HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-03, Page 20s E E E Pees 20 Times -Advocate, February 3, 1982 Hensall senior housing project A project to establish a geared -to -income senior citizen's' housing project in Hensall is "off and running" now thanks to the signing of an application for incorpora- tion. Eleven Hensall residents signed the application as directors of Hensall Senior Housing. Inc. when the Hen- sall housing committee met Wednesday. Signing were: Bill Fuss, Butch Hoffman, Harry Klungel, Harold Knight, Jim MacGregor. Betty Oke, Eilene Rainey. Irene Davis, Rick McGee, John Baker and Doug Cook. Forming a corporation is required to apply to Canada Mortgage and Housing • • • ICMHC) for loan subsidies to allow money to be borrow- ed to build the project. The CMHC subsidy will, in effect. allow a loan at 2 per- cent interest. • Bill Fuss said a two storey apartment building with 22 to 24 units is planned. Most of the apartments will be single bedroom types, but several will be two bedroom and several are planned to be adapted for the disabled. Also included in the plan- ning are common rooms and a crafts area. The group's legal advisor, London lawyer Harold Taggert, suggested the group contact an architect for the project who was familiar with the procedures of designing a building to fit CMHC standards. He also suggested an architect look at any prospective location for the building before property is Study missionaries The January meeting of the Women's Ministries of the Pentecostal Tabernacle was held at the home of Mrs. 11111. . skirl 01 1( 101‘ o'. 1' 1 ,l 41(-s,Ist.lt nut handl( ap is stile to toll/ h the Ilse. 01 air 1.ho .utter brokenness. I urge cull to see this I/0%4.11111 filar. Foirvsry 12t$.-1$tit PARK THEATRE Far isawat slip sea your chords.. JOIII cour011s ACCerT D NO OTHER PASSES Edith Millar with 10 mem- bers present. The meeting was opened by singing the choruses "Trust and Obey" and "Only Jesus, Only Jesus." Mrs. Hilda Eizenga led in prayer. Members sang the choruses "God is so Good", and "Surely Goodness and Mercy." The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Mary Blanchard read an article entitled "How to be a foreign missionary representative." The monthly bulletin was read by Mrs. Ruth McLaren. The key theme being, "Living the Truth". Thank you letters from several missionaries were read. Miss Marion McLean gave a missionary reading from the book "In the Vineyard of the Lord," which was the biography of Helen Steiner Rice. Mrs. Ruth McLaren gave the message of the afternoon - the theme being "Obey". She stressed how we need to be obedient to the word of God in order to have prayers answered. ,'Prayer time followed with each member participating. A delicious lunch was then served by Mrs. Estrella Finkbeiner and Mrs. Susanna Cann, assisted by the hostess. Huron County Runny Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Coll 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome f11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111HIg111111111111Im Featuring This Week a LES PINES HOTEL Feb. 4-5-6 . tnimlrrllrnlrnninrlrlrllrlrllrrllllllrrlrlrrllrrllrrlllllrrlrll: The Prestones iinrnnlnnnnnnnnllrlllrrrlllrrinnnn..... nnnrg a 6- Exeter, Ont. R , .•J l 235-0151 a �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII(III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� a m a 01044,. Our Lady of dior Mount Carmel Parish Air Precious Blood Mission • St. Patrick's Dance AL Sat. March 13, 1982 1P* SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Music by BELFAST Admission'14.00 per couple including hot buffet '. 