HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-13, Page 20• l 29 Tines -Advocate, January 13, 19112 I91‘2f4Q IKAVik11SAKI Invader RtMelliImid cooled, 1980 440 Ka Invader, liquid both in excellent condi- II/77 229-8868. 521 1977 YAMAHA STX 440, ex- cellent Condition. Phone srE Becker La 234- �1:2:3c 1942 E1'-800 YAMAHA Sports &eowreobile, driven once. 236- 7741. 1:2c 1974 SKI ItOULE 300 sngqw mobilo., excellent condition. Phone 235-1736. 2• 1978 ET 250 YAMAHA snow- mobile in' good condition. Phone 262-2276.. 2c 11 (ors Trucks 1974 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Jimmy GMC, ps/pb, automatic, runs very well, excdknt wide cat traction tires. • As is SI800.00. 237-3250. 1:2c RUSSELL REALTY LIMITED WE have building Tots in town and country, 7000.00 to 22,000.00. Call Doug. NEW USTING Thedford area 5 year old home on Ausauble River with large lot. Only 6. miles from lake. Call Tom. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 5 acre lot 220sow"veoner operation, good house and barns excellent finan- cing con be purchased gs agoing concern. Call 9 459 ACRES - Irrigation pond, good single storey 3 bedroom brick house with inground pool. Large heated workshop with washrooms, mow. barn ideal for ' set of .. brick second . 2 storey r fair condi- tion. Gomer bank barn, fair condition with grain drying setup. 400 acres workable and systematically drained. This farm has a Producing gas well. Call Doug. IDEAL BUILDING LOT in the ;homlet "of Shipka. Owner would hold mortgage for 2 years at 15 percent. Call Tom. 150 ACRES farm" t fti►� fair buildings. COTTAGE FOR SALE BAYFIELD A EA - 'New hom " with ex- cellent mo gage. Owner will hold 1st ortgage for 2 years at .12 interest if buyer has '/4 do n and is eligible for this rtgage. Asking only $44,000. CaII Tom. PARKHILL -= ofder`home, I�e lot, make us an Call Doug. P/1RKHILL'.- T storey 6'rick homeon huge lot, will take 1st mortgage of up to 30% rate negotiable. Make us an offer. Call Doug. COUNTRY HOME - on 1.6 acre lot with 15,- 000.00 down, vendors will take 1st mortgage at 14%. Call Doug. We have approx. 15,000 acres available in Southwestern On- tario, if interested give us a call. CaII Doug. We need more farm listings, from 100 to 1000 acres. For more information call DOUG RUSSELL 238-8283 TOM RUSSELL 482-3124 Call anytime 1 1 1 Curs Trucks TRUCK WLTH TOPPER - 1978 Chevrolet, black with red in- terior, Michelins, cruise control, low mileage. Topper has insert with broadloomed seats, which turn into full width bed, lights, curtains and storage. Phone 234- 6396 after five o'clock and weekends. 35tfnx CASH for good low mileage, used cars or trucks. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Bend, 238-8613. 34t 1977 PLYMOUTH Sport Subur- ban station wagon, power steer- ing, brakes, air conditioning, radio, roof rack, radial tires. Safety checked. Phone 235-0620 or 235-2298. 29t 1968 MUSTANG Fast 'Back 6 cyl. automatic, excellent second car, runs very well, very sporty looking car. As is 51000.00. 237- 3250. 1:2c 1974 LINCOLN MERC IV. 69,- 000 miles. Good operating condi- tion. Best offer. Call Steve Virag 235-1142. It 1975 CHEV HALF TON pickup. Power staring, mileage 80,000. S1500.00 or best offer. Call 235-2727 after 6 p.m. 1:2c 16 For Sole FIREWOOD Henry Eisenchink RR 1 Exeter. Phone 237-3405. 50-7• ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, Life like - 2 engines, cars, electronic track cleaner, transformer, extra accessories. 570.00. Phone 235- 2815 after 6 p.m. 50tfx Poly Glaze The Shine fhat Protects, and Lasts without Waxing s75oo DOBBS MOTORS LTD. 235-1800 MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR, RENTALS Low daily.8 weekly rates PHONE 235-15;5 /. . 't, • /1;:.'