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UCW celebrates faster theme
The Easter meeting of the
United Church Women was
held Monday evening with
some 60 present. Centralia
and Cromarty ladies were our
guests as well as Brad Cann
and Lorne Thrower
The platform of the base-
ment was decorated in the
Easter Theme, Cross with a
Crown of Thorns, a cross, a
grave covered with lilies, and
Easter lilies.
Mrs. John Pym welcomed
everyone. Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Carter read a story and lit a
candle. We sang "The Old
Rugged Cross". Mrs. Robert
Hulley read the Scripture. A
reading "He Is Risen" by
Mrs. Pym. Mrs. Reg. Hodgert
played a piano solo "Stranger
of Galilee."
The offering was received
by Mrs. Tony Verberne and
Mrs. Gordon McCarter. Mrs.
Robert Sharp gave the Offer-
tory prayer. A poem "Did
This Ever Happen To You"
by Mrs. Verberne. A reading
"Modern Day Little Red
Hen" by Mrs. Pym.
Mrs. Hulley led in singing
accompanied by Mrs. Reg.
Hodgert on the piano.
Mrs. Pym introduced Brad
Cann who in October, 1980
was on an International
Agriculture Exchange to
Australia. Brad gave a
wonderfulcommentary as he
showed his pictures of
Australia and Denmark.
Mrs. Sharp thanked Brad
and gave him a gift.
Mrs. Ken Duncan presi-
dent, welcomed everyone and
thanked meeting committee
for their program. Mrs. Dun-
can read a poem "Seeds of
Kindness". Roll call and
minutes were read.
May 12 we are invited to
Kirkton. The U.C.W. are
catering to the Hurondale In-
stitute Banquet on April 28 in
the church basement. Mrs.
Alma Langford of Exeter is to
be the guest speaker at the
U.C.W. Church service at 11
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan•
tyne arrived home on
Wednesday after having
spent the winter in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baxter,
Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Richardson, Erin, Brian
and Laurie were Friday even-
ing guests with Mr. and Mrs:
Ken Duncan and Floyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan-
tyne, Miss Wendy Ballantyne,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ballan-
tyne, Deanne, Cheryl and
Jayne were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ulch, Russeldale.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rohde,
Karen and Kathy, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rohde of
Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Rohde, Danny and Tammy
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. William Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan
received word Sunday from
High River Alberta that
Joanne Hartell passed away
Saturday. She was the former
Joanne Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick
Mellenger and Alicia,
Fredericton, New Brunswick
spent a few days over the
Faster weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Other
guests Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Helen Caswell and Bob,
Mr. Harold Annett, Mr. and
Mrs. Case de Moov, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cousins and
Christopher, Dorchester.
Misses Barbara Miller,
Kingston, Ruth Bray, Brenda
Hodgert, Donna Stewart,
Elaine Stewart, Lori Lynn
Stewart. London spent the
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We've broadened the eligibility for
the 1982 Farm Adjustment Assistance Program
so we can help more farmers.
For farmers facing financial
difficulties, the program offers
financial assistance and financial
management counselling. '
The farmer must have equity in the
farm business of between 104 and a
new upper limit of not more than
604. Present interest and principal
payments must exceed 20% of
operating costs. •
The total value of fcxxl or tobacco
products produced on the farm in
1981 has been reduced to $12,000.
Farmers can take advantage of one,
or more, of the following options:
1. Deferral of interest by the lender
on loan(s) for a period of six
months backed by a Provincial
guarantee. During this time, the
lender will not compound the
2. An interest reduction grant on
floating-rate loans and short term,
fixed-rate loans for operating
purposes only for up to 12 months.
The maximum grant will be 5
percentage points. Loans may be
reduced to a level as low as 12%.
3. An additional line of credit for
operating purposes only, guaranteed
by the Province of Ontario. This
new credit would be provided by
the lender at the prime rate for up
to 12 months.
For further information on this
program and application instructions
see your lender; or visit an OMAF
county office; or write 1982 Farm
Assistance Program, Queen's Park,
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1B7.
Ministry of
Agriculture and Food
Dennis Timbrell, Minister
Duncan Allan, Deputy Minister
Easter holiday at their
respective homes here.
Eleven ladies attended the
United Church women's
meeting at Woodham on
Wednesday evening when
Mrs. Stuart Shier, Kirkton
showed pictures of her recent
trip to Israel. She gave a good
commentary on her pictures.
Rev. and Mrs. A.F.
Thrower of London were
guests on the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thrower
and Jim.
Good Friday saw the
Thames Road and Elimville
churches join together for a
Good Friday Communion Ser-
vice. The Rev. A.F. Thrower
of London conducted the com-
munion service, while his son
Lorne gave the message.
The message was entitled
"Ups and Downs" and dealt
with the transgressions of
man on earth, and how Jesus
was lifted up to the cross, thus
lifting the sins of mankind.
Easter Sunday service at
Thames . Road followed a
Sunrise Service and breakfast
which was presented by the
Young People. There were
about 20 in attendance.
Many people who had
returned home to celebrate
Easter with families attended
the Easter Worship service.
The choir enhanced the ser-
vice by singing two numbers
with Easter related themes.
