HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-10, Page 16• tis. 16
TinusemAikatate, February 10, 1902 Not as attractive as unemployment insurance
Try again to get part-time help for Hensall works superintendent
Hensall ceunclll decided at Towton, who was busy this time. The individual hired perhaps eight feet by 12 feet),transfers totalled *88.1,868 In through municipal taxation. relocating these lights is
Monday night's regular snowy January and has ac- the last time council adver- for works superintendent 1981 the largest Council received an on-site $25.000 • td $30,000, t which
mtttee will advertise once
again for part-time help for
works superintendent
gas being a
me eting its street com- Don
cumulated 112 hours of over- tiled, is no longer with :he Towton. The property com- *187,413 transfer to goo}- report from a firm of con- Hensall's share will e 50
works department. mittee estimates the cost of boards. Municipal aspen- salting engineers and Per cent; with contracts to
The 'problem as Towton renovation at $1,558.85, but it ditures last year included: planners regarding the be let by the ministry.
described it is one of time. relocation of street lights The ministry also in -
He hasn't enough spare time y and and financial arrangements fern* council, on another
these days to go out looking g eat the and property, *31,031 due to the Ministry of matte ;that its subsidy
for qualltie, help, and there
north gg p ation servlcea Transportation and Com- allocation for road construe -
aren't enough regular hours !n the best In munication's reconstruction Lion and maintenance in 1962
involved with the position to t t concerned vlronm tel services, 6122 of Highway 84 in the village. is only $1,040 more than last -
make it attractive to signifi-
cant 934' he !th rvi The estimated cost of year's figure, *30,200 com-
HENSALL MARCH OF. DIMES -. The Hensall UCW conducted the annual Morch of Dime
canvass in the village Monday night. Above, co-ordinator Joyce Pepper hands out pledge
sheets to Ann Brock, Kay Mock, Mona Alderdice and -Hazel Corbett. T -A photo
Local scouting groups
attendchurch se
Combined Youth and Scout
Day was observed at Hensall
United Church on Sunday.
morning, February 7.
Messengers, Beavers, Cubs,
Explorers arid Scouts all
attend the service and only
the pre-school and kin-
dergarten left for Sunday
Before they left, Rev.
Stanley McDonald, who
conducted the service spoke
to them about growing tall
and straight as well as
growing in height, they were
encouraged to grow in
goodness, kindness and
The sermon was addressed
mainly to the young people
and continued the thoughts
presented to the younger
ones. A story of the trees was
told, the tall, tall pine and the
tiny,, budding spruce
growing at his side. As the
pine tree grew in height so
ail can grow tall and straight
through life. We can look up
to these and set a good ,
example and shelter us with
their leadership, friendship
and guidance:
Two anthems were
presented by the choir under
the leadership of Dr. Ralph
Topp, organist and choir
director "The Lord's My
Shepherd" by . Hampshire
and "Let Us Bring Love" by
Green, the solo taken by
Mrs. Gail Shaw. During the
service the Junior Group
• VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales & Service to
Most Makes)
For Farm & Business
VARNA, ONT. • 482-7103
dap ti;obnngljip /armerceutual
Fire 1nourante Companp
The 107th Annual Meeting of the Hay
Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be held in the Company Of-
fice, Zurich, on: Saturday the 27th day of
February, 1982 at 2 p.m., for the presenta-
tion of the Annual Report, to elect three
directors to replace those whose terms ex-
pire, and to transact all business as may be
done at a general meeting of the
policyholders. The Directors whose term of
office expire are Herb Beierling, Zurich;
Cecil Desjardine, Grand Bend; and Arnold
McCann, Dashwood, who are eligible for
re-election. .
Please,Note: By -Law No. 21 - Qualifications
of Directors (d) "Any person wishing to seek .
election or re-election as a Director must file
his intention to stand for election in writing
with the Secretary of the Corporation at
least ten .days in advance of an Annual
Meeting or Special General Meeting called
for the purpose of electing Directors."
Robert Glen
Secretary -Manager,
John R. Consitt
t t• 1 r t f r r t-) t
noted in its report: "The fur-
nace runs continuous)
cannot begin to h
or garage.... these
proposals are
terests of all
Also, there should be change'-
forthe better in
the heating bill."
