HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-04-28, Page 19Badges displayed
Guides present their story to ' WI
The members of the Lucan
Women's Institute met at the
Masonic Hall on Wednesday
evening with Isobel Haskett,
president, presiding. Follow-
ing the Opening Ode and the
Mary Stewart Collect, Mabel
Froats, P.R.O. called on four
Guides each of whom told
part. of the Guiding Story.
Kelly . VanKerkoerle ex-
plained what Guides do dur-
ing their years in the pro-
gram, Tabatha Froats gave
the history of Guiding around
the world, Susan Stotesbury-
Leeson explained Guide Laws
1-5 and her 17 badges and
Dana Bannerman told of the
Laws 6-10. It was most in-
teresting to learn more of the
Guiding Program.
Mrs. Froats also introduc-
ed Susan Hodgins, daughter
of Marion and Roscoe
Hodgins, who was the Branch
entry in the Farm Show
Princess competition. Susan
thanked the Institute for in-
viting her to be their
representative and told what
was required of the con-
testants. She said it was a
LUCAN A CHAMPS - In the Tuesday night Colleens ladies bowling were the team
of: (back, from left) Nora Cowie, Helen Hearn, Pat Bloxam, Ginette Gwalchmai; (front,
from left) Jos Mocenkamp, Diane, Rummell:
At Biddulph schools
This week has been •
aside as Education Week at
Biddulph-Lucan Central
School and the theme "Grow-
ing Together" has been
The following activities
have beepplanned for the
communiy, some of which,
I'm sorry, will be over when
you get this news:
Tuesday, April 27 Open
House at the Lucan building
and for the Kindergarten. also
Week set
Wednesday, April 28. This
morning you may visit the
Kindergarten classrooms
from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
At the BiddWph Building
tomorrow, Thursday, . the
Education Fair will be in pro-
gress from 7 to 9:15 p.m. The
students are anxious to show
you their regular school work
and more particularly their
projects in the Science,
History, Geography and Art
.Tributes paid to
Helping Hands
"Helping Hands"
volunteers celebrated
Volunteer Week by holding a
pot luck luncheon on Wednes-
day in the Canadian Legion
Hall. At the annual meeting
following the luncheon Angela
Clarke introduced the steer-
ing committee and paid
tribute to their hard work as
well- as all contributions by
the many volunteers.
This group has completed
abouftwo and one-half years.
of successful service having
answered many, many calls
for help, not only from in-
dividuals. through 227-1222,
but from the Family and
Children's Services. the
Public Health Nurse. the
Children's Aid, Meadowcrest
Homes and Craigholme.
The steering committee
was instrumental in having
washroom facilities for the
handicapped incorporated in-
to the washrooms at the Com-
munity Centre and a special
parking place reserved.
Anita Giesen reported on
the "Meals on Wheels" pro-
gram as well as the "Lunch
Out" project, and gave
special thanks to Muriel and
Mert Culbert for answering
the many telephone calls.
Without their help the
"Helping Hands" program
could not function. A question
and answer period followed.
A cartoon/film "Martin the
Cobbler" based on Matt.
25:40, was shown by Kathy
Kaune, bringing the afternoon
to a satisfactory conclusion.
Social service
is UCW topic
The monthly meetingof the
Friendship Unit of the Lucan
U.C.W. was held on Wednes-
day evening, April 21st, in the
C.E. Rooms at the Church.
Worship on the theme
'Tenants in the Vineyard"
was taken by Marguerite
McRoberts who pointed out
how hard it is to please others.
Sharon MacDonald took the
study "Social Service, short
terns solution vs social action,
a long term and hopefully
more permanent solution fnr
problem solving.- Sharon
Small Engine
Rotor Tillers, etc.
Reasonable' rates
(2 mi. W. of Elginfield
on No. 7)
Cook for sign
. "Crafts n' Things"
Ask for Conrad
listed some major problems
affecting oursociety and the
members broke into small
groups discussing one pro-
blem'each, relating it to the
two terms previously
Jean Brown emphasized
that strong Christian faith is
the basic root for problem
During the business ses-
sion, chaired by Beth
Cowdrey, tickets for the
U.C.W. May 13 beef and pork
smorgasbord at the Arena.
were distributed and the
Regional Annual was an-
nounced for tonight, Wednes-
day, supper at 5:30 in Parkhill
United Church.
