HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-24, Page 23'iii.:.;-r..r.,wF.-....rw.- BIRTHS -- D1NNEY - John and Jo -Anne are pleased to announce the arrival of their son Jayden Burke Dinney born February 13 at St. Joseph's Hospital. A brother for Sunny and a grand- son for the proud grandparents John and Molly. Burke and Bob and Ada Dinney. 8c ELLIOTT - John and Yvonne iJaques) are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their new Sweetheart Leanne Marie, on Valentine's Day, February 14, 8 Ib. 14 oz. Grandparents ere Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques, Cen- tralia and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Elliott. Thorndale. Great- grandmothers are Mrs. Wesley Jaques. Mrs. Cecil Dobson and Mrs. Norman Smith. A special "Thank You" to Dr. Green and O.B. nurses at St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Bpd HIGMAN - Kerry and Wayne, Lucan. got their little Valentine Caleigh Anne. 7 lb. 8 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital, February 4. A tiny sister for Robbie and Ryan. Granddaughter for John and Hilda O'Connor. Gunton; Glen and Evelyn Hagman, Sar- nia. 9c JEAN - Jim and Beth (nee Jacob) welcome with love their daughter Lindsey Marie born February 9. 1982 weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. A sister for Lan and Adam. Proud grandparents are Judge and Mrs. T. Jacob and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jean. Special thanks to Dr. Jim King, St. Joseph's maternalnursing staff and our good friends with whom we shared -this wonderful ex- perience. 8c KINSMAN Dwight and Faye ince Whiting) would like to thank God for the safe arrival of their first. child, a son, Jacob Earl. Born February 15, 1982, weighing in at 8 lbs. 6 oz. New. grandson for Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsman. Special thanks to • Dr. Malkus and Dr. Rodney and nursing staff ;at Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. 8pd KORICINA - Joe and Mary Koricina are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of .their daughter Caroline Elizabeth born February 14. 1982 weighing 8 lbs. 731 oz. A little sister for Kevin. Suzanne and Julie. 24th grandchild' for Mrs. Joe Regier Dashwood. Special thank you to Doctor Read and the nursing staff at South Huron Hospital. 8pd BIRTHS - O'ROURKE - Terry and Jean (nee Dunsford 1 are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter. Meaghan Elizabeth, born Wednesday February 10, 1982 at St. Marys Memorial Hospital. St. Marys, weighing Ib. 2 oz. A new granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. K.L. Dunsford, St. Marys. and Mr. and Mrs. T A. O'Rourke, Tecumseh. Special thanks to Dr. A.B. Marshall and nursing staff at St. Marys Memorial Hospital.8pd RADER - Ron and Shirley are proud to announce the arrival of their first child: a son, Ben- jamin James, on Thursday February 18. 1982 at 7:44 m., weighing in at S Ib. 314 oz. Proud grandparents are Leona and Clarence [Reichert and Margaret and'Harry DeVrles. A special note of thanks to those who helped the new Dad through the festivities and celebrations. • 9nc THiEL - Ken and Donna of Zurich are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their second daughter Dana Eileen, 7 Ib. 15 oz. in St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don on February 12. A sister tor Kelly. Proud grand etets are Ervin and Marj Reichert, Clin- ton. Stewart and Alice Thiel, Zurich and great grandmother Mrs. Ethel Datars of Huron - view. 8c DEATHS --- JOHNS JOHNS - Nellie Mary, wife of the late R. Frank Johns passed away in Mississauga Hospital February 13th. Surviving are sons Roger and Gordon, and daughter LoisCulp, 8 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Funeral service was conducted at Turner and Porter Funeral Home, Toronto February 16. A grandson, Rev. Douglas Johns officiated. 8pd ENGAGEMENTS - Mr, and Mrs. Allan Smith RR 3 Zurich. Ontario are pleased to announce the engagement of their elder daughter Carol Ruth to Mr. William Peter Deichert elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deichert RR 1 Zurich, Ontario. The wedding will take place at Zurich Mennonite Church. Zurich, Ontario on March 20. 1982. 