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Times -Advocate, April 7, 1982
Auction Sale
of household furnishings, antiques,
collectable:, wheel chair and misc.
on Saturday, April 10-1 p.m. sharp
across from Arc. Ind. in Dashwood
for Mr; and Mrs. Ohlen Truemner
chair, recliner chair, platform rocker, hostess
chair, console stereo, china cabinet, 2-5 pc. It-
chen suites, 2 odd chairs, desk, 5 pc. bedro
suite, 3 dressers, 1,3/4 and 1 single bed, washing
machine, several dishes, such as Nippon,
Depression glass, several other dishes, pots
and pans, lawn umbrella, table and chairs,
hand and garden tools, extension ladder,
wheel barrow, old cistern pumps, hand pumps,
coal-skuttle , many other items.
WHEELCHAIR: (like new), several pairs of
Norm Whiting
Auctloneering and Appraisal
Exeter, Ontario 235-1964
Under instructions from the secured par-
ty. Rathwell & Associates, Tender. Brokers,
will receive Offers to Purchase by Public
Bidding on the 12th day of April, 1982 at
the following locations:
10:00 a.m. Property known as Canadian Furniture
Restorers, 168 Thames Rd. W., Hwy. No. 83, Exeter, Ont.
Part Lot 908 and 909, Plan 20, in the Town of Exeter,
County of Huron.
11:00 a.m.Property know as Easton Trailers, R.R. No.1,
Centralia, on Hwy No. 4. Part Lot 7, Concession 1 in the
Township of
Property knowens Slemin Servof ice Centre, 508 Main
Street Eostand 518 Main St. East, Exeter. Part Lot 12,
Lot 13 and 14, Registered Plan 20 (n the Town of Ex-
eter, County of Huron.
1:30 p.m.Property known as Lot 16, Concession 8 in the
Township of Logan, County of Perth, Town of Bornholm
on Hwy 23 on which is situated a 6 room, 2 storey house,
warehouse and workshop.
TERMS:• Highest bid will be token as an offer to purchase
irrevocable for 10 (ten) business days.
• Written offer to purchase to be signed on the close of
• • $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) deposii required by cer-
tified cheque, payable to Tender Brokers, Rothwell &
* • Deposit to be returned if offer Is not accepted.
Deposit to be retained as liquidated damoges if Purchaser
fails to close.
• Closing is 30 days from acceptance
• Viewing of property is by appointment only.
For full Information concernin the above mention-
ed, please contact this undersigned,
Madateii didoceeztei
Telex: 069-55223
Telephone: (519)527-1458
(519) 527-1498
* g Auction Scale of
* J.D. Machinery, trucks, etc. *
* For Futuro Farms. 3 mi. S.W. of Ailsa * *
* Craig, 1 mile S. of Nairn. Conc. 2 * *
* East Williams. Watch for Signs.
* Monday, April 12 - 12:30 p.m. * *
* TRACTORS: J.D. 4440 diesel, only 1000 hours., *rs *
air conditioned, hydraulic seat, tilt wheel, quad *.
▪ range transmission, radio, like new. Duals for *
* 4440. J.D. 2130 diesel, 1300 hours, roll bar, acre * *
* measuring unit, real good. Duals for 2130. J.D. * i(
* 1830 diesel with J.D. loader, real good. *
*COMBINE: J.D. 6600 gas, cab, heater, 4' row * *
corn head, 215 remote control flex grain head, *
* pickup head, strove chopper. In excellent * 7.
if condition.
* MACHINERY: J.D, 8350 18 run f & g drill like * *
* new, J.D. 1280 8 row corn and bean planter *
* with monitor, J.D. 400 gal. saddle mount * *
sprayer with boom and pumps, John Bean 200
* gal. tote sprayer with boom, Innes windrower �(
* and cross conveyor, Noble 4 row corn and bean * *
*" cultivator, 4 row Smith bean puller, Kongskilde .4
* 20' cultivator with rolling harrows and levell- * *
* ing bar, Glenco 16' cult., Int. 12' chisel plow, *
Cockshutt 6 fur. 16" semi mount plow, M.F. 40
* plate wheel disc., Ford 917°4011 mower, M.F.
