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Times Advocate, Moir S 1902
UCW regional rally includes cand/e li
The North East Middlesex
U.C.W. riotous! rally was
held at Granton United
Churf preceded
on April 27. A dessert
the meeting
which opened with a
Welcome from Mrs. April
Bryan, president of Granton
General U.C`W. also a
welcome from the Regional
president, Mrs. Gloria
inaugural of this
organization, 20 candles
were placed in dainty china
tea cups which made a very
attractive setting.
Mrs. Bernlece Santer
(Saloom) conducted a Bible
Study on the theme '11)e role
of women in the Bible and in
society today." An invitation
was extended by Mrs. Janke
Mardlin to have the meeting
at Wesley Church In
This was followed by a 1083.The literature
candle light ceremony display was In charge of the
performed by Mrs. E. Wellburn ladies, and offered
Knapman and Mrs, Mabel some Informative self help
Hardie, both from Missouri) Publications.
U.C.W. this was to celebrate Joyce Tate from own's
the 20th anniversary of the led haa Crory
song Mrs. al Hodgins also told a humorous story,
ought greeting from the concluding with a poem
U.C. . Presbyterial . entitled "Let there be sun -
The closed with shine."
prayer and a c inig thought Assisting Vicky to open her
"Take time for all things" gifts were her sister, Anne
written py Clara Smith Pincombe, her cousin Sherry
Bei' Funaton and her niece,
Community showerPaula Plncombe, who was
Miss Vicky Hardie was also her flower girl.
honored with a commardie nit When the gifts were finally
bridal shower on April 25 everyoneuunwrapped
fort her many
held in the Granton United lovely gifts and invited all to
Church basement, which her home to see her wing
was suitably decorated for presents.
the occasion. Mrs. James HaPvy gang mast
Kerr welcomed everyone, The Granton Happy Gang
then Mrs. Floyd Dykes the met In the United Church
bride elect's "Aunt Mary" basement on Wednesday.
gave a reading op dreams, Mrs. James Kerr presided
GRANTON WI DONATES FLAG -- The Granton Women's Institute presented a
Canadian flag to the grade eight classes at Biddulph Central School Friday morn-
ing. Above, WI representatives Irene Roloson and Muriel Lewis make the presen-
tation to students Robert Tindall, Colleen Malcolm and Jennie Anderson.
is Campaign Month
At the United Church the
Rev. Elwood Morden con-
ducted the worship for the
third Sunday after Easter
and entitled his sermon
"Walking with the Light."
There is no more comfort in
the world than that of the
Holy Bible, it is a burning
and shining light,
illuminating and revealing.
The challenge leaps out of
every page.
Moses asks a question of
the Children of Israel after
they had built the Golden
Calf, "Who is on the Lord's
Side''" What does this mean
ous ode yNever was
re tin history,
its different religions and
and opened the meeting with .
false a sing -song and the business prophesies to
rryy now,
followed. na to ask
A bus trip to the Rockton ourselves this question who
Safari was discussed and bon the Lord's side?
final arrangements made for
May 10 leaving Granton at 10
a.m. and leaving for home at
4 p.m., stopping en route for
dinner at the Knotty Pine Inn
in Cambridge.
If anyone would like to go
on this trip, there are still
seats available. Call Mrs. E.
Summers 225.2522. -
A social time over lunch
followed and a minute of
silence was observed In
memory of a former
member, the late Cliff
n his time with the
children the Minister ex-
plained to them the story of
the migration of the Canada
Goose oving to them
that the pression "SHy
Goose" was wrong; that a
goose was far from silly, but
a very sensible bird.
The flowers in the church
were from the Funston-
Hardie wedding on Friday
At St. Thomas Anglican
Church the Rev. Greg Smith
McRoberts conducted the morning
prayer service and was the
BUY greetings were,
sungfor Etta Carson, celebrant of the Holy
Eucharist assisted by John
Dorot'fa' Pecko, John Herbert.
