HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-13, Page 12k Plast '12 Times-Adveusle, January 13, 1962 Survey revealed Atitt Need n ch e in houslng.' lans gp A recent housing survey prepared for the village of Lucan has indicated a need for seniors housing but not for the subsidized variety. The report presented by MacLaren's" Planners, Engineers and Scientists revealed that only one of the 39 persons who had an- swered the survey was eligible for subsidized or geared .to income housing. The survey was prepared at a cost of $7,500. The entire amount was assumed by the Ministry of Housing. As a result council will be meeting with the village planning board, MacLaren's, Ministry of Housing and Central WI to meet January 20 Members and friends of Lucan Women's Institute are reminded of the first meeting for 1982, next Wednesday January 20 at 2 p.m.. in the Masonic Hall. The roll call will be "Give a Happy Memory" and we will be observing "The Year of the Disabled", a month late. but nevertheless most sincere. Mable Froats, Branch P.R.O., is responsi- ble for the program and is planning an interesting meeting. All women of the community are welcome. Housing and Mortgage as to what steps should be taken next. The joint meeting is set for Tuesday, January 19. At Tuesday's regular meeting, council learned from Middlesex County that a change had been made in the amounts of each payment to be made on the four installments on county levies for 1982. Village council had earlier given their approval to the four installment system which county officials said would save about $90,000 in interest charges. Installments of 20 percent eachwillnowbe forwarded to the county on March 31 and June 30 and 30 percent each on September 30 and December 20. A bylaw was passed authorizing a change in the penalty and interest charges on overdue taxes. • The new rate will be one and one-half percent per month or 18 percent per annum. Previously the charge was 15 percent per annum. A number of municipalities in Middlesex and Huron counties who had recently increased their rates to as high as 24 percent per annum have reduced their rates to 18 percent, the same as Lucan. Council has completed. purchase for $14,850 of the property at the corner of Main and Elm streets consisting of Lots 263 and 264 for the purpose of widening Elm street and creating a daylight corner. Official village pins will be presented to both teams in the OHA Junior "D" all star game to be played in Lucan, January 16 and to a visiting bantam team from Sweden which will be in Lucan for an exhibition game, February 24. Estimates are being ob- tained on the costs of a gas boiler to be used in the government fuel conversion program for the village office building. A borrowing bylaw in the amount of $100,000 was passed and applications made for 1982 Ministry of Transportation and, Com- munications grants. Scout jamboree to be assn on TV Last summer, seven Lucan Scouts and Scouter Henry Kaune attended the 1981 Scout Jamboree in Banff. Alberta. Sunday. January 17, at 4 p.m. viewers will have the opportunity to observe just what the activities are at a Jamboree. when C.T.V. Channel 13. Kitchener, presents a film in this con- nection. Scouts are busy preparing for the annual spaghetti dinner. which will be held at the Community Centre, Tuesday. February 16. Tickets will soon be available from all scouts. Scout - Guide week is also coming up in February from the 21st to the 28th and there will be special ac - GOOD DAY TO PLAY - Recess time at Lucan Public School Tuesday afternoon was very enjoyable for Carrie Ann Duntop, Shannon Nevin, Cathy Fox and Eleanor Kop. T -A photo '82 big year inMiddlesex by Sandy Forsyth Agricultural representative "1982 is here." No doubt this will be a significant year for many good reasons. There is one special reason in Middlesex County, because this is the year of the International Plowing Match in the county. This five day event is the largest outdoor agricultural activity held in Ontario each year. It is significant because of the opportunity it provides farmers to observe and compare the latest in services, technology, machinery and equipment available to them. It is significant because it focuses the attention of the general public on agriculture, and through its activities and programs provides an opportunity for better rural -urban cooperation and un- derstanding. Essentially it demonstrates the im- portance of food production to the economy and well being of people. It is significant because it focuses attention on the basic resource to farming, the soil. Through its com- petitions and demonstrations it relates to the importance of good land management. It is particularly significant to the people of the county, because it is a large and important com- munity project that draws people together from all around the county. It is significant because a program of county exhibits, special events, and ladies activities, demonstrations, that makes our community of London -Middlesex a place that we residents are proud to live in and raise our families. Essentially the International Plowing Match is a people event that develops an appreciation of agriculture for all people and a sense of pride and com- mitment for all who are part of H. It doesn't happen often, the last International Plowing Match was held in Middlesex in 1928. tivities during this 75th an: niversary year. Church news is practically nil this