* side rake, harrogator, 350 bur gravity bin and * *
* wagon, 225 bu. gravity bins and wagons, Car- * *
* dinal 7" 51' auger, Cardinal 8" 55' auger both *
* on wheels, N.H. S 676 dual wheeled manure
spreader, hydraulic fert. auger, Cardinal auger
* for grain bin, Cross auger and grain blower, j( *
* 3 pt. h. blade, land leveller, packers, harrows, * �(
* flat rack and wagon, 3 pt. h, post hole auger, *
* Gale model 840 Ib. pressure cleaning unit.
TOOLS i MISC. Wayne 2 h.p. horizontal air
* compressor, air tire changer, King press drill, '
* level tripod and measures, truck enol tractor �( �(
* tires, Radial arm saw, Smith -Rolls electric *
*welder, S.A. battery charger, vise and stand, *
Mosterbuilt egg room cooler FH 100 with '/,
h.p. motor, egg trays and baskets, cement cart,
* aluminum extension ladder, bolts, parts, etc. �(
* etc. * * b
* TRUCKS: 1971 Ford dump (ruck and Dodge with * ' o
* 1800 gal. water tank. Both selling os is.
* TERMS: Cash Sale Day Lunch Booth * * a
Hugh Filson Tom Robson ' *
* 666-0833 666-1967 ' *
***'***************** 44
20 ['lope! ty For Rent
IN HENSALL - Sublet ,1
bedroom townhouse available
immediately. S190.00 a month.
Everything included. Phone
262-3339. 9tfn
CLANDEBOYE - 2 bedroom
apt. ground floor, stove and
fridge, pipeline water S230.00
plus hydro, 451-9377. 13;14c
farm home, east of Centralia.
229-6134. 13;14c
LUCAN - two bedroom apart-
ment S230.00 per month, in-
cludes utilities. Phone 227-1086.
HOUSE - 4 bedrooms on paved
road near Mount Carmel. Phone
237-3326. • 13;14c
pletely modern one bedroom
apartment, electric heat. Close to
downtown. Call 227-1710 or
227-4766. 13-15c
3 Bedroom Home
Barn 56x40
Ideal for workshop, storage or
sales and service. Highway loca-
tion just north of Exeter. 2 storey
house has 3 bedrooms, bath, liv-
ing room and farm style kitchen
with dining area. Available May
1st. 5400.00 monthly.
Call" 1-672-3232
20 Property Fut Rent
IN HENSALL - 2 - two bedroom
apartments, stove and
refrigerator. One bedroom apart-
ment, stove and refrigerator.
Phone 262-3146 after 5 p.m.
Retail or Office
Space Available
2 storey house located in com-
mercial area, ideal for a retail
outlet or office space. Will sell or
lease. - of the Township of Tuckersmith,
Contact in the County of Huron, deceas-
Peter Warner ed. Notice is hereby given that all
Persons having claims against the
Estate of Edward Grigg, of Clin-
ton, Ontario, who died on or
about the 16th day of October,
1981 at the Town of Clinton, are
required to submit full par-
ticulars of such claims to the
undersigned Solicitors for the Ex-
ecutors, on or before the 28th
day of April, 1982, after which
date the assets of the Estate will
be distributed having regard on-
receito ved. such claims which have been
Waters & Sinker.
Barristers & Solicitors
72 Frank Street, Box 58,
Strathroy, Ontario
N7G 3J1
Solicitors for the Executors
23 Wonted To Rent
COTTAGE FOR 3 or 4 weeks
Preferably July. Must be lake
front and sandy beach with
modern conveniences.
519-886-3377, 12:13:14:15c
26 Lego' Notices
In the Estate of
Edward Grigg
Grand Bend
ONE BEDROOM apartment.
Available May 1st. Call Jack
Taylor. Phone 235-1252 or
229-6472. lltfn
TWO BEDROOM apartment„
centrally located, refrigerator
.ind stove, heated. Available May
1st. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30
p.m. lltfn
floor, 2 bedroom broadloomed
throughout, garden plot,
beautiful treed lot, 5235.00 mon-
thly. Phone 235-2430 or 235-0392
evenings. 12tfn
21 For Rent
14:15c portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc.
Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Cor-
t /: acres. Asking S62,500.00. riveau, Zurich. Telephone
Call 672-6823.14tfn 236-4954. 1St
bedrooms, 2 baths with garage.
