HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-27, Page 7Huron board approves
mittee is processing data on
the needs and numbers of ex-
ceptional children in Huron
After a nine-month trial
period, Huron County Board
of Education will return to
holding its monthly meeting
on the first Monday of the
As of May 7, 1981,
meetings were held on the
first Thursday of the month
to accommodate the weekly
press with its Tuesday
deadline. Allowing the press
representative an opportuni-
ty to voice its opinion in
favor of the Thursday
meetings. the board's posi-
tion was to favor the Monday
meeting to eliminate a
supplementary agenda.
Trustee Murray Mulvey
asked if meetings were held
on a Monday if it would do
away with the supplemen-
tary agenda and therefore be
less bookkeeping for ad-
ministration. Mr. Cochrane
said he hoped it would.
Presently agendas are mail-
ed out the Thursday or Fri-
day prior to a board
meeting. and. would remain
that way with Monday
meetings. Mr. Cochrane said
in the week between mailing
agendas and the meeting
date. letters were received
or meetings held which
necessitated a supplemen-
tary agenda.
In other business, the
ed a video tapeand Approved. offering a
programs are already summer school at Central
answered trustees questions available. Currently the Huron Secondary. School,
at the January meeting. needs assessment com- Clinton in 1982, a principal
Huron County Board of Trustee Bert Morin ex -
Education approved es- pressed concern re funding
tablishing Identification, of extra costs attached to the
Placement and Review implementation of 8i11 82.
Committees (IPRC), for He said he is aware of fun -
each school in its ding as it has been an-
jurisdiciton. pounced to date. that is the
As part of the implementa- province has, committed
tion of Bill 82 (special educe -itself until 1985, but what
lion amendments to the, happens after that. Mr.
Education Act), the com- Miller was only aware of the
mittees are set upto identify commitment until 1985.
place and review at least an- Trustee Dennis Rau asked
nually exceptional children. what happens if a child has
1PRCs will include the to be sent to another agency
principal of the school, the and the parents don't want
teacher in which the student the child to go. Mr. Miller
is registered, the teacher said the IPRC makes a
who is or may be providing recommendation of place -
assistance to the student, ment to the board, le. the W.
and a representative of ad- Ross McDonald School for
ministration, who may be the deaf. and the board
the area resource teacher, makes a decision. If the
co-ordinator of student ser- parents do not agree with
vices or the superintendent the decision, it goes to an
of education involved with appeal board at the local
special education. Parents level. and if the answer still
of the student involved are does not satisfy the parents,
invited to the committee it goes tc a criminal; which if
meeting. that does not satisfy the
Director of education John parents. the Minister of
Cochrane, reminded the Education has the final say.
board special education is a One trustee asked how
"high priority" item and many more teachers would
"will be highly visible for Huron County require and
the next few meetings." this question was answered
(Boards of education across by superintendent of educa-
the province must submit to tion Don Kenwell. He agreed
the Ministry of Education by Huron County has a pretty
May 1. their plans to imple- good base, but an increase in.
ment special education in services is necessary at, the
their systems.) secondary level and for the
As a prelude to this, Roger gifted child.
Miller. an education officer Mr. Miller said Huron
with the regional office of County is- fortunate because
the Ministry of Education a lot of special education
LUNCH PROVIDED -- Joanne Cronkwright and Joyce Chadwickof theCentralio Scouting
Group Committee were in•charge of the lunch for Saturday's Open House. Taking advon
tope of the food was Scout Frances Chadwick. T -A photo
PIan wi
n ter funro ra
p g m
Area the place to be on Sun- location for the start of all
day. February 7. The activities. There is no ad-
Ausable-Bayfield Conserve- mission charge for the
tion Area is again sponsoring Winter Fun Day.
a Winter Fun Day at the Parkhill Conservation .