Forrest, and Harold Talbot. The first lesson was read
At '1'hc Salvation Army we
count on vont' hclh,_so 'ri can
Ko on helping others. For 100 years we've
been counting on you. And fin- 100 years
you've been supporting us.
Donations In sxeter may be sent to:
Reg McDonald 235-0136
Annie Lawson 235-1320
Ted Pooley235-2007
Please help the:National Red Sield Appeal
( ()nl(' In ,:r)ll l('1 us heli) Ou Inc k
't rl►1:'(/l11 ' t( rl nl()nl.
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• I l,il►(l►l►,11/1' (h(>( (4,11e Mk/ /MR h 11)(1!('
• • Sugar
Ike• (► • .•,
Maln St., Exeter
FLAG FROM LUCAN WI The grade e�tc-es at B iddulph Central School receiv-
ed a Canadian flag from the Lucan Women's Institute Friday morning. Making the
presentation to students Doug Haskett, Jeff Turnbull and Anette Vandergulik are
WI officials Mabel Fronts and Isabel. Hataett.
Tony the Tiger is here w
a bundle of information. C
gratulation to both thegi
and boys' basketball tea
and also included is an int
view of our staff advisor, M
Thornton. • Tony Tiger
Lori Hutchinson is the ch
of the week. Did she . ev
bring a lot of things. S
brought a science fair badg
four arts and crafts, t
Junior choir, 150 km., thr
bike rodeo, three primary
choir, history and a student
council badge. She brought
four first ribbons, a second,
three thirds, seven articles
• from the Parkhill fair, s
dolls, two wool teddy bears,
trophy, five spoons, a science
fair medal and three or-
naments. Sharmaine
The students . in th
Iforsemanship elective had
fund raising bake sale. The
were earning enough :none
to pay the bus driver to driv
them to the brandail Ranch
The baked goods were solei fo
15 to 2.5 cents. There were cup
cakes, brownies, and pop
corn The students made
around $45. - Lindy Dillon
The grade five students o
Stephen were given the oppor
tunity to__ vfsf_the Crediton
Flare Ha11. They enjoyed ice
cream, pop and a ride on the
fire truck. -,noel i.ainport and
Carolyn Pritchard.
Prom Stephen
Tiger Times
Central School
ith be released. The songs were
on- made up by children ages 5 =
rls' 15 and were quite nice. - Barb
ms Gallant.
rs. The spice campaign ended
on April 21. The results are
ild first kindergarten, second.
er Grade 6 and 7, third grade 8.
he They raised over 11000. Thank
e you to all those who con-
wo tributed• - Christie Eveland,
Terri Maurer.
Mrs. Thornton is our staff
advisor for the Tiger Times.
She suggests articles and
assigns them to various
students. Mrs. Thornton went
ix to the unversity of Western
Ontario. She also is very
capable at teaching music to
grades 1 - 6. She is a good
singer and sings at weddings,
etc. She/likes the singing of
e John Denver. She teachers
a grade six along with grade
y six, seven, Health for girls.
y She teaches junior choir,
e primary choir, and helps with
. the cheerleaders. Her in -
r terests are music, quilting
- and ca raping. - Jerry
April 28 and 28 the parents
were able to come to their
children's classes. Some of
the displays which the
students had done were rice
art, sketches; drawings and
history projects. - Rus
F'inkhe ner
Friday. April 23 the Stephen
Central girls basketball team
went to Exeter Public School
to play basketball with
7..urich, McCurdy, tlshorne,
Exeter and Hens/ill schools.
Stephen Central girls placed
third. They enjoyed the day
Tracy Ratz, Suzanne Smith.
This is the third pennant
this year that the boys of our
school have won. it was the
basketball this time and the
others were volleyball and
fl(orhockev The boys coach-
ed by Mr Finkbeincr and Mr.