THREE BEDROOM HOME in Canada's largest selections.
Lucan. Available May 1. Phone Agent for Freeman's and Syd
227-4254 or 227-4312. 14tfn Silver Formal Rentals. Bob
NEAR GRAND BEND. House, Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex -
3 bedrooms. Phone 238-8240. eters 235-0991. 48t
APARTMENT - lower deluxe auditorium for rentals including
heated, .dear Zehrs, 2 bedrooms, weddings, meetings, banquet
senior citizens, singles, room, lectures, exhibitions,
newlyweds. 235-0354 meal time. films, etc. Kitchen facilities
14c available. Contact property
3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Close to manager Bill Dinney 235-021, CENTRALIA FAITH
shopping area. Available May 1. TABERNACLE
For further information. call
235-1414. 14-16c
27 fenders Wanted
Tenders will be received for
removing and installing self seal-
ing asphalt shingles on roof for
Caven Presbyterian Church, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
Documents will be picked up at
Ersman's Bakery, 443 Main St.
Exeter, until May 1, 1982.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
23 Wanted To Rent
50 ACRES, flat land Kippen. CASHCROP LAND, phone
Phone 262-5585. 14c 234-6486. 13-15c
* Clearing Farm Sale
* Farm Sold
* On Saturday, April 17th, 1982 at 1
* p.m.
* Tractors, combine and implements
* For John Swinkles - sale to be held
* on the Homer Kennedy farm on lot
* 27 concession 10 London Twp.
* 1 mile south of Ilderton, 1/2 mile
* west of Hyde Park Rd., 1/2 east of
• * Denfield sideroad. For information
•* phone 666-0671
* IMPLEMENTS.- Case 1070 diesel with cab, big
* tires back and front, David Brown 990 diesel
with loader, hydraulic remote bucket and
.* manure fork; Glencoe 181/4 ft. cultivator with
- wings and harrows; 12" Oliver wheel disc; '*
Cockshut'4 furrow 16" semi mounted plough; 41(* Cockshut 4 row 36" pull type corn planter with -
insecticides; Oliver No. 50 baler, Kilbros (new)
Ili: 350 gravity box with 20" steel extensions;
4( Beechville 8 ton wagon and 1-6 ton wagon; high
* pressure washer; Lincoln 250 welder; White 24'
* wingwheel disc; metal hog feeders; 6' scraper
* blae; Geo White 300 gallon saddle tanks fibre
glass with boom controls and pump new;
* Cockshut 535 gas self propelled combine with *
* 3 row 36" corn head; Int. 400 series 4 row air *
♦( corn planter real good; 18-4-34 snap on duals; *
* : 4 section harrows.
* MISC. - 21 ft. grain auger new; wooden gates, 41
* Hydraulic cylinders; feed car; new automatic Jr
* cattle waterer; and numerous other articles.
Terms cash - owner or auctioneers are not
* responsible for accidents sale day. ♦(
666-0833 666-1967
Clearing Farm Sale
Implements, truck, combine, misc.
articles. 14c * 10**41.if**** K*if********
Owner retiring from farming. Farm
rented. * * 190 Acre Farm by Auction *
Thursday, April 15, 1982 - 1 p.m. * * For Mr. Leroy Maguire, Lots 9 & 10,
For Donald H. Scott, north half of lot
17 concession 8 Lobo Twp. corner of * 05 ° * Concession 4, Biddulph Twp. North
Bear Creek sideroad and county rd. ate' • * of Lucan. _
r_ April
171 r
16 - 6 mile west of Ilderton. * ♦( "�' '• • ' • •• - �w A.M.
