HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-13, Page 3be in Wingham on January 16. They will be attending an afternoon meeting at the Wingham Armouries spon-. sored by the Wingham Regional NDP Council. The three Leadership hopeful's are Jim Foulds, MPP Port Arthur, Richard Johnston. MPP Scarborough West. and Bob Rae, MP Broadview -Greenwood. The candidates will have an op portunity to address the meeting and will then be open to questions from the floor. The Wingham Council planned the meeting to let local New Democrats meet the candidates before the Leadership Convention in February. The Meeting is open and. interested members of the public are welcome to attend. - The Regional Council Meeting will start at 1:00 with the All -Candidates meeting scheduled for 2:00. This . will be followed by refreshments. After the ad- journment of the Regional. Council the. Huron -Bruce Riding Association will hold elections for delegates to the February Convention. The Huron -Middlesex Riding Association will hold a general membership meeting to elect the 1982 ex- ecutive and convention delegates. Following the Wingham meeting the NDP Leadership Candidates will be travelling to London for their last all -candidates meeting before the con- vention. Letter of intent to be signed Times-Advocat., January 13, 19$2 Industrial training project is set to go The Huron Community In- The committee consists .of spread throughout the Coun- dustrial Training Committee representatives of provin- ty and to encourage them to (H.C.I.T.C.) announces the c i a 1 and federal adopt formalized industrial formal signing of their Ap- governments as well as prenticeship "Letter of representatives of Huron Intent". The ceremony will County Industries. Many take place on Thursday companies have supported January 14 from 2 p.m. to 4 the committee by donating p.m. at Goderich Township their representatives' time training as a major means of expanding the skills' base in Huron County. Other objectives were to increase the number of Community Centre in and travel expenses. employers engaged in train- . Holmesville. One of the by being receptive to purposes of their individual and specific Signing the "letter of in- H.C.1.T.C. was to bring _ needs; to act as a forum in tent will be Pat Newington, together the industries which government agenci Chairman of H.C.I.T.C. and general manager of Ex -Cell- o Corporation, Tool and Abrasive Operations, Clin- ton; H. Sampson, director of London Canada Employ- ment and Immigration Com- mission; and Alf Barron, regional administrator, Operations Branch, Skills Development Division, Ministry of Colleges and Universities. H.C.I.T.C. was initiated in January 1980 by Don Longwell. director of human resources. Champion Road Machinery Company Ltd., and Steve Zerebny, Program Co-ordinator of Manpower Training. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Belated greeting Birthday wishes from a Huron Park man to his brother In the Milverton area arrived a little bit late. Willard Schweitzer who lives on Algonquin Drive in Huron Park talked to his brother Norman by telephone over the weekend . and was thanked for a birth- day card. When the local man replied that he had not sent a card for his brother's December 1 birthday he was told. "No. not last year, but for 1977." Apparently the card sent in late November 1977 by Willard Schweitzer appeared' in Norman Schweitzer's rural mail box at RR 1. Newton only last week. Despite the current first class postage rate of 30 cents the birthday card reached its destination bear- ing a 10 cent stamp.. local employers and educational representatives could discuss and promote the Employer Sponsored Training Program; to not only increase the number of persons involved in training but to also increase the :number of occupations in which training is formalized and being offered; and to es- tablish a liaison program with local elementary and secondary schools. H.C.I.T.C. initiated a com- prehensive survey of the Huron Community by R. Stephen Thompson and Associates Ltd. The survey, financed under a provincial grant. was designed to evaluate the extent of in- dustrial manufacturing in Huron County and to identify the training needs that could be required in the next three years. Critical shortage oc cupations were identified as General Machinists, Tool and Die Makers, Mould - makers. Industrial Maintenance Mechanics (Millwrights). Instrument Mechanics•and • Fitter _Welders. ATTENTION — RRSP's 1 have entered the investment & insurance business as on independent agent. 