HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-20, Page 13Fresh Boneless Rump or Sirloin Tip Fresh T -Bone, Wing or Sirloin ROASTS STEAKS 52.69 „ '2.99 Schneiders CORNED BEEF Ib. 3-50 g. pkg. 1.99 : al MENSAL!. JITNEY - The Hensall Curling Club held a jitney at the arena Sunday. Taking a throw is Lori Baker. ,Cold temperatures outside (and in) did not deter those taking part in the com.-tition Hensall and district news Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 .,,.:...,-. Lodge euchre gam• popular WI members learn A special number on the Women's Institute program on Wednesday evening was Wayne Scotchmer singles a solo "Building" and then telling the story of his sister's adoption. A skit entitled "The Women's Institute - Did you Know That?" was presented. Everyone heard the origins of the Ode, The Collect, The Motto, The Grace, The Colours and The Beginnings of the W.I. movement by the founders Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, and Erland Lee. Those taking part were: Mrs. Hazel Corbett, Mrs. Eileen Rennie, Mrs. T8si1lift READY TO SWEEP - Pat Noakes gets ready to sweep as Marg Clarke releases her curling rock. The ladies were taking part in a curling jitney at the Hensall arena Sunday. Events cancelled Snow slows Greenway By ANNE WAVER GREENWAY Intended for last week News was scarce on the weekend because of the bliz- wruunm ono m• The Light Tough By. JACK LAVENDE New wristwatches beep. Alarm clocks beep. Cars beep for your keys 0e -seat belt. We have entered the age of electronic nagging. Paint is a great preser- vative. Could that be why woman lives longer than man? Mama Bear to Papa Bear: "This is positively my last year cis a den mother!" Money may talk - but ours only stutters. • ' Travel is educational - it teaches you how to get rid of money in a hurry. No need to travel for ex- pert, reliable service on chainsaws see us at Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107. Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 11111111111111111111111111I111111111I111111Mir zard and although a few brave people ventured out to church on Sunday, most peo- ple were content to stay home and watch the snow from inside the house. Mrs. Gladys Hodgins who had been holidaying with her son Ivan has returned to her home in London. This week's news Church services were again cancelled Sunday because of the storm and also the annual meeting which was to be held Mon- day night is now going to be held Thursday night. U.C.W. Seventeen members of the United' Church Women gathered at the church for the . January meeting and answered the roll call with what they wished the U.C.W. to accomplish over the year 1982. Violet Brown was hostess and devotions were taken by Olive Horner and Martha Geromette. The Scripture from the 2nd chapter of Philippians Verses 1-8 was read followed by prayer. The poems and readings on the topic "the New Year" were read. The singing of "0 God of Bethel" and prayer closed this part of the meeting. Iva I.agerwerf presided over the business and thankyou notes were receiv- ed for Christmas boxes..and other boxes of fruit that had been sent and a thankyou JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Check Our Prices Before You Buy Over 300 Appliances To Choose From We will pay the Sales Tax on Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Freezers, Dishwashers FOR THIS SALE ONLY 'We Do Our Own Service' DRYSDALE Mayor Appliance Centre Ltd. Hensall Closed Mondays 262-2728 "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" was received. from Thameswood Lodge for the cookies. Other business was ¢is, -p cussed and 'Rev. Moore' presided for the installation of officers for the year 1982, after which he pronounced the Benediction. Grace was repeated and a tasty lunch was served by the hostess. assisted by Evelyn Curt s and Olive Hornet. A social hour follow- Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. Winnie Skea, and Mrs. Hilda Payne. The - skit was peceded by