HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-05-19, Page 21.4141nt:A4Y9.t<910: Mitt 19i 1,42
Pyramid scheme
fines X200 each
• 11t., t•:aet er reattlente a Ito (snot hl utas' be a provipeial
adituttwi tal;utt; 1)41. rt ut a 4-01i- lunge ti hu lellltreled he can't
drat wrduttti itente. w't.ie • fight t'cied
t t an't knuyi how l'ttt, o-
Rfsc board • • ung to stop people from Nene
�`tooth . " .lunge t'ileatt • War;
suntan h'wtt Kw" P?I�. suntini team as did inipoaetl
• pease ‘441.Y"1""16o the • a.wi In
fitieto l►ei'iictna atxt
towiuhi}is." a ► rind on weather.
Shaw hes asked the;WYWi Fern 4ivutdsteitie, 1.8 and
of the three iwighbiorhigl . Not{trait turns. bath • of 173
Ireettataps to mee% with him twill St . F:zwer. were tinea
to discuss • • the teat Weiaftec they pleaded miry
• attealir
tioti, put it .was tq to taken iaaft ut au i letlal
th.cetel et the • Thersdyv pyrautid type athefiie.
itkght board meeting thea the. • ,tannate Stiveratein. 42, of
sessitul has it0 yet t4akttA t,87, Albert Si.. 1-oadtw ", was
Owe • - nmol Fes(► oil pteaaelg $unity
Bill tlit•kle Advised ha,wnt to (eititie pact in the settee*
*ember* that unless mime' after a charge of t'otdtic•ting
afitt'etallWet tea fid tar a sc to was witiitirewit.
wereesed $rents fraw the The tree were the fust to
townships; ibe btaa►tci'�tuttl.4 bate' $;thins pleas. Thirty -Ave
have ip lice within 'Wools!
. uthevi are situ before tee
budget ads app* axed by comas a 1s ossa a have to an
cid trial chiles as late as
Tee reductio►; iq capital -The charges were laid
greats from Exeter resulted , followings Foe .appeee raid
is some deliberatwL1 for thea dint the house at 7p.saw* ('L
members as they tear 1%x.. Londtae. Fifty -Ewe Per -
that :alaterial was availab* sone }were initially charged
t0 assist 111 ptePer.rng a but tit •`^gee � 14 wi e..
parking area at the pew • later
agrictttturel builcgng. but the AssesCrowe Attorwiey-
lot was woe of the items that Pahl ladles telt w`en't that
way •have to be deleted to while Livutgstope and Owes
view of the- lack of Hands• • were' new •re4rtuts to .the
Cant Stewardsen reported W'yaiuicl plan, Sil�tersteuRwas •
that fill taken: frena. town a ciaptain and bad recruited a
streets bad been. at the• number of .gibers:
park for l+sk+a$.1Vt and l3ev' seaicl each of • eight+
it, was naw 'a -matter of had to `betulas in a single pyramid.
sir; i irtg the top soil 4314 each cvud rey ceive $3,500
putting the fill in ween. " leaving. He•" deacribed
However; both fickle aloe. Kent -Cele Drive gathering as
Gary Birmingliein noted a " vramid party" which -was
that the lot was pot in; the top int trate(' by Det. Lori NQm
priority- items for this ye r•. eivuigstonie hid d. her
Bill a sug$ested that pad
with the free ftJJ; a che2tp $500batt lost it With the raid,
Larking area could. be while awns had planned to.
but hadn't Scut put anY 14006y•
• atelaped ."and it's a, W*1.) a into, it Bailey said: =
if We have the stuff (£iii .
sittieg there send; can`t' do: Hesaid he believed $200
anything with ie" fins were the-"eppropriate
'FlteAuttrd>finalkv agreed to deterrent" f;Qr the pair, who
have: ateparking area, "Were not' intQnsels
skillijeteh Wel the fill, Watt in. u volved.' .
ThpX, also appitaeoct. Britten, ' Silverstein, he said, col:
ether capital 1twee, an- Iecte4 $3,500, from an earlier
outside window from the rec . pyramid and had reinvested
centre booth te service the her prutrts mettle new. plays. He
play<tipg field anti a new sought a $i,000 fine because of
concrete, garbage bin. her extensive involvement•.
