HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-05-05, Page 19Girl bit riding bike
Nine accidentsoccur in district, damages high
Nine accidents were in-
vestigated this week by
officers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police with
damages sustained totalling
At 4 a.m. Sunday a vehicle
driven by David Noble, RR 1,
Hyde Park left County road
20 at Concession rad 54 in
London township and rolled
LASHE WIN — Roscoe's F ashers won t e p ayof
championship of the Lucan Tuesday juniors bowling
league. Back, left, Jamie Bond, Heather Blay and Jason
Pfaff. Front, Rod Johnston, Lauralee MacDonald and
Mike Holden. T -A photo
over and struck a tree.
,Constable D.R. Vance set
damages at $4,000. No in-
juries were reported.
The same day at 6:50 p.m.
Corytable J.A. Wilson listed
damages at $500 when a
vehicle driven by Harvey
Leckie, Lucan backed into a
parked vehicle on Alice
street in Lucan.
A vehicle driven by
Leonard Batchelder, RR 2,
Ilderton was damaged to the
extent of $4,000 when it left
County road 20 at 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday and rolled over,
Constable C.S. Fleming
estimated damages at $4,000.
Vehicles driven by David
Gibson, Crediton and Mary
Brown, Ripley collided at 8
a.m. Wednesday on Highway
4 at County road 22. Con-
stable W.T. Hodgins set
damages at 13,400.
Name winners
at Lions night
The Lucan and District
Lions Club Casino Night was
held Saturday, May 1 at the
Lucan Arena. A Mardi Gras
theme was' used and a
Calypso Band played at
intervals during the evening,
. to a very large crowd. It was
one of the best organized and
enjoyable Casino Nights held
by the Club and was most
The prize winners were as
follows: 11,000.00 Jack
Hodgins, Ilderton and 8-
$50.00 winners, R. Traher,
Denfield, Joan Brooks,
London, Clinton Kennedy,
Lucan, Rick Parsons,
Hensel', June Stone, Arva,
Eva Young, Lucan, Jack
Ryan, Lucan, and Dennis
and Marg Hunter, London.
The first of the four Friday
mishaps occured at 2:55 a.m,
on Highway 4 at County rad
22 when a vehicle driven by
Larry Gilman, Wingham
struck a sign post and rolled
over. Constable Wilson listed
Seniors ready
for Montrose
During the meeting of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups Thursday afternoon,
Agnes Hotson was welcomed
back with a hearty round of
applause and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Fraser, Parkhill
were welcomed as guests.
Honor Stanley and Joan Mohr
became members and joined
the Busy Buddies at Crafts.
The next 8 -sessions will be on
Basketry with Maisie Boyd
of London, and a small
flower pot container, or
"what -have -you"? was
completed. A "hot pad" will
be made this week.
There Is still room for
seniors to go on the trip to
Montrose, please call
Mildred Hirtzel, at once, at
Lawrence Hirtzel and Jean
Elliott received birthday
congratulations. Euchre was
convened by Margaret Allen
with prizes going as follows:
Ladies' high - Pearl
Shoeb6ttom, lone hands -
Eleanor Darling , Low -
Verna Dowdall, man's high -
Maurice McDonald, Lone
hands - Percy Williams and
low score- Gertrude
Hodgins, playing a man's
card. The craft prize was
won by Ethel Crouch.
Lunch was served by
Mabel Froats, Mildred and
Lawrence Hirtzel and Jean
damages at $1,070.
At 12:50 p.m. Friday, a
vehicle driven by Kirby
Moore, London was involved
in an accident on County
rad Ski at County road 28.
Constable Fleming in-
vestigated and damages
were set at $2,000.
Jane Messaros, a Lucan
youngster was injured at
3:40 p.m. Friday when the
bicycle she was riding was
struck by a farm tractor
driven by James Toohey, RR
3, Lucan. The mishap oc-
curred at the Intersection of
Main and Frank streets in
Lucan. Constable Champ -
man investigated.
Also, Friday at 4:35
Constable Fleming listed
damages at $1,000 in an
accident on Highway 4, north
of Elginfield Involving a
vehicle driven by Leslie
Bagdadhi, Lucan.
Constable D. Stables
estimated damages at 11,000
in the final accident of the
week at 3:35 a.m. Saturday
on Adelaide street at Con-
cession 15 in London town-
ship involving a vehicle
driven by Thomas Van-
Aarsen, London.
. Top club news
Members of the Tops
Group met on Tuesday
evening, April 27, in the
Lucan Community Centre
with president Coreen Davis
presiding for the business
'The "Walking" Chart was
updated for each member,
noting the distance walked
since the last meeting and
plans were .finalized for the
sale of home baking to be
held at 141 Alice Street,
Saturday, May 8 from 10
a.m. until 4 p.m.
the Lucan minor bowling Wednesday bantam league
championship. Back, left, Jeremy Jemic and Robert
Damen. Front, Jennifer Heckman and Shelle Johnston.