a sing song and a poem "A New Year's Thought" and followed by Mrs. Corbett reading the roll call of twenty years ago. This was public relations evening, and Mrs. Corbett was in charge of the programme. Following the skit a contest on the founders of the Women's Institute was given and the prize winner was Mrs. Elizabeth Riley,. The president, Mrs. Joyce Pepper, conducted the meeting and opened with a poem, "A gift for Anyone." There was a lot of correspondence, including a letter from the Federated Women's -Institute, Ontario, president Mrs. Janet Hiepleh informing us about the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute, at the Constellation Hotel. Toronto on August 12; a letter from the home economist re:'short courses; a 'letter from the Huron County Dairy Princess, re: speaking engagements and informing us the Officers Conference at Waterloo May 4-6. At the close of the business Mrs. Pepper read an article "Think This Over". Lunch was served by Mrs. Pepper and the committees. 4-11 needs leaders Hensall branch is badly in need of 4-H leaders, the next course being on "Bread Making". Girls who would like' to take the course are advised to contact anyone who they might think would be interested in teaching this skill. Potential leaders, please contact Mrs. Joyce Pepper 262-2201 .im- mediately. Instructions will be given to leaders. No leaders - no club. U.C.W. unit 1 meets Unit 1 of the U.C.W. of Hensall ,United Church held their January meeting on Thursday, January 14 with Mrs. Audrey Christie presiding. It opened with, a poem "Step by Step" followed by nutnber attended the United Church riff 19�t4day morning. The servtee was in charge of Rev. McDonald who spoke on (be subject,4>'f "The Most Acceptable Year"- Taking his thoughts froth Luke 4, he completed his sermon by giving sante GU the visions and dreams he has for the Hensyearall congrtagation for- the 1962. Mrs, Audrey Christie greeted the congregation and Cecil Pepper and Scott Jesney were the ushers. Mrs. - Sharon Wurm spoke to the congregation through the minute for mission. She told of how we can help and support wort among the senior citizens and what our church Is doing through Canada. This: seemed very appropriate at the beginning of 1982 The Year of The Senior Person. The choir; under the direction of Dr. Ralph Topp sang a very spirited'anthem : I Know the Lord has Laid His Hand on me. The congregation were reminded of the Annual Congregational supper - and meeting on Wednesday, January 20 and that next Sunday would be baptismal service. The Junior High Group of Hensall met on Friday evening and enjoyed a game of floor hockey for their recreation. They then returned to the manse for a pizza party. The next Junior High Meeting will be on Friday, January 29 at 7:30 p.m. C.P.T. euchre well attended The C.P.T. committees of the I.0.O.F. -and Rebekah Lodges held a most suc- cessful euchre party on Thursday evening with twelve tables in play. Eric Mansfield was in charge, assisted by , Jack Upshall. Prize winners were as follows: ladies high, Mrs. Hans Gerstenkorn; ladies Mensal), Ontario singing three hymns January 18, 1982 "Whisper a Prayer", "Give Dear bditbr: Me Oil in my Lamp" and I. should appreciate ob- "Heavenly Sunshine". Mrs. mining help with a project Belva Fuss presided at the which is stilt In the planning piano.. stage.for our Centennial in The Theme of .the Hensall. In- 1164 Hensall will Devotional was "Happiness" have been incorporated as a from Dr. Peel's Book - "The village for One Hundred Art of Living" Mrs. Christie Years. read a poem "There can be Brian Richman (our local found joy in simple things in photographer) and myself life - there is a fulfillment in are hoping to compile a story doing for others, no matter of Hensall and area, a story of ow' History and any points how trivial the deed." From scripture she read .of interest. Brian will make ed. Matt. 25, verses 35-40. This the pictures and I shall at - was followed by a prayer. tempt to