HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-03-24, Page 21LINE OF EASTER BUNNIES — Senior �
ed as bunnies to welcome the as ter Bunnys to the club's carn val. The show called
Celebrations! wasperformed Sunday at the oreno.
Lucan church happenings
served to all members of the
congregation wishing to stay
and for the ten candidates of
the confirmation class to be
confirmed at the 11 a.m. ser-
vice at St. 3ames'
The breakfast was
prepared and served by four
very capable cooks - Andy
Van Geel, Larry Hodgins, titularly to those suffering planning component, a more
Bob Sockett, and Bryan ' most from high interest effective management
Smith. rates, such as farmers and system and an efficient
Up -Coming Events : businessmen. grouping of programs and
Wednesday ,8 p.m. Parish Peterson thrbne resources.
Hall, "Ashes to Easter" speech response The re -organisation, the
program continues - Come In his formal response to Minister said, will
and join us, all are welcome. the Throne Speech, David strengthen the planning and
Luton United Church. . Peterson, stated some of the decision making capacities
At Lucan ted Church realities of March 1982. "In of the Ministry. The Minister
SundaSunday morningUthee monthly the 1960's Ontario ranked said it was critical for the
y was led by Barb first among the provinces in Ministry to have more
Coughlin with Marjorie Park alihost every indicator of resources to devote to long -
at the piano. Members and
friends were welcomed by
Betty Bates and children
Mindy, Peter, Tim and
With Helen Stanley at the
organ, an arrangement of
"How Great Thou Art" was
sung by the choir with Henry
Kaune singing the solo part.
The Sacrament of Infant
Baptism was celebrated for
Rebecca Ann, daughter of
Sharon and Gordon Blane as
she was dedicated to the
Using the fifth petition in
the Lord's Prayer, Rev.
Keith Brown pointed out that
we have great need for
making this petition because
we have all sinned. It is also
a petition for a forgiving
spirit as we must be right
with our neighbour before
we can be right with God.
Three things are taught by
this petition, to forgive as
Christ forgave, to forget any
wrong done to us, and the
only way we become forgiv-
ing is to let Christ come and
dwell in our hearts. This love
of Christ -compels up to
forgive others, it cannot be
earned as it is free and
becomes ours when we
ccept it as a gift -from God.
t us accept it today if we
ave not already done so.
Each Sunday at 3 p.m. the
onfirmation Class meets in
e Jean Darling Room.
Tomorrow evening, Thurs-
y, the Couples' Club meets
the C.E. wing to see pic-
res of Greece and to hear
arjorie Park tell of her
Lucan Revival Centre
Bruce Henry opened the
morning service leading in
chorus singing, and Danny
AND Lint
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Gillard sang "The Man of
Rev. C.J. Williams
ministered from Mark 12:32
and Luke 8:40, saying
because the common people
heard Jesus gladly, His
authority and His love made
them comfortable. Jesus did
not appeal to their intellect.
He appealed to their need,
and their heart. Honest real
people will receive Christ's
word gladly, because it will
bring them hope, peace, and
Sunday evening Bruce
Shaw led the song service.
Doug Butler and Martha
Sullivan sang "The World
Can't Take it Away", and
Doug Butler then sang "To
God be the Glory".
Rev. C.J. Williams and
congregation read Psalm 56
and Psalm42: 5-11. When we
are called of God, He has a
place for us to minister, led
by the Holy Spirit, which
even our families may not
understand. David was
anointed king, yet had to flee
under enemy attack. He en-
couraged him self in the
Lord. As the enemy came
against David, so the enemy
satan will come against us.
Upcoming events: Friday
April 9th, a pot luck supper
will be held at 5 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall, followed by
the Good Friday service,
with musical talent.
Anglican confirmation
St. James' Clandeboye
(Anglican Church) was the
host church for the Service
of Confirmation and the
Holy Eucharist. The Rt.
Rev. Derwyn Jones, Suf-
fragan Bishop of Huron was
the Confirming Bishop, Rev.
Pocock, rector of the parish
of Holy Trinity, Lucan and
St. - James', Clandeboye
presented ten candidates to
to Bishop to receive the
, ylldg-on of Rands. • -4.