8pd Come To Church Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELL KE Wednesday, February 24 7:30-ASh Wednesday • vice with Holy Communion Sunday, February 28 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School & Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Divine Service Wednesday Night 7:30 Lenten Service for the month of March Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER • REV. B.H. DE JONGE Phone 235-1723 Sunday, February 28 10:00 a.m-Morning Worship Sunday School -Preschoolers: 2:30 p.m. -Afternoon Worship •Sunday School Grades 1 - 4 Listen to The Back to God Hour Radio and T.V. Program CHLO Dial 1570 • 4:30 p.m. CKNX Dial 920 ;10:30 a.m. CHOK Dial 1070 - 8:45 a.m. Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) 9:30 a.m. Sundays Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, February 28 1st Sunday in Lent 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Worship Service Nursery Facilities available Courtesy car • 235.0114 110 p.m. Confirmation Class . All Are Welcome . Centralia and Zion United Churches Minister REV. BURTON CROWE Centralia 228-6974 Sunday, February 28 9:45 a.m. Zion Wqrshlp 10:45 a.m. Zion Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Centralia Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Centralia Worship Fri., Mar. 5-8:00 p.m. Zion World Day of Prayer Everyone Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets REV. JOHN OBEDA Sunday, • • uary 28 9:31 .. . - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Church of the Lutheran Hour CFPL 7 a.m. Sunday Welcome ----i--*---- Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV. BARBARA LAING Organist Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, February 28 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Communion Service 9:45 Sunday School Wed.. Feb. 24-9:15 Learning for Lent 8 p.m. Bible Study, Dashwood Everyone Welcome • Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV. ABRAM BLAAK Minister Sunday, February 28 10:00 a.m. - Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 2.00 p.m. - Worship Everyone Welcome Coven Presbyterian Church MINISTER, REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh. Sunday, February, 28 -.11:30 a.m. Worship Service 1130 a.m. Sunday School All Grades Everyone Welcome The Trivitt Memorial Church (Anglican) Main at Gidley Exeter The Rev. J.W. Sutton - Rector - Tonight 7:00 P.M. Ash Wednesday Eucharist & Imposition Of Ashes Sunday, February 28 Lent I 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Church School Lent Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study follows ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. Orville Maynard and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bullock are pleased to Announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Kathleen Joyce and Erie Thomas. on March 20,1982, at Greenway 'United Church. Open Reception 9:00 p.m. 8pd CARDS. OF THANKS - I wish to thank those who visited me and sent cards while I was in the _hospital. Special. .thanks to those who helped Jean. Your assistance was/ greatly appreciated. Al Crerar. . Bpd I wish to eltpress my sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbours and relatives who sent prayers. cards, treats, flowers and visits while in Vic- toria Hospital and since retur- ning home. Special thanks to my family for their help at my home. Words cannot express my sincere appreciation. It will never be forgotten. And many thanks also to the nurses and doctors who were all super. Thanks again to everyone.. Ralph Weber. 8c I would like to thank my relatives and friends for remembering me with cards, flowers.treats and visits during my stay in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hiseock. Dr. Pook, Dr. Lindsay and Nurses of the West Wing for their kindness and care. June Miller. 8pd The family of the late Clarence V. Pickard wish to ex- press a sincere thank you to friends and neighbours for their kindness and thoughtfulness - to Rev. Forsythe - Doctors, nurses and staffs at Blue Water Rest Home. South Huron District Hospital. Elma. Trudy. Marguerite and families. 8pd 1 wish to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives •for their cards. flowers. baking, treats and visits while in Vic- toria Hospital and since my return home. It has been so very much appreciated. Rorie Weber. 8pd Thank you to Lorraine and Cliff Brock for calling the fire emergency services on the mor- ning of February 17 and to the • firemen for their very fast response to our home on 30 Sherwood Crescent. Deeply ap- preciated. Thank vou alt. Jim and Vera Mountenay. 8c ['wish to thank you forthe care and kindness while I was in Hospital and also the cards and gifts i received. many thanks to all of vou. • Yours Truly Charles Hendy.8pd I would like to thank all my friends. neighbours and relatives for cards, visits and get well wishes while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. Mike irelate. 