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Times-Advocate, 1982-01-27, Page 22
Times -Advocate, January 27, 1982 MOBILE FEED SERVICE AVE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses. Machinery, etc. Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN 237-3707 6 Ser vices PERRY'S DRYWALL Finish & TEXTURE Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 25t'' PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS, PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 FAMILY BUSINESS - Bowling Alley and Ice Cream Cone concession with facilities for a light lunch business as well. 6 lanes automatic. Owner has been operating as a sideline but can no longer manage it along with his regular business. Excellent potential for full time operator in town north west of London. Asking $55,000.00. STEPHEN TWP - 25 acres on highway 81. Ap- proximately 6 miles north west of Parkhill. 22 workable acres of sandy loam. 3 acres of bush. Ideal location for garden produce business. Asking $59,- 900.00. COMMERCIAL LOT. - On Main Street in Hensall. 66'x132'. Older 2 storey house. Value is in the lot. Call for more information. COTTAGE MINDED? buy a bulding lot now near Pork Franks. 75'x200'. Vendor will take back mortgage of 10% for 1 year term with $2000.00_ down .-Asking 511,900.00. Open to Offers on Any of These Properties Please Call Anytime Listings Required For Homes Farms Vacant Land Free Value Estimates DICK PARKINSON ROYAL TRUST REALTOR •Call 472-8930 or 245-4591 Res. 1-293-3403 c3K O (7 (3 GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter Grand Bend Clinton Goderich GK GK GK0 235-2420 238-.8484 482-9747 524-2118 GK Realty . Insurance Phyllis Johnson Dwayne Tinney Bill Fuss Bruce Fisher Griffin Thomas 237-3547 235-1408 262-2946 238-8735 238-2035 lillii:1©. REALTOR • NEW LISTING -,Variety and Grocery store plus ser- vice boy and gas bar on main corner - priced to sell. COMMERCIAL - Main street Exeter - large corner lot with renovated house - excellent office location. 6% % MORTGAGE - 3 bedroom bungalow, finished family room on large lot. BEAUTIFUL SXS DUPLEX - 2 bedrooms, new gas furnaces, Iorge lot - must be seen - rent one - live 'in one. • MAKE AN OFFER - Glazed brick bungalow, O master bedroom with ensuite both. attached gar- age, on edge of town. PRICED IN 50'S -- only 6 years old - 2 storey 3 - bedroom home - a real buy! 63/4 % MORTGAGE - 3 bedroom bungalow, 20 years old, private yard, immaculate condition. MUST BE SOLD! - - executive 4 level home with at- tached garage, loaded with extras including central 4-1 air, gorburotor, dishwasher etc 10'2 % mortgage. ONE OF A KIND -- 3.58 Acre building site lots of mature trees, well on property - in Usborne Tdwnship. • BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME --' in prime subdivision, Ci new carpets, dishwasher, cosy fireplace and at - >t 0 7C 0 >Z � tached garage. WALK TO DOWNTOWN - - from the 12 year old • brick bungalow, olympic fireplace, finished family room - excellet starter or retirement. LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME -• completely renovated throughout - priced in the low 40's. DASHWOOD - 1' i storey brick home 3 0 bedroom, extra large lot - priced in 20's. 4 LOTS - 2 can be built on at present • on Highway 83 O STATELY 4 BEDROOM - family. home, restored in- side, freshly painted outside - in Hensall. • '50 ACRES - prime farmland in Hay Township - priced to sell. C) 7C ZURICH - lot with cement block building - make an offer CREDITON Priced in 20's • 4 bedroom home, large born, good lot, immediate possession. MOVE IN NOW - family home with newer addi- tion, dose to downtown. Owner anxious to sell. 7C For information on other listings please call 235- 2420 or one of our sales representatives, x 0 0 O GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 1 1 6 Ser vices L&P BOAT REPAIRS "No Job Too Big Or Small" "We Fix Them All" We do customized work on Boat Repairs and Fiberglassing. All makes of Travel Trailers and Motor. Homes For prompt service and quality work CALL ZURICH 236-4426 call any time 39t HENSALL ROOFING Built-up Roofs Shingles and Roof Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Phone Exeter 235-0911 39t ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 I.It Poly Glaze The Shine that Protects, and Lasts without Waxing 57500 DOBBS MOTORS LTD. 235-1800 MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily weekly rates PHONE 235-1525 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING v:11Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal s ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1123 Your