O'Rourke were undefeated
the whole day. • Roger Ward
Monday, April 26 the grade
seven and eight classes went
to J.A.D. McCurdy to share in
the opportunity of hearing
songs by Rob Schneider. The
concert was both fun and in-
teresting Hob has made 1
record and another is soon to
♦'►.•v. •
• *'. •
To amend-
Lucan plan
As the result of a fact
finding meeting Thursday
night the Lucan planning
board will be asking village
council to amend the official
village plan.
Deputy -reeve Norm
Steeper, who is also chair-
man of the planning board
said his group will be
requesting that properties in
the north end of the village
adjacent to Highway 4 be
designated as highway
Steeper added, "Currently
in this area we have
agriculture, residential and
some non -conforming
business zoning. This ,will
:lean up a lot of things and
streamline the area for
future commercial
At ending the meeting in'
addition to the five members
of the planning board were
representatives from three
businesses in the area,
Nicholson Flowers, Lucan
Farm Equipment and Lucan
Other members of the
planning board are Brian
Smith, Rudy Engel and
Larry Hotson.
1 • • , 1 1 •
At Granton United Church
t ceremony
by Betty Ann Herbert and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hardie.
the Epistle by the Rector, was attended by her sister
Taking hissermon from Acta Mrs. Anne Pincaatbe; ber
4: the Rev. smith spoke on niece Paula Pfncambe was
the world Wide Clristian flower girl, Cliff Hardie was
Community. the best man and the
WeddingMset+ats and Ron brothers,
are extended to Mr. and Mrs. ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Plan -
Randy Fungi= who were ston have returned to
married on April 30 le the Calgary, Alberta, where
Granton United Church with y will reside.
the Rev. Elwood Morden Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Performing the ceremony, Harlton have rettrned home
Mrs. Funston, the former after spending the winter in
Vickie Hardy, daughter of Lakeland Florida.
Western Ontario's
Finest Cabinet
hoose rom the exciting
new European kitchens
and vanities, or our
modern solid wood
kitchens and vanities in
oak, cherry, pine or
maple. Our new ultra
modern showroom has all
the above on display.
Full Kitchen Remodelling
lire) I
Monday to friday 1 to
Wadey 1 to 12 Noon
or by appointment anytln o.
To • show our appreciation for the
response to our Grand Opening, we
are continuing our special prices.
20% OFF
All Materials
10% OFF
All Labour
Free Estimates - Pickup - Delivery
351 Main St. Prop, Res. 233-1484
Dean McKnight 235-0933
to the
Residents of Dashwood
The Hay Municipal Telephone System has
received approval to construct a telephone
duct and manhole system in the Police
Village of Dashwood. Construction will
take place on the following streets:
Helen Street, Highway 83, Hay Township,
conc. No. 12 and 13, Huron County Road
2, and Roland St.
Construction will start during the week of
May 3, 1982 and is to be completed by June
4, 1982. The General Contracter for the
project is Murry McCutcheon Construction
Ltd., Boden, and B.M. Ross and Assoicates,
Goderich is the engineering firm.
Hay Municipal Telephone System
W.H. Wagner, Manager
Shop For Mother
Where Mother Shops
Chances Are
We'll Know
Exactly What
Would ( . -• 1.
Choose from the latest
spring and summer fashions
Boyle's WEAR
it you want to select from the best In-
stock collection of the best casual and
patio furniture you're going to see
this year, you have two choices.
Buy now at Dinney's. Not only will
you be able to order just what you
want (the right colors and the right
design), and have it to enjoy all sum-
mer but you'll get it a 20% to 30%
off. But only until May 15.
Or buy later at Dinney's and have to
settle for what we have in stock. (If
you. wait until summer to custom
order, you probably won't get it
before the summers over). And you
won't save 20% to 30%. •
The choice is yours.
So if you want to put in on your patio
by summer and save 20% to 30%
don't put it off.
r •