HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-03-24, Page 15BEARS club dr K411y West! A PICNIC = Beginning members of the Zurich andarea figure skating as teddy bears during Sunday's carnival. From the left are Tara Bedard, man, Jennifer McGee, Kimberly Scotchmer, Julie Weber and Jayne T -A photo Y. 4 J1 tiuuuuu11u11i111nunnunnil PI WI Y '1' Emmanuel United Church Sunday. March 28 REV. B LAiNG B.A. B. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Mart1n a.m. Worship Service 5'a.m. Sunday School •„March 131 - 9:15 p.m. Learning For Lent to continue s CWI needs quitters Our monthly C.W.L. meeting was held March 16 after a mass for vocations was said. It was opened with the league prayer and ap- proximately.45 people were present. Tbank you notes from the March of Dimes and the Denomme family were read. A 'motion to raise the membership fee to three dollars will be: discussed at the annual convention May 11 to 12 in London. Mrs. Mathonia spoke. on nutrition and the metric system. Mrs. Mary Regier March 25 - 7:30 p.m. ,i urged our children to take Choir practice part in the Right to Life Art o loin. us. We extend a _,Contest by March 31., welcome to all. Sis'.er Florian informed us that .there is room.for more . St. Peter's r Lutheran Church REV. JACK DRESSLER Organist . Mrs. Christine Eagleson E •• • B.M.A. Sunday, March 28 1n:On - Worship Ser 10:45 - Sunday Sc ere is a nursery f ildren which is 4 ring the worship Everyone Wel ce 01 small rvised vice e Zurich Men .nite Chur Past, CLAYTON PEER Sunday. h 28 8•45 a.m. Wo P Service 9 45, a.m. Si ay Church r Sc 11:00 a.m. 7.30pm. G,.orge Ha Christian Vi Wild Bibi, Pra 1n v. 'tet n trd,tbled hmueve al In my nhln'/ m. so 1 w+e, to prep (believe hip Service st Speaker teacher at Bible School 1 p.m. udy and Service is homes station your heart be believe in God. n M,' (Christ) ther'S house are ons if i1 were not ave told you. I go a place for you John .14:1.2 knitters in her craft class on Monday and Thursday 1-2:30 p.m. Bazaar quilters are - needed for two days which will be set up at Josie Denomme's near the end of March.. A couple of lenten church banners are being_ made by volunteers. Lets remember C.W.L. week April 25 to May 2 and celebrate a mass for Our Lady of Good Counsel. April 9' Invited guests from Mt. Carmel and St. Peter's Parish attended our meeting as,well. They enjoyed a very interesting and informative ,presentation on Electrolysis given by Mrs. Rachelle Laporte. A lovely lunch was served and enjoyed by all. Planning ball season By Mar, - Chessell Varna Euchre prizes at the Orange Lodge card -party in Varna on Friday night were won by Mrs. Art Alexander and Ed Gale. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Irene Finlayson and Ed Johns. Draw prizes were won by Marg Gale, Art. Alexander, Grace White and Margaret Hess. Local boys on teams The Atom use league team in Clinton that Lee Norman and Scott • McAsh play on were defeated 2.0 by Exeter, and by a shoot-out in a tie a game with Michell in a house league tournament in Clinton, The Clinton Atoms, which Greg Taylor and Darryn McAsh play on, won the Western Ontario "CC" hockey finals in Durham on Sunday. They won three straight in a 3 out of 5 series. Organizing•ball now The parents who've spent a large part of the winter in arenas will be glad to know there won't be much time for sty -Nu Bakery Cheese House SPECIALS!! neer Rolls dig Johns or Ismark oughnuts 6g doz. 99 6/$1.09 MPrlium Cheddar Ib. ;2.79 old Cheddar lb. $3.09 Spanish or Blanched Peanuts Ib, $1.49 Tasty -Nu Snead - fresh from our oven Zurich to your table' Seraforth 236-4912 527-1803 boredom to set in before the ball season opens. Meetings to organize their schedules are beginning now. Excellent recovery Wilfred Chuter has made an excellent recovery following surgery two weeks ago in London.. He came home on Monday after . a short period ' of • con- valescence at his daughter's home in Brantford. 