They were, Janice Atkin-
son., Heather Blay, Aimee
Broderick, Leslee
Broderick, Lisa Carter, a
Gerald Cunningham, Wayne Le
Hodgins, Karen Leger, h
Lauralee McDonald, Leanne U
The Old Testament lesson C
was read by Mrs. Barbara th
Carter and the New Testa-
ment lesson by Mrs. Joyce da
Sovereign. Members and in
friends were greeted by to
Dennis Little. M
Mrs. Beaulah Hardy tr
presided at the organ for the Fri
service and led the choir of
Holy Trinity in a very lovely
and fitting anthem "If Ye Fr
Love me, keep my Com-
, The Homily delivered by in
Bishop Jones brought out the. Pr
meaning of confirmation, fur
which is the declaration of ho
our allegiance to Christ and
Jack's jottingR
.The economy stirs debate
By hack Illidd•R MPP the Legislature, he was address such broad concerns
In as emergency debate, asked about disclaim that he as income stabilization and
both Opposition Parties knew nothing of the such specific concerns as
strongly critized Ontario's miscarriages until March improved delivery of
economic performance and 15th, although officials of his financial management
job -creation record, stating ministry were blown tohave counselling to individual
that the province's unem- exchanged a memo on farmers by County
ployment is so severe that it February 4th about a 70 Agricultural Representat-
should be treated as an percent miscarriage rate ives. Equally important will
emergency' similar to a among certain ministry be the Ministry's ability to
natural disaster. office workers at Old City encourage private sector
Liberal Leader David Hall. capital investment in the
TlPetersonreasurer, hasFrank urgeMiller, d theto Agricultural mandate food industry by creating a
This week in the receptive climate.
bring down a provincial Legislature the Minister of The Minister is also
budget Immediately, but the Dennis
Aggric Agriculture and Food, concerned that the common
Treasurer has indicated that , announced interests of both rural and
he's hoping that the federal a "Mandate for the 80's" be
government will replace Its which he outlined his goalsin, emphasizedurbanco. mHe is anxiousmunities to
controversial budget before objectives and organization promote the shared interest
he has to introduce his own. • for the Ministry of of the rural producers and
immediate short and long
Peterson has called for Agriculture and Food. urban consumer. Towards
The changes he hopes, will this end he will be pursuing a
term progran3h to bring ivreate a forward-looking more aggressive marketing
relief to the province, par- organization with a strong program. -
The Foodland Ontario
Program will be expanded.
The development of- more
products to displace imports,
and the encouragement of
exports, will both receive
priority attention. Mr.
Timbrell said the aim of the
Ministry is to reduce
Ontario's $1 billion trade
deficit in food products..
A food processing Branch
will be established. The
economic performance. range considerations and - Minister also proposes to
Today, in most of those in- that It was critical to ar- link and enhance the quality
dicators we are last. ticulate coherent strategies assurance programs of the
The Ontario Economic for the Industry so that Ministry such as livestock,
Council predicts that if competitive opportunities dairy and fruit and vegetable
present trends continue, we can be maximizedand inspection. The Minister will
will lose 44,000 permanent competition be met. be . making a policy
manufacturing jobs by 1990. If Ontario is to achieve statementin the coming
According to the Canadian self-sufficiency in . food months on foodland
Federation of Independent production and is to compete preservation and . im-
Business, 80,000 small effectivelyin the world provement.
businesses .in this province market, we must have co- The Ministry activities
are at risk today. The ordinated, well -thought-out _ -
Minister of Agriculture and
Food, Dennis Timbrell
estimates that there are
about 6,500 farmers in
serious financial difficulty.
There are up to 10,000
forward thinking provincial A little. wallpaper goes a
strategies encompassing the long way if a design can be
chain of efforts from
producer on through. The thcut into longbostrips. Join
Minister proposes to expand- room for a border r me a theo
and enrich the research and room or use to frame a door
families in danger of losing development activity in the and window or create a panel
their homes, with their Ministry and through dollar effect on a plain wall.
matching projects, stimulate
the research and develop- Half and half cream
menu in the private sector. equal to I` cup milk and '
Greater emphasis will be cup light cream or 1
placed on financial planning tableslxwtis butter and
and the Minister intends to milk.
mortgage renewals in the 18
percent range. There are
373,000people unemployed in
this -province - 65,000 more
than this time a year ago.
