Times-Advocate, 1982-04-07, Page 20CARMEL SAKE SALE - The ladies of Carmel Presbyterian Church in 'Hensoll held
a Daffodil Tea and Bake Sale, Saterday. Shown are Elanor Thompson, Jean Snell,
Margaret Hoggorth and Marilyn Campbell.
Church women conduct
Easter thankoffering event
Unit 4 of the U.C.W. of
Hensall United Church met
on Thursday April 1 at 2:30
p.m. for their Easter Thank
Offering meeting.
Mrs. Nan Britton presided
and -She opened with a poem
entitled "Two Groups"
relating to the two groups at
Jesus' crucifixion. This
was followed with the hymn
"Jesus Keep Me Near The
Cross" and brayer.
A lovely Devotion was
given by Mrs. Hazel Luther:
She read from the 16th
chapter of St. Matthew
Nifty Kneaders
conduct meeting
- Sy Carey Cates
March 29th -at Mrs.
Jeanette McBride's, the
Nifty ICneaders started the
fourth 4-11 meeting with_ the
pledge and then showed the
potato bread or Irish Freckle
bread we made at home for
ow roll call. The secretary
read the minutes of the
• previous meeting
We made the dough for the
whole . pain english muf-
fins. As we let it rise we
tasted the Zuni cornbread we
made at the last meeting. By
then the dough had risen and
we roiled it out and cut out
the muffins.
As we let thein rise, we
discussed "Let's Talk it
Over" and filled in the
blanks on "Flour Power".
We then grilled the nnuffins.
They baked much faster in
the frypan than in the oven
under the broiler. The
muffins were delicious with
Our friend saes this is=.
the last time he's going
to file a tax return.
Next year he'll just E
Fi point to his pockets and
s let the government
fight it out with his
begining at the 21st verse,
speaking on "Self Sacrifice"
which was also related to the
crucifixion of Jesus. She
closed with prayer.
Minutes were read and the
roll call taken with 15
members and one visitor
present. Mrs: Myrtle Sher-
ritt presided at the piano and
Mrs. Dorothy Mickle was
secretary for the meeting.
Mrs. Nellie Riley, hostess for
the meeting received the
"When I Survey the Won-
drous Cross" was sung with
Mrs. Sherritt at the piano.
Mrs. Dorotiry Mickle had
the study period and her
message was entitled.
"Easter aed Calvary"
before Easter. She spoke on
Easter being the season
when the whole world seems
to take on new life and new
meaning. It is a very special
time of the year when people
all over the world fill the
churches to hear the Easter
message,' the Joy of the
Resurrection of our. Lord.
She spoke of Calvary before
Easter and Jesus' great suf-
fering for us and made many
references to verses taken
from the 23 chapter of St.
Luke's gospel.
In her dosing remarks she
said "At this Easter season
bright with the promise of
Hope of eternal life, may we
look back and think` of the
suffering, the shame and the
awful sacrifice of the cross,
that made this day possible.
Let us look with reverence
and thanksgiving upon it
with thankfulness in our
hearts that because of this,
there is hope in the human
heart and assurance of
forgiveness as well as the
assurance of eternal life."
Following her message a
beautiful Easter prayer was
given by Mrs. Britton.
The business period
followed. The group made 49
visits to sick and shut-ins
during the past month. The
general meeting of the Units
will -be held on Monday,
April 5, at the Church.
On April 13th the "Special
Events" meeting for Huron -
Perth Presbyterial is to be
held at Mitchell at 7 p.m. The
beef barbecue is April 21
from 5 to 7 p.m. and a bake
sale will be held at the. Fid-
dler's Contest June 19.
The meeting closed with a
hymn and prayer by Mrs.
Britton. Mrs. Gladys Col-
eman served a delicious
The ladies of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held a
successful daffodil tea and
bake sale on Saturday, April
3. A sale of -good used
clothing was also available.
Owing to the weather condi-
tions the morning service at
Carmel church was
Cleric says mgny like Paul
Facing societyis real test of Christian
Despite the stormy weather ShirleyCooper, Exeter; se -
there was an excellent atten- egad &or prize Mrs Pauline
dance at the United Church on Brintnell, Exeter; lone
Sunday morning to celebrate hatrds liths. Mildred Kerr,
Palm Sunday. Seaforth; birthday closest to
Starr Jesney greeted the Easter MrsFlorence Miller,
congregation and George ' Clinton. The winner of the
Parker and Lorne Gackstet- door prize was Mrs. Mildred
ter were the ushers. Kerr, Seaforth.
Mr. McDonald spoke on the Mrs. Marg Upshall and
subject "After the Hosan- Mrs. Barb Dalrymple were
nas". He spoke of the Chang- in charge of the euchre.
ed attitudes of the people 4-H dough girls
after they had welcomed By Karen Campbell,
Jesus so triumphantly into The second meeting of the
Jerusalem. He stressed how Hensall Dough -Girls was
easy it is to think and speak held'February 17 at Hensall
for Christ in the atmosphere - United Church.
of worship on Sunday and We started with the pledge
when one is surrounded by and went on with the roll
other Christians, but the teal call, Together we read the
challenge comes to our pages of thesecond meeting
discipleship when we go out and tried to answer as many
into society and face the of the questions as we could
pressures of our every day on our own.