Grand Bend and Area Lakewood Stove Dealers Garry Desjardine Keith Crawford RR 2 Grand Bdnd Special Year End Clearance on LAKEWO8"p UNICORN double door with screen and blower Act now - because these units won't last, SAVE $$$ 6 Services MILLER'S Welding, Lathe, and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought_ Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Earl Miller 237-3365 11 (u, • Trucks TRUCK WLTH TOPPER - 1978 Chevrolet, black with red in- terior. Michelins, cruise control. low mileage. Topper has insert with broadloomed seats, which turn into full width bed, lights, curtains and storage. Phone 234, 6396 after five o'clock and weekends: • 33tfnx CASH for good low mileage, used cars or trucks. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Fend, 238-8613. 34t 18t 1974 LINCOLN MERC IV. 69,- 000 miles. Good operating condi- tion. Best offer. CaII Steve Virag 235-1142. It 1975 DODGE CUSTOM 100, th ton pickup, 6 cyl. automatic. Fair condition. Phone 237-3787 after 6 p.m. 3:4• 1971 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 door, just under 41,000 original , miles, power steering, power brakes, safety checked. Very clean inside and out. Only 2 owners. Call 2350654. 4:5c ,1977 GRAND PRIX Si, AM/FM, -air and much more. Asking $3,000.00. Phone 235- 0569. 4c S:ptic tanks vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service Butler Bros., Lucan. 227-4312 or 227-4254.261' Lakeland Sanitation Septic Tanks, • Holding Tanks, Cleaned and Serviced Portable Toilets Residential, Commercial Farm 24 hr,service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd 238-2291 25t JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING LivestockFarm Supplies Direct Plant Shipping, Trailer & Pot Rates ' Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 32t CARL GOWER Weldingand Repair R.R.#I, Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding,. Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 R.H.&S. PAINTING & DECORATING For Sale By Tender Township of Stephen 1975 International truck, single axle, five speed transmission with two speed axle. Complete with dump box, snow plow and wing. (Can be bought with or without snow plow equipment.) 1977 Chev, x. ton, 4 speed transmission, 350 engine. Cer- tified. 1966 Chev, single axle, five speed transmission with two speed axle. Flat bed. Not certified. For further information or ap- pointment, contact Eric Finkbeiner, Road Superinten- dent -at Work Shed 1-234-6461, Home 1-234.-6251,Clerk's Office 1-234-6331. Tenders to be clearly marked and in hands of Road Superintendent or at the Clerk's Office, Crediton, by Monday, February. 15, 1982 at 5:00 • p.m. 4:5c 12 Pets TO GIVE AWAY, Beagle pups to a good home. Edwin Miller. 8t Phone 229-6375. 4* COCKER SPANIEL pups, 2 blonde males, registered. Cham- pion sire, vaccinated, • de- wormed.. Dr. B. Rowe. 227- 4251. 3:4c - Painting - Interior & Ex- terior - Wallpapering -. We have a good selection of wallcoverings available. Look at samples in your home. Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 29t 7 Livestock BOARS Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc; R.O.e. tested, government health approved, Ted Schendera. 225-2734. 48-4c DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every Tuesday at II a.m. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips 232-4231 25t PUREBRED. LANDRACE, York and Cross Bred Boars, R.O.P. tested and health ap- proved. Also •High Bred Gilts, York X Landrace, open or bred. ,Phone Brandy Point Farms, Wil- ly and Kurt Keller. RR 1 Mitchell, 348-9753 or 348- 8043. 4- 16c VISTA VILLA FARMS offers a special selection of serviceable age boars. Yorkshires with c6n- temporary indexes as high a3,.163. Hampshires with contemporary indexes as high as 148. As well as Duroc and Hamp X York boars. We market over 2000 market hogs annually, so realize what the commercial man is faced with and .price boars according to •market conditions. Herd R.O.P. tested and health approved. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton, 345- 2317. 4:5:6c 8 Farm Machinery 1060 CASE COMBINE, 13 foot head and has auto header, height control, 8 cylinder gas engine, chopper and cab, 2 spike cylinder and rub bar cylinder, good con- dition. Phone 234-6297. - 4:5c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1979 JAG 3000 FA 1400 miles, 51,000.00. Call 227-4695. No Sunday calls. ' 3:4:5c MUST SELL - 1974 Skidoo 400, free air, good shape, very quick. 238-8647 after 7 p.m. 4:5c 1981 SKI DOO CITATION 4500, like new, low mileage, 237^- 3741. 