HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1982-01-06, Page 1338c 48( z Chiselhurstcongregat,on Church Chiselhurst h i United d •destroyed by fire February into history. congregation 4, 1981, has officially passed About 40 members of the minister.avtheir Rev . Stan McDonald met fora last an- nual meeting and pot luck dinner in the Hensall United Church hall on January 29. The Chiselhurst Church, noted for its varnished board ceiling and fine wainscotting and woodwork; once played an active and important role in the community, which in the early years of this cen- tury included a Presbyterian church,, wgeneral store, post holds final session office and blacksmith shop. Wben the Presbyterian congregation joined Chiaelburst's Zion Episcopal Methodist Church. it was one of seven charges. some of the others - Fansville, Kippen, Hillsgreen• Sex - smith. Lake View and Drysdale - are now also just nostalgic names. Chiselhurst was affiliated with Hensall in 1911 and joined the llriited Church of Canada in 1925. - In the last decade the one- time large . Sunday School had closed. but faithful members still drove miles to attend Chiselhurst church until the devastating fire during a severe winter storm levelled their meeting .place. Rather than rebuild, the congregation decided to join the Hensall United Churoh. The insurance money was used to install an elevator, new front doors and a war memorial plaque in the Hew A GIFT Of TIME Acting for the Chiselhurst congregation, Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Hensoll: gives Rev. Stan McDonald a pocket watch after some appropriate remarks by Harold Par- sons, RR 2 Kippen, while Mr, McDonald's mother, Mrs. Carl McDonald, looks on. k ?z •�trvt►s Mn. Bertha Mascoregor, Phone 262-2025 FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE — Mary Kinsman (left) secretary -treasurer of Chiselhurst Church for over 27 years, is presented with a pendant watch by Mary Brintnell, RR 2 Staff° and Ross Kercher, RR 2 Kippen. r>. „y„ THE LAST TIME — The congregation of Chiselhurst United Church gets together for o final time before amalgamating with Hensall United Church. John Heal gets PUC post r. o n eal, prominent business man received the +umiumussi itmtw a It The Light Tough By JACK LAVEND In most households, a current event is opening the electric bill, Feed your dog garlic. Then his bark WILL» be worse than his bite. I . iCherish your enemies. a Without them, you'll have no one to blame but yourself. • • • Boss to meeting of employees: "All those op- posed will signify by say- ing 'I resign." One of life's great mysteries: how come we can get a month behind in only a week's time? . • r How come Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 is the best? Because se offer lost service orf qualify workmansh► appointment 4 Secretary - treasurer of tie P.U.C. of- fice and conmenced his duties therr on Monday January 4th.. Mrs. Berha MacGregor returned Wine after spen- . ding the hofday season with her son a daughter-in-law Mr. and .Don Maclaren, Jodi -and ke in Oakville. • Mr. an Mrs. Eric Luther returned, ome after spen- ding thrjholiday with their son. df ghter-in-law and family;tnd relatives in New- foundlind. Sgt. Douglas Wein, Mrs. Weinind David returned to theirh¢ome in Ottawa after spendng Christmas with the forrer's mother, Mrs., Margaret Wein. Exeter and Mn Wein's parents Mr. ancMrs. Harold Parker and mmbers of their family. Tse 'l'hree Link seniors wi+ meet Tuesday January 121!t 8 p.m. Hensall United fa start the New Year, a 'ham sing was held at Hen - sl) United Church to begin to service on Sunday Jnuary 3 when Rev. Stanley Donald conducted ,the ice. He also conducted the nior choir as they opened orship The children's talk was bout building a strong foun- ation in their lives of love. y. peace, patience, indness. goodness, ithfulness. gentleness, and If control. Following their Ik Wayne Scotchmer sang Builder." Rev. McDonald's message s "Give One Day At- A me". Worry is the one Ft to fa e i to wa Ti CUSTO KITCHENS AND ANITIES DUALITY HA OOD CABINETS from by EXPERT NEW CONSTRU John P SIGN SERVICE ION OR REMODELING rson 482-3183 IMITED SEAFORTH CLINTON HENSALL 527-01910 482-3405 282.2418 . i most disabling sin - it ties to the past and anticipates the 'future and causes one to miss the opportunities of to- day_ Each day is a gift from Almighty God and trust should be absolate in every moment. Let God be part of every moment, Following the sermon, Mrs. Carol Stuart sang "One Day At A Time" and Mrs. Marg McLeod and Mrs. Stuart sang a duet "Let There Be Peace On Earth". Many new members were welcomed to the church by transfer from other churches including the whole congregation from Chiselhurst Church, which burnt last February. A reception was held in the Fellowship Hall following the service arranged by the Worship and Membership committee. Memorial flowers were placed in'the Sanctuary to the Glory of God and in loving memory David Vanstone and Mrs. Margaret Ferguson placed there by their families. Pianist was Mrs. Joyce Pepper and usher John Rowcliffe. Charles Dox- tator. and Cecil Pepper. Steve Corbett welcomed worshippers at the door. Official Board will meet this month on Wednesday evening January 6, with committees at 7:30 and the Board at 8:30 p.m. The Hensall branch of the Women's