._. Your First Stop for Dashwood Windows and Patio Doors Is... CENTRALIA' FARMERS SUPPLY Ltd. Centralia Ont. We have the largest selection of millenium and wood windows in the area Coll for informallon 228-6638 Mon Fri 8-6 Sot 8-2 EAL ESTATE REALTOR WAITED ARLANE 53 Main- Street, Exeter 235-0541 -1EXETER 60' Northlander Mobile Home in ex- cellent condition, forced air heating, central air, pric- ed for quick sale. EXETER -- Brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, dining area, full basement, attached garage, '/2 acre lot. Asking 536,800. Vendor Anxious. # 4 HWY NEAR CENTRALIA - 1 '/2 storey 4 bedroom brick separate dining room, hardwood floors, good financing, gas furnace 3/4 acre lot. Asking 555,000. CLANDEBOYE -- 1600 square foot concrete block building, presently used as repair shop. 14' door '/2 acre lot. 'Lake Huron Water. DASHW000 - Older 2 storey home aluminum sid- ed, 3 bedrooms, rec room, newly remodelled 13% mortgage, close to downtown. 140 ACRES -- in Hay Twp. on paved road. Owner anxious to sell. 51 Simmons Bob Thomas Marg Sceli 735-0526 482-3096 225-2301 1 M' r 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235- 1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 281 HESS JEWELLERY,, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx UTILITY SHEDS, we build sturdy wood frame sheds, clad with preffnished steel. Various sizes, 3 in stock, ready to go for your winter storage. Ken McCann Enterprises. Phone 234- 6401. 45t 1975 DOUBLE. WIDE BENDIX Chantecler mobile home. Good location, 2 bedrooms, dining room, living room, fire place. For inquiries call Steve Virag, 235-1142. 46t BAND SAWS, power steel, wood lathe, grinder, drill presses. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235- 1655. 481 LAKEWOOD Wood Stove Special. Space made with stand. Suggest price 5499.00. Special 5349.00. Squire with fan suggested price 5679.00 special 5495.00. Used Cottager with fan 5369.00. 666-0169 or 232- 4742. . • 52:1:2c LAKEWOOD Unicorn Wood Stove with stands and screens, reduce your home heating bills and save money on the purchase of this' CSA approved wood stove. 6'66-0169 or 232-4742.52- 6c TRAILER - 6x8 ft. Tilt Type. 13 in. wheels, excellent condition. 235-2493. I:2c TRAILER - Golden Falcon 19', fully equipped with rear bath and full rollup awning. Excellent con- dition. Phone 235-1251 after six. I t SNOWMOBILE TRAILER, double with rack; RCA 30" stove, used. SeaBreeze portable record player. Phone 235- 1681. It SNOWBLOWER - 8 h.p. 3 stabe AMS. Complete with electric start and chains. 5425.00. Call 227-4985. It FUR' AND LEATHER coat, nearly new, size 16-18, modern styled, ladies, full length with tie belt. Phone 228-6804. 2:3c WINDOWS - 2 wood frame Dashwood Industries windows. Brand . new. One is a casement window and other Glider. Ther- mopaned with screens. Best offer. Phone 236-4848 after 8 5768 p tis.. 2:3c OV' N - Microwave & Convcc- p tior all in one unit, counter top r or built-in, excellent condition, must sell. 235-2197. 3• 2 LAYING HENS, approximately e, 350. Two years old, 234-• 2 6749. 2:3c Z. AM FM STEREO, 8 track and turn table, 2 speakers, stand. -23'6- 4 4444. 2:3• F SIX DRAWER. DRESSER with a, mirror, 5 drawer. chest, head 2 board, 2 night- tables, I coffee 0 table, 2 end tables. Wanted TV M tower. Please call 2.37-3342. 2:3' 4 MAPLE COLONIAL TABLE ca and four wooden chairs. Buffet 2'1 and hutch, reasonable. Phone 446 after 5, 482-9297. 2:3x 2 17 Wonted To Buy ACCOUSTIC GUITAR. Phone 235-0295 after 6 p.m. 2' CATTLE -.we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems, Grand Bend. 471 DESK - approximately 48" in length in good condition. Call 235-2815 after 5 p.m. 48tfx 18 Wonted WARGAME OPPONENTS - Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t 19 Property For Sole ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Bend 23 - 11/4-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bilevel house, garage, on 1'h acre. 1-672-6863. 