life. Often, like the people of After,-lwa finished we went
Jerusalem in the week follow- into the/ kitehcn where our
ing Palm Sunday who failed leader, Mrs. Sangster had
in their support of Jesus, been letting some bread rise,
and even like Peter who she then went on to tell more
denied his Lord, so we often about what you do when the
fail as disciples and even bread has risen. When she
deny our Christian put it in the oven we went on
commitment. and talked about home ac -
The choir sang "song of
tivities, which we were to br-
Zechariah" by Hopson and ' ing to meeting three.
the very beautiful "Hosanna! Afterwards we went back
This is Jesus" by Hughs with into the kitchen and tried
Carol Stuart taking the speak- some of Mrs. Sangster's
ing role. homemade bread. It was
The front of the church was delicious. I hope that we will
very appropriately decorated have more meetings like this
with palms and daffodils. one
The congregation were The fourth meeting of the
reminded of the Maunday Hensall Dough -Girls was
Thursday Service at 8:00 p.m. held February 25 at Hensall
on Thursday evening as well United Church. We started
as the Sunrise Service and out with the pledge and then
Breakfast on Easter Sunday went on with the roll call,
at 6:30 a.m. and the regular which was to present the
service at 11:00 a.m. sample of homemade bread,
The Sunday School staff of as our home activity from
our meeting three.
In our meeting we talked
about flour and the nutrients
within the bread.
Afterwards we discussed
our 4-11 party, we made up
our minds that we are going
to have an Italian dinner
the United Church met on
Monday evening and made
final plans for the Promo-
tional Service and Picnic to be
held in the Exeter Park on
Sunday, June 6 at 11:00 a.m.
This will be for the whole
congregation and the staff are
hoping it will be a meaningful
experience for everyone.
The Junior Hi. Group met
on Friday evening with a
night of recreation at the
church. The excellent atten-
dance of young people made
plans for the future meetings
with the next meeting to be
held on Friday, April 16 with
a bowling party.
Mrs. Carl McDonald of At-
wood is spending a few weeks
with her son Rev. McDonald
at the manse.
Rebekahs meet
Amber Rebekah Lodge
members held a most suc-
cessful Dessert Euchre on
Wednesday afternoon when
sixteen tablesplayed euchre.
The prize winners were:
ladies' high for pink card
was Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner,
Zurich; consolation for pink
card was Mrs. Alice Bowen,
Exeter; ladies' high prize
winner for yellow card was
Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Hen -
sail ;
en=sail; ladies' consolation
yellow card: Pearl
McKnight, Exeter; consola-
tion prize yellow card Mrs.
c Heard about the
=psychiatrists' E
- testimonial dinner? To
'the guest of honor they'
E song "For He's'on Ade-
=quate Fellow'. -
=Kids today won't want E
=to put a shoulder to the E
wheel --they just want I.
=to get their hands on it.
EHibernating: living on
c' burrowed time:'
. .
You con always count
=on the guy in the fourth
scar bock to be the first
. = to see the light turn
grebn. .
Honk if you want the
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annum awmnnauralalalnnlnlra
of: (back, from left) Angela
left) David Kirk, and George
Sandra Dickert.
youth bowling league were the Fireball team
Greg Overholt, Dwayne Overholt; (front; from
Missing were Mark Johnston and coach
YOUTH LEAGUE CHAMPS — The Little Rascals were the Zurich youth bowling
champs this year. Shown ore: (back, from left) Chris Overholt, captain Tammy
Lesperance, Danny Denomme; (front, from left) Patti Ann Dickert and Jason Har.
burn. Not shown are Ed Meidinger, Darryn O'Connor and coach Donna Lesperance.'
with pizza, Dread and a
drink. We then departed.
Heart fund to collect
Hensall Heart Fund Can-
vass is late this year, but
volunteer canvassers will be
out collecting in their
neighbourhood in the com-
ing weeks.
Birthday party at•
The ladies of unit 3 of the
Hensall United Church
visited residents on Monday
and entertained them with
bingo and treats.
Rev. Stanley McDonald
conducted church service on
Tuesday with Mrs. Dorothy
Mickle accompanying at the
A birthday party was held
on Wednesday evening for
those having March bir-
thdays namely: Carl Lawat-
ski, Isobel Sproat, Cora
Alcock, Mrs. Ella Middleton
and Mrs. Leah Keyes.
For their pleasure there
were readi _ , tames and a
film was shown. Murray
Howe won the lucky cup. To
complete their evening, cake
and ice cream- was served.
Neil Regan was high bowler
on Friday, his score was 148.
Iva Ridley and Ila Dunn
visited Vera Laramie.
Dorothy Mickle and Mary
Roobol visited several
residents. Mr. and Mrs. Soe-
jsdoer, Steve and Mike,
visited Mrs. Rozendal. Marie
and Henry wilds visited with
Mrs. Irma Wilds. Mr. Don
Rozendal visited with his wife
Mrs. Alice Rozendal.
Persona is
The "Three Links"
Seniors will hold their annual
Pot -Luck supper on April 13
at 6:30 p.m. at the local hall.
The annual meeting of the
Hensall Women's Institute.
will be held at the United
Church on Wednesday April
14 at 8 p.m. when X11 commit-
tee reports will be given.
Please try to attend.
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HIGHEST SINGLE SCORES - Bantam bowlers Darren
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junior winners Paul Bedard and Lisa Bedard.
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