week as Holy Trinity Anglican. the Revival Cen-. tre and Lucan United Church services were all cancelled and Communion inthe latter is postponed until next Sun- day. Upcoming at the U.C. tonight Thursday, the Of- ficial Board of the Charge will meet in the Lucan ,Church at 8:30 p.m. Next Tuesday. January 19 The Session will meet at 8 p.m. and Wednesday evening at 8:30 the Friendship Unit will continue the study on "Faith and Justice" with a film "Look Whose Coming to Breakfast". Sincere thanks to all who contributed items to the Angola Bale. to those who gave toward the postage and to those who helped pack the 11 cartons (about 190 lbs.) good used clothing, school supplies. soap, sewing and knitting materials, etc. The boxes were mailed on December 17th to an Angolan Pastor in Zaire whose responsibility it is to get supplies to the needy "Underground" Church in Angola. The postage cost of $139.95 was met by donations from individuals. from the Sunday School. the Lucan and Clandeboye U.C.W.'s and from the members of Barb Bannerman's class who gave the profit from their sale of Church calendars. Smiles Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door. • • • A gold digger is a girl who breaks dates by going out with them. GETTING CLEARED - Betty Hodgins clears the windshield of the car parked on George street Tuesday afternoon. Husband Bill is behind th>t wheel keeping the motor running. Six area accidents cause damages of ;6,700 Six accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police. •Only minor in- juries were reported and damages totalled $6,700. Monday at 9:45 p.m. a vehicle driven by Murray Brubacher, Elmira left Highway 7; near County road 50 and struck guard rails. Constable W.T. Hodgins listed damages at $700. Vehicles driven by Peter Milne. Lond.on ' and Lawrence Smith, Lucan collided on Highbury Avenue south of Bryanston at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday.' Damages were set at $700 by Constable J.A. Wilson. Constable T.C. Chapman estimated damages at $1,500 when vehicles driven by Kenneth McCutcheon. and John Storey, both of RR 2, Thorndale collided at 1:55 p.m. Friday on Concession 3 of West Nissouri township, near County road 16. Saturday at 11:55 a.m. on County road 23, north of Highway 7. a vehicle driven by Gary Gowan , St. Marys was in collision with a pickup. truck operated by Alvin Johnson. RR 3, Gran- ton. Constable Chapman set damages at $1.400. The same day at 12:15 p.m. a vehicle operated by Loan Kang Yee. London left. Highbury Avenue, near Concession 12 in London township. rolled over and hit: a fence. Constable D. Stables listed damages at $1.300. The third Saturday mishap. Neighbo Correction is made on the Christmas night fire, it was not at. the Geertsen home, but next door at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Zaplator where fire from a fireplace had got into the wall and caused con- siderable damage. However. there was a Candle Tight as Lions meet In spite of the hydro failure Monday evening, the Lions Club continued their meeting by ' candle -light at the Lucan Arena, in the Leprechaun Room. District Governor, Lion Alvin Betterly attended the meeting in his official capacity. bringing greetings, etc. from the District. The business meeting was post- poned until a later date. He was accompanied by three members from his Mount Brydges club. occurred at 3 p.m. on Highbury. near Concession 13 and involved vehicles driven by William Jenkins, London and Brenda Lalonde, Stratford. Constable Mar- shall estimated damages at $1,100. urly fires chimney fire at the Geertsen home. Monday, January 4, but no ' damage resulted, thanks to the -quick response of the Lucan fire department. - Boost YOTOWNME It's Good For You Furniture Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES Quality Workmanship 227-1700 `. ,• (8:30 0411. - 4:30_ p:mO 2 miles west of Elginfield on Hwy. 7 Meadowcrest Res. Inc. Craffs n' Tkings Gift Shop & Garden Centre Wicker Ware 10% Off Macrame 20% Off Wind Chimes 20% Off Candles 20% Off Gift Wrap (general use) 20% Off Some Woodcrafts up to -25% Off Christmas Decorations All Kinds Greatly Reduced Get Your 1982 Calendar Today! Sale ends January 29, 1982 2 miles west of Elginefield on Hwy. 7 Continuing Education Winter 1982 A Intro. to Calligraphy A Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ▪ Computers & How To Use Them A Estate Planning ▪ Judo for Adults & Children c ladies Fitness 8. Dance A Understanding Canadian low a Understanding Commodity Wed., Futures Market (Medway High School, Arva) o Understanding Commodity Thurs., Jan. 28 7. 10 Futures Market (Plover Mills School, Thorndale) • c Understanding Commodity Sat. & Sun. Feb. 27, 28 Mar. 13, 14, 4 days $54 Futures Market Jelling - Wed.; Jon. 27 7. 10 - 8,;•ss. $54. A 16•144.11. Wi. tune c. A. M'. sawed lean 0 Mrw.r MIMk sAwet itn,rswlde 11,!AtetwaY It4ttsdwed, Ann s tlwn/rt• CMrnunMy Goma . Courses Tues., Jan. 26 7:30 - 9:30 Tues., Jan. 26 6 - 10 Wed., Jan. 27 - 7:30 - 9:30 Tues., Jan. 26 7:30. 10 Wed., Jan. 27 7 - 9 Mon., Jon. 25 7 - 8 Wed., Jon. 27 7:30 10 Jon. 27 7.10 Lucan Aria 6 sass. sm.- 2 sou. 619. 6 sets. S25. 8 sass. 526. 8 sass. S21 or S10 16 cess. 521. 8 sets. S26 10 sess. 554. 10 sess. 554 HOW TO REGISTER Registration for courses in centres out- side of London is by telephone. Call 1.800- 265 9214 or 452-4441. Evenings and Saturdays a.m. 452.4444. 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