HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-13, Page 7WIN FIRST DRAW — The first drow of the season of the Exeter ladies curling club was won by o rink skived by Heather Beattie. Above, Helen Cameron presents the trophy to Heather Beattie, Helen Dougall, Betty Coate% and fonnne Hayman. Try some interesting plants A garden in. yourgroceries Growing house plants doesn't have to be an expen- sive hobby. Look around'the kitchen and you'll find many attractive house plants ready to grow. • One, of ' the most obvious examples of grocery bag gardening is the sweet potato or yam. says Bob Fleming. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food hor- ticulturist. These plants can be started easily in potting soil or even . water. "Place the base of the tuber in a pot of soil and set it in a bright warm location." he says. "Then let nature take its course. In a matter of weeks, young shoots should develop near the top of the tuber and soon you will have an attractive trailing vine. In warmer parts of the province, these plants can be transplanted into the garden in late spring for a fall harvest of sweet potatoes." - If you like tropical plants, don't throw out another avocado pit. With a little patience. you can grow your own hvocado plant. "The •key to growing_ avocados successfully is to remember which end is up," PERM SPECIAL SN Sr)LE REG. 30.00 Jan. 11 to Feb. 6 RE THE ,9$O 4P � Sl AT STUDIO '82 UNISEX HAIRSTYLING 415 MAIN ST., EXETER 235-1081 OPEN Monday to. Saturday Stylist Theresa Grimminck ANSTETT JEWELLERS 284 Main St.. Exeter. says Mr. Fleming. "Place the seed. small end up, in a container of good potting soil. Water can be used, but soil reduces the chances of rotting". "Cover two thirds of the seed with soil", he says. "After watering, cover the • top pf the pot with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity. During the ger- mination period, bright light is not essential, but warm temperatures (20 to 22 degrees C) are recommended." After a few weeks you will notice the first signs of life. The seed will appear to split. It takes four to six weeks before a shoot develops. After the plant reaches a height of 38 to 45 cm (15 to 18 in.) pinch the growing point to encourage branching. If cacti or low- maintenance plants are your fancy. try growing a pineap- ple plant from a pineapple top. Cart the leaves off the top. leaving about 1 to 2 cm (els to / in.) of the fruit. Allow the top to dry in a warm room for three or four days. Set the cut surface on a 15 cm (6 in.) pot of coarse, gravelly soil. Watersparing- ly - this plant likes to be on the dry side. Roots should develop in sixto eight weeks. "Try home-grown ferns by placing a hollowed carrot top in a shallow saucer of water. Its lacey leaves make it an ideal cascading plant. Use the same method for beet tops to grow an attrac- tive bronze -green foliage plant." "The possibilities of gar- dening from ,your grocery bag , are almost endless:" says Mr. Fleming. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and Courtney in Winnipeg. They reported very cold weather and bad driving conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall, Exeter, Monday. Mrs. Charles Tindall entered University Hospital, London, Monday afternoon for tests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs„ Freddie and Patti were New Years guests with Fred's brother Mr. and Mrs. George Dobbs and family, Exeter. Doug Jackson, London and .Christine MacDonald, Arva spent several days with the Fred Dobbs family during the holidays. Intended for last week Church service was cancelled Sunday January 3 due to icy conditions of the roads. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis entertained a number of the "Abbott" family recently. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Abbott and family, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott and Mr, . and Mrs. Paul Abbott, Manitoulin, also Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loni and girls, Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Whalen. Zion UCW elect, new '82�'Of ficers Sy Asid. THOMAS HERN ZION Zion UCW members met in the church basement on Wednesday evening. The roll call "A personal goal for 199$2" was answered by thirteen members. Mrs. Harry Hern presided for business. Committee reports for the year 1981 were given. The World Outreach Committee, Mrs. Gerald Hern and Mrs. Clifton Jaques had charge of the worship service and in- troducedthe study pack "Faith and Justice" which is to be read during the coming year. UCW officers for 1962 are as' follows: past president, 'Mrs. Clifton Jaques; president, Mrs. Harry Hern; vice president, Mrs. Robt Hern; secretary, Mrs. Gerald Hera; treasurer, Mrs. -Wm. Morley; pianist, Mee. Thos. Hern; messenger leaders, Mrs. Earl Miller and Mrs. Earl French; social group leaders, Mrs. Larry Bern, Mrs. Robt Hern, Mrs. MacLeod Mills and Mrs. Lorne Hern. Centralia UCW meet, hear Bell 8y MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Centralia U.C.W. met in the school room of the church Thursday January 7. There were 16 members and, seven guests present. Co. president Glena Tripp welcomed all and conducted the business. Margaret Cook. Lois Wilson and Adeline. Elliott will go to the regional meeting in Hensall January 25 at 1 p.m. It was decided to have. the mandate for another year and send a donation to Alma College at St. Thomas. Also. to have another Bazaar in the fall. The next.meetigr}g� will be February 4 at 8 p.ih. The program committee, June Essery. Etta Powe, Adeline Elliott,' Carol Sommerville and Mary Smyth took over. Adeline Elliott Elliott read a poem "What wilitesu do with this year so new", Scripture was read by June Essery also a story, "A placeust for you". Etta Powe gave the prayer. Ruth Anne Essery favored with a piano solo. June Essery introduced the speaker Mr. Elmer Bell, a lawyer from Exeter. He spoke on women's rights and wills. A discussion followed which was very interesting. Hymn: In Christ there is no East or West. ww-...... «.... r. , . . Times -Advocate, January 13, 1912 gino0ffilittriolliftt co*,,4" -0 uizrt AVI110.40/4004vet46014100 Everything In Both Stores REDUCED TO SELL Starts Today hJ At Both Locations LADIES' DEPARTMENT Dress Shoes... 20 to 50°lo Off Casual Shoes... 1 0 to SO'7o on Weste Bootsrn 10 to ZQ% Off on 20 -Piece Sets in Silverplate and Stainless Oneida ... The Canadian -made tableware A. Community' Silverplate The exquisite quality of Community is unequalled. . Regular suggested retail 5270.00. B. 1881* Rogers' Silverplate The Rogers name brings you a,henl 9e of uncompromising craftsmanship. Here is value beyond price. Regular suggested retail 5150.00. C. 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Winter Pant Boots... Winter Dress Boots... T tif IN S KeitikgfriedCcken.. The Colonel's taste is best. 227 Main St. N Exeter. Also in New Spring Styles 1 0 to SO% Off 20% off 50% off J� j CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Everything REDUCED 20% (Excluding Winter Boots Previously reduced) Limited Sizes Remaining MEN'S DEPARTMENT Dress and Casual Shoes Work Boot Sale Features Factory Seconds Green Patch 3 4955 Safety Boots Greb Kodiak Insulated Work Boot With Safety Toe 95 9 � Re 75.95 5� All Other Boots 10% Off Selected Rack At... $2995 1010 Off All Others Slippers All Clearing At... 20% Off Western Boots 1 0 t0 20% off Winter Boot Sale Exceptional Values On Men's Winter Boots Come Save No\ xchange or refund on sale items Wuertb's SHOES Exeter and Clinton Quality & Service Since 1938 1 � ,