HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-24, Page 21• • :11,7::L!z•,'1e 1.7"21' r*�i.a. Times -Advocate, hbruary 24, 1982 Page 21 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words.Sets of numerals os for serial numbers. street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count os separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 52.90. 104 per word thereafter. . SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 94 per word minimum $1.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST .INSERTION - $3.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- $2.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1'h inches.. Accepted in multiples of hell inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - $1.00 per inse'tion. BIRTHS - 20 words $3.00 104 per word thereafter. DEATHS - 40 words 53.00 104 per word thereafter. ANNOUNCEMENTS - morriages, engagements, an- niversaries, etc. notices - 20. words $3.00, each ad- ditional word 104 it MEMORIAMS - S3.00 plus 13e per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -. 20 words 53.00 Eoth odditionol word 10e Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS -- 30 word,s 53.00. Additional words 5c each. S0c DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m.A,Mondays School ( Driver l •Stephen Central Public School Crediton, Ont. 'Written applications ad- dressed to Mr. R.I. Cun- •ringhom Transportation Manager Huron County Beard bf Education 103 Albert St., .Clinton, Ont, NOM 11.0, .er (i4r- Don Finkbeiner iP,lnclpal- Stephen Central iPublk School will be received un- til 10 a.m. on Thurs- zday, March 4, 1982. Duties to commence as soon as possible. Bus D Wallace Chairman D.J. Cochrane Director classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. II Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television. 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent - 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 1 Lost, Strayed BRACELET (KIM) Gold ID, within last 3 weeks. Phone 237- 3710 after 6 p.m. 8:9c WOULD THE person who was at the Crediton Social club dance on Feb. 13 that took the wrong boots in error please call 234-6319. 8c MALE LAB PUPPY 3 months old in Kirkton area. Phone 22 8289: - 3 Situations Wanted WELL EXPERIENCED housekeeper able to work Mon- day to Saturday all hours. Please inquire 262-3036. 7:8c RELIABLE CLEANING, transportation: Phone 236-4049. HOME have own Hourly rate. 7:8:9c .WILL DO Home care and housekeeping for elderly couple. Phone 236-4735. 8• LOVING MOTHER will babysit your children in her home. Two playmates ages 5 and 3, good meals, next door • to schools, reasonable rates. Call Louise anytime 235-0401. 8c WILL BABYSIT in my home on Thursday and Fridays, any hours. costper hour. Very ex- perienced age 23. Call 228- 6823. - 8tfnx • BOOKKEEPING services now available part time for small businesses who do not require a full time office staff. My 35 years experience in office management would be to your benefit. Also have own fully equipped off e. 227-4290 Lucan. 8c Avon The world's largest beauty company is looking for people who want to make good money. For more information call Barb 'garrison 235-2213 Plant Manager Our company is in immediate need of a Plant Manager. The successful applicant will preferably have: - Formal and practical agricultural • background - Aggressive attitude toward expansion - Pride in workmanship - Superior mechanical appitude - The ability to communicate with the agricultural sector Responsibilities will include: - Supervising plant employees - Operation and maintenance of plant, equipment - Grading and quality control - Maintain public relations with our growers - Please apply in person to: The Great Canadian Bean Company Inc. RR 1 Aliso Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 PH: 519-232-4449 or 666-1434 for an interview CARER TRAINING - Transport drivers needed. Now is. the time to train for your class A license. For interview contact Mery Orr's Transport Driving Training (519)432.1726.. 7t. BABYSITTER FOR two children, ages 3 and 4. My home preferred. Phone 234-6761 after 6 p.m. Huron Park area. 7t ORGANIST AND CHOIR leader required for Kirkton United Church. Duties to com- mence April 1st. Applications accepted until March 1st. Con- tact Ray Switzer, RR 6 St. Marys for further details, 229-8806. 7:8c CARING MATURE PERSON wanted to babysit four young children part-time in our home. Remuneration negotiatable. Send resume to Box 1319.. 7:8' BABYSITTER FOR two small children. Own transportation or live near residence. Zurich, Dashwood or Grand Bend area. Phone 238-2707. 7c RELIABLE BABYSITTER, housekeeper required for 2 pre- school children in my home preferred or yours in Exeter. References required. Phone 235- 2961 after 5 p.m. 7:8c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Full time or part-time. Be your own boss, set your own hours, and work from your own home. Open territory, earn direct profits, cash bonus, bonus car,. convention trips, mortgage payments, retirement plan, plus many other benefits. For an ap- pointment call Don Wilson 235- 0922, Shaklee Authorized Distributor. 