipinkommeersiiffilaseitas seenlittiene- lion this year lilt then • At the sate ne Went Vetinsidav migh1. ilig•ITMS the inninkl mule tee wing' taw Be mune iuto the game •ID=Rftthesevenithirmiugalidilegavenplive72113Sand was Eine to get nifty one Ilautier Out *fore ken* lifted • in *your sif Tie* tinnier aim Gott - • • Weeineaday Spmfinkriencealime, Garvin Seam' linizuseragepniIna *hewing 116 ,:That was kest down imams Attas aine1tget hicago nut without jetting '.tvaiothersimnimam' ; whieh illirtvelE MBE Yekvemible Rad 1 Ono meted BEA liPhre would tiasie miser in an aultismn* ask lanttvidifgrisok ras wiry impreasi4i name in with sonmers nessmd and third and piny ane mut amilinasikautlinnielrisreandgatIfarnasardonapap to) tto third. • • thenestlavninnings*setintloI thi!neven Imes tee Janet min three w•ere Is strikeouts: *Side Iiimepsiondi theyante lion piare in the loneticomlengne western &minim.gates- . • Tellent pitching Irian Dennis lamp arid betaken that With at Env* gmci holding ;dais anti saki 'titbit*. lampikeptlheatinty-withitgamisinitertiall. tie lamed the .aniies In int limit Ikoviiie imillg. • - Intoemem Dave liarnasand lidded mine grmin• t isalk anti lour Minos :47Aelre hit sit isasentan MUSE Rim the hall oais int 16 the ,nutfieit Steve Easup audiAl Raines male great =ming nateins • *With Tight issinder lamp tinny/lug to ,Chittago, lumber ef the Iqpintiers ;for the Blue Jays did mot get intiparfienaSmanageraininw Cossficks strictly -Mins piatooning Isstem, listaningairdissmennalinusiamed1witoileadothe limserican fiesqueo _in tutting With amswenge 'war •Me, %wale Norithagen littolitiezanti4intk Martinez: • All are sight tanded tanners Amtihnkviahe lett Minded *tethers.- • , . •arisen In aflame gang xo Moe 2ityiil�ii ,) lmineisinInikeinenigatsiveaterier.inceket."When T1 fl knme in the mat . imam le the most .mnming • lenmeraLUTZE V/Dreldill:1111heinid--Mens, that Wes 31131 the•make milEfitanium ARRoon as !darkness net in the from lake Ontario Welle downrightfehiliy. Being gmanut tanafir the nest time we will it inmil grissarintureheadingtsr • andiake along Dir DV/11=mph Prom It vendor Et The • tt• !ill'', Doephit . *ES ler 1- 111/012E6 .71m1114: Larler Rhaendise :makin•g gine nrafitan his crap this year • • • , NEIL piveirect • enamel- o t graduate id the Esoter minir inakey Ryseem making ittolivelitifinuallinakeyissagat Amok In lee imminent • • • Dave Shaw who *i Vailiallir memise, Of -the Kit- chener Tangerethif .year aind line Of •the Temps tir were *Me ti wit Mt Memorial t appears -to have t goat shut at Mt NHL • CI • • The 7-A dim reueivet t Viectitestiet5 tram Randy -Tiernan. sports director lean 'Otto %wrath(' Rut- flan-1E11rg. obtain thegreat ihmmosillhihitiV•114hui=nc on tHE. Reouts Maw Idemenial Cup week • Meman. writ also an Eniefer native salt rai- l:newt coati, :lac • fiter IF nonfittent Dave 'Shaw- wit; •eisieefet hie- fur ramie mike NIL_ drat winen ' comes up in eieri esiensi. "1 nu dr' •fen m lin fnr. roam wil iiatisolufet amazed • • 612111111. Mt genera j managers Of 'NHL mut*. show W.