Reeve Paul Neilands com-
clerk-treasurer Bet-
tyOke for a job "done very
well"when she presented a
review of council's 1981 ex-
penditures to budget. The
village budgeted for an ac-
cumulated net revenue at
the of the year of 654,379,
but actually accumulated
o net revenue, a sur -
general government, $55,-
872; protection to persons
r ;
6155,963 (estimated); en-
vironmental -
a services,. $775'
on a
vices. *75,208; planning and
development $3,920; social
family service's, nil;
transfers to region or coun-
ty. 850.752.
' The village brought in a
total revenue of 6685,739 in
1981, of which 6198,152 was
raised through municipal
axe on.
Hensall's 1980 actual
figure. total revenue was $547,077,of
Actual expenditures and which 6178,908 wait raised
prospective applicants as an cant
recreation and
cultural ser
alternative to, say, un-
employment insurance. Also
not many would-be minded and 'soca
applicants are willing
to work weekends, or the
irregular hours snowstorms
Towton said getting paid KIPPEN
Kippen 4-H club
arrange- poker run
forhisaccumulatedovertime The Central Huron 4H
doesn't worry him, he's will- end t tI Snowmobile Club held its se-
ing to take time off instead, ua ex-
x Gond regular meeting
but he wonders who will hold .675 027 f p nditures and transfers February 3 at the home of
down the fort in the works plus of 62 271 bo 1980's totalled 6540,355 Its 1980 Paul Hoggarth. Pre -start
department when he would actual t t 1 safety check and trail ride
be taking this time off. equipment were discussed.
Council carried a
recommendation from its
property committee in a
detailed report by coun-
cillors Minnie Noakes and
John Skea, that it renovate
the north end of town hall
where trucks are nowstored,
among other things.
Included in the renovation
would be the construction of
a small but "adequate" of-
fice (eight feet by 10 feet, or,
La )eche
plan event
According to Sally Sim-
mons . from Nebraska, the
;best infant seat is mothers
arms, the best swing is
mother's lap in a rocking
chair, the best stroller is
mother's body; the best
nursery record is mother's▪ own hearbeat; 'the best
lullaby music • is mother's
own singing and . of course,
the best pacifier,
tranquilizer, electric war-
nrR eat mother's breast. •
� mer, and, feed can be found •
La Leche League in Huron
recited their Purpose.
Chuck Doxtator, Sco
Master greeted everyone
the door to the Sanctua
and the ushers were G
Kyle, Steve Corbett, J
McDonald and Ray Jaco
Mr. Peter Snell of Exe
will condpet the service .
Hensall United Church
Sunday, February 14 at
County has recently split into
ut three groups. There are
at meetings in Goderich and
ry Belgrave in the evenings and
ary in Hensall in the morning.
im Each group welcomes
bi. women who ivish to get, in-
ter volved with the duties in a
in group either as leaders - in -
on training or .as librarians or
11 as hostesses offering their
homes for meeting places.
CaII the local leader to offer
of your help, or ask her more
ne about what the local group is
e doing in your area.
d The next meeting of L L L
• in Huron County - South will
1, be held in Hensel] on
s February 17 at the home of
• Janis Bisback, 86 Queen St.
E. The meeting will begin at
Ls .9:30 a.m. Anyone with
Inez McEwen formesrly
Hensall, now of the BI
Water Rest Home had th
misfortune to fall an
fracture some limbs she is i
St. Joseph's Hospita
London where the fracture
werereduced and i
Miss Judith Mickle who
teaching in Cambridge
visited recently with he
grandmother Mrs. Lair
Mr. Alex Munn wh
recently underwent surger
in St. Joseph's Hospital
London returned home.
Mrs. Ernie Davis wa
taken by ambulance to St
Joseph's Hospital, Londo
last week where she i
receiving treatment.
Mrs. Hans Gerstenkor
who has been a patient in St
Joseph's Hospital, Lando
remains in hospital
following surgery.
Mrs. Dorothy Corbett
spent a few days last week in
London, the guest of Mrs.
Ella Harding.
Mr. Kenneth Parker is
patient in Stratford Genera
hospital where he is un
iiergoing treatment.
