HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-04-14, Page 23• Senior Ball Hockey League Organizatioaal Meeting April 21 8:00 p.m. at South Huron Rec Cen- tre. Any teams interested please send a representative. For more information call Cam at the Rec Centre, 235-2833. FISHERMAN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in fresh fish dinners �A l� II•. P11%. from our boat to your table. ;%• i' Storting April 14 :s; " J Open Friday 11:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. ,0 � Saturday i Sunday 8 a.m. 8 p.m. 63 River Road, Grand Bend '441 Eat in or take out 238-2025 PIP �oPi; 7 • o . n �.�.,,►;s. /mss• .•- CLINTON IiLOMPEN FEEST MAY21&22 Parade Entry Forms con be obtained at Clinton Chiropractic Centre, Sall 1. Murch Furniture, Cam- pbell's Men's Weer, Clinton News Record. Concession Booth application forms for loath Space at 'TS. for a single space, 'N. for double, and 'SE. for triple, can be picked up at the same locations In Clinton as above. Souvenir admission buttons are now on sale In many local stores. tguiunnnnlmlllmN itioimmt n imintmtiumminnmumumulnm tnnnutnum s t EXETER LEGION AUXILIARY Thurs. April 15 Starts 8 p.m. 21 games E. 1 OOO in ss Jackpot , taus I 1 BINGO Admission $1 for 18 games Nelp Yovr Neighbor 2 Share the Wealth Jackpot 1 BONANZA BINGO 5 for $1 11 for $2 :Itossillltlllllllnnuitsis llllnioilisitilllllllt1111111111issitios111111111111ilsoisio11111 ssi Raise own pheasants to end arguments Hatchery responds to needs of small flocks "Working together works" is the philosophy Erich Freiter applies to his hat- chery and the business of promoting chicken raising. Freiter and his wife Katie operate a "small farm hatchery" at their farm, Edelweiss Acres, RR1, Dashwood. The farm is a reaction to larger scale hatcheries which can't afford . the time to deal with small orders or the problems of small flock owners. The Freiters can supply day-old ducklings, goslings, five breeds of chicken and even pheasant, in any number. Weekends at Edelweiss Acres, Freiter quips, are like a "regular chain store." The Freiters don't just sell the birds, but also sell equip- ment needed to raise the chicks, medical supplies if needed, and distribute free information recommending proven methods of raising the birds. The couple also highly recommend raising chicloens for eggs and meat as an economical alternative to high grocery prices. If a person has a small place, some time and some love, he can raise better food cheaper than the stores IIUIIIIIIIIIIWUIIIIII Freiter said. His own statistics show the popdarity of t e small farm hatchery. In 1989 the Freiters had a hatching capacity of 200 eggs. Today, the farm's chicken egg incubator will hold 20,000 eggs. In mechanical and human terms the business is very precise. Eggs are placed in the incubator on different days so that they will all hatch on the same day. Goslings and pheasants take 30 days and 23 days respectively to hatch. These eggs are placed in the in- cubators on a Monday, the goslings a week earlier. Ducidings are placed the Wednesday , after the goslings, and chickens a week later. Thus with the ducklings 28 day cycle and the chickens 21 day cycle, all four types of birds will then be ready to sell in just over three weeks. Eggs are moved, to the hatchery after about 19 days in the incubators and once hatched on a Wednesday are ready to be picked up and or delivered as day -olds on a Friday. In the incubator, chicken and pheasant eggs are kept at 991 ' ees Fahrenheit and 86 percent humidity. In the hatchery the eggs .are kept one -halt a degree warmer and at one percent higher humidity. The mechanisms of the incubator also rotates the eggs every three hours. Goose and duck eggs are also incubated at 991/2 degrees but require 94 percent humidity. These eggs are turned automatically every hour. During the hatching season from about the first of March till the first of July, the hatchery requires constant attention. An alarm system will ring in the Frelter's house if one of the six units is malfunctioning. A display board in the hat- chery building notes which machine is not operating correctly. Battery power takes over if the hydro should be cut off. "It is definitely a job where you have to be in- terested, and be on the job," Freiter said. If the