HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-06, Page 17d ,'rStOCk BOARS • Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc, R.O.P. tested, Tgovernment health approved. ed Schendera. 225-2734. 48-4c DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every Tuesday at 11 a.m.• Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips 232-4233. 25t 9 Sport , Equipment Veil 1978 340 KAWASAKI Invader snowmobile, liquid cooled, 1980. 440 Kawasaki Invader, liquid cooled, both in excellent condi- tion. Phone 229-8568. 52t BOMBADEER SKIDOOS 2 1973 Elan; 1 - 1971 TNT 440 all in excellent condition and priced for quick sale. Call Eric Campbell 262-2604. lc SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and ,Freezer - Meats • 6) CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING, Monday - Beef • Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours 262.2732) RETAIL ORDERS BEEF OR PORK SIDES - HINDS - LOINS 'Retail Hours - Wed., Frt., a a.m. - S p.m: Sat. 1 a.m. - 1 p.m. MILL ST.HENSALL,ONT. 242.20411 ATTEIIT1ON MORTGAGE HOLDERS If you hold a first or second mortgage and would like to cash in on your investment, we are interested. For more information call: "Terry" Marcoccia Manager 235-0633 Between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. 414 Main Street Exeter HARRY E. WRGH0Rn Realtor MERT.CULBERT LUCAN 27.1110 Member of Leyden clod St. Themes Reel Estate Beard ( Thank you for your trust in me over the past year. I will still be here to serve you in aH your real estate needs in the year ahead May you enjoy good health, happiness and success in all your endeavors in 1982. ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1a8w • NI RI RN IN NE Poul Hehner 235-0302 1 Offke 235.1055 ' Dirk Coolman 235-1950 1 .0..P 1 REALTOR 1 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER CREDITON 531,500.00 - Brick 1 "a storey 2 bedroom large living room, remodelled eat -in- , kitchen, bath and family room. T.V. Tower'included. - CUSTOM BUILT RANCH loaded with special features. Eat -in kitrt- brick B.B.Q. patio doors, colonial trii Ob. closet doors, finished rec room, attache° age and more. Call for in- spection. EXTRA LARGE KITCHEN AND DINING AREA in this 3 year old brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, both and a half on main level, sunken living room. Completely finished rec room and 2 extra bedrooms down, plus workshop area, electric forced air furnace, heat pump, central vac, attached gorage. CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE, 2 bedroom apart- ment, large workshop addition. Asking $39,000.00 and -OPEN FOR OFFERS. ROAST CHESTNUTS ON THE OPEN FIRE in this ex- ecutive 4 bedroom brick home. Look forward to the warm weather to enjoy the inground pool, gas borbeque and more. Asking $65,000.00 and OPEN FOR OFFERS. SEVERAL OTHER EXECUTIVE HOMES AVAILABLE. COMFY AND COZY • 3 bedroom home, "2 block from Rec Centre and schools. Large eat -in kitchen, , separate dining room, 2 bathrooms. Maintenance free exterior, large lot. Realistically priced at $54,- 900.00. , COMPARE THIS - All one floor, over 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, family sized kitchen, fireplace, gas heat and more. Priced in mid fifties. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DIRK M. COOLMAN REAL ESTATE BROKER takes , pleasure in welcoming NancyHi Hines to cc our sales , ( staff. successfully completed r the real estate course and is fully qualified and , t would be pleased to, assist you with your real 1 estate needs. Feel free to call Nancvat our office or 1 I at her home at 233- 11 1926. GB 118 MI III MN III NI 1 9 Spurt', MUST SELL •1979 Skidoo, 350 Everest, 500 miles, excellent con- dition, caboose and double wide trailer. 237-3248 after 6. 52:1c 1973 EVINRUDE Bobcatt SS snowmobile. Licensed for 82, running. But needs track repair. But offer. 235-2274. 52:1' 1977 YAMAHA STX 440, ex- cellent condition. Phone Lawrence Becker • 234- 6486. I:2:3c 1982 ET 300 YAMAHA Sports Snowmobile, driven once, 236- 7741. 