HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-03-24, Page 2Paye 2 Times -Advocate, Match 24, 1982
GIANT BOAT BUILDERS — The governing body of the R/C Giant Boating Association met at Huron Park,
Sunday, to discuss club activities and model boating. Shown are: (from left) club vice president Ken Baker,
Exeter; George Mulholland, Goderich; Jim Brown Stratford; Bud Cook, Lucan; Lorne Morley, Huron Pork;
and dub president Jim Kunkel. The model on the right was built by Morley and the models to the left and
centre are the work of Ken Baker.
Jennison wins Stephen gravel contract
Association annual meeting South Huron Area
to be held in Hensall April 14. Recreation Program for
Application is being made 1982. This is betterknown as
for a grant of $1,200 in SHARP.
connection with the con- Membership in the Grand
struction of a new fence at Bend Chamber of Commerce
the Crediton athletic field. with an annual fee of $50 was
Council has approved the approved by council.
Jennison Construction of
Grand Bend has been
awarded the Stephen
township gfavelling contract
for the year 1982.
Jennison's will supply,
crush, load and spread
gravel on township roads for •
$3.04 per ton, supply, crush
and load on township trucks
for $2.25 a ton and stockpile
for $2.70 per ton.
The Grand Bend firm's
tender was the lowest of four
At the same time road
superintendent Eric Fink-
beiner was instructed to call
tenders for the supply of
machinery fuel and heating
oil for township purposes for
a two year term.
A building permit ap-
plication from Case Van-
Raay to build a house on part
of Lot 20, North Boundary
Concession was approved
providing the necessary
approval for an entrance be
obtained from the Ministry
of Transportation and
Council has accepted the
Exeter', area fire board
budget for 1982in the amount
of $129,766. Stephen, pays
nine percent of the overall
budgft. .
Approval was given to
circulate a land use bylaw
concerning a development at
part of lot 24, South Boun-
dary to 'adjoining property
A number of township
officials will be attending the
annual meeting of the Huron
Municipal Officers
Assume inspection duties
The local police department
have taken over the weekend
inspection of buildings in Ex-
eter from the works
In. explaining the move,
Councillor Lossy Fuller said
it was done to reduce the costs
involved because the works
department employees had to
be paid overtime to make the
checks and the police did not.
Council had decided earlier
this year to have public
buildings inspected on the
weekends and holidays after
a pipe had frozen and burst at
the local library. Librarian._
Elizabeth Schroeder made a
check of the building and
discovered the problem
before it caused a severe
In view of that scare, coun-
cil decided tall buildings
should be checked.
Build 4 foot R/C boats
Local club plans internationa
A local radio controlled
model boat club is planning
a season of international
retattas for those interested
in _giant" model boats.
Club president Jim
Kunkel, from Belmont ex-
alned that the R/C Giant ting Association was
formed to promote the
building and racing of larger
size model boats.
Other national and inter-
natjonal groups did not cover
models of this size, Kunkel
In order to compete ns uubb
activities the mo
over four feet in length. The
club currently has a racing
class of model boats
powered by chainsaw
motors. The engines run on
a gas and oil mix and
develop about 2.2
The only restriction is that
the models weigh under 53
Kunkel said that the
association is sanctioned by
MAAC (the. Model
Aeronautics Association of
Canada) and to qualify for
their insurance coverage the
models must not exceed this
weight. '
The executive and direc-
tors of the club met, Sunday,
in Huron Park to set up a
schedule for summer events.
The association's first
race will take place May 9 at
the Morrison Dam near
Club members noted the
Morrison Dam may be too
small for the race course
planned and become too
weedy later in the season.
Other events will be held
at Parkhill, Goderich and
As well as being interested
in larger scale boatst the
association's vice president
Ken Baker, from Exeter, ex-
plained that the larger boats
were cheaper to build and
run than smaller craft.
The 'smaller boats are
powered by glow engines (a
form of diesel) which run on
expensive alcohol fuel.
The larger engines are less
expensive, about $100 to'$150,
and cheaper to run on the
gas/oil mix.
The boats are largely bas-
ed on the member's own
designs or scaled up smaller
models. Made of plywood
and 'fibreglas, members
noted -kits were available,
but are more expensive to
build. -
Though the club's summer
meets are scheduled for
*ices, the group is primari-
ly interested in fun boating
Bud of Lucan said his
Iboat diode's.
noted a group of Texas ..
m bulldeis had built
mhture warships. The 80
to 90 inch models are equip-
ped with small airguns and
actual combats take place.
Since they. fight in a
shallow pond, vessels which
are actually sunk can easily
be recovered Members keep
a running tally in their
model war. r
The boats are controlled
by radio and most operate on
rudder and throttle.
Baker's boat has two elec-
tric motors added for
reverse and has a fail safe
device which shuts the
engine off if the radio fails.