16t THREE BEDROOM bungalow completely redecorated with family room addition. 235- 2615. 2c • 20 Property For Rent ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS One Bedrooms 5238.50 AVAILABLE NOW Feb. 1 or Mar. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t SUBLET - 2 BEDROOM APT., S265.00 monthly, plus utilities. 1/2month rent free. Phone Elaine at 235-1331 8-6 and 234-6761 evenings. 49:50x ONE BEDROOM heated, partly furnished. Available January 1st. Phone 235-2726 evenings. 491' ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, fridge and stove, newly decorated. Available Dec. 15. 235-2087. 50t BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately. All utilities included. 1'/ miles North of Huron Park. 235-1927. 50t UNFURNISHED two bedroom garden apartment, heat, parking, 304 Andrew, Apt. 5, 5222.33. Seniors preferred. Phone 472- 0986. 501 GRAND BEND - Clean 3-4 bedroom house, electric heat, close to school, shop, no animals. 5250.00 month. Apply Peter Warner 238-2391. 50t HIGHWAY LOCATION 'f mile from Zurich, 3-4 bedroom farm house. Available im mediately. 262-2928 or 262 7- 50t COUNTRY FARM HOME on aved highway, recently enovated, available Jan. 9, 1982. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 511' BEDROOM HOUSE in Ex - ter. Available immediately. 235- 420. 52t URICH - 3 bedroom house vailable March 1. Phone 236- 592. I:2c URNISHED BACHELOR partment, heated. Art Gaiser 35-2754. 11' NE BEDROOM apartment on ain Street, Phone 235-0141. I t BEDROOM farm house with r port. Available immediately. miles south of Zurich. 236- 8. I:2c SPY APPLES, 58.00 per bushel, stock your freezer with great home made pies. 11/2 miles north of Dashwood, 237-3362. 2f COLLECTOR'S PLATES and collectables nearly new clothing, antique and used furniture, book exchange etc. Consignments accepted. Winter hours 10-5. Thursday to Saturday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St., south of Huron. Phone 235-0299 and 229-6112. 21* CHROME TABLE and chair set. Table has 2 leaves, will seat 8. 229-6294. 2:3c FRANKLIN STOVE, ladies car coat, size 16 with borg lining, 228-6788. 2:3c BEDROOM downstairs apart- ment, close to downtown. Call after 5 p.m. 235-0467. 1 t LOOKING FOR a nice family orcouple to live in our comfor- table 6 yr. old home in Dow sub- division. Cozy fireplace in family room. No pets please. Call 235- 1352. I:2c TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedroom, with finished rec room on Simcoe Street. Phone 236-4230. 2t OFFICES - now leasing in Zurich. New conveniently located, opposite the post office. Ideal for legal, financial, accoun- ting, real estate or .insurance. Electrically heated, broadloom and parking. Box 33, Zurich. 236-4124. • 2c MAYTA6 Eevendeaniti MAKES A MAYTAG REPAIRMAN wee 133 King St. .IT. MAYS ' Plow asas6ss ssatav Ant iTt'unrr'.5.t BOB'S a, IV A■PLIARCy.`. January Bulk Specials 10 Ibho■ of Cardillo' Membury pop. tier 10.90 McCain Country Style Wedges Case of 6-3. Ib bags '9.99 5 Ibbelt of baleen btu. Allots '7.07 1011i. Mxes 7' Ovalet, rocker. WI.n.rs '10.90 Pork Chaps 1 sore.. 40 per b,1 '17.90 Sew of 2.6 es. Spited Hamburg Parties report. 60 p. b.1 '15.90 11e. of minute steaks l*,p., 40 p.. bl '26. 50 Perk Cutlets I.pr.. 40 per b,,i '20.90 Flora FISN Main Scdlops 3 Ib. bag 36.22 b O.rebs., rail. lb $13.93 Hi5Min.r Shrimp in a IMsket 1 s.... $1.97 bossed Cod 50-2 es. worrier's 317.56 be.. ben.r.d Boston blue Fish 90.2 es. pe,. 1Mns _.514.99 b... 5 Ib. Cod 445.,... - $9.13 4 of Salmon steak $14.45 S Ib. ben Rainbow Trout 15.74 5 Ib. box Maple leaf Netball Maros , . Ispies.. 