4 purchased. Taggert said he had been doing some work with an architect' on a project in Barrie. He said he would set up a meeting with the architect. Miles Allison, to look at any property the board might have in mind. He also suggested the board look at a property with room to expand in the CORPORATION DIRECTORS— Signing the application for incorporation for the Hensall senior citizen's housing project are: (back, from left) Butch Hoffman, Harry Klungel, Jim MacGregor, Harold Knight: (front, from left) Betty Oke, legal advisor Harold Taggert, Bill Fuss and Eilene Ronney. Also signing as directors of Hensall Senior Housing, Inc., but not shown were: Irene Davis,Rick McGee, John Baker and Doug Cook. Celebrate Lucan baptism The postponed annual sang I Will Glory in the vestry meeting of Holy Cross." Trinity Anglican Church was Rev. C. J. Williams, held on Wednesday evening, speaking from John 19:25-27 in the lower hall, chaired by told of those who stood by Rev. Bruce Pocock. the cross. Mary, Jesus' The following officers Mother. could not help were elected: The Rector's Jesus. As she stood there the Warden will be Jim Shipley prophecy that a sword would and Deputy Warden, Bill pierce her heart was fullfill- When Jesus called her Haskett. The People's Warden is Bob Sockett and "Woman" it was a name of Deputy Warden Jim Davis. great respect. Also standing Treasurer, Larry Hotson. there was the disciple Lay Delegates to Synod are Jesus loved, John. Jesus transferred His protection of Marion Hodgins, Betty Ankers and Norah Elson His mother to John.• with the alternates being When Jesus speaks to us Carol Hardy, Edythe Murdy He is endeavouring to get and Andy VanGeel. our attention. Do we know Members of the Board are the sound of His voice? Who Jack Atkinson, Roscoe is Jesus? He is no longer just the son of Mary. 'He is the Hodgins. Gloria Hodgins, Alan Scott, Beth Smith, man the world still rejects to Bryan Smith and Joyce rule over them. Every Sovereign. delivered healed person All groups of the Church loves Him. •He is the Man reported a good year. God sent to restore people's sight and redeem the world, Morning service and to cleanse them from all On the fourth Sunday of their sin. Epiphany, which is also the Upcoming events Feast of the Presentation of Starting February 2, our Lord, the Sacrament of Lucan Revival Centre starts Holy Baptism was Morning Break, from 9:30 celebrated. Lora Lee Hardy, a.m. to 11:30 a.m. All ladies infant daughter of Joanne welcome. Free baby sitting, and Gordon Hardy was and a light snack awaits presented and received into the congregation of Christ's church. Greeting worshippers were Marg. Larry, Amanda and Douglas Hotson. Joyce Sovereign read the Old and New Testament Lessons and Patricia Pocock led in the special Litany. The junior choir sang a lovely anthem "The Bap- tismal Song" with solo parts taken by Vicki MacDonald and Jason'Haskett. Krista Hardy was presented with a Certificate of Merit for being the first one to learn and recite the books of the new testament. The contest continues. Rev. Pocock based his ser- mon on the readings of the day. In accordance with the law Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem and presented to the Lord. For two people. Simeon and An- na. this presentation was the fulfillment of God's promise to send the Messiah. We, to- day. also have the promise and hope of God's love through Jesus Christ. We need only to reach out and claim this promise. In the midst of our wanderings the light comes through and the darkness no longer exists. Next Sunday, February 7, Archdeacon Grant Morden, Principal of Huron College, will be the guest speaker. Lucan Revival Centre Due to another stormy Sunday. only a morning ser- vice was held. Judith Henry did sign -language while she, Mrs. Lorraine Armitage, and Mrs. Marlene Thronton your arrival. Special features are to be: Crewel embroidery; crocheting; cake decorating (for Valen- tine's Day); bread making; and economic cooking. Following the classes there is a short time of devotion. Talent night presents "Make a Joyful Noise for Haiti" Friday, February 12, at Lucan Revival Centre, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. will be presented Talent Night. This will be a Christian musical evening to raise ;1500. for a cement floor in the Blackburn's Orphanage home in Maissade, Haiti, The cement floor is to pre- ven parasites coming up throughground and in- vad more people causing sickness, and even death. Chuck and Brenda Stillwell. of RR 2 Lucan, plan to go to work with the Btackburns at this orphanage. During the even- ing they will show slides they took- on. their trip to Haiti recently. ' Anyone wishing to 'Per- ticipate in music -this even-' ing; please contact' Harold and Geri Fletcher at 293-3478 after 4 p.m., or weekends. Canada's l urite family entertainers. SHARON, LOIS &BRAM IN CONCERT Sate, February 13, at 3 p.m. Festival Theatre, Stratford Tickets $3.50 each Available at Little People 397 Main St. Exeter or Phone Marie Beattie at 1-273-0585 PARK 30 THE SQUARE Tirm, Aipe n Juicy THEATRE 524-7811 GODERICH WED.