8pd Coming Events BINGO - every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clinton. 8 p:m. First regular card 31.00 15 regular. 315.00 games. 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot 3200.00 must go. Admission, restricted- to 16 years and over.. 26ctfn 1.O.O.F. - Exeter Lodge #67 will confer the 1st degree on Tuesday March 2nd. All Brothers welcome. Cliff Grasdahl N.G. Alex Meikle Ac- ting R.S. 8c EXETER WINNER'S CIRCLE - group cordially invite you, your. family and friends to a Community meeting on• Alcoholic Anonymous, The meeting will be held at St. James ltnited Church on Sunday February 28. 1982. it will start promptly at 8 p.m. and will close approximately 9:00 P.m. ('hairman Murray S.. Speaker - Pinky H. Bc PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE - Sundav February 28, 7:30 p.m.. Mr Carmel School gym. Everyone welcome. Prizes. Lunch provided. Admission El 00 8c BOB HEYWOOi) - will conduct the 11 a.m. service in Hensall l'nited Church February 28 ac- companied by a quartet. , 8c ('HRiSTiAN WOMEN'S GROUP - will meet Friday F'ehruary 26. 9:30 a.m.• the Parish Kill. Exeter. Special Speaker 8c CARDS OF THANKS. -- Sincere thanks' to everyone who remembered me with cards. visits and phone calls while f was in the hospital and since returning home, Special thanks to Pastors Mellecke, Obeda and Hahn for their prayers. also Hoffmans Am- bulance Service. Your thought- fulness wilt always be remembered. Hubert Miller. ppd The family of the late Helen Voisin wish to say thank you to family and friends who visited, sent cards. or helped In any way and to all who made charitable donations in her name. To the doctors and nurses of the 4th floor east at University Hospital for their care and kindness also Rev. J. Forsythe our special gratitude. 8pd IN MEMORIAM - BEER - In loving memory of a dear husband and father John R. Beer. whoassed away seven years ago February 28, 1975. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly. remembered every day, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts, You are always there. • Loved and remembered by his wife Lillian. sons Dave, John and Steve and daughter in law Melissa. Bpd BEER - In loving memory of a dear son John R. Beer who pass- ed ass ed away February 28, 1975. There is. a link death cannot sever. Love and . Ibrnembrance lasts forever. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom. 8pd FISHER - In loving memory of my dear mother Adella ).Ram- inie I Fisher who passed away 2 years ago February 24, 1980. In my heart v,our memory lingers. Sweetly tender. fond and true, There is not a day dear Mother, That I do not think of you. Always remembered by daughter Edna and family. 8c .3 .1 an sir op. IN MEMORIAyM - GIILMOUR --1Q loving memory of a dear ht/band, father and grandfather Tern who passed away 2 years ago February 23. 1980. We think of the day you passed away Tbere was little we could do, But memories never fade away For we always think ou. Always rememl 'redof anvd sad Iy missed, by Molly and family.. tipd- PETF;ItS - In loving memory of a very dear dad. grandfather and great grandfather Fred who passed away six years ago F'ebruarV26. 1976. Gone from. us but leaving memorigt Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay A thousand times we've needed vou A thousand times we've cried If our love could have saved you You never would have died . 1f our tears were a stairway Andour memories were a lane We'd walk all the way to Heaven And bung you home again No one knows the grief we share When we were all together. But loving. thoughts and memories. Will live with us forever. Dearly loved and sadly missed by the family. .8c PRANCE - In loving memory of a dear sister-in-law and Aunt Elsie Prance who passed away suddenly two years ago February 28. Time slips. by but memories stay Quietly rentembered every day A little tribute small and tender .fust to show we still remember. • Always remembered by Audrey. Cliff and Family. 8pd Cancer can be beaten ,141 RS �IV�t Tavern & Dining Lounge Bar open QS visit"! ON THE BEACH O1AhIDBEND New Hours until March 1 Thurs. & Fri. Lunch 12:00-2:00 Dinner 5:00-8:00 Sat: & Sun. Lunch 12:00-5:00 Dinner 5:00-8:00 Reservations appreciated 238-2251 Grand Bend PIZZA $150 OFF Medium Deluxe Reg. $6.00 450 Large Deluxe Reg. $8.00 650 DANCE featuring "THE GOOD BROTHERS" (also Tyme) FRI. FEB. 26DRS OPEN 8 P.M. DDANCING 9 p.m -1 a.m. Stratford fairgrounds 'S." per person - age of majority and only accepted N.Id Undo Th. A.tti,.rity Of A Sp.ef.l Occasion Pauli. Tickets :tradable at Stratford Fairgrounds, Music, Shopper's Record & Tape, Tracks andM & M Variety St. Marys 7-d March 1st NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AND BEYOND The Les Pines Q Commencing refurbishing • �'.r• h.i... J' i 'f".ir. P-..