The staff were instructed '
t4 gQt p`l`ots on two other 5
Resort ,. projects a. spate esort PUC-
baFiter and. a..double discuss w°Cktec
entrance to prevent heat lost;, -
at the front qf. the.rec 4iitre. The Public Utilities
Adecision.on the latter will - .Commission of• Grand, Bead
be Made ie.* late summer met Tutasdey to' discues.
er fall when 'the state of the ' water -(ur4 oc6Qns, and `few
budget, is clearer.. construction.
Residents are reminded'
that the village haspassed a
bylaw W' the. effect that it is
requiredto connect to the
Lake Huron water , supply
system by the end of 1942.
Pipelines have been
provided but about 100
residents arid commercial
properties have neglected to
connect to that 'supply:
, •
Minor injury
in accidents
Une • minor injury wag
reported in one ofrite three
collisions investigated-by_the
Xeter OPP this week.
•$lair Hearn, Grand Bend,
sustained minor injuries
when his car 1uft Highway 81
--near-Grand.Bend .earl
ur y morning e
ftp in the ditch. •
. Damage to the vehicle was
listed at $800.•
- Early Friday morning, a
• vehicle driven by Catharine
Anstett, Seaforth, left High-
way 4 north' of -the.Mt.
Carmel road and hit a tree in
the ditch. - -
The.driver es caped injury .
. and. damage was set at
. -S1,000• - -
The other collision- ryas
`reported .on Wednesday.
when a vehicle netted by
Carol • Taylor. Hillcrest
Drive; Exeter.. was struck
while.parkedat the Ironwood
Golf Course. The vehicle'was
.truck• by tine driven by
Maurice Hut:k, Hit 1 Lucau.
Total damage :h 5300.
Sat dg and ndeil - C, C, " g
IT WAS A PAtAllt RIPE - totxl.Maslen chairman of the Wean Oreat Ride for°Coancer
waits for the ride to start with three members of his family Bobby.' Terry and his
wife Bernice.. T•A photo
Stephen township
sks widening of highway
The tewtship of Stephen rate was eight percented to a il:were Genesby stet
will be asking tee Qua The tOWtzsbip restriction of Marastrow fora profile. plan
runle`t`s Qf 't aes�aortatiea 1 - per acre to loans has afid report.
Butt Commtin.ications to bete rescinded. Office eninpluyee Linda% ideo Highway 21 for 'a , One the strain Loan applica- • ()tiverwill beatten ding a Pro-
cesEatpcvt. of too wettes at the tion -totalling $4,300 was Wily Standards School June
°Wheel:if limits o€ the village approved- 1> g
ee Gram! fronting Grand Municipal drain bylaws ap- O.ntario Minigter-of the bier"
Cove Estates property. proved Were , for the, 'theist, vireleidareet Keith pattens 4s be-
New provincial :tile drain Fternii -Morrissey. Makes, : lug ietformed• 'that the,
lgaa rege,alatioies base been Lawson and Stade-drains. tewnshiP Wil! be using the
aidppted. bx thetgwosbip. le A petitoe for:- revere of the, moxies .allotted for the
€ansae a farm ikSaY obtain 60 . open portion ut the. Latta • Cron: and Centralia water-
peree4& of the actiiat. cost of muwitcipa1'dliain at. tot eight, weeks syetems during the
the work to a niaximuneloan concession ' , lots eight and t98zz` 3 fiscal year.
of $20,000 in; any fiscal year, nine, Au&able Cuncerision
with an Oeuvre orate of 10 per- and tots 10 and 11, concession
veer per antrum. The previous • 21 was accepter stud forward -
Want information on
Tuckersmith pool
¥ (eber isn't; adverse to
making a duration too the in-
door pool operated by
Tuekersmith. Township at
Yanaatra, but they want fur-
ther 'vetoes before'making
any contribution to the deficit
"Prevision has not been:
made in the budget; to the ex -
Witt requestedd, ". explained
finance committee chairman
Bill -Mickle. He told council_
that. Tuckersmith. had re-.
questd that Exeter
five Percent of the def' i oq
approximately $2,000;
-en the use of the feel*. by
Exeter residents.
