Times-Advocate, 1982-04-21, Page 241
P .24
Times-Advocat., April 21, 1912
Spirit alive at St. Pat's
The spirit is alive
Those words certainly
describe what has been hap-
pening at St. Patrick's in
Sunday, March 28, 58 grade
seven and eight students
received the Sacrament of
Confirmation. Bishop Gervais
was present to help Father
Finn make the day a very
special one. After ttwie
ceremony in the church. the
students and their parents
were honoured at a reception
in the school gym, sponsored
by the Catholic Women's
League. The Knight of Coluln-
bus and C.W.L. presented a
plaque to each student.
Just before Easter 30 grade
four students received the
Sacrament of Penance for the
first time.
Thirty-four grade two
students have been preparing
for their First Communion.
Several have celebrated the
sacrament with their families
and will join their classmates
in a special celebration on
Mother's Day.
The staff of St. Patrick's is
pleased to welcome Mrs.
Jessie Clancy who will be
teaching Mrs. Hern's classes
for the rest of the year.
Senior house -league basket-
ball is over. The girl's team
four won. Members included
Lisa Amaral, Dianne Kelly,
Dawn Reid, Rachel Rosch,
Theresa Morkin and Kim
Mr. Gardiner has organiz-
ed and is coaching a number
of boys on the wrestling team.
Some boys will be chosen to
compete at the annual wrestl-
ing meet held at Regina Mun-
di High School, on Saturday,
April 24th.
Because of inclement
weather students will not
UCW face busy
summer schedule
The general meeting of the
Lucan U.C.W. was opened
with a solo by Jane Holden ac-
companied on the piano by
Marj Park.
Mabel Froats presented a
thought provoking filmstrip
and record entitled "God's
Easter Plan". An Easter
scripture reading, hymn and
prayer completed the worship
Donna Van Arenthals acted
as the interviewer in an in-
teresting skit, "The Women
Round the Cross". Members
of the Friendship Unit
represented women of Jesus
timedescribing their feelings
at the time of the Crucifixion.
During the business ses-
sion, members were remind-
ed of a busy season ahead.
April 20 - London Conference
of the U.C.W. at Ingersoll.
April 28 - Regional at
Parkhill. May 13
Smorgasbord 'supper to be
held at the Lucan Communi-
ty Centre between 5 and 7
p.m. Members were given ad-
vance tickets to sell for $5 and
$2.50. Admission at the door
will be$1 more than advance
May 28 to 30 is Westminster
Weekend. Anyone who is able
to attend this conference
Should contact president
Shirley Ryan. Expenses for
one or two members will be
covered by the U.C.W.
Linda Froats reported a
need for teachers, money and
cookies for the Vacation Bible
School. A donation of $150 was
Jane Forster presented a
Mission and Services poster
and invited everyone to at-
tend the events of Mission and
Service Weekend, April 24
and 25.
The next general meeting of
the U.C.W, will be June 9.
This will be a celebration of
the 20th anniversary of • the
have time to prepare ade-
quately for the System cross-
country meet. In its place
there will be a school meet
held for the students. Ar-
rangements are now being
Mrs. `Forrest's students
have been studying a unit on
flight. To climax the activities
the class will be taking a trip
to the airport:
The grade eights have been
busy at noon hour creating
polyfoam puppets, under the
direction of Mrs. Maxwell.
The rest of the student body
are counting on several ex-
citing puppet plays in the near
Mrs. Maxwell's grades five
and six have been very busy
working on a unit 'about
myths, legends nad
fairytales. The students have
been involved in drama,
writing, art, reading and
listening activities.
The staff and students have
been gearing up for Educa-
tion Week, April 25 to 30.
Preparations are being made
to welcome parents and
The week will be launched
by an Open house Sunday,
April 25 from 12 noon until 2
p.m. It will include science,
geography, history and en-
vironmental studies projects,
as well as artwork, represen-
ting efforts from all the
Combined :'youth at
school for blind
The combinedYouth Group
of United and Arglican young
people under the co -
leadership of Barb Banner-
man and Bryan Smith spon-
sored a bus trip to the W. Ross
MacDonald School for. the
Blind in Brantford, Friday.
Thirty-five young people
and adults spent a very en-
joyable day at the school. The
day began by joining the
students and teachers at the
regular Friday morning
assembly conducted, on this
day, by grade 61 A skit
presented by six students was
beautifully performed and
thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The lesson to be learned from
the Skit was the value of time.
Time is precious and should
not be wasted by constantly
sleeping in each morning.
Following assembly, the
group was welcomed by Mrs.
Evelyn Chorniak, principal of
the primary school, and then
divided into two groups for a
complete tour of the school.