* lato imeres: u. Bilav mcnate Treatt liosvman -the auffain banrei, -Orono Map* Leeds ?Awn fund*. • Ilimmenne 101 !saint& :Join: 4•Ierfaisen Of Winrupei •Jet* send Emile .T TWICE o the lionh Bins • • Tiernan contmuer., "Davi played weli it. km Illeiner1a1 -Clip ant mu. gum series wise tive (Mewl , -67*. in the playoffs • . Tfl4ffl Iii » Bette„ thntvii in them's., AI • tYlur • conduint "Tie NIL. scam lila S1311,"t Shit ant fit • Seems -ter* ver3' maurre ui. We me ant thew lose nu • ATTENTION Itor F..ogerttr Jim ur "t" 44trokow, Ts- cquittes CCAC+m,• 1VAN4041;iligt•tint 1lt„"1141* +w -tra 1413;-62 mn:w tr% isinann idi riennlise Masotti sitionifthot "EllIETE1 Jt/NM L *iskivers. v.v.... Exeter- 3yrrorrec ohosleterinsvot wil he strrztt, tont teem tan. '.i airot tor anitlaninfewni Now r' sir fer-tIver internwitine zatiewit Siellabo fan! • %Mho= Ina417113 • *rim • ZES-Irent ft* IHRONaftworti • Sinew 2.54211111114 • Kitchener Ra Them were plenty at deleinalumt. Kitchener Mid Exelet over the weekend Tee rawain" The iiitohener Ranger" Ivan thr hientorlal : Cm) in Mull lhanatte fiaturdit, alternate! with i1* -411/4W111 the Sherbrooke Haven • ' The I:rangers redeemed themselves in revel tannin • the itastr Tiie,3 were m the sante ingenpanuthip mead at this none time Lunt Alm . hut. ilent te the Carnwiell9Verb "The fatetarealelzanis wee menders An mayor limo haws limit and ear Maur parbralic -Tbs a the inteuttti time en the. wars -UMW ilia innt at •win Memorial Cop datum no catenate a tile chunnliassau Wfl IR the tpru 11 19tit4 be WAD a number u. tia Bawer mitlitaisediu uat the OSHA Wan iw ie41111 with the •Iltrattatt C;ullitonh. Dave was wattcusel tat wand round ed the nutiffle draft by the INISIESEIES01111611411b OPIAIPAPIONS The loterirf Atairtheris holm ry tree Exeter .-TninV.Z howling league wrettle graric zharriptar1 tempue nharaft anc. 13 ensue champs -this irtErar Stuawr are (ba:t. -in:3Yr, Het) :Grarky _lover, , Steve --Harrison. AiI 'Boanniinl..(frzynt. -MDT lett ' Mike Shinned , iI Stinnes!!! zeta Dam Stinthe I . .Nrrt shown UM Dan *IMO anti Sitar r-eyittate 1111121M MAW SI 11011111.110 NAM=•Tim Stiench IL7• -teem cif lite Sxelor nowAhislizaugue ne* negpie diesimpirins znati TellItiren3 la*. IiJaugliDADP- iitilp -fhb vear. Shown are &tact *rah left Stan +=mama. Jae AAralipet , MUM *Ara k riste-• thin- friary tett Zia% NuirroyzufrItii:DandiZ,`"arif, %ratite • mise Dorrmtii Nrratrown ur atarite4ttbliI mud Chet Edworxis 7.1111110!" 1EAS111 1.7atlIvIOPS The :3erriartt Tttrt were the 4 tectpue rtlayrips off *it• Ba, ere. Tyler : pawing tergwet. Then ra (orrae, Trim tett Darratr Jurtuton,Eriol Mtn • wit 4424 Warta (tram tran tett 431i1 C! talent= Cvar, Btcrot crid Arrt*inbavitar. • No show art Afairnat 'winnow lel arm Drug ei inlet:want :,aiirtEiate Thr)' '-rt wat-tim T:,• Lt:)Wtrilittr, v:)4.. .:r wr,er t•tt tor- TTI -i Th TaL ritrat:t • a fetztrIE TreirC :w -ria: r Du' T v:)L1* t: DIVEITID1,1310 X e. ricluorf rky male efectintitA: \. ithegers watt yam ammo at Vitae withimothey •ritaitie ileac Sinvera . *evens •oak Kitt...better 'a find !round ahottaauti Haw' ainuitLaire Lehner nuaitive bah WEI liertheien m the hen Mound ef lintel', draft tieing held in early Aunt /1 =whet .oi 14111. general managers weruithowingtkeen =Man HilaiVeilhaVi awing the nine days al memorial Lig competition 'Theeetakingatgailikidkat Shaw werce.liahnFergetum oi the 741.i.ioniqg Phancis .dT the Ai llama Khan . Ruffian n ScuittN3 inermaitandLoulliamielnim theltinneactullarthaun't Kitchener