HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-02-03, Page 12Po 1; Times-Advocop, February 3, 19112
Name new secretary
Hensall Fair'82 to feature ladies exhibits program
A ladies exhibits program
is added to the Henaa11
Spring Fair for the
At the annual meeting of
the slseaall South Huron
Agricultural Society Wed-
nesday night directors
pointed' Frances King cl
and Joyce Pepper to p a
tentative program together
for. presentation at the
March meeting with a
proposed budget of $200. The
1982 Fair will be held at the
Hensall Community Park on
Tuesday, June 8.
Retiring secretary-tre-
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HULLY GULLY RACER — Brian Denomrne is show n in action
Cup race on the weekend.
during 'a Hully Gully Huron
Schwartzentruber photo
asurer Gladys McGregor
presented the 1981 fair's
financial report which
showed an increase In bank
balance of $123.44.
A second added feature to
the upcoming fair is an old
timers calf club. This
competition is open to
anyone over the age of 21 and
Mrs. McGregor reported 12
calves were being whipped
into shape by their veteran
While she was unable to
attend due to another fair
board meeting in Seaforth,
ladies district 8 director
Dolores Shapton sent
greetings from her
Mrs. Shapton indicated she
would be willing to assist in
preparing the ladies' fair
prize list and her help will be
The regular junior calf
club has 23 participants for
this year. At an earlier
meeting it was decided to
delete the market cldss from
the cattle program.
David Turner was
returned as president for a
second year and the vice-
presidents are John Kin-
sman and Stewart Brown.
,The new secretary -treasurer
is Barb Van Allen. She takes
over from Gladys McGregor
who held the post for the past
seven years.
Directors are John Soldan,
Ross Corbett, Elgin
Thompson, Bob Kinsman,
Bill "Morley, Barry Miller,
Jack Kinsman, Ken Parker,
-Les Coleman, Tom Consitt,
Carmel church
has good year
The annual congregational
meeting of Carmel
Presbyterian Church was
held on Wednesday evening
and opened with scripture
reading and prayer by Rev.
Knight. Rev. Knight was ap-
pointed chairman and Mrs.
Dorothy Taylor secretary. A
moment of silence was
observed in memory of
departed members.
The reports were review-
ed and showed an excellent
year. Clarence Volland,
Russell Faber and Wayne
Love were appointed to the
Board of Managers; Mrs;
Peggy Volland school
superintendent; and
Clarence Volland church
A film on "The ChurchIs
Growing" was shown by
Req. Knight.
b.. Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted service in CarmelFamillar hymns fealureday. Weather permitting
Presbyterian Church on n-
service will be held on Sun-
• ' service . / 1 I_ _ I_ day February 7 at 10:00 a.m.
The meeting closed with
the Benediction followed by
a social hour.
A Special St. Valentine's
programme .will be held at
the Hensall Women's
Institute on February 10 at 8
p.m. in the United Church.
Everyone is reminded to br-
ring lunch for one in a paper
Paul Mansfield who is
attending Western Universi-
ty London, spent the
weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mansfield
and his grandfather, Lloyd
Mrs. Hans Gerstenkorn
underwent surgery in St.
Joseph's ' Hospital, London
last week. Hermany'friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ernie Davis who has
been a patient in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter for a
few weeks returned to her
home last week.
The C.P.T. committees of.
the IOOF and. Amber
Rebekah Lodge are spon-
soring a progressive euchre
at the local hall on February
11 at 8 p.m. -
District Deputy Grand
Master, Alex McBeath and
Mrs. McBeath .entertained
the installing team of Hen-
sail IOOF Lodge to a dinner
at Zurich on Saturday even-
ing, followed by a social
time and entertainment at
their home.
Queensway news
Rev. Sutton of Trivitt
Memorial Anglican Church,
Exeter, conducted service at
the Queensway Nursing
Home last week. He was ac-
companied by several of his
parishioners. On Monday
The large congregation at
the United Church was in-
• spired Sunday morning when
..they heard the old familiar
Hymns being sung and the
story told on how the hymns
were written. The Theme for
the service was "The Story
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of Hymns" and Rev.
McDonald told .the
background of each of the
Hymns that were sung. -
With the Call to Worship,
Prayers and Scriptures
related to the thetne of
music, Mr. McDonald read
fret the 100th Psalm a�
as from the Book of
Ephesians and Clossians.