Rev. Kenneth conducted
worship in • Carmel
Presbyterian ,on Sunday
speaking on the subject "a
Mighty Fortress is Our
The Young People's Group
enjoyed a well attended
snowmobile party on Sunday
afternoon and returned to
the church for a pot luck
supper. A good time was had
by all.
Three carloads of • Mem-
bers of Amber Rebekah
Lodge attended a banquet at
St. George's Anglican
Church, Goderich, in honour
of the vice-president Mrs.
Bernice Hall and D.D.P.
Mrs. Grace Fuller on
Tuesday evening. The
meeting in MacKay's hall
was largely attended in
which Amber members took
par,. A social hour was
enjoyed by all.
The Humanitarian Service.
committees of the ]OOF and
Rebekah Lodges are holding
a euchre party in the local
Lodge Hall, Hensall on
Thursday evening at 8
o'clock p.m. Everyone is
The Hensall Women's
Institute are holding a
Valentine meeting in Hensall
United Church on Wed-
nesday evening at 8 p.m.
Members are reminded to
bring lunch for one in a
paper hag.
library books outstanding
✓ are asked to try and return
d them by mail before the
meeting or bring them in
o person. There is no cost to
y attend these meetings and
children are always
welcome to come with
s mothers to league functions.
• Mrs. Bisback may be
reached at 262-$505.
s If you are looking for
support to help you.make it
n through the winter months
. while you remain indoors
n and mother your children
SPAGHETTI LUNCH - Students from Mrs. Moffatt's class celebrated Huron Centennial'
School's 15th anniversary with a spaghetti lunch. The students were simulating life in o one•
room school house. Tuckersmith Township SS # 10, by having classes with all the students
from one area regardless of grade. Shown are: Mrs. Moffatt, Dawn Taylor, Christina
Houston, and Dianne McQuarrie. In the background another teocher records the events for
Two move to Queensway
Welcome newcomers
Queensway Nursing Home Carmel Presbyterian
welcomes two new residents W.M.S. was held on Monday
Mr. Percy Merkley, Exeter, with Mrs. Dorothy Taylor
and Mrs. Genevive presiding in the absence of
Ducharme, Zurich. the president Mrs, Marlene
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell.
Brock and Bill Triebner Mrs. Taylor opened with a
arrangements were made to
hold a Daffodil Tea, April 3rd
featuring good used clothing
booths for adults and
children, anda bake sale.
The meeting closed with
the Benediction.
visited last week with Mrs. poem "February Snowfall" • Unit Three meets
Muriel Triebner. Don followed by a reading Unit Three of the U.C.W. of
Rozendal visited with his "Snowflakes" and their Hensall United Church met
wife Alice, Mrs. and Mrs. effects in different ways. She on Tuesday in the church
Steve Soetber of Lambeth then led in prayer. Mrs. Alex parlors with Mrs. Dorothy
also visited Mrs. Rozendal McGregor was in charge of Brintnell presiding and
Les Mitchellvisited his the worship and opened with opened with the theme song
mother Mrs. Louise Mit- a reading "Possibilities" and prayer and a poem
chell. Mr. and Mrs. Dogan Mrs. H. Hyde read the "Daily Valentine". Mrs. Alf
spent Sunday afternoon with Scripture from Matt 25 "The Ross' was in charge of the
Mrs. Irma Wilds. Mr. Robert final judgement". Kathy worship "What Have we to
Lammie visited his mother Bell read a poem "To -day Serve With?" Twelve
Vera Lammie. Mrs. Fink- and Time". Mrs. Margaret members answered the roll
beiner's family visited Hoggarth gave a reading call. They were reminded of
during the past week. "The Master Is Coming". the World Day of Prayer
The Zurich Mennonite Mrs. McGregor closed with March 5 at Carmel
Ladies entertained the prayer. . Presbyterian.•
residents on Monday The business followed and ' The president spoke about
evening. plans were made for the The International Year of
They made Valentine's World's Day of Prayer" to be Senior Persons.
and served a delicious lunch. held in Carmel Church, Mrs. J.- Brintnell was in
Kippen East Women's March 5 at 2 p.m. Mrs. charge of the study and
Institute entertained the McGregor was appointed in showed a film "Guess Who's
residents on Monday af- - charge of the social. Coming to Breakfast". This
ternoon to Bingo and treats. The Ladies' Aid followed was followed by a question
Pastor McLean of Exeter with Mrs. Al Hoggarth period.