Mr. Lorne Thrower 'con-
ducted the service and the ti-
tle of his message was, "The
Joy of Easter, New Life." The
thrust of the message tackled
the problem of relating the
Easter message of Resurrec-
tion to our life today.. Mr..,
Thrower equated the resur-
rection to an extension of
what has gone on before–
Jesus Christ was and is an ex-
tension of the love of God the
Father; just as a planted seed
is the resurrected extension of
the parent plant.
The children story focused
on the disciples who didn't
know Jesus as He walked with
them, and it was not until He
did something (breaking
bread) that identified Him did
they know Him. •
Two thumb -prints were
shown, and the children were
told that everyone did or said
things that identified them to
others. They were told they
should be thankful for the in-
dentifying characteristics
each has.
Sunday School will start
sharp at 10 a.m. and the
church service will com-
mence at 11:15 a.m.
The United Church Women
are in charge of the service
and Mrs. Alma Langford, Ex-
eter will be the guest speaker.
It's now costing
Americans twice as much to
live beyond their means as it
did ten years ago.
PREPARE HOCKEY DINNER — Alice Watson, Sharon Glanville and Liz Allen were
three of the hockey mothers preparing the food for Saturday's Stephen Minor A Hockey
Association banquet. photo
Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Plan Craigholme play
"Angel in my pocket", a
light comedy, will be shown in
the Craigholme Auditorium
Friday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Admission $1.00. Everyone
welcome. Lunch will be
The junior and senior choirs
will present an evening of
vocal music in the United
Church Sunday, April 18 at
7:30 p.m. Free will offering
only. Everyone welcome.
fl •
Congratulations to Mr. and special prize to Jessie Lewis.
Mrs. Alden Craven who The seniors from Montrose,
observed their 45th wedding Michigan plan to visit here,
day as well as to Mr. and Mrs. April 22.
Gordon Craven on their 35th Six Ailsa Craig Lions and
wedding anniversary. their ladies attended the
Birthday greetings to Mrs. District Lions' Convention
Christen A. Stewart who was held at Wheel's Inn, Chatham
• 85 on April 8 and celebrated on the, weekend of April 2,3,4
Sunday. where Lion Earl Rees receiv-
Four tables of euchre were ed an acclamation for Zone
at play at the Happy Gang chairman to represent Zone
with prizes going- to Rheola 24 North District Al for the
Hotson, Marj Davidson, Han- upcoming 1982-83 Lion Year.
nah Clark, Martha Rees, Congratulations, Earl.
Laura Chapman, Janet Rose;
Clandeboye W.I. were co-
sponsors with Lucan W.I., of
the Canadian Red Cross
Blood Donors Clinic Thursday
evening. Many thanks to the
157 donors, also thanks to all
the helpers as well as to the
members, that supplied food,
to feed the technicians from
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the
Atkins families in the loss of
Play cards
at Brinsley
Conveners for the latest
euchre party were Mr. and
Mrs. Mau Donald and
Mrs. Gordon n.
Winners were: ladies high,
Mrs. Kooy, lone hand, Bonnie
Kooy, low, Mrs. K. Neil.
Men's high, Russell Brown,
lone hands, Blos Pepper, low,
Marion Levine playing a
man's card.
The next party will be April
16 with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
, Brown and Murray Carter as
their loved one, Bill Atkins,
who passed away Saturday in
South Huron Hospital, Ex-
eter. Funeral was Tuesday
from the Haskett Funeral
Home in London.
Joan and Joe Cunningham
and girls have returned from
a holiday in Florida.
Gerald and Irene Lynn,
Jack and Marion Hodgson,
Don and Dorothy Lankin,
Velma and Carolyn Hardy
and Elsie Lewis, were among
those on a bus tour to
Washington D.C. on the
The Hagen's Hackers
hockey team of Lucan,
travelled by bus to Mont-
Tremblant, north of Mon-
treal, on Easter weekend
where they played three
games, winning one of the
The weather was good and
the group enjoyed some ski-
ing as well as the hockey.
Among the 29 that went,
several were from the
Clandeboye area, Larry and
Linda Lewis, Gord and
Joanne Hardy, Jim and Helen
Hearn, Dave Hill and Gary
Corportion of the
Lot 21
Con. S
Lot 20 Con.5
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980,
Chapter 302, Section 301 and other powers thereunto enabling, the Cor-
poration of the Township of Stephen proposes to stop up and close:
A portion of the original road allowance between Lots 20 and 21,
Concession 5, more particularly described as Parts 4 and 5 on Plan
22R675, registered in the Registry Office, Goderich, Ontario and
outlined in the hereinafter described Plan.
The lands comprising that part of the said road allowances hereby stop-
ped up and closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the
said lands, shall be subject to easements for existing sewer, watermoin
and hydro services on the lands in question.
That subject to the said easements, the lands comprising that part of the
said road allowance hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be
vested in the Corporation of the township of Stephen to be dealt with from
time to time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem
And that the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by
counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be
prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applied to be heard at
a meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the Police Village of
Crediton in the Township of Stephen,• County of Huron on the 20th day
of April, 1982 at the hour of 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
DATED at Crediton, Ontario this 18th day of March, A.D. 1982.
Wllmar Wein, Clerk of the
Township of Stephen
TImes•Adveoate • 14 19 . 11
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