HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-17, Page 15• Churches plan for '82 plow match Three more churches were represented at the meeting of the oommmittee for the Coun- ty churches at the plowing Match held February 9, at Merton ierton United Church. The winning logo on the theme "The Seed -Our. Hope" and the three runners-up were on display. Marilyn Sur- manski produced the winning design . winning the prize of $75. and Sandra VanKessel Moreen McMahon and Thomas A. Brown each received $25. for their logos. It is hoped that all entries may be used a a basis for ban- ners to help decorate the Arena for the church service. The Lucan Ministerial reported that plans are well underway for the Sunday service. Personal contributions to help defray expenses, will be most welcome. Cheques are to be made out to Holy Trin- tiy Anglican church, in trust, and mailed to Mr. and Mrs. ' Don Ankers, Dox 198, Lucan Ontario, NOM 2JO. The sub- comt*ittees met and discuss- • ed mflny points in connection with 'their, various committees: The next meeting will be Hymn sing, on Sunday held at Riverside United Church,DunedenSt. London, on Tuesday March 9 at 7:30. Please note the change of time from 8 to 7:30. If your church has not been represented at these' meetings, please appoint one or two persons to attend so you may share inbg the message of Christ to hose at- tending the plowing match. Members and friends at Lucan United Church Sunday morning were welcomed by Leda and Sheridan Revington. Continuing his series on the "Lord's Prayer" Rev. Keith Brown, speaking on the se- cond phrase "who art in Heaven", said this is a description of God's character. John Glen Jr., the Astronaut said "My God is not so small that I find Him only in space." God is on earth, in heaven and in space all at the same time and we cannot live without. him. • The scriptures are our authority for knowing God as He is," said Mr. Brown. We live in His presence, in His greet love, and His care en- circles us constantly. . Flowers in the Sanctuary were from the funeralof the late Gordon Mitchell of Gran- ton. Mr. Brown extended the prayers of the congregation to His loved ones. The monthly M. & S. "Minute Talk" was given by Mabel Froats on Stewardship is Justice, and Dorothy Dedels gave the children's story self -written entitled "Jesus Loves Me,' and led ,the Julor church. TIW included the title of the story and had a magnet attached turning it into a "fridgie".Thankyou Dorothy and helpers. The movie Chariots of Fire, currently playing at the Capitol Theatre, London, was highly recommended by Mr. Brown Upcoming . Tonight Wednesday at 8:30 the Friendship Unit will meet with Jean Brown leading in Bible Study. Thursday morn- ing at 9:45 the Prayer and Share Inter'1. Fellowship meets in the C.E. wing. Next Sunday is the monthly "Hymn Sing". Come oasing a. m. and enjoy hymning. UCW annual Marjorie Park, the regional vice-president, Shirely Ryan president Lucan U.C.W. and Jean Brown attended the an- nual meeting of the Middlesex Presbyterial U.C.W. on Thursday, at Wesley -Knox United Church, London. Mrs. Jennifer Palmer was the special speaker on the theme "Come as a Child." Four Workshops on the U.C.W. Purpose, under the headings "Service"' "Witness", "Fellowship" anis "Study" helped to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Church Women's organization. An excellent skit depicting the work of the U.C.W. through its first 20 years was prepared by Mrs. Dorothy McRae, Middlesex North Regional vice- president, and was presented by members of the executive. HEART FUND A few of the members of the Lucan Youth Group with leader Bryan Smith were out -canvassing for the Heart' Fund on Sunday afternoon and will finish up the village homes during the week. If you are missed and would like to contribute to this very wor- thwhile fund; please call Bryan, at 227-4905, or drop it off at his home 289 Beech Street. Lions club - During the month of January DistrickGovernor Al Betterley of Mount Brydges paid an official visit to the Lucan and District Lions Club.The dinner turned out to be one "bycandlelight" as it was the night the hydro went off because of one of the storms. However, Lion Gov. Al carried on with his most in- teresting talk. Members of the Lucan club. visited the Woodstock Club and report a fine meeting, ex- cellent meal and great fellowship. Pat Clarke was welcomed as anew member in January. Several Lions and their wives assisted at theJr. D. Dance. This was much ap- preciated by the sponsoring group. *4. per member has been paid to the Nairn Home to help retire the mortgage and an assessment of 32. per member was approved. to help provide song books for use in Senior Citizens' Homes. This group is again sponsor- ing Instructional Skating for the Lucan Public School pupils, as well as House League Hockey wher 130 boys are registered and figure skating for 108 boys and girls. If you need a ride to church, please- contact Dorothy Deders, 227-4566 and the Outreach Committee will try to help. of Winter Clothing 7 days a week 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Phone 666-1840 Denfield General Store Fifteen Years of Experience to Serve. You Dove ove • We have a FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE on our workmanship and materials. • Your choice of any of our fine materiels • Cotton • Velvet • Nylons • Vinyls • • Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES FREE PICKUP a DEUVERY Spring Thaw Special 15% off all fabrics Why Recondition? • Sae Money • Better Quality (hand crafted) • Longer lasting Hours: Tuesday to Saturday ! a.m. • 3 p.m. MacMASTER CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 427.4818 104 Main St. Laren, Ont. GREAT DAY .OUTDOORS - Students at Lucan Pubik School found Monday's weather ideal for playing outside. Shown ready to slide down a bunk are Derek Greenlee, Brad Vollrath, Matthew Bloy, Doris Thompson and Melissa Smaill. camp at end of month During December and January Brownies of the 2nd Lucan Pack have been busy with a variety of activities. They participated . in Christmas caroling at the senior citizen's apartments, some private homes and several Lucan business locations. During the Christmas holidays. the Brownies en- joyed the production of a' Beauty and the Beast" at McManus Theatre