4-H moo -year! The Zurich 4-11 iry and Beef Calf Club start d a new year on March 15 at r. Ray Rasenberg's. Our new leader, r. Jerry Thiel, and 'Ray h ded out our record bo ks and pamphlets 'ami st the chatter of th newly acquainted mem Next we held t election of officers and aft ' a lot of nominating and econding we got our new co ncil. The president is Paul ingerich, vice-president s Cam Steckle, secretary s Sharon Thiel and press r ported is Caroline Tickner. !. We then decided Com would have the next meting at Paul's place on M ch 29. After discussing 'What will be happening in this new year of 4-11 we clpsed the meeting with the pledge. Mr. Rasenberg s ved us lunch and then Cam hanked the .host and host s for holding the meeting. PERCY BEDARD Carpenter 1 Debate continues on fire -radio costs Debate over the costs of radio equipment for the Zurich and area fire beard wait continued in at Zurich council Thursday. Reviewing accounts at council's March meetlnig councilman Bob Fisher asked about the shipping costs of the radio equipment. He noted "every little piece hu a shipping charge.” He wondered whether the shipping charges had been included in Oe contracts and added the fire board may be over budget if it has to pay all the charges. Reeve Fred Haberer noted there had been some con- fusion with Hay Township over the purchase of a fire truck radio. Hay approved the .pur- chase and its share of the $850 cast subject to a written request from the fire board. Haberer said there had been no time for the meeting and fire board members had *Custom Built Homes 1 *Renovations *Additions *Repairs *Free Estimates Phone 236-4873 After 6 Zurich been poled and were in nliromrient mitt the pur- chase. Buying*. ur-c .l$1gigE'tlfe radio was "the same d4 -story, You wo* . It was said you aact now," Noting that •Stanley Towashidl had trot requested a letter front tbs fire board Leroy Mal nested Hay council 8boW0 have had morel faith. 1n their representalief 4n_ the fire Fisher- noted licence fees for the radios should also be investigated.' He suggested fire department personnel inspect std accept delivery of tire-tightiag tele ted equipment.A letter from Doug Turkehita voiced citizens' displeasure over the visible condition of ,the village's maintenance yard behind the 'municipal office. Haberer notdd the Zurich utility stored equipment there which is being used. Thiel suggested a cedar hedge be put up along two sidei of the area to block vision. Council will discuss the problem further with Turkheim and the utility to determine what cleanup is required. Council passed a bylaw setting the interest rate on tax arrears at 18 percent. Clerk Sharon Baker noted the bylaw► had to be passed annually and the interest rate could be set at 11h percent over prime. The interest rate last year had been set at 221/4 percent. Thiel noted the village may still be losing money if it has W borrow money at more than 11/4 percent above the current prime rate of 18 percent. By way of information, the council's 1981 grants to the Zurich agricultural society, ($125) the Huron Country Playhouse ($50), Blyth, centre for the arts ($50) and the Zurich and district chamber of commerce ($125) were noted on the. Family history in book form A native of this area area Mrs. Yvonne .(Masse) Gibbs who now lives in Windsor (she is the daughter of Napoleon Masse) wrote a book which is now on sale, "Relatives ' like us Don't grow on Trees! - We grow on you." (A Masse Genealogy). It would be very in- teresting for the people of Zurich and the Bluewater to read, and I'm sure they will enjoy it! For your convenience, Yvonne will be coming to Zh • this Saturday and Sway (March 27 and 28) witft their mobile home. She willhave these books for sale at * each {It's the Masse, Derbmme and Ducharme history). S plans to be at the home of ap Cantin, at Saturday eveiing Mass at St. Peter's Cattolic church Saturday eveting and parked near Shaw's store on Sunday for anyone interested in buying a book! f rom her. Best recove Emm Leibo who Exet rrently in hospital wishes for a speedy y are extended to Bassow, Theodore i and Arnold Westlake at re all patients in Hospital. - Giving up Lent t for March break D to the March school brew there will be no Lear 'ng For Lent program at t e United Church this We esday but will con- tinu next week March 31 at 9:15j The topics are Dairy Products or Crocheting (advanced and