Attention Farmers
Plan now
for the painting you intended
to have done this year!
Free estimates - call
Turner Airless Painting
specializing in farm buildings
for 15 years
Top quality industrial paints
All work guaranteed
Phone Clinton 482-3563
to residents of the V
NOTICE of P111
illage of Lucan
A public meeting will be held on April 27, 1982 at
8 p.m. in the council chambers 161-13 Main St., Lucan,
Ontario. Amendment #3 to the village of Lucan Of-
ficial Plan.
The Planning Board for the village of Lucan is con-
sidering an amendment which would hove effect
upon the village's commercial development strategy.
The amendment establishes a "central commercial"
and a "highway commercial" designation to deal
with downtown and peripheral development
AH existing uses in thedowntown area lesignated
os central commercial and for existing uses in Main
St. in the North Western sector of the village are
designated as Highway commercial.
Copies of the amendment are available for review
in the village of Lucan Municipal Office during nor-
mal office hours.
You are invited to attend the public meeting to pre-
sent your opinion in person or to submit written com-
ments to planning board regarding this matter. •
N. steeper
E. ',Wonsan
A<ri l; t tL
Students of grade 6 assisted in
explaining the classrooms ac-
tivities and answering the
many questions from the
Our greatest moment came
when, we arrived at the
classroom of Carol Smith
where she was busily engag-
ed in her morning activities.
We were shown a very in-
formative movie on the over-
all education of the children
who attend the school. there
are approximately 239
children enrolled in grades
one to twelve with some 36\
who are not only blind but
deaf also.
There is provision for the
academic student to excel,
but just as important the
basic skills of day to day liv-
ing are well taught. We were
very impressed with the high
standard of the facilities
available to provide these
special children with the best
possible education.
Bryan Smith thanked the
principal on behalf of all and
Linda Patterson presented
her with a cheque for $100.
from the Youth Group for use
in purchasing of equipment
not supplied by government
Safariers 4-H
identify trees
By Terri McRoberts
The third meeting of the
Slinky Safariers was held
April 5 at the home of assis-
tant leader Mrs. Anita
Members learned how to
identify trees by their shape,
size, foliage, bark, and loca-
tion. Each member used their
leaves (which they brought to
the meeting) and made leaf
prints. We learned how to
make a stove, start a fire and
read a twig compass on a
hike. Rosemary Giesen and
Jane Straatman
demonstrated how to make
the trail -mix which can be
eaten on a hike. We planned
a meal which we are going to
make for our parents in an up-
coming meeting.
Meeting five was held on
April 15 at Mrs. Giesen's
home. Mrs. O'Neill discussed
weather for casting. Mrs.
Straatmah and Mrs. Giesen
showed the members how to
construct a kite. The next
meeting (meeting four) will
be on April 27 (Tues.) at
of Lucan
wish to
All those people
who volunteered their time
and cars to help their
neighbors in need this post
wish to
The volunteers of
Meals on Wheels
Lunch Out
For a job well done this past
For Information call
THREE CHEERS — These youthful supporters of
following Wednesday's championship win in Langton.
the Lucan Irish give a big cheer
T -A photo
Plan match church service
The Committee for the
County Churches at the plow-
ing match held its monthly
• meeting at Riverside United
Church, London Tuesdday
The co-chairmen, Stuart
Robb, London and Rev. Bruce
Pocock, Rector of Holy Trini-
ty Anglican church, Lucan,
led in a brief period of wor-
ship. The host farmer, Allan
Scott, was introduced and
welcomed by Mr. Pocock.
Rev. Keith Brown reported
that the elementary schools
are too involved to think of
making posters, etc. and it
has been suggested that Sun-
day School children
throughout the County. be in-
vited to participate. The
posters will be used to help
decorate the Arena for the
Church Service September 26
and the Church Pavilion the
rest of the week.
The group discussed possi-
ble ideas to give to the Sunday
Schools, in connection with
the theme "The Seed Our
Following a "coffee break"
the committees on Facilities,
Publicity, Program and
Hospitality met separately,
reporting back to the General
committee. Program people
are still looking for musical
groups, singles, drama, pup-
petry, Christian magicians
and clowns, etc. Please call
666-0615, 461-1013 or 227-4538. .