1f IM 1 6..09 Renals. beef Sbeuldar Roast (•••••• IS p►. I 46. '2.09 boneless Poole Roast Imo... 1 f 1k. j N. '3.69 O..4 Tenderloin beep.. f s ..AI 15. '4.01 237-3677 FROZEN VKETASLES Case of 6.3 5 Ib Ib boy. bog Peas 16.46 296 Carrots 14.63 2.64 rlr..n bean. 17.20 3 03 Yellow b.bns 17.20 3.03 Peas a Correll 14.27 2 57 Mired Vegerabl.s 16.46 2.96 Turnip 0.99 1.69 Squash 13.13 7.36 Corn Cas. of 3 lb bags 3 Ib bag 19.03 3 43 Cauliflower Case of 6.4 Ib,4 Ib. bog 21.37 3.63 Omo.ed Onion Ring. 6.6 Ib. be. 7 63 Flinn peso Case of 6.3 Ib. bags 36 i'3 699 Strawberries Cherries blueberries Merners Meats 41.25 S Ib bog 679 9.43 7.09 Dashwood 4 20 hI l , . +y For Rent LARGE ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, available now. 5165 and 5195. Appliances and heat included. North of Ailsa Craig 293-3038. 48t TWO BEDROOM apartment in new building. Available January I. Phone Jack Taylor 229-6472 after 6 p.m. 461 HEATED FURNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian Tire. 235-1497 or 235- 0451. . 42t FARM HOUSE with barn, near Zurich. 5275 per month plus utilities. Available February Ist. References required. Call or phone Joe Leuthard Real Estate Ltd., Guelph, Box 111, NIH 6J6. 519-82I-9600. 2:3c FARM HOUSE - 3 bedroom, 'h mile west of Hwy. 4 References• 227-4334. 2:3c HURON PARK - 3 bedroom house, 5150 per month plus utilities. Available March 1, 228- 6108. 2t ROOM FOR RENT, share the kitchen. Phone 235-2140. 2t TWO FARM HOUSES, SI50 and 5250 per month, northwest of Dashwood on concession 14. Phone Wayne Woods 294- 65'/6. 2:3c My plan to save money Did not do so well, 1 almost broke my neck When 1 fell From a ladder 1 had No business to climb Spilling paint on the rug But it's lucky that I'm Alive to relate Another sad tale - With my color blindness I got the wrong pail And, instead of a color My wife idolizes, One half of a room Is In one•she despises! The point of this narrative's Plain to see - We can't all do-it-yourselfers be! ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER General Contractors HIP 81/10 To provide and install coloured metal siding and insulation on Bldg. 29 and 32 at Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, On- tario. Individual seoled tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on• Wednesday, 20 January, 1982. Tender documents may be obtained from the On- tario Development Cor- poration, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, On- tario, NOM 1YO. For further information regarding this tender, please contact Super- visor Operations at the above address or telephone (519) 228- 6657. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY and TOURISM 21 Ear Rerrt FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd . Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Hall' auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures. exhibitions, fillms, . etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 23.5- 023I. 23t PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement .mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954` 151 22 For Sole or Rent WOOD SPLITTERS, tow bars. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 48t DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SER VICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED liensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays RENOVATIONS General Carpentry prevent heat loss with new made to measure custom thermal win- dows, Stanley In- sulated Steel Entry Door Systems and Alcan siding products. GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff Ron 234-6711 234-6224 Alcan SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday -Beef • Tuesday -Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours 262-2732) RETAIL ORDERS BEEF OR PORK SIDES - HINDS - LOINS Retail Hours -Wed., hl,, $ a.m. - 5 p.m. MILL ST. HE NSALL, ONT. Sgt. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 262.2041 Estate Auction Sale 23 ft. travel trailer, Case tractor, 8 H.P. snowblower, riding lawnmower, an- tique engine, antique furniture, nearly new appliances, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton Ontario for the Estate of Delbert Taylor of Exeter. Sat., Jan. 16 at 10 a.m. TRAILER - 1978 Centurion 23 ft. travel trailer w/fridge, bath w/shower and sink, furnace, stove, awning etc. (like new). Air scoop for car. . TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT - VAC Case tractor with wide front end eagle hitch hydraulics, 6 ft three point hitch blade, 2 furrow plow, old cultivator, International 1 1/2 to 2 H.P. antique engine, small McCullough chain saw, John Deere, 8 H.. 26 walk behind snow blower, garden tiller, John Deere 55 riding lawn mower, push gas lawn mower, small pull lawn roller, small bench saw w/motor, 36" pipe wrench, small battery charger, electric drills, vibrator sander, clamps, wooden extension ladder, small hand turn forge, roll of snow fence, plus wrenches hand and garden tools misc. items not ` mentioned, Radial a saw. APPLIANCES, ANTIQUE ETC. - 13 Cu, ft. Kelvinator chest freezer (nearly new) General Elec- tric automatic clothes washer, 1 year old, General Electric clothes dryer approx 1 year old, Rodgers Majestic 24" colour T.V., Lewyt vacuum cleaner, Square model frost free fridge w/matching 24" stove, washstand, recliner chair w/heater and vibrator 1 year old, chest of drawers, 54" brass bed antique rope bed, dining table, 2 copper boilers, tree• dle sewing machine, trunk, davenport couch,'crocks, de -humidifier, chrome table and chair, folding chairs, lamps, vanity dresser, steel bed w/new dou- ble mattress, dresser w/mirror, antique chair, coffee and end tables, round wicker fern stand, old fridge and electric stove, odd small tables, chesterfield, air conditioner, radio record player, large china cabinet, old radio, aluminum step ladder plus dishes and glassware plus m any more items not men- tioned. Terms Cash RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 CARL WALKER Bayfield 365-5393 PAT GRAHAM !Myeloid 365-2847 BOB JANKE Dungannon 329-7735 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235-2533 AILSA CRAIG OFFICE 232-4310 EXETER DOUBLE LOT 100x196' -- 4 bedroom brick home, single garage, 1011 % mortgage. Low 50s. COMMERCIAL ZONING, MINT CONDITION - throughout. Beautiful 2 storey brick home, main floor laundry, basement rec room. Ideal office within home. COMMERCIAL LOT 100x175' -- on main highway. EXCELLENT 1 1% mtge. CORNER COMMERCIAL LOT -- prime Main Street location. FIRST TIME HOME BUYER??- lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow, eat -in -kitchen, dining room. Very good condition and realistically priced in low 30s. FARMS tOBO TWP. -- 95 acres cash crop land; McGILtIVRAY TWP. 104 acres, large barn and lovely modern home both in excellent condition. This is one of the township's nicest farms; EAST WILLIAMS TWP. 300 acres choice cash crop land, some systematic tiling; HIBBERT TWP. 100 acres with good barn set up for farrow to finish hog operation, brick home; HAY TWP. 175 acres excellent cash crop land, systematically tiled, good location; ASHFIELD TWP. 236 acres cash crop farm with good buildings, level land, quick possession; excellent existing FCC mortgage; CLINTON 330 acres good cash crop land, not far off highway. ....E APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Sttfeet - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments //Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 140321131st NEW LISTING IN EAST WILLIAMS TWP. - 50 acres with 40 acres workablf_jo-acres of hardwood bush. Asking $110,000. COMMERCIAL LOT -- in Hensall - Excellent corner lot location beside the Bank of Montreal. Older 2 storey well maintained brick house is on the proper- ty, but the value is in the lot. Call for information. EAST WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP - 141 acres with ap- proximately 70 acres workable. (some land has been cleared during 1981). 