- Council accepted a reeom-
mendation of the committee
to invite representatives. of:
the township to ` a future
meeting to discuss the: matter
and provide details of their .
present and past budgets. for
the pool.
Council also endorsed a
suggestion by the committee
to; set up'the procedures £oc at
pu `chase order=-systew, foe the
Gown; whereby when goods oc-
'repairs are requisitioned,
written authorization by the
committee chairperson would
be by the department
head involved.
Anse approved was a _
recommendation to again re-
quest the 1'l'C' to provide cur-
rent salary rakes, the 1981
waterworks financial, report
and;. the 1$82 t pworks.
41! `I 's a: conti�nuphee- of the
infeijirfatiun requJ * last :.
:year," Mickle explained.
To honour
mayor -'s SAttift
Mayor Bruce Shaw has:
already. had.asoppurWnity to•
,•ongratulate,his.son, Dave, on
helping Kitchener win the.
• _ efetnorial Cup, but he'll be
1"•C# Uation .
Continued froth front page • around student.
Agricultural businoes
management: Ernest Cerson,
Kincardine - top academic
student :in agricultural
business management, profi-
ciency ..in farm business
management, profit;iency in
faun analysis. Peter
Kolkritttn, Witchell proficien-
cy in soils. and -crop fertility.
Robert Noerdegraff -- profs
ciency in pork production pro-
ject- Iron • Vanderljoek,
Lucan; runner -upon pork pro-
ject proficiency. Steven
Willis, Kirkton - top student in
agriculture business manage -
Ment' from Huron County.
Consumer••and community
studies, food service manage-
-merit: Mary Walker. 5lmcoe
- • top academic -.student in
tn►tne,ec:onotniis, Gwendolyn
Richardson, ,Ashburn - home
economics staff graduation
award. Jofiring Vink, leirktoe
- proficiency in foods 'anal
•An►mal health technology:
Judith tsllinor, . London --
highest proficiency in animal
health - technology. Cecina
Campbell, Leadoff - award of
merit in Animal :health
teehnologye, Jane Fraser,
Scarborough proficiency in
clinical' orientation. Joy Van -
Buskirk; Campbellville- pro-
ficiency in cfinc:ial subjects.
ifs Friday morning. ac-
tivities, presentation's were
made to a 'number of area
farmers, businesses and
hospital insitutions who have
asisted the college over the
pat 15 years. • • •
.LCAT. principal Iluug
Jamieson notedkihat the col-
lege was established in 1967
and this was -the 13th gradua-
tion. The 108 students
graduating Friday brings the
grand total of Centralia Col-
lege graduates to 1,4126.
.Jamieson pointed out that
Joanne Mary Vink's gradua-
tion marked • the fourth
r nember of ttie same fami lyto
rrimplete the Iwo year ck irse'
.it Centralia.
In attendance was -the
termer Ontario Agriculture
Minister W.A. Stewart who
was instrumental in
CMaolistiing the college!
individuall;� and collective
ly..You.ean have agreat in-
fluence on_ the shape, the
structure. and the viability df
Canadian agriculture in the
future". Switzer told the class
of '82. -
Platform guests included
Dr: J.(;. Rennie, at •one time
• in charge of Ametal Bushel"-
. dry, at OAC ,Guelph and now
assistant deputy. minister.
'Technology • and Field.
Services. •
:hoard winning graduates
Hobert . Noordegraaf,
Minesing- hest alt around sou-'
de'm. Beverlee l)ubson, Cour-
triglrt •- runner-up, best all
including cleaning & repair
Farm buildings, home udditions.a4 .
Aluminum doors &windows
Shutters & Awnings
Crediton 234-640 1
A'packaged deal, inspect our
completely assembled, reedy to 'ise
2x4 frame construction
clod in prefinished steel
solid doors
various sites
able to do It in more•official-
ter)ns as well.
gestion. of .Councillor .1,ossy
Fuller. the younger, Shaw will
receive a letter from the town
congratulating him on being
part of the natipnal Junior
''A" championship team.
"We were all proud to say
he came from, our town,".