6:7:8c AMBITIOUS AND AGGRESSIVE assistant sales manager required for established but growing Canadian'company. Call Mrs. Judy Cohen, 432- 8367. 6:7:8:9c CARING, MATURE person wanted to babysit four youn>f children part time in our home. Remuneration negotiatable. Send resume to Box 1319, Exeter, Ont. . 7:8• LARGE CASH crop farm ,re- quires farm hand. Must be fully experienced; house with all utilities, bonus plus incentives, reference required. Send resume to New Venice Corp. Ltd. RR 2 Grand Bend, Ont. NOM IT0.8- I1c 6 Services UNIVERSAL 'Workshop Contracting We fix, re -model and make anything Carpentry, tree work, painting... Phone 262-5458 527-1566 35t 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel - Centralia, Ontario PHONE 228-6946 36t B&B Houses,' Offices, Etc. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 235-0898 DOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Ex- eter. 235-1951. 3f John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 l2t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate ser- vice Butler Bros., Lucan. 227- 4312 or 227-4254. 261' - - Lakeland Sanitation Septic Tanks, Holding Tanks, Cleaned and Serviced. Portable Toilets Residential, Commercial Farm 24 hr.service Grand Bend,, Ont. Tim238-2291 25t JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Farm Supplies Direct Plant Shipping, Trailer & Pot Rates Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 32t CARL GOWER ' Welding and Repair R.R.#I, Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes,Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 81' 6 Ser vices x3K OK GK GK GK GK 0 0 t, 0 t5 0 0 O C9 OI SC O' ]C� 0 GK Exeter Grand Bend Clinton Goderfch GK GK 235-2420 238-8484 482-9747 524-2118 6K Realty . Insurance.. Phyllis Johnson 237-3547 Dwayne Tanney Bill Fuss Bruce Fisher Griffin Thomas Si Simmons 235-1408 262-2946 238-8735 238-2035 235-0526 GK0 ratio.6 wino Noe. RIIALTOR The management and staff at OK Real- ty Inc. Is pleased to welcome Si Simmons to our office. SI has several years ex- perience in all types of real estate sales and will be pleased to serve you. Give SI a Call for information on - MOBILE HOME - only $5,000 100 ACRES - Hay Twsp. - including Registered Pit. 100 ACRES - Hullet Twsp. • including Pit INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY with quonset building in Exeter. 2 BEDROOM HOME - on large lot GRAND BEND -- 2 properties in prime commercial location on Hwy. 83 just south of the bridge. Lots 66' x 132'. 3 bedrooms up, living room, dining room, kitchen downstairs. Priced right. Excellent financing. Call Bruce. . For information on other listings call the office at 233-2420 or one of the sales representatives. 0 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 GK PiANO TUNING and repairs. Call Bruce Pulsifer 348-9223 or write P.O. Box 1204 Mitchell NOK INO. 8c Stan DeVree MASONARY - All brick, block, stone work - new construction, fire places, chimneys - old chimneys cleaned and checked - down draft problems solved inquiries welcome Phone 519-232-4387 - 8-11c PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. New installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON • 229-8222 Ilt Water Well Drilling W. D. Hopper & Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RiGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durll 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 B&B House And Barn Wrecking Free Demolition For Salvage Call 235-0898 2t ORV WEBBER General Carpentry additions, renovating, drywall . aluminum siding SPECIALTY Bathroom Vanities Ph: 262-2539 st INCOME TAX. SERVICE, farm, small business and per- sonareturns. Call John Geiger 236-4592. 5:6:7:8c ORNAMENTAL IRON, porch railings, columns, posts, inside `vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Ron Desjardine. Phone 236-4622 or 236-4509. 5t CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veals ABATTOIR mod MEAT MARKET 235-1123 6 Services Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & ins'lallations Industrial, Commer cial, Residential and Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12t. Jerry's DRYWALL and PLASTER REPAIRS Phone 2L8-6724 8tfn DEICHERT HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR • • RR I, Zurich Repairs to most makes of hydraulic lacks, porto-power and rams. All work guaranteed Phone 236-4739 - After 4:30 p.m. 5:6:7:8c 'FARMERS - For a good farm building at a competitive price phone: Ray Lambers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482.3305. Free Estimates. 