beginners). The following week, April 7, (the last one) will be on, Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation or Crocheting or Macrame. Bible study at all sessions is, "Jesus and the Parables". Bible school meet On Tuesday March 30 at 8:00 p.m. there will be a Vacation Bible school has traffic on one of them meeting at the Lutheran now due to a big ship ac - church, everyone is welcome cident recently.. to attend. It was also great to visit with some Zurich friends in Arcadia, which wasn't far from Bradenton. We spent tWo week vacation in the afternoon with Curtis Bradenton, Florida (on the and Mary Gingerich, Steve Gulf side). and Mary Ellen Gingerich We . stayed with friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thelma and Clarence Gingerich. Harwick. We swam quite a bit in the Renee and I really enjoyed pool at the "Sea -Breeze" it there, and going to Di sney. mobile home park where the World to Orlando was just Harwick's live, and it was fantastic. She even got.to get just beautiful: her picture taken with some 1 sure couldn't believe. the Walt Disney characters. difference from winter to We then spent four days summer in only a 21/2 hour by with my cousin Harvey planedirect from London to Noury and his wife Pat, near St. Petersburg. Tampa and while there The palm trees are lovely enjoyed the day at Bush and the fresh oranges and Gardens. Renee went on an grapefruit were just elephant rid. delicious. It was sure a trip There was sure lots to see ! to remember. Some other highlights of Sweet tolls at 4-H The fifth 4-H meeting of pingun trip were, going •shop- _ the "Brainy Bread Maker's" at S, w mm ngd's Key ie was held on Tuesday, March Sarasota, swimming in the Coquina Beach 9 with 13 girls in attendance. Gulf of Mexico - salt water and white Sweet rolls were made and Correspondent returns We returned home on Saturday from a wonderful agenda. Fisher questioned why council should support outside groups when Zurich can't ' get other municipalities to support the arena. Isidore Laporte noted some of the groups get grants from other levels of government - already. He suggested playhouse and Blyth centre services be financed by the users. Thiel inquired if there had been a pay increase for council members. He said if there had not been ah in- crease there probably should sand with all kinds of sea the whole wheat bread that shells to colletlt along the was made at home was shore. r " judged' The temperature was also TheY also got to taste some in the 80's which at first gave Scottish Currant Bread. us both a sunburn Which turned into a nice tan af- terwards. We drove' over the "Twin Span" famous sunshine skyway bridge, which only Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corriveau and two children of Windsor spent' the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gerry Sreenan on the Blue Water highway. Antenna B & T Sales & Service Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482-7157 1 INTRODUCING THE COMMERCE COMBINATION ACCOUNT. THE NEW COMMERCE COMBINATION ACCOUNT IS TWO ACCOUNTS IN ONE. IT COMBINES BOTH THE BENEFIT OF \ NO CHARGE CHEQUING AND THE EARNINGS 'OF HIGH DAILY INTEREST IN ONE CONVENIENT ACCOUNT NO CHARGE CHEQUING, it's yours provided'your minimum balance during a complete calendar month is S200 or more. The usual service charge will not be•applied for cheques and withdrawals paid out of your account during that month. Each personalized cheque is numbered consecutively and Iden- . tified on your descriptive statement for easy recognition. . t HIGH DAILY INTEREST PAID MONTHLY helps you make the most of your money. EVERY DAY YOUR CLOSING BALANCE IS $2.000 OR. MORE YOU REAP THE REWARDS OF HIGH DAILY INTEREST PAID MONTHLY. That's high daily interest earned on all your money. And, on those days your balance drops below 52.000. youll still earn a rate of 3% per annum daily interest 'paid monthly. It's guaranteed! So. no matter how much your account fluctuates from day to day you keep earning interest on every dollar every day. THE NEW COMBINATION ACCOUNT. TWO ACCOUNTS IN ONE. One. you can use it as a chequing account only earn daily interest at the 3% rate