Times-Advocate, 1982-01-20, Page 11PERCY BEDARD Carpenter *Custom BuHt Homes *Renovations *Additions *Repairs *Free Estimates Phone 236-4873 After 6 Zurich Buckeye: win 3-Z The Zurich Buckeyes edg- ed the Hensel) Sherwood 3.3 in South Huron league action at the Zurich arena, Sunday night. The next game for the Buckeyes is at home Sunday at 2 p.m. with the Centralia Marauders supplying the op- position in addition to the league all star game in Zurich Friday night with the other four teams taking on the Zurich club. In Sunday's contest Hen - sell scored the first and last goals of the game, but, the Buckeyes notched three im- portant scores in between. The only goal of the first period came from the stick of Terry Caldwell of the Sherwood on a three-way combination with Terry Antenna B T Sobs & Servk, Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482-7157 Bedard and Brian Maher. The Buckeyes bounced back in the second session with twAunanswered goals. Gerald Weldo steered in a pass from Pat Bedard and Bedard was Johnny-on-the- spot ohnny-on-the•s t to convert a pass from Kris Bedard. The Zurich lead whs open- ed to 3-1 at 7.03 of the third period on a successful shot by Randy McKinnon with Gerald Weldo providing the necessary pass. The rwoods made the score close at 17.16 as Gary Koehler hit the Zurich net on a play originated by Ken Varley. The Buckeyes were assessed six of the nine minor penalties called. Geoffrey Ceastradien Homes, Renovations, Additions Farm Buildings & R.pous Aluminum Siding d Awnings Zwick 236-4432 orylim. to««, 23S-2141 Ev.ning. CLOSE EYE ON PLAY — Buckeyes goalie Juergen Hellman looks on as ploy rotates behind the Zurich nets. The Buckeyes defeated Exeter 6-1 Golden Glimpses Last, week we had an un- scheduled holiday, and many of our staff either stayed at home or here at work. We are grateful to outside helpers who transported staff members to and from town through the snow banks and white -outs, to make sure there was sufficient staff at all times to keep the opera- tion running smoothly. Needless to say, some of our activities had to be cancelled because of the weathet. We are pleased to have our volunteers, Marc and Eileen Chalut who come in once a week to visit with the residents and assist with recreational activities. Bingo was played on Fri- day evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was con- ducted by Rev. Barbara La- ing of Dashwood and Zurich United Churches. Mrs. Boyle of Dashwood presided at the organ during the service and accompanied the quartette consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaiser, Mrs. Gerald Mason and Rev. Laing. SAYINGS AT SOFT MARGARINE 1 LB. TUBS FOR LIMIT 6 LBS. PER FAMILY ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS 2 ROLL 1 PKG. WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUE WHITE, BEIGE. GREEN OR YELLOW It 200's HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD ALL VARIETIES 3/7990 EXCEPT MEAT 128 ml. T c • We recent* EN rigM 10 Int purduses to reasonable weekly family requirements. EMS GOOD 'N' MEATY COLLATE PIES TOOTHPASTE FROZEN • BEEFSTEAK OR CHICKEN 250 g. PKG. STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUT McCAIN SUPERFRIES FROZEN 2 LB. BAG 99` HALO SHAMPOO FOR NORMAL OR OILY HAIR 350 ml. 199 PEERLESS CRACKERS 89? PLAIN OR SALTED 400 g. SIZE 9't. f00 Mir ' - TUBE 8 oz DECAFFEINATED4 or 10 oz. REGULAR AIL— NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE NEILSON ICE CREAM NOVELTIES s%78 ASSORTED VARIETIES PKG. OF 12 CONDENSED .HEINZ ,SOUPS 5 VARIETIES 10 FL. OZ. TINS3/$1 - PREPARED HEINZ- GRAVY BEEF, MUSHROOM 2/,9 A OR CHICKEN 10 oz. TINS HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 99? 15 oz. BOTTLE SCHNEIDERS CRISPY CRUST PURE LARD 75? 1 LB. PKG. SCHNEIDERS BREADED FRIED CHICKEN 9 REGULHONEY AR OR WITH st3 S FROZEN two g. aple Lane Creamed 500 g tin COTTAGE CHEESE PKG. e Neilson - Asstd flavours 2 r FAMOUS ICE CREAM LITRE �.88 Dietrlchs SCONE ROLLS ' PKG. OF 12 , 9� Gra/n�dma Martin 450 g. PKG. / OOKIES OstmuI R,us a Cha Chip Grandma Martin 450 g. PKG. COOKIES Picot Butter or Choc Nngnd Neilson - Asstd Varieties `CHIP DIP 250 g. i THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 179 sLS9 69' SCHNEIDERS CHEESE BRICK*2.49 FARMER'S OR COLBY 375 g. SCHNEIDERS CHEESE SCHNEIDERS QUICHE LORRAINE *Z.39 FROZEN 400 g. PKG. SCHNEIDERS MOZZARELLA SAUSAGE ROLLS FROZEN 500 g. PKG. - 1.49OF 12 '2.39. 375 9. Hostess Reg. or Reg. Krinkles r �Romi Plain POTATO, CHIPS Soo g' •» SPAGHETTI SAUCE Weston JAM FILLED BUNS Spaghetti. Thin speghetti ROMI PASTAS Palanda PLUM TOMATOES 28 oz. Heinz Red KIDNEY BEANS . 