now& Jot limner has lend, •411 Shaw nee= 11 go tinting. mewl 1 will tie aboolately :amazed.' The hial-.B2 Kitchener itirogers alumni tie ova nionsaanted an the Mdis* tioakey loom iin the heed meek of wins. • • iv addition to SitaK and Ikevatna.theRangergenoring Ann 3lr llows will die either ane °rival in the /lime tin& . year age iota Itainteri vane (drafted .m 'NHL• clubs hitt 911Dymil n Rihrthener tor this 413a1ie AVendel; Maw was chosen 133 the Woinanizver :Cantina ni :the inerthroinitl,netenceman A.1 Ann iroI +mind mink tratigatylllikeRagles omen :tu laminae and .3i1V lamer was them by the Inlets& %tinkles. &miner. Oats in atontentical ler the OHL actating (Chain- Sinvellimpeort thalami:tot new Niters win dris "The4Iiiirvilliters wholintait- 'et maacimute lie - ateritiMedi that league WW •-the grand ditempionahm fl the :final- *wefts Fornitt3 *might • Inembers the -wnning. leamareEtiandliarbilearn mid tierryanlAmmelownon 1;ierny3.atirtionzarcelleti mho *wafts:mad 3ierhilearn toot the vnni:* aSinatties romp inane aitaisim• Amanda Hamilton Minn J.yrik anti Kowa, Nizror were tie 211amersilpUrn. • 'The -DP hen live =mots charapiontiMi 'Teen ineardiersarrandiin tia Pankieson and imd • r Channel. 'The emnoiattanizamereui! weir the.. -7111 in the Tarn* teem compriarti 4 .31fl1 and •StargRaiteramiinrtanditei- v• Rowerinna. • TM nett seamy will -finality Mow Juneinwith tic animal banquet at thelbune- Ere= itadis Kippen thlxIters Dan Dienzjrecanted a - score df3ifrialeart the wench netany limn at the g.ui Ca& Next witaimores ti Meech wan ALKyle.KevniLamport '.anil-Steri_Jaaitaften while •JariklintcherandJittilk nil 211 targets and :Int Darl- ing. Gladys litzEireigrr and Jam Dlutersce !Reimer .Z each - Completing thtset:mini we al/3" isainort- .1410Yr Veinier Slink Initial. Ell: CuiltrancineTom Alien with • William (mitt SW' Ismith.Arenti.joini Ciodbor r • lithightWheti Dv *mew mailed - Ail) Ito the fiackiet 110/ • handier at games. The un nthe AMR junior :ielativelltrhotuur of atm* en shirt:mill , a Memorial Cm, Elia a dantet *Ma •was witt, tht rJurunW litarlhores when they wan the • inane Ink n itaztki D SHAW &RBD ID 1 1101,9 1 969 lasaallemil Solis lac. IiIAusiverswy • SaL rack farmer ••11914/ 113 Glencialte, clean •`2211111 21 ' Vanipararcl, good . .... PAWS 1975 21 Protivier, 9t4 • .... 'WS/ 1 VTC2t• +101itivey „limn I tom 197B 27' Criattoh,Ii . "97,11 74 2$ Shamrock, clean • 7911/ 19141 2B Sarikampor, hoods toork.„ .„•4500 197B 29 Masterraix:b, ammotulate....°122•0 1974 29 Golden, Falcon. notorlionl 'TM 1977 30 Blatortignocl • 111111, 198 31Sifoomtionicipon. WEIS 197B 35' Joyce - Sib iiikimplotiourfteer lane CITATION- reornet - TEA YLOII ESTATE • Eirktoo No. JUiaa 21 Sorting/ Mho. 519-2294372 1se S.yfl.4d 5141-244-21/41111 riens ORANGE TAG SPECIAL SAVE $ 3 ore "PitchIn" For the Pitcb Exeter Cyr Dunes Development f-ursti "tensing Dr, 'for SOCalt PITO scete s .D0 Irmo Imort undo, June Buy Your Ticket From Members of Exeter bartCer Club Esnivtier hall Chubs Iroffrounds Dews ircrpment Casivinitiefe Firist wise Voius 1225.00 Donors Metes Dearvint, Jerry MacLean "mil Son, The Junction Siscond prise Vika,1 1in..00 Donors Hopper -Hockey. Anstett Jewellers, Cheese Please Tiriirtil Prise Vsliue S416Donors Three AAA See. Ironwood Golf Course.