Lorne Morley of Huron
Park said the hobby of
building giant boats is
He noted•that parts, which
could not be found five years
ago can be bought at London
But he added that heavy
duty equipment is hard to
come come by. A radio ser-
vo which can actuate a
model airplane aileron is
often not powerful enough to
work the rudder on a large
model boat.
Heavy duty radio equip-
,ment is available, but Baker
has solved his problems by
puttinngg double servos in the
control positions.
Concerns are not only
about finding equipment, but
utilizing equipment they
already have.
Members expressed con-
cerns that the 200 foot legs of
the planned race courses
would not be long enough for.
the boats to accelerate to full
speed (Members differed on
the speedquoting.from 30 to
over 50 miles per hour.)
The smaller size glow
engineshave much higher
RPMs and turnout more
horsepower and even more
Weeds can be a problem,
and cement retaimng walls
and moored freighters in
Goderich can also bring a
quick end to an out -of -control
Morley remembers the
days (not too long ago) when
he was one of the Only model
boat builders in the area.
He said operating his
model at the Morrison was
always sure to draw a
A" group of six spectators
would quickly grow to 20
Morley said when people told
their friends to come out and
The club began last year
with only three members,
and now has tical. What is
significant is that member-
ship includes model builders
from Florida and Oklahoma.
The group plans to' dver-
tise in American radio con-
trol and model aircraft
magazines to attract model
boaters to an international
meet in Goderich in A - ust.
SKATING CLOVERS — Looking over a four leaf clover during Sunday's Zurich and
area figure skating club carnival were Robyn Carnochan, Aimee Gelinas, Chrystal
Jones and Terri Maurer. T -A photo
McGI 11 ivra sets
1982 roads - bud et
The McCann draft Sub- Unconditional grants from
division Agreement was the Ministry of Municipal
reviewed. Clarification of Affairs. and Housing will be
the water system and the paid direct to the bank in.
unit charge to the Township future, due to delays ex-
of McGillivray should be perienced by mail.
Wages related to fires
McGillivray Township
council, meeting Friday, set
a 1982road budget calling for
expenditures of $350,539.
Subsidy of $197,234 is
available on that amount.
Deputy -Reeve Diane
Mollard reported the in-
crease at about eight percent
over last year's road budget
of $321,800.
Other business transacted
at the meeting was as
A convention policy was
approved for councillors and
staff: all expenses be paid
for registration, travel and
accommodation plus $25.00
allowance per day. Coun-
cillors are to be limited to
two conventions or four
seminars or any com-
bination per year; staff. are
ndt limited to the number of
seminars they may attend
because of the educational
value in keeping up-to-date
on municipal changes.
Councillors and staff are to
report back to council when
attending a convention or
Marion Vanneste
presented a . request for
severance for a lot on the
South half of Lot 33, Con-
cession 3, to be used in
conjunction with a proposed
riding stable.
Henry Centen of R. J.
Burnside & Associates, While the proposed budget Fire Chief Gary Middleton
Planners, presented d; of the Exeter and Area Fire said about 80 percent of the
proposal for engineering and Board has drawn complaints fire calls are related to
drainage works. office from some area council chimney fires.
is located in Stratford. members, one of the in-- They had two such calls
Playhousea and Grants Huron Parkhill Country tangible items in that budget last week; one to the home of
Leisure Club were discussed.
The matters were tabled
until the entire budget is
prepared. '
Ailsa Craig Fire Depart-
ment answered six calls in
1981 at the additional cost of
$100.00 each; total of $600.00.
Council had no objections
to. the subdivision plan of
Thomas and Michael Ryan,
Part Lot 24, S.B. Stephen,
but noted that there should
be proper drainage.
is firemen's wages. Charles Atthill on Victoria
While the firemen receive St. and the other to the Hay
a small annual stipend for Township farm of Murray
stand-by time, they are paid .Keys, a mile . north of
an hourly rate while fighting Exeter.
fires and no one, of course, There was no damage
knows what that total will be reported in either call. -
by the end of the year.
Already, the firemen have A week ago Sunday, the
responded to 23 calls since firemen also responded to a
the start of their new year in . car fire, at the Stephen
October. By comparison, the Township farm of Winston
total number of fire calls for Shepton. Middleton said
the previous year was only damage was minor in that
1 t
A SKATING COUNTRY — These intermediate skaters participated in the Canada number at Sunday's`carnivol
of the Zurich and area figure skating club . From the left are Robyn Carnochan, Terri Farquhar, Douglas
Finlay, Aimee Gelinas, Chrystal Jones, Christa Keller, Colleen Keller, Terri Maurer, Dawn McAdams, Kellie
Mommersteeg and Lisa Overholt. T -A photo
K -W centre in good financial shape
The Kirkton-Woodham higher than the previous one
Community Centre -and and he said it is working
swimming pool are in sound successfully, so far. He
financial condition, about 15 thanked Vic Hearn for
area residents were in- donating his time for the
formed by board work.
representatives last Thur- Another big expense, he
sday evening in Kirkton. said, was the painting of the
In outlining the centre's towers at the ball park which
financial report for 1981, were getting rusty. The cost
board chairman Keith was $700. A new entrance
Stephen noted that the mat cost as much as *315 and
principal real increase in there was a cost of 5875 for
expenditure for the year was tarring the parking lot which
for,repairs. required 515 gallons of tar.