21,565 Ontario workers were
permanently or indefinitely
laid off in just the last three
weeks. Some 68,000 "citizens
of Ontario migrated out. of
this Province in the last two
Miscarriages and offices
An independent doctor is to
be appointed by the Attorney
General, Roy McMurtry to
investigate possible con-
nections betweenoffice
machines in his Ministry's
Old City Hall offices and a
high number of miscarriages
reported among office
workers there: The Ministry
of Labour, Russell Ramsay
will also have his officials
conduct' a separate in-
vestigation into the equip-
ment. Said the Attorney
endship unit: Lucan U.C.W. General, "My officials can
Members of the establish no apparent con-
iendship Unit of Lucan nection at this time between
C.W. held their March the, miscarriages cited -and
eeting Wednesday evening the copying machines and
the C.E. Wing. video display terminals." In
Worship, based on
overbs 31, "The Complete
)man". was led by Jane
rster, and the study was
n by Kit Hearn using
e •Life, Word and Beliefs
Rev. Ray Hord", giving
concerns regarding
uring the business
eting. chaired by the
der. Beth Cowdrey, the
ring, Fellowship
cheon was announced for
m Sunday; April 4th,
owing the morning ser-
, and the General Easter
nkoffering meeting will
eld Tuesday, April 14 at
ednesday, April 15 all
an U.C.W. are invited to
nd the Clandeboye
•W. meeting in the
rch, when Ken Rosie -
es. the Principal of Sau-
pring Ranch School will
therefore our rejection of all take
that is evil. It is only with Th
God's help that we are able hi
to do good. To illustration his
the power of prayer, a )us
dialogue ' between a manrne
' D
repeating the Lord's Prayer ea
and God intervening,
revelaed that prayer re- Sp
- quires action on our part for Lun
it to be affective. It is fay;
dialogue with God.
During the celebration of vice
the Eucharist the newly con- Tha
firmed candidates received be h
their first communion. 8 W
Following the service a
reception for all was held in I•uc
the lower hall and ante
refreshments served by the t1.0
ladies of St. James'. Char
A Contemporary Myl
Eucharist was held at Holy ble S
Trinity Anglican Church in
Lucan at 8 a.m. Following
this service breakfast was
A rule of thumb for the.
shelf -life of ground spices is
about a year. They lose
freshness quickly, even in
cool dry storage. There are
no limits to how long whole
spices keep.
McCann Redi-Mix Inc.
Phone Office
Lloyd 236-4819
Continued from page 11
Appleman 230-665, Adrian
Del3rouwer 224-620, Eve
Smith 253-606, Buddy
Appleman 213-606, Harold
Smith 251-600, Pat Ryan 264,
Ian Caldwell 246, Russ Smith
232, Pete Smith 230, Lynn
Smith 225, Donna Evans 219.
Thursday Men - Carl
Dunlop 339-762, Harold Smith
273-719, Jeff Park 264-714,
Ray Hands . 262-697, Dave
Mawdsley 276-689, Ken
Eaton 251-674, Kevin
Lightfoot 232-654, Don Watt
268-654, Jim Burt 238-651,
Wayne Smith 234-650, Mike
Neil 293, Ken Simpson 288,
Art Bell 268, Bev Btimstead
262, Don Vance 260.
Friday Mixed - Dave
be the
guest speaker. The Mawdsley 267-700, Angela
members of this Unit will be Clarke 282-756, Morley
taking orders for bulbs again Thompson 286.684, Heather
this year, up until the end of Smith 29O-660,Pat Clarke 265 -
June. 655, Janice Capitano 247-645,
Lunch, on a St. Patrick's Bob Smith 233, Vicki nor -
theme. was served by Bar- banuik 211, Pat Hodgins 225,
tiara Wallace and Beth Ray Carter 209, Patti Carter
Miller. 206
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ME AND MY SHADOW -- Christa and Colleen Keller
portrayed Me and My Shadow in Sunday's carnival of
the Zurich and area figure skating club. T -A photo
Let Summertime In
Dashwood Windows
Mon. • Fn.!
8 -noon
related to agriculture and
horticultural societies,
Women's Institutions and
Junior Farmers and 4-H will
be improved and closely co-
With this • program the
Minister recognizes the
fundamental Importance o[
agriculture today and with
the new structure the
Ministry will be best able to
respond to the current and
future needs of the Industry.
Times -Advocate, March 24, 1912
Page 21
MAR. 24—APRIL 10, 1982
Page 1 '
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Attention Farmers:
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Not Dinner Provided
12:00 Noon
Pat Lynch, O-M.A.F. Soil ts, Crop Specialist •
for Huron & Perth Counties,
Bruce Lobb, Ministry of Environment»
Tuesday, April 6th
Seaforth Legion
Representatives will be on hand to provide information and answer
questions on new & existing chemicals & application equipment
Jim's Flying Service will be on hand to answer any questions.
In order to arrange the dinner, please reply t,; r ` ,;;i;� »M'Itun Dietz
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Seaforth, Ontario Phone 518-527-0608
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