in London. Fathers of Brownies were called into action to attend the father -daughter bowling even- ing at the Lucan Lanes January 20, which proved to be quite exciting as well as noisy! Since early January , the girls have been working hard to earn pennies for the World Friendship Fund helps those in Guiding who especially need our thoughts and help. These pennies are presented on "Thinking Day'.', February 22. This day marks the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden Powell, the founders of Scouting and Guiding and is the day established for circling the world with warm and friend- ly thoughts. - Saturday, February, 6, the Brownies attended the District Winter Outing at Cir- cle R. Ranch in Delaware. They participated in cross- country skiing, skating, sleigh reding, snowshoeing and parachute games. • Sunday February 7 they at- tended Orchestra London's Lollipop Concert, "Once Upon a Time." The recent winter weather has not slowed down the ac- tivities of the 2nd Lucan Brownie pack which is now planning a winter camp at the end of February. GOOD SWINGING - Amanda Hotson provides the sw- inging power for Tina Verhey at the Lucan Public School playground Monday afternoon. T -A photo Tirnos-Advocato, Ilehnsory 17, 19E2 Pero 13 Love a Friend theme at St. Patrick's • A special day called Love a Friend Day was held at St. Patrick's School in honour of Valentine's Day February 12. The day was organized by the Student Council and an assembly was held tceexplain the day to all students. During this day, we recognize and give a heart to anyone who does a friendly act for us. Awards were given to those 42 students who completed the M.S. Readathon. Special recognition was given to P gy Malone who read the most books (60 books) and to ihannon Thomas who raised the most money (;41.00). Total amount raised was 5265.92. House league sports at St. Patrick's are continuing with a special program called Dance Fit beginning February 15, 1982. Itis being . offered to ',redo 7 and 8 girls and is organized by Miss Sue Morning Prayer for .Anglicans Morning Prayer was the order of service for. the Sun- day morning worship at Holy Trinity Ang. Anglican Church. Greeting the members of the congregation were Sharon, Brian, Christopher and Lisa Haskett. Readings of the Old and New Testament were by Kay Egan, and Loretta Dickson played the organ in the absence'of Beulah Hardy. Thethirdcertificate Merit was awarded to Andrea VanGeel forcorrectly reciting the Books of the New Testament. Rev. Pocock based his ser- mon on the Gospel of Mark 1:40-45. Jesus said to the diseased man "I do want to make you clean".He desires that all men bmade as perfect as possible in body, mind and spirit. In this age of advanced medical science and psychiatric treatments the spirit of the person has nearly been forgotten when treatment is considered. Through the power of prayer miracles happen to- day just as they did when Jesus walked on earth. In today's society. the greatest need people have is love. In exchange for belief in Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world god freely gives us His perfect lave which is everlasting. The flowers in the sanc- tuary were from the funerals of Daniel Malyk and Gordon Mitchell. Upcoming February 21 at 11:00 a.m. the 75th anniversary of the BoyScout Movement Celbration Service. Beginning on Ash Wednes- day, February 24, and conti- nueng each Wednesday even- ing during Lent, an educa- tional study called "Ashes to Easter" will be held at the church. More Lucan news on page 21 Barry and Mrs. Mary Maxwell. The indoor floor hockey season is completedwiththe following teams achieving too Seniors enjoy pot luck meal A super pot luck dinner was enjoyed by members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups, Thursday at noon followed by cards convened by Eva and Alex Young and crafts. John Loynes received congratulations on his birthday. For those members who were not at the meeting, please call the Tour convener, Elsie Gibson, 227-4595, to in- dicate whether or not you are planning lan i g to go on the trip to WhitFor those taking the next craft course, please bring any paint brushes you may have, a notebook and' pencil. Mrs. Tammy Laye of Lobo will be the instructor and registra- tions will be filled out tomor- row Thursday. If you cannot be present, please call 227.4714. place. Senior girls Team 4 Rachel Rosch, Lisa Bakker, Theresa Morkin, Darcy Reid, Christina Mcllhargey, Mona Morkin and Monica McCarthy. To culminate an interesting study of the Caribbean Islands, the Grade 5/6 students cooked and enjoyed a special Caribbean meal W y. The menu includ- ed chicken pilau, fried plan- tain, breadfruit . salad, coconut merinue cookies and a fruit salad. parent helpers with the cooking were Mrs. Ann . Lewis and Mrs. Claire Vickery. The Grade 1/2 class and Mrs. Jean Hishon had an en- joyable outing on Thursday, to the Upper Thames Conser- vation Area. The children went on a hay ride past Fan- shawe Pioneer Village,- en- joyed ggahot chocolate the and went ttsbohills. Parent helpers on the trip were Mrs. Agnes Lansink, Mrs. Carolyn Morris, Mrs. Mary Ann Brown and Mrs. Lynda Cifa. Thursday, the St. Patrick Parent Teacher Association held a meeting in the School Library. Several parents at- tended and enjoyed an infor- ma a presentation by the gg speaker. Constable Jim MacDonald on the topic of February 25 and 26, the London and Middlesex Separate School Board are sportso ng a conference on ih ldren and Television en- titled "Our Plug In World" at the City Centre Holiday Inn in London. Seventeen speakers will discuss many aspects which relate to assisting our children in attaining visual literacy. The cost of the entire conference is ;100. Tickets for the keynote ad- dress to be given Thursday • evening by Adrienne Clarkson speaking about "Television: The Mirror and the Magnifier" can be pur- chased separately for tis. in advance at St. Patrick School. For more information about the conference call Joan Bolt at 432-4104. Wed 50 years Congratulations were ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prince, Princess St, at Lucan United church, Sun- day, on their 50th wedding an- niversary, Monday, February 15. A celebration will be held at a later date. 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