�..�►� : J. �. t i:.-�....v +7.i! :Jrr.�.:�•. >�•- r .. ..... ;AS: - Let's w Let's see it through in '82! Find out how...at the Farm Show EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. ACRES OF EXHIBITS AND 1!•:I'S NEWEST FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT WEN DAILY IO A.M.TO'so Bic 40.... ielday Mf PM.) • western titir FARM �jI'I01N March 2 to 5.1962 WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS. LONDON ADMISSION 5250 (Children under 12. accompanied by an aduk- FREE) Fund raising Dance fors Crediton Community Hall sponsored by Crediton District Social Club Sat., Mar. 6 at Huron Park Rec Centre Music by MAPLE SUGAR Advance tickets 56.00 couple 8,7_4 )0 at the door kl Ava hire from any club member BINGO LUCAN ARENA Wed., February 24 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $1,500- 55 calls - Proceeds for Arena . Double Door Cord $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. licence # 28721 1 Proceeds for Arena Dv. to I,cense regvlo,ion, no one under 16 v.ors of aye will b. odnul1.d. .i BINGO HURON PARK REC. CENTRE Thurs. Feb. 25 quicky bingos Consolation $`25.00 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 254 ea. SHARE THE WEALTH 5 for $1.00 Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Stephen. No one under 16 years of age will be admitted Cards 254 a iece License #275.225 Times -Advocate, February 24, 1982 mrnlpnnnmNsI ants m.M Exeter Figure Skating Club Presents Hollywood Sat., Feb. 27 EXETER LIONS ARMCHAIR BINGO Numbers Drawn Numbers are called daily (except Sunday) and 8 1 N G 0 placed on a telephone answering machine by 10:00 a.m. 13 16 35 47 62 8 23 32 59 65 6 30 34 48 73 9 20 33 54 66 11 18 37 44 72 15 22 36 63 3 19 5 17 12 2 10 dial 235-1597. 53.00 In Prizes. Four Corners and the Figure X has been won: Please call 235-2720 to report a Bingo. A prize must be claimed by 10:00 .a.m. the following business day. Cards are $ 1.00 each from the following merchants A & H Superior Food Market; Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.; Gord s Variety; Darlings IGA; Earl Campbell I,.wellers;Frayne's General Store; Sanders Grocery; Mac's Milk; G 8 G Discount, Exeter; Kirkfon Market, Kirkton: Insley's General Store, Woodham; I.G.A. Huron Pork; Club Albatross Tavern, Huron Pork; Don's Food Market, Hensall. hese 23 Performances 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. South Huron Recreation Centre Exeter Scott 'Grover of Preston Featuring: Exeter Precision Team • Admission: Adults 2.50, H.S. Students 1.50; c C.F.S.A. Sanctioned ''aflIHUUIUll111111111UlUUhIlUU111I11I1I11111111111111111UU11111UiIUUUIIWUfIlUlUM P.S. Students 1.00; Preschool free Dashwood Hotel Invites you to a Hawaiian Weekend Entertainment Fri. 8 Sat. 9-1 "Hula Contest" and for your dining pleasure Thurs. Fri. Sat. Special Children welcome PINEAPPLE SPARERIBS and FRIED RICE Also: Our kitchen is open at noon. and 9-12 midnight daily. e Club Albatross Tavern (Huron Park, Ont.) DiNING LOUNGE Open 6 a.m. Mon. -Sat. Daily Lunch Specials Live Entertainment Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Sea Breeze 9-1 Dancing Fully Licensed Gables Tavern Grand Bend Open Entertainment Fri. and Sat. February 26 and 27 Lincoln Green Plan to join us for our 2nd annual St. Patrick's Day Bash Fri. March 19'� • 8 - 1 a.m. Featuring Lincoln Green Lunch and party favours ••••••••••••••..•••• • y• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ABSENCE • J • • • • f• • • I• • ,• •' • • 1• I• • ,• • •I • K #PREMIER THEATRES PAR THEATRE )6 7HI 5006.4 GODERICH 524-7811 WED. it THURS., FEB. 24TH & 25TH LAST 2 DAYS 8:00 PM ONLY * 1 PAUL SALLY NEWMAN FIELD 0 MALICE yGUipAMCE AREMTAI • • STARTS FRI. FEB., 26TH -28TH FRi. 7 & 9 SAT. 2-7-9 SUN. 2 ONLY THE WORLD'S MOST I• • FAMOUS LOVE STORY! A COLUMBIA PICTURE '• '• • e SNEv c 1949 WAI? OI PRbOUC TIONs WE DOUBLE DARE YOU TO SEE THESE TWO TERROR-IFIC MOVIES 7:00 BACK TO BACK 8:30 • •' • •, • ' • • • •1 •1 AN AMERICAN «'ERE%VO1.F IN LONDON GHOST • STORY.. FRED ASTAIRE • MELWN DOUGLAS • IXXIGIAS FAIRBANKS. JR. • JOHN HOUSEMAN • •'SUN., FEB. 28TH, MON.-TUES. MAR_ .1ST i_2ND • ••4•••••••••••• •• •i. y a el 1