4:5:6c 1978 340 KAWASAKI Invader snowmobile, liquid cooled, 1980 440 Kawasaki Invader, liquid cooled, both in excellent condi- tion. Phone 229-8868. , 52t 1972 SKIDOO TNT 44.0. Motor overhauled 1981, good track • S400.00. Phone 235-0435 after 5 p.m. 3:4• SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR. and Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday - Beef • Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours 262-2732) RETAIL ORDERS BEEF OR PORK SIDES - HINDS - LOINS Retail Hours • Wed., Fri., $ o.m. - S p.m. Sat. E a.m. - 1 p.m. MILL ST. HE MSALL, ONT. 262.20411 1 14 Appliances, Television HARDWICK, 36" natural gas stove, avocado, 5 burners or four with griddle and. black glass front, excellent condition. 5300.00. Phone 482-7956. 4• 16 For Scle ADDING . MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, ,alt Main St. 235- 1840. 2I t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. • 28t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, .cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock 'repairing guarantee. 3t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 37tfx 235- 2184. 1975 DOUBLE.WIDE BENDIX Chantecler mobile home. Good location, 2 bedrooms, dining room, living room, fire place. For inquiries call Steve Vit 2351142. .. • BAND SAWS, power steel,- - wood lathe. grinder, drill presses, Hamilton's Machine Shop 235- 1655. 48.t FIREWOOD Henry Eisenchink RR I Exeter. Phone 237-3405. 50-7• ELECTRIC TRAIN SET,: Life like - 2 engines, cars, electronic track cleaner, transformer, extra accessories. 570.00. Phone 235- 2815 after 6 p.m. • 50tfx LAKEWOOD Unicorn Wood Stove with stands and screens, reduce your home heating bills and save money on the purchase of this CSA approved wood stove. 666-0169 or 232-4742. 52-6c SPY APPLES, 58.00 per bushel,. stock your freezer with `great home made pies. 11/2 miles north of Dashwood, 237-3362. 2t COLLECTOR'S PLATES and collectables nearly new clothing, antique and used furniture, book exchange etc. Consignments accepted. Winter. hours 10-5. Thursday to Saturday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St., south of Huron. Phone 235-0299 and 229.61 12. 2t FIREWOOD- mixed, hardwood delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore, 235-1267. 3:4' SNOWBLOWER, 3 pt. hitch, single auger, 7 ft. wide in good condition. Call 234-6274. 3:4c I O I ,n Sole FRANKLIN STOVE, Used. Phone 235.0684, 3:4• WOODSPLITTERS for sale, 3 point hitch models, and portable gas models. For demonstration call Tom Roberts 262-2224 or 262-5263. Bring a tough block. 3:4• FIREWOOD 4x8x14 inches delivered or picked up. Will cut to specifications. 227-4092. 3:4c CARMOR DOWN DRAFT wood stove, 24 x 18. Excellent condition. Best offer. 236- 4539. 4c HOOVER CANISTER vacuum clearer with power head. New condition. 560. Call 238-2785. 4• FOUR SNOW TIRES mounted on 15" Volkswagen rims. S75 firm. Phone 238-8768, Grand Bend. 4c SNAP ON TOOL BOX, top and bottom cabinet; 3 foot'steel lathe; 71 inch radial arm saw; blacksmith anvil; 262-2198. 4c BABY SLED with bumper pads, also door way safety gates. Phone235-0206. 4c SHEET MUSIC and lesson books for organ. Phone 235- 0206. 4c EIGHT PIECE setting of Royal Albert china, pattern Blossom Time. Bayfield, 565-2689. 4• WOOD FURNACE for sale, 228-6638 or 228-6235. 4c VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELLOR cosmetics products. Phone 235-1823, Doris Hackney. 4:5• THREE HANDMADE knitted baby's bonnets for sale. The price is three dollars each. The colour is white. Phone 235-1402 and ask for Helen Smith. 4• DRY, FIRE WOOD, white ash, • S20 face cord. Phone 237-3442:4c ANTIQUE BUFFET; 50 gallon fish aquarium with stand and accessories. 235-0167. 4c 17 Wanted To Buy USED AUTOMATIC WASHER in good condition, call 237-3714. 4:5c ANTIQUE DOLLS, doll and baby clothes, toys, eighteen hun- dreds, early nineteen hundred. Gerber doll, Maggie and Jiggs, Shirley Temple or do you make unusual dolls or toys. Call 262- 313.1 or write Box 267 Hensall. 4:5:6• CATTLE -.we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems, Grand Bend. 47t• DESK - approximately 48" in length in good condition. Call 235-2815 after 5 p.m. 48tfx OLDER WOODEN Furniture. Call London collect 1-434-2621 days or 1-452-1472 evenings. 3-6c 18 Wanted WARGAME OPPONENTS Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t 19 Property For Sale EXETER - 3 bedroom bungalow, completely redecorated, with family room addition. Must see. 235-2615.3- 5c HENSALL -.3 bedroom frame house, new roof. Situated on a large corner lot. Phone 262-2932 ,or 236-4922. 4:5• TWO BAY SERVICE repair garage on Main St. in Hensall. Includes gas pumps. Will take back first mortgage at.12 percent. Days 262-2810. Evenings 262- 2535. 