Mrs. Fuller noted in express-
ing her feelings about wat-
ching the championship wane
on TV,. Saturday. - •
"Except when he got the
••penalty," the Mayor sacci in
reference toa misconduct the
young defenceman pi(. oil up
in the third period, In ex/moil-
ing that situation, the Mayor
was quick to lioint• out 'lit:
takes atter. his mother...
-Monday night, at the sug-
Lions awards
for blood.
Blood the gift ut 111(11.
Show on Heritage Day
Pam• and f�rtup. is walling
' Fane and fortune could be
wailing in the wing* for some
talented youngster.
The IIlW2 Sindhweetern (M
- tarlo Talent Search is lriakiag
hitt ygwtg performers aged 10
*0 31 to compete for cash
prunes and the chewe to
represent this area at au in-
ternational youth taltetlt coo -
test ta•be.held io Memplis.
Tennessee in October•.
A giant *also* contest for
Americans has been au aur
notal event in Memphis ter the
past 28 years, afferiag ex-
eellent • wires (itwlucting a'
recording contract), weed%
thousands of dollars.
t.ast year when the rulee
were changed and young pee-
pie hon other eWaltries were
allowed to enter the competi-
tion, London's Western Fair
organized a talent show and
sent an area winner to Ten-
nessee. Fourteen -year-old
.female vocalist Marto
Siveatra troai London and a
contestant :chosen at the
' Calgary Stawpede were the
only 'two Cauadiaa • con-
testauts in Memphis last
yar• - ..
.For this year. the London
' Fair bas enlarged the talent
contest's scope by asking.
area agricultural societies to
participate.` Preliminary
coRnpetitienc will: be held in
Exeter, St Marys, Woodstock
and Kitchener as well as in
t.00don. As. Exeter's fair will
. be held in September, Bob
t rtu, presideut of the Exeter
Ars2ricuilturel Society decided
to holo the allow ce* uni'-
liol.with F..eter'* nage
"1 knew there's quite a lot.
of talent *mind". Bern staid.
he ;dud his committee want to
draw tateuted yoyugsters
from Rawer. Middlesex.
l.aeebtvie Pettit and Bruce,
and baope the talent show will
bec^oiue ala coni of event. Wie-
ners' will be asked to also par-
ticipate in the amateur show
at the Exeter Fair in the fall.
The four categorises of com-
petition are venal, instruawoi-
tal, dance and variety. Solo
perfurmers or groups of up to
four members will be ac-
scepted in each of the four
categories. Each contest area
will select three top per-
formers in each class to com-
pete at the 1962 Western Fair
en Stage 10 during the /hat
five days of the fair from
Sept. 10 to 15.
The 36 semi-finalists will
each receive an Award of
Recognition from Western
Fair and will compete Sept. 16
and 17 to select a winner and
Swim rates rise,
wages the some
Rates for swinaniing• int•-
struction have been in-
creased slightly for the
Exeter and area pool but
_ staff members will be
• working for the same
stipends as last year.
At their meeting, 'Thur-
sday, the South Hurverec
board of management
. - okayed iuereases for most
swimming instruction. The
three-week sessions for.
beginners through to seniors
will be $20, a bike of CM
\£rum fast year.
The two week session for
tiny tots, frogs and tadpoles
will remain at $14 while
there is an increase of $1.00
for: the one-week session for
moms and tots. That wilt
MICNANICAk.CHICK J • • i InsQn • • eon es: - r • ike is c ecke• - y Don Keep-
ing of ,Jerry Maclean 8 Sofia os the town police held a -bicycle safety rodeo ut the
rec centre Wednesday. Jodi is o grade one student from Precious Blood school
McGillivray tax rate
increased by 10 percent
:1 to.l percent increases in for H11ron-Perth separate . • liesaid?lie owrrshiphas in-
MWillivray Townships tax. school supporters. • elegised Its anuct ated e'
rate has increased" thea p pit
Townshi otos inereasecl dilutes S14,.' i e, 3567.761. A
average fS ,0 property tux by 2.37 mills t - 64.45 mills on major portion ui • the. level
$ti4Mo to Sl,(N5. farm and residential proper- • budget. • S15ti.(Nit1,. hs Oven
Most owners. of fns ip ty.and.2.6 mills to 75.tr2 ,Hills • allocated ter roadie .