Hymn used for' the service
were "Stand Up, Stand Up
for Jesus ''What a Friend
We Have In Jesus", "Bless-.
ed Assurance", Faith of our
Fathers". and "Abide With
The choir assisted with the
story .of Hymns by singing
the great Reformation hymn
"A Mighty Fortress",
"There were Ninety and
Nine" with Don McCaffrey
and Belva Fuss taking the
solo parts, "Amazing
Grace" and Don Travers
and Gail Shaw sang "In The
Garden." Randy Parker was
the Greeter for the Service
and Ray Jacobi, Gary Kyle,
Jim McDonald and Steven
Corbett were the ushers.
Much appreciation was ex-
pressed for this type of ser-
vice for which the congrega-
tion received enjoyment and
The Junior Hi Group of the
United Church enjoyed an
evening of swimming at the
Vanastra Recreation Centre
Friday evening. They then
returned to the church for
fellowship and lunch. The
next Junior Hi meeting
will be March 12 at which
time the young people will
be going bowling with
Sharon Wurm as their
Arena Activities
Week of Feb. 3
Wed., Feb. 3
2:30-3:30 Moms 8 Tots
3:30-5 Public Skating
6 p.m. Atom Practice
7 p.m. Peewees vs Blyth
8 p.m. Bantam Practice
9 p.m. Midget Practice
Thurs., Feb. 4
8:30 p.m. Open Ice
Fri, Feb: 5
7-12 p.m. Broomball Tournament
Sat., Feb. 6
7 a.m.-9 p.m. Broomball tournament
Sun., Feb. 7 \
1-3 Public Skating
6:30-10:30 Seaforth Industrial Hockey ,
Mon., Feb.11
8 p.m. Uancercize
7-11 p.m. Curling
Tues., Feb. 9
5:45-8:45 Minor Hockey
9-10,30 p.m. Intermediate Practice
i by turkey Br�vnr0> 'td P:
evening Jim Brand and
several friends entertained
the residents with music.
Thursday evening the
residents were entertained
with movies.
Neil Regan was high
scorer for the men and -Mary
Parlmer was high for the
ladies. -
Visiting with Mrs. Alice
Rozendal was her husband
Don and Steve and Mike Sop-
boer. Mrs. Iva Ridley visited
Vera Lammie. Visiting
several residents were
Charles and Reta Gilmore of
London. Myrtle and Leona
Doupe also visited at the
Allen Hayter, Don Dearing,
Jack Corbett and John
Associate directors are
Verne Alderice, Harold
Knight, Ross Haugh, Cecil
Des Jardine, Vic Hargreaves,
Robert Kinsman, Bevan
Kinsman, Eric Luther, Jim
McGregor, Larry Merner,
Barry Miller, Bob Carsons,
Jack 'Finney, Joe Miller,
Paul Steckle, Bill Rodger -
son, Ray Consitt, . Joe
Dietrich, Walter McBride,
Don Reynolds, Cecil Pepper,
Bob Bell and Mery Falconer.
The meeting began with a
pot luck dinner at the
Hensel' arena. A number of
new members were signed
Seniors to .
meet Tuesday
The "Three Links" seniors
will meet for their February
meeting on Tuesday,
February 10 at 2 p.m. Please
note thechange of time. The
Ladies completed a quilt last
week and it will be for sale.
HENSAU. FAIR EXECUTIVE — The executive of the Hensoll South Huron Aprirulturoi
Scoiety was elected at Wednesday's annual meeting. Back, left, vice-president, John
Kinsman and Stewart. Brown. Front, president David Turner and secretary -treasurer Bc'rh
VanAllen. T -A photo
Native is author
On January 21, John
Blackwell (son of David
Blackwell, RR 2, Hensall),
was a guest at a private
reception at Osgoode Hall,
Toronto, hosted by the
University of Toronto Press
and the recently -formed
Osgoode Society.
• The occasion marked the
publication of the first
volume in the Society's new
seriesonlegal history. The
book. to which Jobn is one of
ten contributors, is edited by
Dr. David H. Flaherty;
Professor of History and law
at the University of Western
Ontario, and entitled
"Essays in the 'Histor jr of
Canadian Law."
John is currently prepar-
ing his doctoral dissertation
at Queen's University,
to Hensall PUC. Customers
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Letter Box - Available. For
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