1:2c MUST SELL • 1974 Skidoo 400 Free Air, good shape, very quick. 238-8647 after 7 p.m. lc 11 Curs, Ti t1(ks TRUCK WITH TAPPER - 1978 Chevrolet, black with red in- terior, Michelins, cruise control, low mileage. Topper has insert with broadloomed seats, which turn into full width bed, lights, curtains and storage. Phone 234- 6396 after five o'clock and 9-Weskends. 35tfnx CASH for good low mileage, used cars or trucks. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Bend, 238-8613. 34t 1977 PLYMOUTH Sport Subur- ban station wagon, power steer- ing, brakes, air conditioning, radio, roof rack, radial tires. Safety checked. Phone 235-0620 or 235-2298. 29t 1971 COUPE DEVILLE Cadillac in fair condition. Phone 236-4792, Zurich. lc 1968 MUSTANG Fast Back 6 cyl. automatic, excellent second car, runsvery well, very sporty looking car. As is S1000.00. 237- 3250. 1:2c 1974 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Jimmy GMC, ps/pb, automatic, runs very well, excellent wide cat traction tires. As is 51800.00. 237-3250. ' 1:2c 1974 LINCOLN MERC IV: 69,- 000 miles. Good operating condi- tion. Best offer. Call Steve Virag 235.1142. it 1979 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 door, 4 speed, tan colour, mechanic owned, 40 miles per gallon. Must sell, certified. 54500.00. Phone 262-5043. Ic 1975 CHEV HALF TON pickup. Power steering, mileage 80,000. $1500.00 or best offer. CaII 235-2727 after 6 p.m. 1:2c MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily & weekly rates PHONE 235-1525 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal s ABATTOIR bawd MEAT MARKET 235-1123 16 1 t)I 111: ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, recital, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235- 1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs. diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cu$koo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at tow summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, shoes, boots, toys, skates, bikes, etc. Also accepting consignments of the same, childrens furniture, winter coats and snow suits, etc. Open daily 10-5. Fri. 10-9, closed Sunday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St. S., south of Huron St., 235-0299. 41t UTILITY SHEDS, we build sturdy wood frame sheds, clad with prefinished steel. Various sizes, 3 in stock, ready to go for your winter storage.' Ken McCann Enterprises, Phone 234- 6401. . 451- 1975 5t1975 DOUBLE WIDE BENDIX Chantecler mobile home. Good location, 2 bedrooms, dining room, living room, fire place. For inquiries call Steve Virag, 235-1142. 46t COLLECTOR'S PLATES, figurines, Peter Snyder prints, and .Royal Wedding Commemoratives from 59.50 up. Open daily 10-5. Fri. 10-9, closed Sunday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St. S„ south of Huron Street. 235-0299. 47t BAND SAWS, power steel, wood lathe, grinder, drill presses. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235- 1655. 481- FIREWOOD 8tFIREWOOD Henry Eisenchink RR 1 Exeter. Phone 237-3405.50- 7. ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, Life like - 2 engines, cars, Electronic track cleaner, transformer, extra accessories. 570.00. Phone 235- 2815 after 6 p.m. SOtfx LAKEWOOD Wood Stove Special. Space made with stand. Suggest price 5499.00. Special 5349.00. Squire with fan suggested price 5679.00 special 5495.00. Used Cottager with fan 5369.00. 666-0169 or 232- 4742. • 52:1:2c LAKEWOOD Unicorn Wood Stove with stands and screens, reduce your home heating bills and save money on the purchase of this CSA approved wood stove. 666-0169 or 232-4742.52- 6c CHESTERFIELD & .CHAIR French Provincial. Excellent con- dition. 262-2536. lc TRAILER - 6x8 ft. Tilt Type. 13 lin. wheels, excellent condition. 235-2493, • 1:2c TRAILER - Golden Falcon 19', fully equipped with rear bath and full rollup awning. Excellent con- dition. Phone 235-1251 after six. It COAT - Nearly new site 16-18 modern styled ladies full length fur and leather coat with tie belt. Phone 228-8804. I:2c SNOWMOBILE TRAILER, double with rack; RCA 30" stove, used. SeaBreeze portable record player. Phone 235- 1681. It STEREO - Admiral cabinet turn table, AM/FM, 8 track, excellent condition. 