-THURS. FEB. 3-4 THOSE ORISON IN 1BOIICISM AN IC AT 7:N P.M. ONLY JOY OF FLYING •::w ONLY STARTS FRIDAY, FEB. 5 FRI.-SAT. - 7iN A 9:N SUN.-THURS. - $:N ONLY This school is our home GEORGE C. SCO TIMOTHY HC TTON 'TAP 20th CENTURY - FOX FI Incorporation papers signed `off and running' future. fuWre. Taggert noted that the CMHC controlled the amount of money that could be spent on the land for the project and stressed this was another reason to have nn experienced -architect on the project. 11 budgetted correctly, TBiLge�rt said that CMHC would arrange almost 100 percent of the capital costs, "so long as the (project's) budget is feasible and fits with the people you're trying to attract." The building will be two storey. as it is cheaper per square foot to construct than a larger single floor building. It was suggested space could be left to mount an elevator at a later date. Taggert advised the group to be thinking about a budget for the project. He urged them to get an accountant involved in the project, as with the CMHC method of arranging financing, the capital is not as important as "carrying the load" paying off the CMHC arrang- ed loans. While the project is funded under the federal governments programs, Taggert said the Barrie pro- ject had included a drop -In centre for seniors in the area Schilthjus to h.ad CMHC for funds. and was thus eligable for provincial assistance too. Taggert said it would take about six weeks to process the application for Incor- poration. but that applications for CMHC assistance could take until next fall. He said the board would have done a "terrific job, if you can start building by April of 1983". Members of the com- mittee have visited similar housing projects in Ayr and New Hamburg. In consultation with an architect, the corporation will attempt to secure a property option until application can be made to counselling service Dr. Bill Schilthius a 35 year old veterinarian from Goderich was elected chairman of the Board of directors of the Huron County Christian Coun- selling Services Association. The vice-chairman is Rev. Clayton Kuepfer,Zurich Mennonite Church; secretary, Bruce Perry, a teacher from Exeter; and treasurer, Clarence Bos, a teacher from Clinton. The Board of Directors of the newly formed Huron County Christian Coun- selling Services Association renewed its commitment to provide professional Christian Counselling to all people regardless of socio- economic status, sex, race, colour or creed. The Directors went on to examine the mandate which they had been given at the Society's general meeting December 8, '1981. It was decided that the Board's immediate goals were first, the expansion of its grass-roots support, and secondly, the institution of an intensive search for a full or part-time Christian Counsellor. It was recognized that such a 1 counsellor would be required to function not only as a "Counsellor", but also as the "kingpin" of the growing organization. thatIn order the wouldbe ablecarry out its mandate effectively and efficiently, it was decided to form two committees to deal with these matters and to report back to the Board. Figure skate tests Members of the Exeter figure skating club par- ticipated in a CFSA test day Monday and test chairman for the club Connie Birm- ingham has issued a list of those who passed successfully. Preliminary dances Dutch Waltz: Michelle Moore, Denise Kints, Michelle Northcott, Mike Rankin, Donald Broadfoot`, Karen Wells, Chris Gould, Mary Ann DeKoker, Elizabeth Coates. Junior Bronze Dances 10 - Fo Kim Murray, Wendy Ballantyne, Michelle