Mrs. Cowdrey pointed out
that funds are available for
members wishing to attend
either the Westminster
weekend, May 28 -30th or
Alma College August 22-25.
Please phone 227-4255 if you
can attend either of these
Lunch was served by
Shirley Ryan and Marguerite
McRor rts.
Attention Farmers
Plan now
for the painting you intended
to have done this year!
Free estimates call
Turner Airless Painting
specializing in farm buildings
for 15 years
Top quality industrial paints
All work guaranteed
Phone Clinton 482-3563
most interesting experience.
Mrs. Frosts presented her
with a shamrock spoon.
The roll call was payment
of fees and a written
"household hint" the latter to
be duplicated for• all
The date of the money rais-
ing project was changed from.
May 7 to May 28 in order to
give more time for prepara-
tion and the name of "The
W.I. Spring Sale" was sug-
gested and accepted. Got
useful articles of all descr
tions will be gratefully
cepted. Please phone the G.,..
vener, Vina Emery, 227-4702
for pickup.
There will also be a penny
sale and a table for home bak-
ing, as well as the draw for
the crafted poodle by Rachel
Tuke of Craighohne, a former
June 11 the Branch will visit
Craigholme and it is hoped
that, as it is a P.D. day,
several of the local musical
children will ;accompany
them and help with program.
Aninvitationwasread from
Riverview Branch to attend
their meeting on Tuesday,
May 4th at 1:30 and one from
Clandeboye to attend their .
75th anniversary luncheon on
June 11 both of which were
accepted with thanks.
The Treasurer gave her
year's report and the con-
veners reported on their
Mrs. Haskett introduced -
the district president, Irene,
Rolason, Granton who con-
ducted the election of officers
following the report of the
Nominating Committee, by
Margery Crozier.
Mrs. Rolason also gave an
excellent report of the Food
and Public Relations commit
.tees for the I.P.M. explaining
what is expected of each
At 8 p.m. the regular Home Branch in Middlesex county.
and School Meeting will be
held in the library at the Sid- The executive and con=
dulph Building. During the veners for 1982-83 are as
meeting a group of teachers follows: past -president, Mrs.
have planned to present a • T. Emery Sr., pres. Mrs. Glen
brief program on work and Haskett, vice-pres. Mrs. R.R.
study habits for all students. Crozier, secretary & P.R.O.
Their objective is to provide Mrs. Wm Froats, treasurer
parents with hints on how to Mrs. James Lockyer, district
help their children be more director Mrs. Emery, Alter -
successful. nate, Mrs. M.H. Hodgins,
The students at the Lucan branch directors, Mrs. S.
Building have contributed a Revington and Mrs. Lockyer,
total of $177.86 to Bunny Bun- conveners Mrs. Emery, Mrs.
dle this year. Students did ex- Revington, Mrs. Crozier, Mrs.
tra chores at home and were Alan Hodgins, Mrs. James
paid by their parents. Robertson. Honorary
Everyone at the .school is Tweedsmuir History curator,
pleased withthe record Of Mrs. Frank Hardy, curator,
work that was done by the Mrs. M.H. Hodgins, commit -
students. On April 22nd Mar- tee Mrs. R. Cunningham,
cia, Jennifer and Brian • Mrs. Revington, Mrs. Harold
Heckman took the cheque to Cobleigh, and Mrs. Otto Darl-
the radio station and ing. Sick and sunshine Mrs.
presented it on behalf of the Cecil Neil, "Mini Flea
students. Market" Mrs. F. Pruss,
Pre-school Registration will Auditor Barbara Wraith.
take place on April 29 and 30 Lunch was provided by Mrs.
and May 3. Neil and Mrs. Emery.
Ns M. Hodgins
4,4;4J;4 /, Gi,,,.o.%/ i. ,. .
More than 100 attend
Anniversary celebrat�d
A very happy occasion was
enjoyed Friday evening, in
the Leprechaun Hall at the
Lucan Arena, when over 100
friends and relatives
gathered in honour of Gerry
and Wil VanBussel who were
celebrating their 25th wed-
ding anniversary.