5200.00 firm. Phone Don 235-2192 after 5 p.m. Ic SNOWBLOWER - 8 h.p. 3 stage AMS. Complete with electric start and chains. 5425.00. CaII 227-4985. It STOVE - small gran. 12'x(2' wall to wall chocolate brown Carpeting. Stereo - complete w/receiver, turntable, 8 track 2 speakers. 1971 white Pinto as is. For more info call 235-1544 alter 6:00 p.m. lc RENOVATIONS General Carpentry prevent heat loss with new made to measure custom thermal win- dows, Stanley In- sulated Steel Entry Door Systems and Alcan siding products. GRASDAML CONST. LTD. Cliff Ron 234-6711 234-6224 CHILD'S CRIB and mattress; swin -a-matte; 40 loch play pen. 237.3303. Ic 17 Wanted Ti Buy CATTLE- wo pay Food price for recently injured unthrifty cattle.. Easy loading trailer with winch. Cell collect 238-2796 John Ansems, Grand Bend. 47t DESK - approxitlttiitely 48" in length in good condition. Call 235-2815 after 5 p.m. 48tfx 18 Wanted WARGAME OPPONENTS - Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t ROOM & BOARD for Huron Park. Call 345-2079. 52: l' GENTLEMAN requires room from Mon. -Fri. in the Exeter area. Please call 228-6624 exten- sion 204. lc 19 Property For Sale ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Bend 23 11/4-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-level house, garage, on I Ih acre. 1-672-6863. 16t 20 Property for Rent LARGE ,ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, available now. 5165 and SI95. Appliances and heat included. North of Ailsa Craig 293-3038. 48t LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment` on Main Street. Heating included, S225.00. Phone 235-2090 after 6 or 235- 1570 office hours, 48t TWO BEDROOM apartment in new building. Available January 1. Phone Jack Taylor 229.6472 after 6 p.m. 46t HEATED FURNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian Tire. 235-1497 or 235- 0451. 42t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS One Bedrooms $238.50 AVAILABLE NOW Feb. 1 or Mar. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities include() Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 241. SUBLET - 2 BEDROOM APT., 5265.00 monthly, plus utilities. 1 month rent free. Phone Elaine at 235-1331 8-6 and 234-6761. evenings. 49:50x. ONE BEDROOM heated, partly funished. Available January 1st. Phonc 235-2726 evenings. 49t ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, fridge and stove, newly decorated. Available Dec. 15. 235-2087. 50f BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately. All utilities included. 11/2 miles North of Huron Park. 235-1927. 50t UNFURNISHED two bedroom garden apartment, heat, parking, 304 Andrew, .Apt. 5, 5222.33. Seniors preferred. Phonc 472- 0986 , 50t GRAND BEND - Clean 3-4 bedroom house. electric heat, close to school, shop, no animals. 5250.00 month. Apply Peter Warner 238-2391. 50t HIGHWAY LOCATION I/ mile from Zurich. 3-4 bedroom farm house. Available im- mediately. 262-2928 or 262- 5768. 501- COUNTRY. 0tCOUNTRY FARM HOME on paved highway, recently renovated, available Jan. 9, 1982. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. 51t 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Ex- eter. Available immediately. 235- 2420. 52t EXETER - 3 bedroom apart- ment. Phone 235-0339. Available Feb. 1st. lc ZURICH - 3 bedroom house available March I. Phone 236- 4592. 1 :2c FURNISHED B)CHELOR apartment, heated. Art Geiser 235-2754. It ONE BEDROOM apartment on Main Street. Phone 235-0141. It TWO BEDROOM. on Main Street. Heated and furnished. Rent at 5225.00. Phone 235-0537 after 5 p.m. CLANDEBOI'E • 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, heated, stove, refrigerator, pipeline water, 5210 and S:40 per month plus hydro. Phone 227-4012 or 1- 451.9377. lc CARL WALKER IMO iold 565-5393 PAT GRAHAM Bayfield 565-2847 BOB JANKE Dungannon 529-7735 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235-2533 AILSA CRAIG OFFICE 232.4310 EXETER DOUBLE LOT 100x196' --- 4 bedroom brick home, single aoiage. )0' % mortgage. low 50s. COMMERCIAL ZONING, MINT CONDITION - throughout. Beautiful 2 storey brick home, main floor laundry, basement rec room. Ideal office within home. COMMERCIAL LOT 100x175' -- on main highway. EXCELLENT 1 1% mtge. CORNER COMMERCIAL LOT - prime Main Street location. FIRST TIME HOME BUYER??- lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow, eat;in kitchen, dining room. Very. good condition and realistically priced in low 30s. FARMS LOBO TWP. -- 95 acres cash crop land; McGIIIIVRAY TWP. 104 acres, lorge born and lovely modern home both in excellent condition. This is one of the township's nicest farms; EAST WILLIAMS TWP. 300 acres choice cash crop land, some systematic tiling; HIBBERT,TWP. 100 acres with good barn set up for farrow to finish • hog operation, brick home; HAY TWP. 175 acres excellent cash crop land, systematically tiled, good location; ASHFIELD TWP. 236 acres cash crop farm with good buildings, level land, quick possession; excellent existing FCC mortgage: CLINTON 330 acres good cash, crop land, not far off highway. 20 Property For Rent 4 BEDROOM farm house with car port. Available immediately. 2/ miles south of /urich. 236- 4468. I:2c 2 BEDROOM downstairs apart- ment, close to downtown. Call after 235-0467. It LOOKING FOR a nice family or couple to live in our comfor- table 6 yr. old home in Dow sub- division. Cozy fireplace in family room. No pets please. Call 235- 1352. I:2c SUBLETTING 3 bedroom house immediately in Huron Park. Phone 235-1544 after 6:00 p.m. Ic 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrosys, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4454. 1St FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Hall" ,auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, fillms, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney '235- 0231. 23t 22 For Sale or Rent WOOD SPLITTERS, tow bars. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 48t Times -Advocate, January 6, 1982 ►eke 17 READYING FOR SMOKE - Grand Bend firemen Larry Taylor helps Jerry VanBruaene with his oxygen equipment to enter the burning Green Forest motel in Grand Bend Sunday T -A photo morning., May pass arrears to property owners Exeter council this week decided to delay approval of a request from the PUC to write-off 10 delinquent ac- counts until . it has been determined if the unpaid ac- counts accrued by tenants can be assigned to the property owner. All 10 accounts, totalling $95.20 were for tenants of local buildings. Mayor Bruce Shaw said he understood that these ac- counts, termed as "uncollec- table" by the PUC, could be assigned to the property owners' taxes. Clerk Liz Bell said she didn't know if that was possi- ble, but did indicate that On- -.APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area. 2 bedroom apartments .Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Jan 9th, 1982, 12 Noon Sharp Brampton, Ontario LOCATION: lh mile north of Hwy. 7 (By -Pass) ON THE WEST SIDE OF HWY 10 NOTICE: THIS SALE AS INSTRUCTED BY DUNWOODY LIMITED, RECEIVER/MANAGER FOR MALVERN MOTORS LTD., OF SCARBOROUGH. OVER 75 DEMO'S AND USED CARS, VANS, PICKUPS, WAGONS, 4x4's, SHOP TOOLS, ECT -UNITS AS LOW AS 1300 km's. AMC (2) Cherokee% 8? 8 78 (6) Wogoneers 79 to 75. (1) Jeep J10 w/Plow. 80. (10) Spirits .82 to 80. (8) Concords 82 to 80. (6) Eagles 4x4 82 to 80. (2) Rambler Classics 119641. (2) Pacers. (2) Hornets. Matadors. (2) Jeep SW GM t31 Corvettes 80. Cadillac Elvorado 79. Buck le Sob', 78 Buick Skylark 79. (2) Chev Vans 81. (3) chevettes 79 to 76 Ve !tura 76. MISC-CARS .6) Renaults 81 to 80. Dotsun pickup 80. Dodge Omni 7o Polord 73, Ford Grondt�a 78., Fairmont 78, Merc Wooer, 77 Hand Tools etc Plus Many More Items NOTE This is an unreserved public auction with no buy backs or reserve bids. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder as is. Where is. With no warrantees implied whatso ever. Terms, Cash, or Certified cheque day of sale. AUCTIONEERS ?Ill I("IMAM MO WI IS Y *14$AUOA 110010111 0) week) I:AJSAOA IT )V) 01410.])1 ICON/ Ac WO} trl(NWONt I41010r34M 11IBE-HsIII III ONEINIaNI ElNI II I East-West Auctions Ltd.. 1London, Ontario :Brindley Jointly With, Auction Services Dungannon, Ontario I Wish to announce an auction sale at 1 East-West Auctions' new site at the cor- ner of highway 7 and highway 19, near St. Marys, Ontario. 1 This will be primarily a farm equipment sale, However, All Consignments Are I elcomed The Auction will take place on Satur- 1 day, January 9, 1982, at 11 a.m. AUCTIONEER - Gord Brindley SALE MANAGER - Vern Robertson ---1 Items to be auctioned may be viewed January 8th and 9th, 1982 Master Card and Visa Accepted, Cer- 1 tified Cheques or Letter of Credit Cash Always Welcomed Office Vern'. Home Oord's Xord London - 672-6740 Loran - 227-1102 Goderich • 329.7623 Seven & Nineteen Sales yard 349 -2700 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 309, 1 lucan, pntario 1 I 1111 IN 1111 IIIII MB NI me se um me I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 tario Hydro does assign ac- counts .to the property owners when tenants skip out without paying. Councillor Bill Mickle said it was being done in other municipalities by the PUC and suggested the matter be turned over to the finance committee for them to ex- plore. His suggestion was ap- proved by council. QUOTATION UST REQUESTS The Huron County Board of Education will receive requests for placement on their complementary lists for the period of January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982, from all interested parties handling such equipment and/or supplies of a type that would be complimentary to those areas listed below: Audio Visual Custodial Duplicating & Copying Family Studies Fuel Oil Supplies General Classroom General Offk. Industrial Arts Library Equipment Lighting Maintenance Supplies Office, Library, & Classroom Furnishings Physical Education Typewriters a Calculators Letters of request must be received no later than Fri- day, January 29, 1982. Please direct inquiries to: R. M. Wright, Manager of Purchasing. (519) 482-3496 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Ontario. NOM 1L0 • Mrs. D. Wallas* Chairperson D. J. Cochrane Director Estate Auction Sale Sat., Jan. 16 10 a.m. Being held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton for Delbert Taylor Estate Exeter. 1978 23 ft. Centurion Travel Trailer; Case tractor, plus a full line of house hold effects; appliances and antiques. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 842-7198 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. • Exeter Council Civic Notices 1982 Dog Tags now available BEFORE MARCH 15th AFTER MARCH 15th Male - 7.50 Male - 10.00 Spayed Female - 7:50 Spayed Female - 10.00 Female - 15.00 Female - 20.00 Kennel - 25.00 Kennel - 30.00 $15.00 Fine for Dogs running at Targe. as per By -Law No. 10, 1978 as amended. 1982 'Tax Instalments are DUE ON the: 15th day of February, May, August and November PUBLIC NOTICES Traffic By -Law No. 18, 1975, as amended: Parking is Prohibited between 3 a.m: and 6 a.m. on Exeter Streets to facilitate Snow Removal. Contravention of this By-law could lead to fine and removal of vehicles at owners' cost. By 'Law No. 41, 1981 Being a By-law to require owners or occupants of buildings on Main Street between Gidley and Simcoe Street on sidewalks and snow and ice ac- cumulations from roofs of such buildings. Such penalty being 5500.00, if no removal or action. By -Law No. 36, 1981 Being a By-law in respect to sewer surcharge be increased to 114% of the water rates. BUILDING PERMITS All new buildings, Structural Changes, Interior 8 Exterior renovation, tool sheds, garages, plumbing renovations, etc - re- quire permits. 510.00 .- 1st 51,000.00 4.00. every 51,000.00 thereafter. $25.00 - Demolition Permits 525.00 - Swimming Pools 510.00 - Sign Permits - Permanent & Por- table 55.00 - Occupancy Permits Elizabeth Bell Clerk -Treasurer 406 Main Street South EXETER/ Ontario •t