Birmingham, Julia Tieman, Kelly Hern, Janet Kints, Paul Gibbs, Kellie Whiteford, Cheri Wedlake. Canasta Jean Turynham, Sandy Pratt, Kristyn Loire, Christine O'Toole, Sueanne Solden. Get donation on third try The third time around proved to be the lucky one for the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound. The group had requested a grant of ;125 from Exeter council late last year, but it was turned down,. when council 'members felt the money required for the project of providing a building access guide for the disabled should be provided by county council. The Day Centre sent back a letter noting that 20 of the. 26 municipalities in Huron had supported the group, but council again turned down the recommendation with support only coming from Deputy -Reeve Alvin Epp. Monday night, council agreed to the 8125 donation, after Mayor Bruce Shaw explained that they had given a previous indication that they would support the project. He indicated that while council had intended that as moral support, it had been construed as financial support by the Day Centre people. MONAWKI DANCE Musk By TRACES Sat., Feb. 27 at the South Huron Rec Centre 8:30-1 • Lunch Provided • Tickets at Anstett Jewellers Jerry MacLean & So or any Mohawk Player Swing Tobi Taylor, Susan Coates, Mary Thomson, Sarah Pat- terson, Leanne Gibbs. Fiesta Cheri Wedlake, Mary Birm- ingham, Martha Klopp (Zurich), Catherine Davison. Willow Catherine Davison, Lisa Faber, Sandra O'Leary (Parkhill), Kelly' Vanstone, Melanie Lovell. Preliminary Figure Nancy Broadfoot, Kim Murray First Figure Debbie Down, Tim Bullock. Second Figure Lori Freitas (Parkhill). Preliminary Freeskates Ronalynn Bell, Laurie McLelland. Senior Bronze Dances Jacqueline Cottrell. Junior Silver Dances Rocker Heather Prout. Happy . "`40th" Birthday to Jim Rogers Danc. Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Sat., Feb. 6 Music by Joe Overholt Proceeds for hall maintenance Optimists of Stephen Valentine Dance Feb. 13 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Huron park Annex Tickets 3:00 per couple Music supplied by Jim Dewan Lunch provided - South Huron litRec Centre Activities Wed. Feb. 3 1 1:55-12:45 High School 6:30-)10:30 Minor Hockey Playoffs Thurs. Fib. 4 10-11 a.m. Moms & Tots 1.2 p.m. Hig% School 2-3:30 Usborrse Public 4.8 p.m. Figure Skating 8:30 p.m. Mohawks vs Hensall Fri. Feb. 5 10:30.11:30 High School 4.8 p.m. Figure Skating 8:30. p.m. Hawks vs Thamesfyyu 'Sat. Feb. 6 .8 a.m.-1 p.m. Minor Hockey 2-4 p.m. Public Skating 4-5:15 p.m Minor Hockey 7-11 p.m. Ice Rental Sun. Feb. 7 10-12:30 Ice Rental 12;30.1 p.m. Minor. Hockey 2-3 p.m. Public Skating 3-4 p.m. Precious Blood School Skating Party 4.7:30 p.m. Minor Hockey Mon. Feb. 8 11:15.12:45 High School 2-3:30 p.m. Ice Rental 4-9:30 p.m. Figure Skating 9:30-10:30 p.m. Ice Rental Tues. Feb. 9 10-11 o.m. Moms & Tots' 11:55-12:45 High School 2.3 p.m. Moms 8 Tots 56:30 p.m. Minor Hockey 6:30 Hawk Practice 8-12 Rec League Cross Country Ski Clinic on Feb. 18 at 2 p.m. Everyone Welcome 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111I I I It 11111111111 II IIII IIRMIttle BINGO a i',11111unnun 1unuimettun 1nnii1imuuuuulW111111III1111IIIIIIIIIIu111111inuninut: Sponsored by Crediton & District Lions dub Monday, February 8 8:00 p.m. 15 Regular Games Jackpot $100 to go Crediton Community Hall Z O 0 CLIP THIS COUPON PIZZA $125 OFF Medium Deluxe Reg. $6.00 475 WPH COUPON Large Deluxe Reg. $8.00 675WITH COUPON NL: rxzn1A EXETER -235-2311 OFFER GOOD TO FEB. 14/82 RE• EII Dashwood Hotel Dining Room NOW OPEN For your dining pleasure This week's Special Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Features: - Lasagna with fresh chef's salad and hot garlic bread - Homemade Soup - Homemade Fruit phis Kitchen Open: noon till 1:30 - 5:30 till 7:30 - 9 - 12 midnight 2nd Annual "BOWL FOR MILLIONS" Largest fund raising event of the year Feb., 15-19 Pick Up Your Sponsor Sheets at these three locations Huron Park lane's Box 599 Exeter Exeter Bowling Lanes SOUTH HURON BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS Town & Country LcInes Zurich 235-1644