30 additional acres can be cleared about 41 acres of bush. Vendor will consider , holding 50,000. 1st m ortgage at interest rate to be negotiated. Asking $150,000. BOWLING ALLEY - Price Reduced from 565,000 to $55,000., 6 lanes automatic. Steady bowling leagues. Includes ice-cream cone concession with great future potential. Ideal set up' for family business, Located north west of London. Owner anx- ious to sell, make an offer. VACANT LOT NEAR PORT FRANKS - 75 ft x 200 ft. ' boat launching and docking rights included finan- cing available for approved purchaser. Asking $11,- 500 25 ACRES - of sandy loam, 22 acres workable, 3 acres of bush, excellent building site, good potential for garden produce or as horse farm. On paved road North West of Parkhill or approximately 6 miles East of Grand Bend. BUILDING LOT - at Port Franks, 75 x 200 ft. in- cludes concrete block, crawl space. Building permit and boat launching and docking right, vendor will take back 1st mortgage at 10% for 1 year with 2,- 000. down $11,900. Open to Offers on Any of These Properties Please Call Anytime Listings Required For Homes Farms Vacant Land Free Value Estimates DICK PARKINSON ROYAL TRUST REALTOR Call 472-8930 or 245-4591 Res. 1-293-3403 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III NI NI 1 Poul Hohner 235-0302 1 • Office 235-1055 Dirk Cooknan 235-1950 1 r 1 ace I naiad taws sepses .REALTOR . 1 1 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER NEW LISTING LOVELY BRICK SPLIT ENTRY HOME - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, family room with 1 DOWNDRAFT STOVE TO SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE HEATING COSTS. Built-in dishwasher and breakfast 1 nook. Aluminum soffits and fascia. Excellent condition , throughout, located in Dow Subdivision. REALISTICALLY PRICED AT 869,500.00. DIRK M. COOLMAN REAL ESTATE BROKER takes pleasure in welcoming Nancy Hines to our sales staff. Nancy has successfully completed the real estate course and is fully qualified and would be pleased to assist you with your real estate needs. Feel free to call Nancy at our office or at her home at 235- 1926. 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIInllIlnnllILIIlIllllllllllll1,,11111111111 LARGE LOT, BRICK RANCH - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, brick fireplace in rec room, completely finish• ed basement, all carpeted, footings for carport, workshop and laundry room in basement. $65,- 000.00. NEAR HENSALL -- 1' 7 storey older brick house, 20 ACRES, 4 bedrooms, house in good solid repair - newer roof and aluminum storms and screens, drilled well. Approximately 12-14 acres workable, rented at $100.00 per acre. Cret?k borders property, paved 1 drive. ASKING $65,000.00 AND OPEN FOR 1 OFFERS. VENDOR WILL NEGOTIATE TERMS 10% MORTGAGE UNTIL 1988 - Very scenic 3 1 acre property situated on paved road. 3 or 4 bedroom brick house, good barn, hen house, woodshed, new brick workshop, 32'x40'. House has 1 large new addition, DOWNDRAFT STOVE/ pipeline water. Asking 849,000.00 and VENDOR SAYS 1 PRESENT ALL OFFERS EXETER - 2 storey brick featuring 4 bedrooms, 1 family sized kitchen, 2 baths, finished attic and much more. Very tastefully decorated and in excellent con- , dition. Corner lot with inground pool. Realistically 111 priced .at 869,500.00. SEVERAL OTHER LARGE HOMES AVAILABLE 1 PRIME COUNTRY LIVING - or good commercial set up on m ain highway. One acre with lorge coloured steel shed. Good 3 bedroom house with 111 new kitchen, full basement, small born. 13 % First 1 Mortgage until 1985. Vendor may consider small house on trade. 1 FOR RENT -- large heated shed 40'x60'. # 4 Highway just south of Exeter. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1