43t 6 Services Genes stens Gene Creces SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM I NO PHONE 238-8242 4t For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call - TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46t L&P BOAT REPAIRS "No Job Too Big Or Small" "We Fix Them All" We do customized work on Boat Repairs and Fiberglassing. All makes of Travel Trailers and Motor Homes For prompt service and quality work • CALL ZURICH 236-4426 CALL ANY-TiME 39t EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. ft. Erected on your lot. Further informotion Coil 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 Tots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 ROYairrillSt Real Fatale Services FAMILY BUSINESS --- Bowling Alley and Ice Cream Cone concession with facilities for a light lunch business as well. 6 lanes automatic. Owner has been operating as a sideline but can no longer manage it along with his regular business. Excellent potential for full time operator in town north west of London. 2 storey building included. Asking $55,000.00. . AILSA CRAIG - -- One storey brick in excellent con- dition, 3 bedrooms. Eat -in kitchen with abundance of cupboards. Brick single garage. Very well main- tained property. Vendor will take back mortgage at 12% interest for .a negotiable term. Asking $42,- 900.00. TWO STOREY BRICK AND SIDING - 4 bedrooms recently renovated custom designed kitchen.. New gas furnace, good location on Targe lot in Hensall. Asking 547,900.00. PRICE REDUCED STEPHEN TWP. - 25 acres on highway 81. Ap- proximately 6 miles north west of Parkhill. 22 workable acres of sandy loam. 3 acres of bush. Ideal location for garden produce business. Now only 553,900.00. Try your offer. COMMERCIAL LOT - - On Mair Street in Hensall. 66'x 132'. Older 2 storey house. Value is in the lot. Coll for more information. COTTAGE MINDED? -- - buy o bulding lot now near Pork Franks. 75'x200'. Vendor will take back mortgage at 10% for 1 year term with 52000.00 down . Asking 511,900.00. Open to Offers ' r' Any of These Properties Please Call Anytime Listings Required For Homes Farms Vacant Land Free Value Estimates DiCK PARKINSON ROYAL TRUST REALTOR Call 472-8930 or 245-4591 Res, 1-293-3403 6 Services WEDDINGS, CHILDREN and family" portraits, landscapes. Black and white or color. Reasonable rates. Call Brenda 227-4292. 7:8:9:10c INCOME TAX RETURNS, any size. Bookkeeping. Cal) Art Read, Grand Bend. Days 238- 2388, evenings 238-8075. 7-17c DJ EXPRESS will play music for all occasions. Reasonable rates, ask for Greg. 228-6556. 7:8:9:10c SPECIALIZING IN major appliance -repairs to Admiral, Speed Queen, Simplicity and Heritage, Admiral microwave ovens and Admiral TV and refrigerators. AC Elson Appliance Repairs, Lucan 227- 4228. 7:8:9:i0:11:12c PERSONAL INCOME TAX returns prepared. Phone Susan Brintnell, 235-0431 after 6 p.m. . 8t TiCBUY OR SELL.antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13t 6 Services JACK'S DECORATING pain- ting, papering, vinyl siding, Kaiser Aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, aluminum prefinished eavestroughing, sales and in- stallation. Phone Jack Cleave 235-2031. - Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill 1)as N cdne.d:„ DASHWOOD 237-3677 RENOVATIONS General Carpentry prevent heat loss with new made to measure custom thermal win- dows, Stanley In- sulated Steel Entry Door Systems and Alcan- siding products. Alcan P GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff Ron 234-6711 - 234-6224 592 London Rd. EXETER OFFICE 235-1.232 FRED EYRE . Eves. 471-1158 BARBARA BELL 235-1082 EXETER MAIN STREET COMMERCIAL - north end of town; zoned C3, asking 537,900. For full details call Fred Eyre NEW- LISTING - at only $32,900 solidly built frame home with three bedrooms, Targe living room, den, family sized eating area, '2 bathrooms, op- posite park. Extra large lot. See this one now. ON DOW SUBDIVISION. Roomy colonial style split level with 3 bedrooms, eat -in kitchen and family room with Franklin stove. Built in dishwasher includ- ed plus double garage. Priced in upper 60s. REDUCED TO' $47,900.00 This is an attractive ranch style bungalow in good area of town. Suitable for retirement or new 'family. Beautifully kept home. Top quality corpet. Attached garage and work shed See this now! , • TRAILER HOME - - on site in Norwood Village 60'x• 1?' This Detroiter can be purchased for under $10,- 000 - $45,000.00 BUYS this 4 bedroom home. Large eat - kitchen, nice living room, pool with new liner. Souoted opposite park. CREDITON ON MAIN STREET in centre of village. Presently used as 3 apartments. Good opportunity for young couple to get started and have the building pay for itself. ZURICH UNDER POWER OF SALE -- price reduced to 59,- 900. Building lot on Main St., Zoned R 3. We are told to look for offers. Call us now. Fred Eyre has details. 100 ACRE FARM on 84 Highway. Further details from Barbaro Bell. . GRAND BEND 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE style bungalow with eat -in kitchen, den and garage. On paved highway close to town. Only asking 529,900.00. Owner anxious to sell. • rtr(Aft 1tt LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board