power should go off, the doors of the incubators must be opened to prevent heat build-up. Freiter noted at this stage the eggs ac- tually give off heat and while they could survive a lower temperature for three to four Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC • Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome EGG INCUBATOR - Erich and Katie Freiter of Edelweiss Acres farm near Dashwood stand in front of a 20,000 egg incubator. The trays holding the eggs are automatically turned and are kept at a precise temperature and humidity. StephenIetsgravel contract for road reconstruction Roy Wilson has been named to the Stephen arena board. Two tile drain loan ap- plications were approved for a total of 840,000. The township will be participating in the South Huron District High School Work Week May 3 to 7. A resolution from the town of Maidstone regar- ding encroachment per- mits on provincial highways for work . on municipal drains was endorsed. Jennison Construction of Grand Bend has been award- ed the contracts to supply gravel for two reconstruction jobs in Stephen township this summer. BOTTLE DRIVE &voter Minor Baseball Sat. Apr. 17 9 a.m. - 12 Noon "Please help out the children" SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 12:30 - 7:30 P.M. 0 1.N Y Variety of Solads and Hot Moot s WAY'INN MAIN ST., EXETER The f irst contract for Con- cession road 8-9 from Lot 21 to Highway 83 calls for 'B' gravel at $2.30 per cubic yard and 'A' gravel at $4.95 a cubic yard. The second construction work at Concession 14-15 will get 'B' gravel at $2.04 a cubic yard. The 'A' gravel tender was not accepted. The township will share the cost of a summer stu- dent to prepare zone map- ping for the Huron County official plan with the village of Hensall and the township of Tuckersmith. An agreement with the Ontario Development Cor- poration to lease the Huron Park swimming pool for two years at $250 per year has been finalized. An application has been made for $70,000 to be us- ed under the Home Renewal Program. i Piano Frolics Learn to ploy the piano and have fun with crafts, rhythms games and songs. Join in our music classes for children age 5 to 8. To register for our next 10 week course call now. Julie Easterbrook 235-0760 Roller Skating South Huron Rec Centre 7:00-9:30 7:30-10:00 2:00-4:00 7:30-10:00 7:30-10:00 Wed., April' 14 Fri., April 16 Sat., April 17 Sat.. Apri117 Sun., April 18 Admission 51.00 Rentals .75 ARENA FLOOR RENTAL Minor Sports - $12.00 per hour Adult Groups - $15.00 per hour hours, as little as one degree higher temperature will kill the eggs. Sensors in the incubator and hatcher cabinets flick on and off keeping the inside at the proper heat and humidity. "Fresh air is as important as temperature and humidity," Mrs. Freiter noted. The egg is a living creature and its shell allows oxygen to pass through and gives off waste gases. Freiter gives his wife credit for handling the management of the hat- chery. Each tray of eggs is carefully labeled with the type of egg and dates placed. The label will follow the chicks until they are sold. Though the Freiters may hatch extra ducklings and goslings only chickens pre - ordered will be hatched. The farm does not have the facilities to raise chickens which are not sold. Though the machines add precision to the operation, and increase hatchability; and also save labour -in older incubators the eggs had to be turned by hand four times per day, the process is also a labour of love. "We don't think much of it," Freiter said of the eggs, but he noted they are ac- tually alive. After the sixth day in the incubator, Freiter said visible progress could be seen in the developing embryo every day. Eggs can bestoredin acool place for up to six days before they are placed in the hatchery incubators. As the egg gets older Freiter said the water in it evaporates and the aircell gets bigger. An older egg will hatch about four to five hours later than a fresh egg. Mrs. Freiter also has the task of grading the fresh eggs. Only the largest crack free eggs are placed in the in- cubator. Edelwieiss Acres has an egg and hatching quota set up by the egg marketing agency, is a licenced pullet grower and is licenced by the ministry of natural Party for Steve Atthi I I (Chuck) April 23 For more info