a ' 'ssed at 'the township on• commerical property.. Tax c.ollt coon . deadlines
e>,•;:tge '$pay- an addt+e sal are dune 30aurd Nov L Coun-
it'ed to pay- an additional Amos said the county rate" 7.20 for education this velar, •incl ased 3.3T mills to 15.7 4 . t'r1 may increase the number
millson Perm and ideiitial °t levies 1r•om 'wive to
S ;es ter'Middlesex County • pro► rt and 3.97mllsto.'.o.'8
► •`tarn, .i u S le Y' quarterly: mixt. year, to
mills . on cotnni :i rel reduce hoi•rowing costa, he
property. nidicatd'ol.
t n t I 11.75 to mum
mill tui township.
: te:rk William Amos said
ito on -Perth Boma,' Catholiii
:t,::r ,,te:.se: iuul supporters n
tie, e.,r'ti liars of the township
t',II'a. -'&. 80 mere in school
a !;axe„ ehaii last year. • •
None of us ever expect to
. need a blood transtusaon..1ti
acciidlent or 'emergency
surgery can change that. The
• demand for -blood of all types
is .always high during the
summer months but supplies
-often run dangerously tow.
i'n •encourage more iiar-
ticipation the Exeter Lion's'
club is sponsoring awards for •
participation in local broad
donor clinics.
All clubs, organizations •or•
businesses are eligible: to •
register before the clinic ,n •
one of five categor►es asci►r-
ding to the number ot
members; lir,einployees; ' ;-9;
10-19; 111719; 30 or mere.,
grade 12' and 13 classes ;it
South Huron District high
School. -
The next a lirliC operated t►y
the Iced Cross and sponsureei
'.locally by. the Atisable River
Nomads will be held on
Thursday, May 27 2 -to 4 pan.
and 5:3410 8:30.p.m. -
Participation certificate~
will be presented to group
with 50 percent or more par-
ticipation and to .category
I'or more itoformation and
to register your group please
contact Keene ,i Club,
1)oug.lamieson, heat 1411, Ex-
eter. }'hone 235-2023,
t7t�i,siucauon roto incre-is"
rf 13'4tY nulls to 118.81 onfarna
yid residenti0t property for
Duthie sc hteej supporters in
I he I,undoo.:dfddlesex school
t pie:>tt. Huron•1'erth
wi':Aratu .-chtiut s.upporjotn
a;,rr.t r-sfteof 122.72 mills, an
uc not.: fit I .3s mills. Com• .
•tit:r,:'id si:huol rates were lar
' re alit ' : ':e mills to 139.7'7.
nails for •rttr,tof the residents
iri'.a t 1 nulls to 144.37 rnilis
Only one pig
stayed home
Officer•:► of the Lucan OPP
detachment are investigating
the theft of .511 pigs from it
•Mctiilltvrey township farm
early .Tuesday morning.
. The theft occurred on the
farm of Ericf)evlaeminck at
Lot 3, Concession 1. They
were loaded ontott truck own- •
ed by itobert John Brand fix -
Walnut Iu-rnber,
only firewood
More walnut trees were cid
town rec�tidy at the Exeter
annInuutt5 park, and while
wn►c peeete complained that
they ,.ould have been sold for
'lumber +:other than being us -
•cel for ,arettxid, that opinion
refut(:et at Thur"dayy's
leveling „r 'tae SH inti board of
i tial itago int'! it.
1i ee1r,'. , Bill hose, in
ie.,ttir , r' • ante of the corn-
nice.,, ,,.f the trees, said
'e•rr ' worth anything
11.111 r firewood.. •
1: el Ito mill would take
•., rt tying tries frost►
'ir because they
'naso t>,,saac,iy have (Wilt im-
1►eelelee le . hem and would •
nein t he saw, hiLlttise:
The 1 reed were removed to
'mkt way for the new soccer
pitch .it the park.
Atter hearing complaints
about the rubble that exists in
some areas of the park,
recreationdirectorl,ynnei.'nr- ,,
quhar said she wired:attempt
to organize a work bee •with
the assistance of the town's
public Works (*Part Mont. to
clear up the Mess left from'
the removal et the grands-
tand and other agricultural
"ft's an eyesore and no nee
wants to take responsibility
for it !clean-up)". corn.'
nietited Clary ittrmingham.