For information phone 666-1056 * * 190 acres of good productive lana. 170
4(workable, 12 acres of bush, creek through part �(
IMPLEMENTS - M.F. Industrial No. 40 diesel , - — - of property. 20 acres of fall wheat planted.) *
tractor and loader 2200 hrs; M.F. 175 diesel *"+ * cement silo 42'x14' and a large bunk silo. Large
tractor; M.F. 1105 diesel with cab and air 2300 * * feeding barns 32'x86' and 40'x52'. A 4 bedroom
hrs; 18 M.F. wing wheel disc; M.F. 580 - 18" * W brick house with 2 baths, completely moder- *
semi mounted plough M.F. No. 3 baler; wagon * �- ,w r' ; - * nized. Good water supply. An excellent oppor- *
and flat rack; 2-350 bu. gravity boxes on 10 ton fit, r qp f • * tunity to expand your p operation n by purchasing
wagons 1 - J&M - 1 Kilbros; Little Giant 34' _i.. . `�= -0 this piece of property straight north of Lucan. *
elevator; M.F. No. 510 diesel standard self pro- • * * TERMS: 10 percent down balance within 30
yelled combine with 13 ft. grain head, 38 " row ** days. Being offered subject to a very moderate
corn head and straw spreader and pick up * ' WANT5
t • reserve bid. Further information contact the *
heads M.F. - 18 run seed drill on rubber: Inter-* owner at 227-4723 or the Auctioneers. There *
planter with
national 4 row corni *
insecticides; p ,, \ �� * is a small 1st mortgage at 5 percent. �[
7 ft. heavy duty scraper blade; Geo White 250 * 4/FVRBWTOFF �(
gal. Trail sprayer ; Ghel model 65 - PTO por- AUCTIONEERS ♦(
table mix mill; Noble 4 row adjustable stuffier; * �4 / A ,a NJ` ' * Hugh Filson Tom Robson -
Konskilde 12', 3 pt with levellers, Kools forage * 666-0833 666-1967
blower; 5 wheeled side rake; NH No.5 manure •* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
spreader with slop door like new; 6 section her- *
grain auger 2-200 gal fuel tanks; New Idea 7' * = Illlllllllllllllllllllllll!
mower; 3 pt scraper bucket; steel frome buzz = LJ n reserved A uct lon
saw; root pulper. _
MISC. - iron posts, steel pipe; water tank; 2 HP *_
gas water pump; French glass doors, steel roof- * I Sat. April 10, 11 A.M.
A.M. • plastic pipe; numberous other articles, real * Sharp
nice western saddle. * _ _
TRUCK - 1968, GMC 960 tandem axle with 18" FEATURING: 75 to 100 tractors, 200 pieces of equipment, several com-
ox and hoist in excellent condition selling with * bines. This auction was formerly operated by Bryan Farm Supply.
certificate. M.F. 4-14" 3 pt. plough. a PP y
wners or auctioneers not responsible for * = LOCATION: Junction of 8, 5 and 52 highways. Peter's Corners (near Dun-
ccidents sale day. * des, 12 miles North West of Hamilton).
Hugh Filson Tom Robson * Marsh Brothers Tractor Inc. _a
666-0833 666-1967 *' E. 4116-62Te9281 1
* * * * * * * * * * ** *"* * * * *;tI1111I1IIIIII111IIIIIIII1111111MIIII1IIIMI11III1111IlIIlII11111IMIII1IIIIIlIIIIIIIIMIII1111I111MIIII11I11IlIlIIlI1I111II1I11I1I1IIIIIIlIII1111I1I11I1I11111111IlIIIIl11
will receive sealed tenders by the
undersigned for supplying
material and labour for siding,
church building - until April 21,
1982 - 6 p.m.
1. Aluminum Siding plus backer
2. All siding areas on church
3. Soffits, fascia and trough
4. Capping windows and door
frames (including round
top windows)
5. To insulate with 1" R.plus
styrofoam prior to siding.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Return tenders to Ken Parker,
RR 1 Hensall. 262-5789.
For Cutting and
Trimming Grass at
Kirkton Union Cemetery
Written tenders to be in hands of
Sec. Treas. by April 20, 1982.
Leonard D. Thacker
Sec. Treas.
RR 6 St. Marys, Ont.
Tenders may be submitted to the
below mentioned address until
3:30 p.m., April 15th, 1982, for
the purchase of assets of Cana-
dian Furniture Restorers (Exeter)
Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. Tenders
are to be submitted for the assets,
en bloc, which consist of equip-
ment and materials characteristic
of the furniture upholstery and
refinishing industry such as: two
commercial sewing machines, 5
h.p. compressor, table saw, drill
press, air tackers, foam cutter,
exhaust system, assorted hand
tools, work benches, office fur-
niture and inventory of
upholstery material. Also includ-
ed is 'a 1976 Ford Cube Van.