conducted church service on presiding and opened with Rev. McDonald closed the
Tuesdayafternoon. poems "Kindness" and meeting with the Benedic-
tion. The hostesses were
Mrs. - Harold Parsons and
Mrs. Ted Roberts.
come on out •to a league. The residents enjoyed . God's Pay" and prayer.
meeting. It may be the bowling at Zurich Friday Several items of business
breath of fresh air you are morning. were dicussed and
looking for and your mental Mrs. Nell Kendrick
attitude towards mothering returned from South Huron
may be energized enough to Hospital, Exeter.
get you through those long
Carmel church
winter days and nights.
The February meeting of
to Hensall P.U.C. Customers
New.Office Hours
Monday to Friday
9 ,a.m. to 12 noon 1 to 5 p.m.
Letter Box - Available For
After Hours
from tom, by
John Patterson 482-3183
527.01910 482-3405 282-2418
A trail ride was then enjoyed
by all members.
The meeting was moved to
the house. where the up-
eoming Poker rally which
will he held February 13 was
discussed. The Poker rally
will begin at the farm of
Russell Faber one-quafter
mile north. of Kippen with
registration from 11-1. A
hand will cost 83.
We are sorry to report that
L. Waghorn is a patient in
South Huron Hospital. .
• Kippen East W.I. will
meet at the home of Mrs.
Vern Alderdice February 17
at 2 p.m. Guest speaker is
the Home Economist Miss
Muegge. Mrs. R. Broadfoot
is in charge of the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dob-
son. Chris, Pam and Kate
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Shorten and Scott all of
Regina, have returned home
after visiting aunts and un-
cles Dorothy and Eldrid
Moffatt Kippen and other
relatives in London.
Marg Hoggarth and Thea
Wisch attended training
school for the 4H Club
"Bread Winners" February
1 and 2 in Clinton. Any girls
wishing to take 'the club
please contact either of the
Joyce Wilson and Eileen
Townsend will also conduct
the 4H Club "Bread
The first meeting of 4H
club Bread Winners will be
held at the home of Marg
Hoggarth on February 16 at
7 p.m.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan Cooper on the
occasion of their 45th wed-
ding anniversary.
pared to *29,200.
The winners of Henson's
crest design contest were
also awarded with their
prizes. Brian Moir, 11, of
London Rd. and a grade $
student at Hensall Public
School, wen first prise: Deb-
bie Lawrence, 10, of Rich-
mond St. S. was second,
Trevor Cottrell, 12, of King
St. was third. Honourable
mentions went to Christine
Rose, Lori May Harburn and
Chris Webber. Forty-one en-
tries were received.
An ounce of keep -your -
mouth -shut beats a ton of
Beaut> hint: to 'keep
lipstick from coming off,
eat garlic.
Rich foods are. like
destiny. They, too, shape
our ends.
When a pessimist hears a
new rattle in his car, he
predicts a huge repair
bill. The optimist thinks it's
coming from the car
Man to friend: "Oppor-
tunity keeps knocking at
my door - but by the time I
unlock the deadbolt, un-
latch the chain, and turn
off the burglar alarm, it's
Why not take this oppor-
tunity to get your equip-
ment in lop shape at:
Jack's Small
Repair Service
107 Queen St.
• Hensall 262-2103
Mr. Bee says:
e Checkout these Great Buys
Cut Pure Cocoa
Egg 227 grams
Noodles t2 Ib. -
Ib 794 - 4541 rms
saltePed, unsanutslted
or redskin
lb. '$ 199
Ib. $239
Cocoa. Chips
Ib. s'25 •
Ib. 89(
�„•r Hwy 84 west of Hensall
kr Daily 9-6 Closed Sunday 236-4979
IM11131P SI T'
Timed drying control including three cycles, three
heat selections; family sized porcelain enamel
drum and a front mounted lint collector.
guy the $8 3
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MWO 1120i
SPIRALATOA agitator along with three cycles,
five wash/rinse temperature selections,.two
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dispenser, and the self cleaning lint filter.
White Only - With Trade
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