14 Heinz Scarlos fn Tomato Sauce or SPAGHETTI 14 oz. TIN PKG. 994 OF e or Elbows 990 1 Kg. si.S1OAE SAKE SHOP Fresh baked 60% or 100% Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat 79 24 oz. LOAF BREAD Fresh baked DINNER �► ROLLS DOZER 6 9� �► Full Size Plastic 14 Oz. 59 COAT HANGERS Romi with Meat or Mushroom, SPAGHETTI SAUCE 14 Oz. 65' Carnation Instant - 3 varieties $ .9 HOT CHOCOLATE 500 O. e Seawind or Morning Meadow A/jt FRESH BATH SOAP 130g- Cambridge Terry FACE CLOTH Mcgimin BROCCOLI SPEARS 12"x12" 99 HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER 10oz. Ss, Set of 4 Vinyl with flannel back TABLECLOTH 52' x70 - '199 Calico - 13 inch j OVEN MITTS PAIR los Calico Cover & Pad r IRONING SET 3a 99 Cambridge Whisk Dry $ 39 ,TEA TOWEL 14"x29 • ', Cambridge Terry BATH TOWEL 22"x42 33a 99 MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 9-6 P.M. THURSDAY 8 FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 P.M. !" - .r . ,• Times -Advocate, January 20, 10$2 X11 Numbers not for people The topic of computeriza- tion came up at a seminar for community newspaper reporters. I was accused of "feeling threatened" by computers, after stating I would quit if it became necessary to type my work directly into a com- puter terminal. I look at the situation slightly differently. It is not a case of feeling threatened, it is a case of recognizing I am not part .of a machine and refuse to be a number. Back in the dark recesses of my past (darkened not by time but by my own at- titudes to leave the past where it is) I spent a three- year stint at the University of Waterloo. Every student is assigned a student's number and at Waterloo you are made .to remember you are a number. To the university I was 7533318 and several hundred bucks a year. How much of this was just my.perception of events and how much was bureaucratic indifference on the part of the university I'll never be sure. In terms of sensitivity the place seemed colder than current weather. When .I moved on the college I was also assigned'a ,number. My attitudes made a change and I decided the number and I could not live together as one. I made no attempt to learn this assigned number and I even .tried to forget some I already knew. I was- surprised and delighted that many at the college made the attempt to learn my name and remember it. It .was not required that a student become an embossed number on a plastic card. In the recesses of my mind lurk several old phone numbers and the odd licence plate or two. I make it a habit to always check my car plate when asked. just to make sure if I have happened to remember it. that I make the effort to forget it. My social insurance card is almost worn out from be- ing removed and replaced in my wallet. I do not know the number. I really don't know my own phone number. When asked. I have to think hard on it. However. some numbers do stick. If asked how to contact my wife, I can easily rattle off my own phone number. I take this as a positive step in my own character. I have worked with com- puters and I enjoy them as an effort -saving method and a pleasurable diversion. - was andIstill is best. It is my contention that in a few years. a computer can be programmed with the facts and a criteria for story structure and will churn out inverted pyramid styles much better and faster than any reporter. . Miscellaneous Rumblings By Rob Chester 1 don't want to work for one though. One of the instructors at the newspaper seminar took a slam at the new jour- nalism style. Without getting into a lengthy discussion of newswriting styles.' new journalism is less direct (mechanical) but generally brings more feeling to the story and involves more art on the part of the writer. This gentleman stated that the tried and true method called the inverted pyramid There's got to be more to this business than that. People don't read newspapers to read facts. They read to read about peo- ple. Computers cannot write from a human point of view. We're too unpredictable (in a way random number generators can't duplicate) to be mechanically reproduced. Inan information age, data about damn near everything is close at hand. Only art can set us apart. Storm. reschedules Varna UC meeting by MARY CHESSEL. The annual meeting of Varna United Church which was to be held last Monday evening has been re- scheduled for next Monday, January 25 at eight o'clock. A.box has been placed at the' rear of the church to collect used stamps for the Leprosy Mission. A 1/4" margin should be left around the stamp when you cut it from the envelope. . There were eight women in attendance at last week's study session at Varna church This series is on men and women of the Bible, their relationships and ours. Next week's topic is the eight wives of King David. These meetings are on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Rev. Brown would like to have more men out for their discussion group. Some of the tbpics coming up are "Is it right for churches to pressure banks not to give loans to South Africa?" - an interesting filmstrip will be shown: "the surprising history of interest - from sin to seeming necessity"; "Pensions for women" - likely with a filmstrip. The men meet on Thurs- day at 1:30. Anyone Who has par-. ticipated in- Rev. Brown's study. gruops can tell you they are interesting, sometimes