."We could argue until
September as_ to who is
responsible." commented
Miss Farquhar, in. saying
she'd attempt to get the
boards and cement cleaned
e:ter which win, panted .11 the
farm. •
- The pigs .were Taurste:`red
In it lat•ge truck to a locution
in iliddulph ''ownsit,p; just
east of liighivaar t, ;hunt a
smile and a hall from the
original theft scene.
t:oiistable I). v. Marshall
told the 'T-,1 Iliesday after-
noon, We believe one or two
pickups were used to take the
pigs away from the transfer
point. tine pig. (escaped and
was found in a nearby field."
Marshall said the pigs wre.
York-lfarnpshire and
Landrnce-i)uroe and ranged
in. weight from 46 to 73
pounds. The theft is believed
to. have .occurred between
midnight and 6:30 a.m.
Bob. Beavers
Kin p
'Phe Kinsmen Club
resident of Sar.
rua has elected former E11 tier
resident ' Bob Beavers as
,preident •for the 1902.83 Kin
year. Beavers, who will trine
over from Bob Cook,
assumes office on JWy,I.
An employee of One.
Chemical' Canada inc.;
Beavers transferred to the
Sarnia club three years from
aaw be' $7.00.
Public swimming rates
are unchanged at children 35
cents, high school and kens
50 cents and adults 73 cents.
Pool rental also remains
unchanged at 825.00 per
hour. '
Most ratesfor the use of
the local ball diamonds are.
also the same as last year.
Minbr teams will continue to
.get free use of the diamonds,
while adult- teams will pay
$5.00 per game or $10.00 with
the use of the lights. Practice
time for adults, although
scarce, will be free.
The pool staff approved for
this year consists of
supervisor Becky Baker.
assistant supervisor Deb
Taylor, instructor/guards.
Tammy Robinson and Scott
Batten and part-timers
Sandra McCurdy and Lori
Their salaries remain the
same as last year at 8165 per
week for the supervisor, 8155
for the other full-time staff
and $3.30 per hour for part-
Rev director Lynne
Farquhar . announced that
grants. had been premised
for the . Huron Park
playground and pool and
there has been a verbal
commitment for the Exeter
Official notification is
expected shortly for. these
two. programs.
two runners-up in each
category: Winners will
receive $50 and runners-up
In the final competition, an
overall winner and an overall
runner-up will be chosen. The
overall winner will receive
1500 cash and a trip to Ten-
nessee, with the runner-up
receiving $250 and elegibility
to compete in Memphis if the
winner is unwilling or unable
to go.
The cut-off date for entries
for both Exeter and St. Marys
i5 June 25. Complete informa-
tion and entry forms are
available from Mrs. Pauline
Simmons, Box 607. Exeter,
telephone 235.0626 or Bob
Heywood. RR 2 Crediton,
234-6213 for the Exeter
Heritage Days competition,
or Mrs. Louella Nash, St. .
Marys. 2Z4-2899 or Peter
Black, RR 1 St. Marys,
26441 for the St. Marys
Household Tips
For hem* .stained
bath tub use a mix-
ture Of peio ide and
cream of tartar.
Make a paste and
scrub vigorously
with a small- brush.
RinCI11 persist
spread - the above
mixture over stains
and apply a "drop of
household am-
monia. Allow
m-nionia..Allow to set
for 2 hours before
457 Main St.,
Ole end Same
• Bricks. Blocks. Stonework
• All types of masonry patchwork.
brick and stone pointing, etc.
• Foundation parging
• Quality Work '
• Free Estimates
• Phone after 6 p.m. 235-1988 or
because b'auty is more
than skin deep; : ,
It's a footing. Feeling tit and looking groat.
And the beauty of Bonne Boil is...
Sion oteanriete you arrow and trust. .
Ten O Six Lotion and ten O Six Light.
plus... .
Abeautiful collect,on'of color cosmetics• �� BC
n^^n� n�
for your tris:cheeks. and eyes Bonn(
Did you know we have .° little cornier
in our store where we feoturd,ji, the com-
plete line of Bonnie Berl beauty