4c Buy A Farm (or sell one) The Easy Way - We try to make buying and selling a quiet friendly experience. Phone us for help with your buying or' selling transaction Doug Murray 227-4339 Sharen Realty Limited - For Rent Accommodation for 4 in Florida for 1 or 2 weeks in new condominium from Feb. 13-20 and 20-' 27. Ph 235-1055 between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m, for informa- tion. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' •Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping. Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 AMIIIIIIMMEmour 19/ H ol•,ef EXETER - 3 bedrooms, house. Phone 237-3405. 3:4' 20 f'r niter ty F or Rent FOR RENT - Two bedroom house in Exeter, available April 1st, 1982, 235.2062. 4:5• OFFICES - now leasing in Zurich. New conveniently located, opposite the post orrice. Ideal for legal, financial, accoun- ting. real estate or insurance. Electrically heated, broadloom and parking. Box 33, Zurich, 236,4124. 4:5:6c INVITATION to tender for the rental of 56 acres in Usborne Township for the coming year. Tenders accepted by mail until February 12 at the following ad- dress, V. Towle, ' 30 Rockwyn Crescent, London, Ontario, NSW IS9. 4c AILSA CRAIG - Business property, choice location, living quarters, priced in late 30's. Real value. Call Doug `Murray, 227- 4339, Sharen Realty Limited. ' 4c TWO BEDROOM apartment in new building. Available January 1. Phone Jack Taylor 229-6472 after 6 p.m. 46t HEATED FURNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian Tire. 235-1497 or 235- 0451. 42t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS One Bedrooms $238.50 AVAILABLE NOW Feb. 1 or Mar. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph:, 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t SUBLET - 2 BEDROOM APT., 5265.00 monthly, plus utilities.: month rent free. Phone Elaine at 235-1331 8-6 and 234-6761 evenings. 3tfx ONE BEDROOM heated, partly furnished. Available January 1st. Phone 235-2726 evenings. 49t ONE B-EDROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, fridge and stove, newly decorated. Available Dec. 15. 235-2087. 50t. GRAND BEND - Clean 3-4 bedroom house, • electric heat, close to school, shop, no animals. 5250.00 month. Apply Peter Warner 238-2391. . 501. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Ex- eter. Available immediately. 235- 2420. S2t ONE BEDROOM apartment on Main Street, Phone 235-0141. It TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedroom, with finished rec room on Simcoe Street. Phone 236-4230. 2t HURON PARK - 3 bedroom house, 5150 per month plus utilities. Available March 1, 228- 6108. 2t ROOM FOR RENT,- share the kitchen. Phone 235-2140. 2t SOUTHCOTT PINES - Grand Bend new three bedroom Viceroy home, completely carpeted, drapes and appliances, no pets. 5450.00 per month. Phone 1-679- 0187. 3:4c TWO - 2 bedroom apartments. Utilities paid. Main St. Granton. 225=2560 or 225-2654. 3c f' ,,1,,.; !y !sit Kt nt IN ZURICH, 3 bedroom house, available March 1st. Phone 236- .4208. 4:5:6c UNFURNISHED TP/0 BEDROOM garden apartment, heat, parking, laundry, decorating included. 5204.00, 304 Andrew, Apartment 5. Seniors preferred. 472-0986. 4t FOR RETIRED PEOPLE, downstairs vacancies, private bedrooms, 3 meals served daily. Holiday Home, Clinton. Phone 482-3685., 3t 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, • portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked, Call , N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236.4954- 1St FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest ,elections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rcn:als. Hob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48f THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, filims, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager 8)11 Denney 235- 023 L , 23t 22 For Sale or Rent WOOD SPLITTERS, tow bars. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 48t 23 Wanted To Rent 100-300 ACRES IN HENSALL and Exeter area. Phone 262- 2323. - 4:5:6c 25 Notices HENSALL NURSERY SCHOOL has one morning ses- sion open. Starting February. Tuesday and Thursday, 9-11:30 a.m. Register Deb Plumb, 262- 5243. 4c 26 Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE Estate of Ella Ray Penhale Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Ella Ray Penhale, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of November 1981 are required to file particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 6th day of February 1982_ after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. . Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the executors Exeter, Ontario 3:4:5c N6eisaer 235-1331 HHRRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERL[UANIBERT 22761110>O LU Member of London end St. Themes Reef lime Beard 3 ACRES -.3 yr. old, 4 level side split with attached garage, all spacious rooms. Finished rec room with fireplace, electric forced air furnace with heat pump. Good assumable. mortgage at 10 '4 %. 7 YEAR OLD 2 STOREY - 4 bedroom brick home. Large 133/4 % mortgage due Sept. 1983. Mai floor contains Targe living room with fireplace, se orate dining room, American style kitchen, bedroom or den and 2 piece bath. Open staircase leads from large foyer to second floor which contains 3 bedrooms, 4 piece and 3 piece bath. Over 2000 sq. ft. of comfortable living space. Double detached garage. Below replacement cost. 2 STOREY HOME -- on 82'x 174' village lot.' Main • floor features living room, kitchen and separate din- ing doom. Second floor has 3 bedrooms and four piece both. large I. shaped rec room on lower level. New rugs and recently decorated throughout. Price reduced to 542,500. Many extras included. Will con- sider renting. 3 + 1 BEDROOM -- brick ranch with attached double garage. Finished rec room with bar and fireplace. Inground kite shaped pool, well landscaped large, country lot. Vendor wants action. EIGHT YEAR OLD -- raised ranch, professionally decorated and landscaped. Many extras, o pleasure to show. Reduced to below replacement cost. Vendor on,,ious to move. 3 BEDROOM BRICK. - and vinyl ranch on extra large town lot, completely redecorated. Games room, family room and second bath on lower level. Many extras included in purchase price of 559,500, 4 LEVEL SIDE SPUT - with attached garage and o detached workshop, large treed lot. T4'/4 % mortgage to 198.5. Many extras included at 558,900, 10%t % MORTGAGE TO OCTOBER 1983 - Three bedroom three year old bungalow with at- tached garage, on good sized corner lot. Basement gyprocked and wired. Doubled cement drive. Asking low 50's. • FOR RENT - - completely modern one bedroom apartment. Electric heat, close to downtown. Available soon. Information en lets on request Call Merz Culbert 227-1710 et 227-4766 Auction Sales on page 24 _r:urtrtrrrnnrurrri The Ligh} Tough By LAVENDER t Travelling • brings something into your life you've never had before: poverty. - - • Worry is like a rocking chair. 11 gives you something to do but doesn't get your anywhere. When you have troubles, remember the tea kettle: it E may be • up to its neck in hot voter, but it continues to sing. , k One of life's greatest pleasures is accomplishing what .your - friends said you couldn't. Ever wonder what those seven -foot basketball, players do when they retire? They sit in front of you at the movies. Isn't is "high" time you got that ailing chainsaw back in' condition at Jack's Small - Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 ;nnunni�:umm�mnnunnnnmun RUSSELL REALTY LIMITED ' WE have building Tots in town' and country, 7000.00 to 22,000.00, Cali Doug. NEW LISTING Thedford area 5 year old home on Ausauble River with -large Int. Only 6 miles from lake. Coll Tom. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 5 acre lot 220sow •veaner operationgood house and barns excellent finan- cing can be purchased 95 o going concern. Call Doug 459 ACRES - Irrigation pond, good single storey 3 bedroom brick house with inground pool. large heated workshop with washrooms, • barn ideal for ' O second set of ' O, 2 storey brick , fair condi- tion. C ..er bank barn, fair condition with grain drying setup. 400 acres workable and systematically drained. This form has a producing gas well. Call Doug. IDEAL BUILDING LOT in the homiet of Shipka. Owner would hold mortgage for 2 years at 15 percent. Coll Tom. 150 ACRES farm with fair buildings. COTTAGE FOR SALE BAYFIELD AREA - - "New - home" with ex- cellent mortgage. Owner will hold 1 st mortgage for 2.years at 12% interest if buyer hos down and is eligible for this mortgage. Asking only 544,000. Call Tom PARKHILL -- older home, large lot, make us an offer- Coll Doug. PARKHILL - 1 '2 storey brick home on huge lot, will take 1st mortgage of up to 50% rate negotiable. Make us an offer, Call Doug. COUNTRY HOME -- on 1.6 acre lot with 15,- 000 00 5,-000.00 down, vendors will take 1st mortgage at 14%. Call Doug. We have approx. 15,000 acres available in Southwestern On- tario, if interested give us a call, CalI Doug, Wr nerrd more form listings, from 100 to 1000 For more information call DOUG RUSSELL 238.8283 TOM RUSSELL 482-3124 Call enytim•