Followinta delicious din-
ner, Bob Benner, son-in-law of
Gerry and Wil, acted as the
humorous Emcee as he
reviewed highlights of the past
25 years in the lives of the
VanBussel family.
Connie and Shari Van-
Bussel paid tribute to their
parents for the guidance and
love given them down through
the, years. •
Gerry, .in his
Get your bikes
ready to roll
Haveall youbikeriderspick-
ed up your sponsor sheets for
the "Great Family Ride for
Cancer"? The date is May 16
and pledge sheets are
available at Becker's, Shaw's
and the three schools, or at
the Post Office in Granton.
speech, thanked all for com-
ing to help them celebrate
and explained the "boat"
menus .on each ,table. The
same idea had been used at
+ their marriage in Rotterdam
except the sails on which the
menus were printed, were an-
chored in tiny wooden shoes,
rather than the apples used
on this occasion.
He said that marriage is
like stepping into a boat on the
sea of life, there are some
stormy days but many more
are fair, and as you travel you
are trying to reach the other
side successfully.
Wil also thanked, everyone
for coming and mentioned
that the whole VanBussel
family 'was present,
somethingthat could not be ar-
ranged in Rotterdam 25 years
ago, Wil (particularly)
welcomed her mother, Riek
Vandenberg from Rotterdam,
Holland, and Gerry's Dad,
'Frank VanBussel of Lucan.
She thanked Connie and
Sherry for being such wonder-
ful daughters, Bob for being
such a wonderful son by mar-
riage and Roger Lowe, who
wi 1 join the family in August
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS - The Lucan area Tuesday night
Colleens held their bowling. awards banquet, Friday.
Collecting trophies were Pat Campbell, most improv-
ed and Shelly Quinlin low score.
when he and Shari are
"Gerry and I have been a
team for 25 years and , God
willing, we will continue to be
So," concluded Wil.
Rev. Bruce Pocock, pinch-
hitting for Father Finn, ask-
ed the blessing and at the
close of the speeches con-
gratulated the happycouple,
commenting on their many
contributions to the
A singsong, by tables, was
enjoyed, using some sheets,
the covers of which had been
photostated from the
originals used on their wed-
ding day.
The evening concluded with
dancing to recorded music by
Len Maslen.
Ladies attend
Toronto show
Lucan women attended
the bi -annual flower show, in
Toronto, on Thursday, with
tl.e Middlesex County W.I.
tour. Four bus loads descend-
ed on Sherway Mall, the
Flower show and Carl's
Restaurant within minutes of
each other! It was a delightful
and well-planned outing and
raised a nice stim of money to
help in the W.I. Public
relations booth at the I.P.M.
Times -Advocate, April 28, 1982 Page 7A
Lions invite seniors
to Monday dinner
The weekly meeting of the
Lucan senior citizens was
held in the club rooms,
Thursday. After a welcome
from the president, the
meeting opened with the
singing of "0 Canada."
In the business chaired by
Mildred Hirtzel final plans
were made for the dessert
euchre at Lucan Legion,
Tuesday May 4 at 1:30 p.m.
An invitation was read
from the Lucan Lions club
inviting all senior citizens to
a dinner, at the arena, on
Monday, , May 3 at 6:30
followed by entertainment.
It included all Lucan seniors
whether they belong to the
club or not. If you are in-
terested in going please
phone 228-6731 before next
Thursday April 29. -
Mrs. Herman Langford
was welcomed as a new
Euchre convened by
Bernice Thompson with
prize winners as follows:
Ladies high score, Charlotte
Barker, lone hands, Ellen
Broom, low score, Jackie
Loyens, man's high score,
.Ed Dowdall, lone hands,
Maurice MacDonald, low
score, Adrian Bax, lucky cup
winner was Mary Scott.
Lunch was served by Dean
and Elsie Gibson and Evan
and Verna Ibettson.
More Lucan news on page 15A
Couples Club
Garage &
Bake Sale
In Bob '
122 Main St.
Sat., May 1st
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
St. Patrick R.C. School
Student Registration
Junior Kindergarten (born 1978)
Kindergarten (born 1977)
May 4, 18, 25
June 1 (9:00 a.m. - 12 noon) -
Call the school (227-4801) for an
Proof of age and baptism required
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