LEAGUE CHAMPS — Pete's Perfection won the regular
championship of the Lucan Tuesday junior, bowling
league. Back, left, Terry Evans, Mike Goos and Donni
Hugill. Front, Tonya Butchart, Peter Batas and Down
Reid. T -A photo
Locals at festival
The twelve voice Holy
Trinity junior choir placed
third in the Kiwanis'
Festival last week, com-
peting against much larger
choirs. First place was won
by a 35 voice choir singing 2
unison numbers and second
by a 27 member choir also
singing unison. The local
choir sang one unison and
one part, so received
superior training by their
leader Beaulah Hardy.
Sweet Adelines
sing in Detroit
Fourteen members of the
"Sweet Adelines" London
Chapter, from the Lucan
area took part in the region 2
competition in Detroit,
Michigan, Saturday.
The London Chapter
placed third in twenty-one
groups and local members
are to be congratulated.
In the solo sections Ruth
Hardy received 2 seconds
and a fourth, Derek Hardy a
first, Nicole Hardy a third
and Scott Triebner a third
and fourth. Ruth Hardy and
Sue Telford received a
second in their duets.
Carrie Lane received a
first in piano and it was her
first time in competition.
Congratulations to all.
As in other years during
Education Week, a flag was
presented by the Lucan
Women's Institute, this year
to the Grade 8 class taught
by Mrs. Ann Bansley. Mabel
Froats P.R.O. and Isobel
Haskett, president made the
presentation and Erin
McComb thanked the
Institute on behalf of the
g sa.
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INDIVIDUAL WINNERS — Trophies were presented to the top individual bowlers
in the Lucan Tuesday junior league. Back, left, Kirk Davis, Peter Bates, Mike Can-
non and Kent Harding. Front, Tonya Butchart, Lauralee MacDonald, Janice Atkin-
son and Erin Ditty. T -A photo
Women's Auxiliary meets
Wednesday evening
members of the Women's
Auxiliary of the Revival
Centreheld their monthly
meeting at the church.
President Mrs. June Henry,
opened the meeting leading
chorus singing.
Mrs. Emma Crouch,
teacher from Christianview
Bible College,. talked about
the heart and the hand, from
Luke 10:38-42. She said
Christians should be a bit of
both Martha and Mary.
May 26, Wednesday, at
7:30 p.m, in the Fellowship
Hall, the Blossom Tea will be
held. Mrs. Anne Elliott will
be the guest speaker. Mrs.
Shirley Dorman will
demonstrate flower
Revival centre services
Sunday morning Mrs.
Lorraine Armitage and Mrs.
Marlene Thornton sang "He
loves you."
Rev. C.J. Williams spoke
from Luke 22:7-20 con-
cerning the Last Passover.
set May 29
Saturday May 29th, is to be
the Walkathon for the
Canadian Bible Society. This
is to sponsor printing in
Creole Bibles for Haiti.
Leaving Lucan United
Church, walkers will walk
down Concession 4 to
sideroad, to County Road 22,
to County Road 13 corner,
thence to Lucan Con-
servation Area park for
wiener roast and refresh-
ments. Then down County
road 13 to Main Street of
Lucan, and to United
All senior citizens over 60
are invited to walk from
Lucan United Church to the
Lucan arena and back to the
United Church. Sponsor
sheets are available at the
Sunday evening, Rev. C.J.
Williams spoke on Elijah's
faith in God (from 1 Kings
17:1-9) Elitah trusted the
Lord, and God supplied his
Upcoming events
Thursday at 8 p.m. -
Promotional meeting for the
Bible Society Walk-a-thon.
Ministers, people manning
check -points and all other
interested folk are urged to
Friday at 7:30 p.m., will be
graduation services for
Christianview Bible College.
Speaker will be Rev. Walter
Sunday, May 9, the Annual
Anniversary Services
commemorating the 3rd
year in the new church will
be held. Dr. G.H. Nunn and
Mrs. Nunn will be
ministering in both services.
May 18, Tuesday evening,
the Bible Society will present
a film showing the work of
the Bible Society among the
islands of the South Pacific.
All are welcome.
Sunday, May 23, a Water
Baptism service will be held
at 7 p.m.
Forest Friends meet
"The Forest Friends" 4-11
group met at the home of
Tracey Giesen April 22.
Points discussed included
Wild edible plants, e.g.
dandelion leaves and roots,
in the field, marsh and
woods, cattail, young shoots
and stocks, and the choke Education week
cherry. Also poisonous
houseplants, etc., "fruit at Biddulph
leather" with a recipe
found in the member's
manual and old fashioned
drying of fruit, with the girls
trying apples and bananas
which the leaders had dried.
WEDNESDAY'S INDIVIDUAL BEST — Trophies were presented to the top individual
bowlers in the Lucan Wednesday bantam league. Back, left, Shelly Decaluwe, Paul
Acres, Chris Sleaford, Jeremy Jemic and Jason Miller. Front, Wendy Gwalchmai,
Shelley Johnston, Tabatha Perry and Angela Perry. T -A photo
The members will en-
tertain their mothers at an
outing at the Lucan Con-
servation Area on May 15,
going out in the forenoon and
the mothers arriving for
United Church
The service in Lucan
United Church was cancelled
to permit members to attend
the Anniversary service at
Clandeboye U.C.