paid monthly on your. everyday money. You're also entitled to no charge chequing if your minimum monthly balance is $200 or more. Two. you can use it as a savings and chequing account combined. Just deposit your everyday and savings money into a Combination Account. That way you'll earn high interest paid monthly on all Your money every day provided your daily closing balance is $2.000 or more THE COMMERCE COMBINATION ACCOUNT. It's available at • most Commerce branches. Ask for details at the one nearest you. You'll find it's a great reason to move over to the Commerce for all of your banking needs. tR2tes and terms subiect to change without not,. c CANADIAN IMPEtilAL BANK OF COMMERCE not be one. Baker said the topic of increases had been left for council to discuss. Baker noted that about 101/2 percent of first in- stallment taxes were still outstanding. She said she was not too worried about the situation as most were responsive to the interim payments. The clerk suggested it would be worth while to hire an enumerator for village dogs. Only six dog tags had been. sold so far. The deadline for dog tags is May 15. Vote, draw chooses Westlake for council Keith Westlake has been chosen from five applicants to fill the vacancy on Zurich council. Council filled the vacancy left when Dan Turkheim resigned in February at their March meeting, Thiursday. Reeve Fred Haberer noted council had used one of the three methods available for filling the vacancy in ac- cepting five applications. Council could have chosen an election, or simply appointed a person to .the post. Clerk Sharon Baker read the applications in the order they- were received. Applying were: Don Van Patter, Westlake, Bob - Dietrich, Ken Fenwick and Doug Turkehim. Baker explained that Council needed a motion nominating the men for the petition and a vote amongst the council would be held. On the first ballot, those with the lowest votes would be dropped out and ties would be broken by a draw. The vote would continue .until a name was chosen or a majority of council (three votes) accepted a candidate. Council then met in - camera to discuss the ap- plications. In the first vote Fenwick and Dietrich were dropped out and a draw chose Van. Patter over Turkehim. Westlake received two votes and remained in the selec- tion. Council split two votes for each on a second ballot and Westlake's name was drawn for the position. Baker said the section of the municipal act concerning the choice was ambiguous' but that the procedure was done according to the act. Councilman Bob Fisher grumbled it was a stupid method to select a replacement councillor. Leroy Thiel suggested council's minutes reflect the procedure which chose the new cout►cil member. March 24. Pogo i s Davi Geoffrey Contraction Hone. Rero.ot.ons, AddAans • Fu,m audd.nys S Reposes Atum,nurn S,dny & Awnngi Zur,cl, 436.4132 O.Khm. Ener. 295-4961 Evens p • Zurich `4 Home Hardware Services - glass 8 screen repair - key 'cutting - paint & stain tinting - layaway - Bulk Kerosene Rentals - Rinse & Vac - Miracle Wallpaper ,Remover Rug shampoo ZURICH 236-4911 EAVESTROUGH SIDING Ask About Our SPRING SAVINGS FREE ESTIMATES • Stelco Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors.1 Windows • Aluminum Awnings - • The energy .window roll shutters system • Renovations General Construction. JIM BEAKER CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 DRYSDALE'S Anima/ Sprinj ate GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES NCORE AUTOMATIC WASHER, 6 wash cycles with extra rinse 3 wash spin speed combinations 5 wash/rinse temperature ENCORE AUTOMATIC DRYER • Three cycles including automatic dry • Three heat selections • End of cycle signal • Drying Rack combinations $88900 PAIR WITH TRADE .ALSO SOLD SEPARATELY - ALMOND '20°° PAIR EXTRA G.E. REFRIGERATORS - From '649" With Trode G.E. RANGES From '569" With Trode G.E. DISHWASHERS Froni '469" With Trade Limited Quantity OVER 300 APPLIANCES IN STOCK AT SPECIAL PRICES WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL DRYSDALEMAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario CLOSED MONDAY OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" 4 • e.