Conservation Area. Area is located 11/4 miles
The day promises to live northeast of the town of
up to its name and be fun- Parkhill •at the junction of
filled and interesting as highways 7 and 81.
well. Events scheduled in- For further information
elude: snowmobile races, a contact the Ausable-
snowball throwing contest, Bayfield Conservation
cross-country ski races, a Authority at 235-2610.
cross -cut sawing competi-
tion. downhill inner -tube
racing. a birdfeeder building
workshop. a sleigh -ride, and
films. Prizes will be award-
ed in the races and hot
refreshments will be
available throughout ` the
vents commence at 1
p.m. and run until 5 p.m. The
Activity Centre will be the
1 • '
review program fo
be appointed and the
minimum subject enrolment
be five students, and if less
than that number, the sub-
ject maybe offered if it's
possible to combine it wlh
another grade of the same
subject: xce enc should be illegal for teachers
Approved membersonp in d un t t upted education to strike and that it should be
the iculmo Association for should be mandatory to a illegal for boards to lock-
$100Curriculm Development at H
for 1982; g Y
Acknowledged a letter
from . Transportation and
James Snow decliningto in-
stall caution signs at Huron
Haven Park on Highway 21
The minister cited 'I
Times -Advocate, January 27, 1982
.. r4i.
' y
Page 7
r exceptional students
Ministe should ...
school buses as "excellent
school "e lI
advance warningof the
presence ofa school bus";
Supportsa motion from
the Timiskaming Board of
Education stating, "that this
board believes the right of
students and taxpayers to
democracy, and that it out
c e ex
cellent visibility", and the
use of red flashing lights on
BROWNIES FLY -UP -- A number of Huron Park Brownies participated in a recent fly -up Shown frnmthp Ieft with leader
Karen Thiel are back, left, Deanna Olmstead, Tracey Bullock, Joanne Preszcator and Leanne Rimmer. Front, Shiela Nadon,
Melissa Conlin, Cheyenee Olmstead and Michelle Bowerman. Photo by Schwartzentruber.
pMPOO & Cur. sr
SN yie
REG. 30.00
Jan. 1 1 to Feb. 6
tty00'RE nits?.
OPEN Monday to Saturday
Stylist. Theresa Grimminck
Snowmobilers, cross-
country skiers, snowshoers,
and tobogganers will all
find Parkhill Conservation
CaII now
Kirkton 229-6537
We've Moved &
Need Your Help
1 Morning Per Week 9 -1 1:30
Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs.
The Handicapped children at Huron Hope Nursery
need your help!
Based on a volunteer to assist with each child (2 to
12 years) the program includes:
Circle and play activities
Body Awareness
Self help skills
language .and communication skills
Arts and crafts
Molar development
The need is urgent.
The service is meaningful and rewarding.
Experience is not necessary.
Please call the Nursery at 228.6100 to (earn
more about how you can help.
Huron Hope Nursery
Now Located in the J.A. McCurdy School,
Algonquin Dr. Huron Park
A seivica provided by
South Huron andDistrictAssociation
for the Mentally Handicapped
Executive -Director Nursery Supervisor
237-3637 228-6100
Area towns
receive grant
Municipal Affairs and
Housing Minister Claude
Bennett has announced
grants totalling $12 million to
96 municipalities under the
Ontario Neighborhood
Improvement Program
Included among the
municipalities are Seaforth,
St. Marys, Forest and
Goderich which will receive
$2000,000 each.
ONIP was announced in
February, 1981, following the
unilateral cancellation by
the federal government of
the Community Services
Contribution Program.
Under ONIP, the province
will contribute 50 per cent
towards the total costs of a
neighbourhood improvement
project. The grants will
support a wide range of
projects including roads,
sidewalks, parks, com-
munity centres and
recreational facilities.
The projects will be
planned and implemented
over the next four years and
provincial grants will be
allocated in instalments as
the work progresses in each
municipality. Completion of
the projects is expected by
December 31, 1985.
Exeter Figure
Skating Club
Sat., Jan, 30
3'• \O' AR\O
EXEjER: '3 OW,
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All 4-6x merchandise
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r ..