Call 235-1536 resources to raise pheasants. Some of the eggs not sent firr the incubators can be sold for the table market as part of their egg quota. Freiter started raising pheasants several years ago. He explained they used to do custom hatching and people would bring pheasant eggs to be hatched. The eggs were fertile Freiter said and the proper procedures were followed, but he found the birds were not strong enough to hatch. To avoid further arguments with customers wanting hatched pheasants, Freiter decided to raise his own birds. The secret he found was in careful feeding of the birds to produce strong eggs. s. Though highly mechanised, the Freiters follow a natural approach in raising their chickens. The birds they sell for food are raised on the "range" not in large barns and are given little, if any, medicated feeds. Brochures for raising your own chicks also recommend a natural approach.Mrs. Freiter said she has had customers call from London asking not the price of the birds, but if they have been naturally raised. Freiter said he had always been interested in raising chickens and as a boy in Germany kept bantie breeds. The Freiters have been married 35 years and have always been involved in raising chickens. Their farm however operates in mixed farming, growing white beans, soy beans, corn, wheat and mixed grain. Some of the grain is processed on the farm to feed the geese and pheasants while other is exchanged at the Co-op for chicken feeds. Freiter also runs a small pig operation. That's my department he says, again crediting his wife with much of the operation and the management of the chick production. "I don't believe in putting all my eggs in one basket," Freiter says. And a man who raises chicks ought to know. Times -Advocate, April 14, 1982 �I Page 23 Club Albatross Tavern (Huron Park, Ont.) DINING LOUNGE Open 6 a.m. Mon. -Sat. Daily Lunch Specials Live Entertainment Thurs. Fri. and Sat. The Steve Cann Band 9-1 Dancing Fully Licensed J SQTXX!RS Tavern & Dining Lounge ON THE BEACH GRAND BEND liar Omen 6. Usual -� Open 7 days Every night is Special Mon.-Thurs. Perch Night 65.95 Friday Full Prime Rib Dinner '8.95 with all the trimmings Saturday Seafood Platter for Two..99.95 Plus our regular menu Appearing Fri. and Sat:, April 15 & 16 "Next Weekend Live entertainment every weekend 11 238-2251 Grand Bend 120,* PHEASANT FLOCK - Edelweiss Acres near Dashwood also hatches pheasants. Because the pheasant is a game bird, a licence from the ministry of natural resources is required to raise the birds. PARTY for Jim Dixon (J.D.) Sat. Apr.24 For more infor mation Phone 234-6445 Exeter Curling Club ANNUAL BANQUET and DANCE Sat. Apr. 17 Exeter Legion Hall Music by "TRACES" Dinner 7 p.m. Tickets available from executive OPEN DANCE 9-1 Dance only $6.00 per couple Optimist Club Of Kirkton- Woodham Minor Ball & T -Ball Registration April 17 & April 24 From 10-12 BINGO LUCAN ARENA April 14 Doors open - 7:15 p.m.' Early bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $500 - 55 calls Proceeds for Arena Double Door Card $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. Licence # 287211 Proceeds for Arena Du. to hune ',gulati.n• no one under 16 years of aye will be odrnitted Exeter Lioness . 50's Dance April 17, 7982 South Huron Rec Centre Whiskey Jack Music Company $ 10.00 per couple 50's dress optional Lunch provided Tickets available from any Lioness Tickets available at door. EXETER LIONS ARMCHAIR BiNGO Numbers Drawn Game 3 Red Cards B 1 N G 2 29 37 54 68 55 S300 in prizes. Prizes must be claimed by 10:00 a.m. the following business day. 0 3 5 6 11 Cards are $ 1.00 each from the following merchants A 8 H Superior Food Market; Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.:Gord's Variety; Darlings !GA; Earl Camp- bell Jewellers; Froyne's General Store, Sanders Grocery: Mac's Milk; G & G Discount, Exeter; Kirkton Market, Kirkton; instey's General Store, Woodham: IGA Huron Park: Club Albatross Tavern, Huron Park; Don's Food Market, Hensall; Darlings IGA, Lucan: Lankin Variety, Lucan. • THE DOMINION TAVERN Presents Mozart's Melody Makers Sat. Night -April 17 NEW Sunday Dining Hours 12:00 Noon - 8:00 p.m. Also introducing our New Chef and a more extensive menu Phone 236-4371 for reservations Marie 8. David Gelinas Your Hosts