offer lively. debate. and quite worthy of your time. Public skating Now that we have an abun- dance of snow, the men have the ice in the rink. Public skating is on "Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. and Sunday after- noons. with supervision by members of the Orange Lodge. - By Jack Riddell MPP During the last session of the Legislature there were a number of issues which rais- ed the concern of the public and precipitated a _response from the public in one form or another. Two of the issues which I will refer to in this article are the Provincial Government's purchase of shares in the Suncor Oil Company and the Government's handling of the McMichael issue. In future articles I. can deal with other concerns such as the Government's reduction in funding of post:secondary education and health ser- vices Suncor issue In connection with the Sun- cor issue the Premier an- nounced the purchase of 25 percent of the company on October 13th. Ile surprised virtually everyone in the On- tario Legislature except for three other Cabinet Ministers and his own ad- visors. Enquiring Opposition MPP's were told to attend a 4 o'clock Press Conference if they wanted background in- formation at which time they were told nothing of substance. Since the announcement the Official Opposition criticism have centered on. two central themes. One is • the fundamental issue of . public disclosure and ac- countability The second is the wisdom of the deal itself. With respect to disclosure the Opposition Members maintain that it is not only their right but their historic responsibility to scrutinize a decision of the magnitude of the Suncor purchase. Our questions on how Ontario in - Jack's jottings Everyone surprised by Suncor purchase tends to pay for the. 8650 million purchase and what rate of,xeturn will be. earned, were in our view. reasonable and legitimate. • The Government's response has been one of secrecy and evasion. It refuses to provide a proper compendium of background documents. claiming falsely that such information would violate a confidentiality agreement. Opposition et - forts. through questions in the House. a filibuster and referral to a Legislative Committee to force the Government to allow public examination of the basic facts were consistently blocked by the Conservative majority. As to the merits of the in- vestments. the reasons given by the Premier re- main unconvincing:. To increase security of On- tario's oil supply by support of Ottawa's ('anadianization program To give the Province a "window" .on the oil in- dustry: To serve as a sound invest- ment for Ontario taxpayers. It was apparent to us that since Ottawa determines oil allocation. Ontario will have no say about distribution of Suncor's nil It was equally clear that Ottawa already has a "window" in Petrocan and that with a one quarter share of Suncor. Ontario will he no more than a silent partner. As to the soundness of the investment. lacking the basic information. the Op- position Members could simply question how with a 1981 82 deficit of over 81 Killion. the Government would he able to finance this purchase at high interest rates. At compound interest this could come to 83 billion over a ten year period. We. in the Opposition took the view that to borrow 8660 million for a purchase that won't bring Ontario one new job. or one more drop of oil, at a time when the Provin- cial economy is in • serious decline and our hospitals and universities are being starv- ed for funds, simply does not make sense. We argued that the money would have been better spent in Ontario creating new jobs here and producing energy from On- tario resources. Finally on December 3rd. the Energy Minister allowed the Opposition Parties to • question the consultants who advised the government on the Suncor purchase. The briefing confirmed our worst fears- Ontario stands to lose millions of dollars in interest charges before the Government's 8650 million in Suncor even begins •to . show a profit. The hest Ontario can hope tor is to break even by the end of the century unless by .very good .luck. Suncor discovers,_ major oil find. The Consultants were never even asked whether the in- vestment was a wise one for, Ontario All they were asked to do. as we had suspected. was simply' determine whether the price paid for the Company's share was ..fair." Before the Opposition Members were able to ascertain the reasoning behind the deal. and the cost and benefits that will result. the Suncor deal was signed by the government the day after the Company made its first dividend payment of 878. million. most of which went to the owners in the United States Prior to this purchase the Suncor Company invested its profits into further research and development in Canada. which of course. would benefit Canada by way of capital and employment. Nov three quarters of the profits will go to the United States. until such time that`• there may he further Cana- dian investment in Suncor.