He noted that a new "We certainly appreciated
chimney was installed for a the help we got on that job."
cost of $601 because of the chairman said.
problems in the past. The •
new chimney is bigger and
Set guidelines
to develop park
Exeter council, through its
concern with the costs and
planning commitments in
the community park, have
established. a set of
guidelines to be followed in
future development in the
area. -
Last year, the grounds
development committee had
a deficit of about $23,000 for
which council became
The guidelines were ap-
proved at last week's council
session and are as follows:
-a. All development phases
are to be clearly stated, and
the estimated costs of each is
to be accurately calculated.
2. Funds for each phase
are to be in place prior to
commitments to that phase.
3. The, executive com-
• mittee of council will act as
the liaison to the grounds
development committee and
will approve funding.
4. No work whatsoever will
be undertaken in the' Com-
munity Park without the
knowledge and consent of the
grounds development
5. The executive will en-
courage and welcome close
dialogue with the
Development Committee,
In order to keep up with
increased expenses,
especially for fuel oil and
hydro, the board has decided
to increase the'entrance fee
for dances to $7 and the new
rate for the hall rental will be
8200 for Saturday nights and
$175 for Friday nights.
The financial statement
shows operating expenses
for the community centre in
1981 were roughly $5,000
more than in 1980 - $59,563 as
compared to $54,677. But it
was explained that some
bills for work done in 1980
were not received and paid
up until 1981.
Capital expenses for 1981
were $61,431 as compared to
the 1980 figure of $58,808.
Tower painting and tarring
are included in capital ex-
Dave Hern, chairman of
the pool management
committee, noted that
propane cost for heating the
pool was up from $800 in 1980
to 81,256 in 1981. He said this
was in spite of the use of pool
He noted that the three
existing pool blankets, which
cost about 8200 each when
they were purchased, are
'showing signs of wear and
warned that it might be a bit
of a shock when they have to
be replaced.
Mr. Hern suggested it
might be wise to insulate the
outside of the concret block
pool changing room and
office facility to save on
heating Costs. Hydro for
baseboard heating and for
running the pool pumps cost
$1,448 last year.
The meeting was informed
that the K -W Winter Car-
nival will donate $1,500
towards swimming pool
expenses this year. Last
year's donation was $1,000.
Other donations in 1981
were 81,000 from the
Women's Institute and *1,787
from the K -W Optimist pork
legion opposes change
. A special committee of the
Ministry of Education is con-
sidering changing the holi-
day status of Remembrance
,pay and holding -memorial
services inside the schools,
but the news has not reached
all town legions yet.
Exeter Legion president
Sam Bower said he had read
a few newspaper reports
about it. but a full discussion
would be taking place
tomorrow at the monthly
Ken Wood of the Lucan
Legion said he had not heard
any details. •
Ervin Ferris, president of
the Hensall Legion, had
A Dashwood area Man was
fined $503 after pleading guil-
ty to driving while under
suspension when he appeared
in Exeter court, Tuesday.
The fine against Raymond
Arthur Desjardine, RR 2
Dashwood, was imposed by
Justice of the Peace Douglas
Wedlake, who also gave the
accused a further suspension
of six months to run con-
secutively to any existing
Desjardine's licence had
been suspended for unpaid
judgements. '
He Was charged on
February 27 and Mr. Wedlake
gave him until July 16 to pay
the fine.
H. Richard Elliott, RR 1
Dashwood, was fined $237 for
driving at a speed of 158 km.
in a 80 zone on February 15.
attended a zone convention
in Wingham and there had
been no mention of it, he
In Grand Bend, Legion
president Bob Chapdelaine
Said his unit had not discuss-
ed it yet, but the move had
been opposed at the done
level for some time. He is
on the Lambton zone execu-
tive and discussions there
have already taken place to
try to preserve Remem-
brance day as a school holi-
day. "We have been aware
of it since last fall,- and I
would think every Legion
branch would like to•
preserve Remembrance
Day." he said.
man fined
He was given 60 days to pay
the fine, which was the
minimum penalty as it was
his first offence.
Thomas Cyr, Zurich, was
found guilty on a charge of
failing to yield the right of
way. The charge had been
laid following an accident in
Zurich on February 25 in
which property damage
c\ amounted to *1,000.
Cyr, who said he was just
out of school and had no job as
yet, was given 60 days in
which to pay the fine.
In the only other case on
Tuesday's docket, John
Gerald Williams,
Orangeville, was fined *28 for
failing to stop at a stop sign on
February 10. The incident
was witnessed by a
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