1 would like to talk to you about the very Newest & Nest in RRSP Plans, CALL 229.8744 Lloyd Jaques The Industries in Huron County. that are partners to the "letter of intent" being signed on January 14, will now qualify to receive finan- cial assistance for the pur- pose of apprenticeship train- ing. According to H.C.I.T.C., the major beneficiaries are the people. especially the youth. of Huron County. The Stove Parlour Quality Wood Stoves Selkirk Chimney & Stove Pipe Authorized Dealer Tempwood, Conestoga, Old Timer Custom Mode Stoves, Fireplace Inerts, and Barrel stoves Southwest Farm Supply RR 1 Mitchell Hwy 23 south of Mitchell Ph 348-8491 STRANDED AT Brian Sanders, who works of Quality Produce in Exeter, hod Monday off as the snow storm brought all traffic in and outside of town to a holt. Shown helping to clean the driveway at 552 Main St., South are Brenda, Mr. Sanders, Jamie and Geoff. HOME — Not profitable Avco closesIocal office Hard economic conditions Stratford and London of- open it again." he said. and lack of profitability has (ices. "If conditions im- The branch was opened in led Avco Financial Services prove. we might be able to March 1963. of London to close itsibranch in Exeter. effective January . 4. The closing here isone of about 60 branch closings in the past year. according to John . Newbery. assistant vice-president of govern- ment relations. "We watch each branch prior to the lease expiring as the economy changes, he said from his London office. "We have closed some branches and relocated some. too. What we are try- ' ing to do is find larger branches to use. It's a ques- tion of economics of scale." The Exeter branch, located in the Center Mall, had two employees. They have been offered transfers to London branches, Newbery said. Accounts have also been moved out to Would you believe that the University of. Tennessee offers a credit course in the phenomenon of Elvis Presley? It's true! Aluminum Products Eavestroughing Replacement Windows Siding Carpentry Renovations Ken McCann Enterprises 234-6401 NDP'cOntenders to visit Wingham Contenders for the Leadership of the Ontario 'New 'Democratic Party will Sewer project. Continued from front page' problem of seepage. Dalton Finkbeiner, who owns property to the north of the lagoon farm, said he was concerned that seepage would increase through the expansion program, but said he had no objection to the project as long as that situa- tion was avoided. In answer to Jeffery, Burnes said,the base of the enlarged ponds should. be solid clay and there was no investigation conducted to determine if liners should be installed to prevent seepage. "We don't anticipate any problem." he said, in reference to the bottom of the enlarged cells, but added that this would be in- vestigated during construc- tion,and remedial action •taken if required. When asked what urgency was involved in the project, the -engineer said that the degree of urgency was related to the freeze on local subdivision development. He said two subdivision applications are presently being held in abeyance due to the freezeon local growth: He further indicated that the project was dependent upon government grants and said that the earliest star- ting date woltid be this fall. GUARDIAN DRUGS Stock Up Now on Paramettes To Keep Your Family Healthy All Winter Long... Prmettes 50 Multi -Vitamins For rf9 People Over 50 To $ Help Maintain Good Health Super Paramettes 11 Vitamins And 5 Minerals ; 99 Plus Iron lop 4 Adult Paramettes Multi -Vitamins Including $369 Vitamin C and Iron 125 ChewuJe Paramettes $349 Delicious Chewable Multi -Vitamins For Children .avt="4 PEOPLE ,1 Main Street 235-1570 • ciOtll,cas on aNO t*►O*MMtt Ot 0000 111110,100 cOWIN, t.i.t.0 t0110NTO t.NIO: q! Mf VALUE TODAY FOR A HEALTHY TOMORROW Sveel 370 e E0-1"- 235 `\b3a This is a storewide Sale. Every item has been .discounted!! JANUARY FASHION CLEARANCE Why Wait for Spring Do It Now There's plenty of winter left and Gerrards has 'the quality & value right now Winter Topcoats , '/2 price -. Blazers & Sports Jackets 1/3 off 3 -piece suits 1/3- off . Velours '/2 price Sweaters 1/2 price Sweatshirts & Track Suits d 1/3 off . Dress & Casual Shirts 25% off Winter Coats & Jackets '/2 price Ski Vests 1/2 price Basic & designers jeans 20% off Corduroys 20% off . Winter thermal underwear 20% off Mitts, gloves, toques , scarves 25% off, Work Clothing 15% off - Pants, Coveralls - Shirts Work Jackets 1 piece Ski -Doo Suits ' /2 price Work Parkas & Vests & Coats 1/3 off 2 piece ski-doo suits 1/3 off All basics - socks, briefs, T-shirts Ties, Belts , 10% off . • Dresses '/2 price Ski jackets & ski suits pice Cords '/2 price Sweaters 1/2 price Velour jumpsuits '/2 price BOYS DEPARTMENT 3 -piece suits, blazers & Sports Jackets 1/3 off Velours 1/2 off Winter Thermal Underwear 20% off Sweaters 1/2 price 1 -piece ski-doo suits '/2 price All basics 10% off 2 -piece ski-doo suits 1/3 off Dress Casual shirts. '/2 price. P,J.'s & Housecoats 1/3 off Winter coats & Jackets '/2 price Mitts, gloves & toques 25% off Ski Vests 1/2 price Sweatshirts & Tracksuits 1/3 off Jeans & Cords 20% off All 4-6x merchandise '/2 price LADIES DEPARTMENT Sweater`s 1/2 price Dresses 1/2 price Housecoats '/2 price Coats,rcar coats Ski jackets & ski suits '/2 price Blouses . 1/2 price Cords '/2 price Rack of ladies dress slims 11/2 price Blazers 1/2 price