Upcoming events
This morning at 10 a.m.
the Cradle Roll children with
their mothers will meet in
the C.E. wing.
Thursday, May 13 is the
smorgasbord supper at the
Community Centre. Tickets
ire available froyl U.C.W.
Sunday, May 16, following
the service there will be a
Congregational Pot -luck
dinner in the C.E. wing.
Biddulph-Lucan schools
celebrated Education Week
with open house at the Lucan
Building April 27 for the
kindergarten class again on
the 28th. Parents enjoyed the
many displays and the super
Bulletin Boards which were
most informative and pupils
proudly showed parents and
friends their work.
At the Biddulph building
the Education Fair was held
emphasizing Science,
History, Georgraphy and
Art. The Science projects
were bigger and better than
ever this year and the gym
was utilized to its fullest
extent. Lisa Kraft won first
prize for her "Underground
Home" project. The Other
three subjects were
displayed in classrooms and
the halls and were equally
interesting, showing much
work on the part of the
students and teachers.
C�unmunin for Anglicans
Holy Communion was the
order of service on the 3rd
Sunday after Easter at Holy
Trinity Anglican Church.
Greeting members and
friends were Gladys and
Eric Hodgins. 'The lessons
were read by Kay Egan. In
the absence of the organist,
music for the service was
provided by Penfiy Hodgins
and Rev. Pocock with their
Upcoming events
May 6, St. Paul's
Cathedral, London - Annual
Conference of A.C.W. and
Canadian Bible Society
meeting at Revival Centre at
8 p.m:
May 10 - Board of
Management, Holy Trinity,
7:30 p.m.
• A spring meeting of the
Anglican Church Women of
the Deanery of Medway was
held at St. George's Anglican
Church, London, April 29.
Approximately 80 women
from the deanery registered.
St. James', Clandeboye and
Holy Trinity, Lucan were
well represented.
Rev. Janet Lyranel,
Curate at St. George's
opened the evening with
prayer and short meditation.
The sharing and exchanging
of projects by the various
parishes was done by means
of posters, which were
displayed around the room.
Pakistani Embroideries, a
project of the Diocese of
Huron, A.C.W., were on
display for sale.
Mary Jane Posno, co-
ordinator of St. George's
A.C.W. introduced the
speaker, Mrs. Phyllis
Goodwins, Director of St.
Monica House, Waterloo. It
is a Centennial Service
Project sponsored by the
Diocese of Huron to provide
care and counselling for
unwed mothers; to stimulate
community understanding of
the underlying causes and
effects of out -of -wedlock
pregnancies; to reach out to
those in need of their ser-
vices, and provide a com-
prehensive program in
services and preventive
Her message told of the
tremendous work done by
the home in reaching out to
those in need. The total of-
fering was given to Mrs.
Goodwins to be used for her
work. Also two large boxes of
personal gifts and craft
materials were presented to
her for the girls. There are
eighteen girls presently
living at the home.
A social hour and time of
great fellowship followed
with lunch and refreshments
served by the ladies of St.
imes-Advocote,Moy 5, POO* 17
UCW holds
region rally
The twenty-first Annual
North-West Regional Rally
of the Middlesex
Presbyterial U.C.W. was
held on Wednesday evening,
April 28 in Parkhill United
Church with that U.C.W.
acting as hostess, for the
"super" supper.
Each U.C.W. in the Region
was responsible for some
part of the program, Lietry
looking after the
Registration, Carlisle the
Literature Display, Lucan
the Sing -a -long and a solo,
taken by Mrs, James
Robertson, Brinsley in-
troduced and thanked the
members of the 20th
Anniversary of the skit
group, Clandeboye led to
worship on the theme of the
Rally "After 20 years -
Forward Together," Ailsa
Craig members received
the offering and gave the
courtesies inviting the Rally
to their church for 1983.
Mrs. David Park, Lucan,
as vice-president of the
Region, chaired the meeting
and the Presbyterial
Committee for World
Outreach gave a presen-
tation. Members of this
committee are Mrs. G.R.
Lees, Mrs. E. J. Hill and
Mrs. L. Munro.
Those taking part in the
Anniversary skit were
Shirley Ryan, president,
Lucan U.C.W., Gwen Lynn,
president, Clandeboye
U.C.W. and Marion Hodgson
president of Brinsley U.C.W.
Models in various periods of
the 20 years, even to a bikini,
were from each of the
Fire calls
The Lucan volunteer fire
department answered a call
to Clandeboye Friday
evening to quell a grassfire
which had gone out of con-
championship of the Lucan Wednesday bantam bowl-
ing league was won by the Strikers. Back, left, Shelly
Decaluwe, Tim Miller and Chris Sleaford. Front,
Stephanie Sandison and Michelle Cannon: T -A •hoto
3 Miles North of Lucan on Highway 4 at Brinsley Road
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* Odds & Ends
HOURS: Thurs., 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., Fri., 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., Sat., 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
For further information call 227-4431 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.