The highest or any tender will not
necessarily be accepted.
Sealed tenders with 10 percent
deposit by • certified cheques
(payee to the designated) should
be addressed to 1036 Ontario
Street, Stratford, Ontario, NSA
Appointments for inspection and
information on terms and condi-
tions of sale may be obtained by
calling R.D. McClinchey, (519)
Middlesex budget cuts
may ave come too late
Municipalities may not
receive the benefit of a last
minute $9,000 cut in the Mid-
dlesex County council
budget this year, treasurer
Donald Hudson said
The budget was cut Mon-
day but the draft bylaw leyy-
ing $3,380,621 in taxes from
the 22 municipalities was not
changed, Hudson said.
Council had to approve the
bylaw by April 1, but Hudson
said the problem will be
referred to the finance com-
mittee because late ad-
justments have been made
in the past.
Faced with an initial
budget setting a 13:5 percent
average levy increase,
council reduced it to 13.2 per
cent for a draft budget of
$12,715,957. Of that amount,
$7,083,069 is expected to
come from the province.
Proposed tax increases
(without the lesser percen-
tage figure representing the
$9,000) range from 1.4 per-
cent in Wardsville to 24.5
percent in Newbury which
registered an 11 percent in-
crease in its equalized
assessment. The Wardsville
levy has been set at $13,865
and the Newbury levy, less
its provincial assessment ad-
justment grant, at $15,408.
The North Dorchester
Township levy increased
four percent to $254,207, Lobo
Township by 7.6 percent to
$231,539 and Caradoc
Township by 9.2 percent to
Lucan': levy increased
11.3 percent to $41,258, Mosa
Township 11.8 percent to
$78,548, Adelaide Township
12.4 percent to $104,617,
Strathroy 13.1 percent to
$256,323, Westminster
Township 13.9 percent
541,137 , Biddulph Township
15 percent to $103,150, Glen-
coe 15.4 per cent to $58,722,
Delaware Township 15.9 per-
cent to $110,873, Metcalfe
Township 16.6 percent to
$70,202, Ailsa Craig 16.7 per-
cent to $23,457, East
Williams Township 16.8 per-
cent to $82,037, London
township 16.8 percent to
$423,393, McGillivray
Ducharme (left) and Mark Johnston (not shown) were
presented with awards for most improved bowlers in
the Zurich youth bowling awards for most improved in
the Zurich bowling league. Mork Denomme (right) was
presented with the sportsmanship award.
: r
Yorkshire and Duroc
Friday, April 23,
7 p.m.
Martheo Farm
at the farm
12 miles north of London, Ontario.
30 bred gilts, 30 open gilts, 30 boars Gov.'t
R.O.P. tested, Health inspected..
For information and catalogues
Ted Schendera
R.R. 4, Denfield, Ontario, NOM 1 PO
Township 17.4 percent to
$111,993, West Nissouri
Township 17.5 percent to
$220,943, Ekfrid Township
17.9 percent to $102,272 and
West Williams Township 18.7
percent to $39,546.
The county requires pay-
ment of 40 percent of its levy
by June 15 and the remain-
ing 60 percent by Dec. 20.
-Weil, it rare isn't
my idea of progress.'
Richard Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
Thur., April 5-1 p.m,
Tractors and machinery for
0111 Smith. Ood•rich
Fri., April 9.1:30 p.m.
Combin• tractors, cosh
crop equipment, For Mer-
vin Falconer, 21/2 miles
north of 0rucefield and 1
mile east.
Sat, April 10
Tractors -7' Combin•
machinery, etc„ for Rob)
Gibbing., 3% miles north
of Clinton and 1/2 mile
Thurs., April 13 10:30 a.m.
'Combine, Truck tractors
bull dozer, machinery etc.
for Robert (Mac) Scott and
Son 1'/4 miles east of
Seaforth on highway 0 and
2'/. miles north.
Sat., April 17
Tractor, machinery, mix-
c•Ilaneous etc., 5 cattle
and 34 ewes due to Iamb
for Claude Sinclair. 6
miles west of Clinton on
Highway 0. n
Fri., April 23 10:30 a.m.
• 100 acre hog farm, com-
bine, modem tractors and
machinery for Garry
Wolfe 3% miles north of
Mitchell and 11/2 miles
Sot. April 24 - 10 a.m.