Parades will be held on
Tuesday, September 28th and
Saturday, October 2nd. For
further information to enter a
float phone 666-0736. Your
ideas for a Church float and
any others will be welcome at
CWL schedules
pot luck supper
Members of the St. Patrick's
Catholic Women's League
held their April meeting April
14 in the school library. The
League will have a table for
home baking at the Lucan
craft show at the arena May
The 67th annual convention
of the London Diocesan
Catholic Women's League
will be held on May 11 and 12,
at , Saugeen-Maitland
. Residence at the University of
Western Ontario. The theme
will be "Ministry to God and
Canada." -
The annual pot luck supper
will be held June 9, commen-
cing at 7 p.m. It has been sug-
gested that a fashion show be
part of the program.
An urgent appeal has been
made for new members for
the "Right to Life" council.
For further information
please phone Agnes Lansing,
.The Cancer Society is ask-
ing for old sheets for dress-
ings. These may be left with
Cathy VanBussel.
At 8:30 members of the
Community joined . the
Catholic Women's League to
hear Jacki Hills, Chairman of
the Service to Patients Com-
mittee, London -Middlesex
Unit, speaking on the topic
"Coping with Cancer". Mrs.
Hills showed the film "Breast
- Self-examination" which
was- followed by a question
and answer period. Mrs. Hills
pointed out that men's breast
cancer is on the increase so
men also should do
A •second brief film on
%"Campaign Management"
was shown and the evening
dosed with' refreshments.
The "Family Ride for
Cancer" date has been set for
Sunday, May 16th and spon-
sor sheets will be available at
the ' schools, Beckers and
Shaws in Lucan and from the
Post Office in Granton. It is
not too early to start getting
sponsors lined up.
Vacation Bible School
A . meeting of those in-
terested in an interdenomina-
tional Vacation Bible School
was held Wednesday after-
noon and the dates of July 12
to 23, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
were chosen. Small children
will be accommodated at the
Revival Centre and older ones
in the United Church. Baby
sitting will be provided and
teachers and assistants are
the next meeting on Tuesday,
May llth, 8 p.m. at Riverside
United Church.
Senior citizens planning
number -of activities, tris
The regular weekly
meeting of the Sunshine and
Busy Buddies groups was
held Thursday afternoon with
the President, Mildred Hirt-
zel, presiding for the business
Ethel Langford was
welcomed to the meeting and
Irene Egan and Ed Arm-
strong received birthday best
Members were reminded of
the Dessert Euchre, as a fund
raising activity, Wednesday,
May 5 at 1:30 p.m. in the
Canadian Legion Hall. It will
include a "Dutch Auction"
and members were asked to
bring in groceries for basket
draws, as well as card tables
utensils and desserts.
Tuesday, June 1st, the
groups will visit Craigholme ,
to entertain the patients, and
the trip to Cullen Gardens will
be made Wednesday, June 23.
Any senior, or near senior,
wishing to attend is asked to
phone Elsie Gibson as soon as
possible, 227-4595. .
The Busy Buddies had their
final class in acrylic painting
with Tamie Laye, who was
presented with a small token
of appreciation.
Their will be no craft class
tomorrow, Thursday, but
Basketry commences, next
Thursday, April 29 and there
is still room for several more
students In this Fanshawe
St. Patrick R.C. School
Student' Registration
Junior Kindergarten (born 1978)
Kindergarten (born 1977)
May4, 18, 25.
June 1 (9:00 a.m. - 12 noon)
Call the school (227-4801) for an
Prdof of age and baptism required
sponsored class. Pho
Please bring to this first
class an old pair of large
scissors, a tape measure or
ruler, an ice pick or knitting
needle, 8 spring -type Clothes
pegs, initialled, and an old
Muriel Cobleigh convened
the euchre with prize winners
as follows: lady's high -
ne Rheola •Hotson,,lone hands -
Reta Morely, low - Mary
Scott; man's high - Helen
McDonald, lone hands, Ruby
Powell, both playing a man's
card and low - Adrian Bax.
The craft prize was won by
Iva Hodgins.
Lunch was served by Jean
and Lloyd Elliott, Greta Gib-
son and Eleanor Darling.
Portraits, families, etc.
Reasonable rates
For Information call
Shirley Page 236-4689
Joyce's Beauty Salon
I consider myself fortunate to be doing
work l really like. Also to have such great
customers that I consider all to be great
friends as well.
Thank you all so much for your patronage
over the last 25 years. The good Lord will-
ing we'll all be together for some more
good years to come.
Special thanks to my parents, Maurice
and Helen MacDonald for giving me the.
opportunity to open a business of my own
- way back then in April 1957. Also to all
of you for the support you have given me
through the rough times as well as the
good times. Once again Thanks to all of
you. Drop in and have a coffee with me.
Joyce Sovereign
Wed., Thurs. Fri
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Joyce's Beauty Salon
118 Longford Drive,
Lucan, Ontario
Gray's Appliances
Highway q
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