write some sort of e • The Devotional was closed History tQ accompany the McGillivray sity',iging a hymn "'0 Happy Picturese Vtf'are hoping to enlist the istance of people in the school Mead and news callinutes answeredwre byrea roll Christ- area, or those who have Thursday, January 7, the grades 4-5 and 5-6 classes at McGillivray Central School went to the St. Clair Region Conservation Area. In the morning, we stayed in the Marsh General Store and did various crafts. We did three crafts, baking, candle dip- ping, and rug braiding. At noon we went out onto the grounds to one of the pavilions and had a bar- becue. In the afternoon, we went snowshoeing, did a science experiment, and played two ball soccer. When we went snowshoeing, Mr. Johnson, one of the parents who was with us taught us how to -run and climb hills with snowshoes on In the science mas gift received. The of- moved to other locations, .in tering was received and providing us with old plc dedicated. tures or negatives of places The "World's Day of and people 'of days gone by Prayer" will be March 5 at and even up to the present. 2:30 p.m. in Carmel Brian will make pictures and Presbyterian Church. return the originals to the After the business Mrs. owner. We would ask that the Christie showed the filth necessary names and data "Eyes to See". It asks be enclosed with the pic- tures. We will take good care questions "What is a Missionary? Missionaries of them: come to our country as well We feel that our children as our missionairies going should know a bit about our overseas and they each have fawn and its ancestors. It something to give to others. will no doubt take much time All cultures have something and effort to compile this to give. The Benediction book and we are hoping to closed the meeting. Mrs. place it in our local library, Vera Drysdale and Mrs. for reference and in - Audrey Christie served a formation. We trust that the delicious lunch. public will help us in this endeavour. experiment with Mr. Brownt3ood attendance In storm Thinking you our science teacher, we assistance' compared the ratio of snow Despite the stormy I remain your sincerely, to water. All in all it was weather there was a goodly Minnie Noakes for any good trip. By: Patrick Phipps Grade 6 Thursday, January 7, the grades 4-5 and 5-6 classes from McGillivray Central School went on a field trip to the St. Clair Conservation Region in Coldstream to experience activities in an old fashioned winter. In the morning three groups rotated through the Marsh Store. We did rug braiding, candle making, and cookie making. At lunch we walked to the conservation area and had hot chocolate and hog dogs.. Each student also got two doughnuts. Later in the afternoon one large group went snowshoeing while the other group did an ex- periment on the density of snow. Further on in the year we will be doing a science unit on winter, man, and nature. • We are also studying Quebec City in social studies and will be writing poems on snow. We would like to give thanks to the parents who helped in ail the activities. By: Kelly Elson Grade 5 Times -Advocate, January 20, 1962 of history consolation, Mrs. Jack Upshall; men's high, Ron Keller; men's consolation, Cecil eepper; lone hands, Alec McBeath. Lucky draw, Mrs. Alf Ross. Euchre's will be held throughout the winter months. A most' enjoyable evening was spent at Carmel Presbyterian Church on Friday, when the session members held a "Pot -Luck" supper. A delicious meal was partaken followed by a social evening under the direction of Al Hoggarth, Clerk of the Session. A later event such as this is being planned. Birthday party Mr. Bee says: • Checkout these Great Buys Dried Soup Mix 2lb. 99� Christies Premium Plus, Crackers Sleeve 304 - Kraft Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter Bulk Prices 1.69 Ib. • 3.72 • kilo Bulk bookies l6.994 Unbleached All Purpose & Whole Wheat Flour 10 lb. 2.99 Now In Stock Croutons Bread Sticks Coat -n -Bake •&FERGUSON APIARIES �•� �I�r