Appliances, furniture and
antiques at Rk:hord Lobb's
��--- ./Garbwell D� ,yyd1oririle��
We have 'been instructed by the Pro-
prietor, to sell by Public Auction -the assets
of Klppen General Store on Wednesday.
April 14, at 5:30 p.m. at their location in
Kippen, Hwy. 4.
EQUIPMENT:Kelvinator 6' glass front cooler, Ideal 4'
upright glass front cooler, 2 Universal coolers, Coldstream
7 cooler, Frigidaire 12 cu. ft. horizontal freezer, Belwood
upright freezer, 3 showcases, Dayton scales, 1/4 hp meat
slicer, 7' counter, Sharp cash register, model ER2500, paint
mixer, Fleming paint shaker.
$10,000.00 WORTH OF INVENTORY: workboots, rub-
bers, clothing, sheets, towels, socks, hats, slippers, sew-
ing supplies, hardware, dairy products, groceries,gplus
many BARN 40more
x 60' frame barn, must beremoved and totally
cleaned up.
For further information please contact:
c%La�Y/ae, dioce tee
Brut• Rothwell - Manager
Dick Robinson - Sales Manager
Telex 069-55223 Teletohone 527-1458
Proprietor - Ken McLellan - 262-5738
\\�` (519) 927-1458
Combine, bulldozer, truck, 3 trac-
tors, machinery, etc. to be held at
Lot 20, Concession 4, McKillop
Township, 11/4 miles east of
Seaforth, on Highway no. 8 and two
miles north for Robert M. Scott and
Son. .
Thursday, April 15th at 10:30 a.m.
510 diesel copibine, late model with cab, air,
four row narrow corn head, 15 ft. floating cut-
ter bar head with pick up reel, 10 ft. pick up
head, straw chopper; Massey Ferguson no. 34
ten foot swather with water cooled motor.
TRUCKS: 1964 Chev cab overtruck with 21 ft.
livestock rack, selling as is. 1960 Chev with 12
ft. rack and hoist, selling as is.
BULLDOZERS: International T.D. 18 bulldozer
with blade in good condition. J.D. two cylinder
crawler with blade.
TRACTORS: Steyr 8160 four wheel drive diesel
tractor with cab, heater, air, three point hitch,
135 HP 609 hrs. John Deere 4430 diesel tractor
with cab, air, heater, quad range transmission,
2459 hrs. John Deere 3020 gas tractor with
power shift.
MACHINERY: John Deere 7000 four row
plateless corn planter with insecticide boxes
and monitor, 2 years old. Mauer 4 row bean
puller. Innes bean windrower with cross con-
veyor. Wil -Rich 22 ft. wing cultivator with har-
rows. International 510 twenty four run grain I
drill with no fertilizer attachment. 11 ft. chisel
plow like new. Case 12 ft.wheel disc, 12 ft. land
packer, 12 ft. chain harrow, John Deere 5 fur-
row x 16" semi mount plow, Kongskilde 11 ft.
cultivator, Massey Ferguson 15 run seed drill,
several sections of diamond harrows, 2-12 ft.
land packers, hooked together, Continential
300 gallon trail sprayer with fibreglass tank,
New Holland 890 forage harvester with 880 N2
two narrow corn head, 4 years old, New
Holland 717 forage harvester with hay pick up,
Kools KB 54 forage blower and pipes, 2 -Dion
three beater forage boxes on eight ton
wagons, Avco New Idea side rake, New
Holland 404 hay conditioner, New Holland 268
hay baler, 2 self unloading units for, forage
boxes, 2 wagons and flat racks, 2-350 bushel
JM gravity boxes on truck iv -time wagons,
gravity box on 8 ton Martin wagon with 12 ply
tires, Turnco gravity box on John Deere wagon,
gravity box on .wagon, truck frame wagon
(good one), Speed King 32 ft. portable grain
auger with PTO drive, International 175 bushel
manure spreader, International 275 tandem ax-
le manure spreader and a John Deere 5 fur-
row x 18" semi -mount plow, sap equipment,
post hole digger, 2 -belt drive hammermiils, 2
wagon load of small items, plus other items not
For information phone the owner,
Robert Scott 527-0615