Hwy 84 west of Hensall Ir Daily 9-6Closed Sunday 236-4979 at Queensway A birthday party was held on January 14 for the residents having January birthdays: Alice Rozendal, Mary Parlmer; and Irene, Kalbfleisch. High bowling score , last week was Murray Howe with a score of 117. Iva and John Ridley and Ida Dunn visited Vera Lammie and other residents. Joyce Lavender visited with Ella Middleton. Hazel Corbett visited Louise Mitchell and Vera Lammie. Mr. H. Westlake and Wallace Makins visited with Mary Westlake. Mrs. Roobol visited Louise -Mit- chell. Cancelled by weather Owing to weather con- ditions Carmel Presbyterian' Church service was can- celled on Sunday, hopefully ' the service will be held next Sunday, January 24, at 10 a.m. The annual congregational meeting is to be held on January 27. Personals Mrs. Keller of Dashwood visited recently with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ron Keller. Mrs. Alice Ferg returned home after spending the holiday season with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter OHA JUNIOR D HOCKEY AT THE HENSALL ARENA See the Seaforth Centenaires in action Fri., Jan. 22 8:45 Seaforth Centendires vs Thamesford Trojans Sponsored by W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. r : • r,. •..-1 -. Nip 13 HENSALL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 262-3206 Arena . Activities Week of January 20 Tues., Jan. 19 5:45-8:45 p.m. Minor Hockey 9-10 p.m. Seaforth Beavers 10-11 p.m. Intermediate Practice Wed., Jan. 20 2:30-3:30 p.m. Moms & Tots 3:30-5 p.m. Public Skating 6 p.m. Atom (Out) 7 p.m. Pee Wees vs. Alma Logan 8 p.m. Bantam Practice 9 p.m. Midgets vs. Alma Logan Thurs., Jan. 21 8:30 p.m. Hensall Intermediates vs. Centralia Fri, Jan. 22 8:45 Seaforth Juniors vs Thamesford Sat., Jan. 23 8 a.m.-12 noon Hensall Minor 1-3 p.m. Public Skating 6:30-8 p.m. Gory Kyle Sun., Jan. 24 1-3 p.m.Public Skating 6:30-10:30 p.m. Seaforth Industrial' Hockey Mon. Jan. 25 Curling 7-11 p.m. At Arena Registration for Dancercize class is being held on Tuesday Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. or. con tact Lee Rowe 262.2937 Week of January 18-23/82 •T • HE HAPPY GROCER". W, I L.• ro S. You A Lal. 8,t y------� Thank You Por.Yeur Patronage Fresh Full Slice Round STEAK or ROAST Ib. 2.49 TWO LOCATIONS IIBISALL 262.2641 2111101 236-4316 stole Nouse Mom • Mhr. N Ylwes , fele. S. 581. 54 Fresh Medium GROUND BEEF ..1.68 Schneiders SMOKED I`'Ib.pkg . WIENERS 1.99 Schneiders Smoked BACK175 g. pkg. BACON .1.99 from our deli -store sliced COOKED HAM Ib1.99 Green Giant Whole Kernel Corn 12 oz. or Cream Style' 14 oz. , NIBLETS CORN 594 Mrs. Smith's APPLE CRUMB PIE 24.6 °z• 1.59 Kraft 1 MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER 225 g. box 3/$ 1 Kroft Smooth or Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER 1.89 500 g. jar Jovex LIQUID BLEACH 3.6 litre jug 1 .29 Kraft Single CHEESE SLICES 500g, pkg. 2e39 Miss Mew (Assorted Varieties) CAT FOOD 6 oz. con 2/65t Habitant (Pea, peo with Ham, Ve9etobte) 28 oz. tin. SOUP knechtel Brand White SLICED BREAD • 24 oz: loaf Weston Jam Filled 894 bakery buys BUNS Old Mill WHITE BREAD pkg. of 6 16 oz. loaf 594 994 2/ Highlines Boston Blue FISH FILLETS 16 oz. pkg. Highliner 1 1.69 CAPTAIN BURGERS 400 g. pkg. 1.89 Neilson's Dairy 3 at BAG MILK 1.89 Princess. Cavalier, Maple leaf .1.59 1.89 BISCUITS St kowrence 400 g. CORN OIL 1 litre Kt off Cheese PIZZA MIX 850 g. pkg: T,lex Instant Mildew 1.99 STAIN REMOVER 450 ml. 1.99 Tong ORANGE 650 g can CRYSTALS .2.29 lysol SPRAY DISINFECTANT 350 g. 2.-49 Lysol Toilet BOWL CLEANER 675 ml. 1.49 Appleford Save -All WAX PAPER 100' box 1.05 produceof U.S.A. - Canada No. 1 RED GRAPES -lb. 79‘, produce of U.S.A. - Canada No. 1 Cello T94 RADISH 1 Ib. pkg. produce of Canada - Canada No. 1 TUR IPS 3/891 Prod a of U.SA. - Cana TUR! No. 1 Table - GREEN 3 bunches ONIONS 996 produce of Canada - Canada No 1 MacINTOSH APPLES 3 lb bag 996 Produce of Canada - Canada No. 1 COOKING ONIONS 101b. bag 1.49