Institute meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 13 when Public Relations will be the topic. This meeting will be of special interest and the welcome mat is out. Time 8 p.m. at the United Church. Queensway news Sunday December 20 was "Family Day" at Queen- sway Nursing Home. Many relatives and friends visited with res1dents. Rev. Stan McDonald conducted Christmas Church service accompanied by Joyce Pepper, Hazel Corbett, and Gail Shaw. Mrs. Eric Luther and Santa Claus visited one afternoon. Hensall Presbyterian Young People sang Christ- mas carols at the home Wednesday evening December 23. The residents Christmas party was held on Thursday December 24th. Spending Christmas at their homes were Mary Parlmer, Lucille Jeffrey Aleeta Kats, Levine Finkbeiner. Many visitors were pre- sent during the holiday visiting with Louise Mitchell were Mrs. Hazel Snell, Mrs. Prouty. Mrs. Mary Han. nigan. Mrs. Ilia Shell, Mr. and Mrs. Dennroche and Les Mitchell also visited their mother Mrs. Mitchell. Susan Purday, Chester Dunn. Gerald and Jean Wright visited Vern Lam- mie. Visiting with Mrs. Muriel Triebner were Ted Triebner. Carol Hoffman. Bill. Tom and Luella Triebner. Obe and Jean Rozendal visited Mrs. Alice Rozendal her husband Don also visited with her. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brand.. Mr. and Mrs. DeVries and Mrs. Evelyn Brubacher visited several residents Christmas day: Mary Ann Oesch visiter Pat Desch. Jessie Ingle and Isobel Alcock visited Cora Alcock and Carl Lawatski . Mrs. Finkbeiner was visited by Berdie Finkbeiner and Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner, Grace and Fred Eyre visited Mrs. Middleton. Theresa Hartman and Sister Florian visited. Mrs. Irma Wilde. also visiting her were Henry and Marie Wilds. Pat Wilds and family, Don and Dianne Wilford, the Dogan family and Winnifred Wilds. officially Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Vivian Alderson a resident Whose husband Roy Alderson passed away. • Insmen entertain The Kinsmen Club of Hen- sall and District held a children's Christmas party at Hensall Public School on December 19 with about 100 children attending. The afternoon commenced 'with potato chips and. chocolate Milk being handed out to the children. The Hen - sell Kinsmen would like to thank Ron and Doug Mock at the. Hurondale Dairy for donating the chocolate milk. Entertainment for the afternoon was cartoon's and children's films which were acquired from the Huron County Film Library.. The highlight of the after- noon was the.arrival of San- ta Claus. himself. Santa sat down and talked to most of the children and gave them » ' each a bag of candy: The candy which was left over was donated to the Huron County Family and Children Services and will be distributed to families in the County. The Kinsmen Club of Hen- sall termed the afternoon a great success and would like to thank the school board for the use of school and special thanks to Steve Pfaff for his participation. OHA JUNIOR D HOCKEY AT THE HENSALL ARENA See the Seaforth Centenaires in action Fri., Jan. 8 8:45 p.m. Seaforth Centerioires vs Thedford Browns This Advertisement Sponsored By Hensall Motors JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Check Our Prices Before You Buy Over 300 Appliances To Choose From We yid' pay the Sales Tax on Washers, Dryers Refrigerators, Ranges, Freezers, Dishwashers FOR THIS SALE ONLY W. Do Our Own Service' DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Hensall Closed Mondays 262-2728 THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES sail church: the country con- gregation also presented their new church home with a communion set and an oil of the Chiselhurst church painted by Mrs, Irene (Er- nie) Davis. Hensall. These gifts were dedicated at an anniversary service last September. At the final meeting Mary Kinsman. secretary - treasurer of Chisefhurst Church for over 27 years, was presented with a pen- dant watch. and Rev. McDonald received a pocket watch and chain. He joked that he would have to sew the buttons back on his vest in order to wear his gift. In his remarks. Rev. McDonald noted the "tremendous spirit of Christian unity which has prevailed since the fire." Mary Kinsman said she didn't sleep for two or three nights after the church she had always attended burned 1' down. You miss it. but we.made . up our minds the only thing to do was join Hensall," she said. "and they've been good to welcome us and acquaint us with the way things are done. We're going to have to _ change some of our ways, but things change. You can't stay the same. We've got to go on and not just quit." In the spring, a small ground -level sign will be erected to mark the place where Chiselhurst Church once stood. Times -Advocate, January 6, 1902' Pogo 13 HENSALL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 262-3206 Arena Activities Week of January 6 Tuesday - Minor 5:45-8:45 Intermediate Practice 9:00-10:3Q Wednesday. + Mom's 8 Tots 2:30-3:30 Public .Skating 3:30-5:00 Atom visits Seaforth . 6:00 Pee Wee visits Zurich 7:00 Bantam Practice 8:00 Midget visits Zurich 9:00 Thursday Hensoll Intermediate vs. C.C.A.T 8:30 Friday Seaforth Jr. vs. Thedford 8:45 Saturday Hensall Minor 8:00-12:00 noon Public Skating 1':00-3:00 Open Ice 3:30-7:00 Seaforth Beavers 8:00-9:30 Sunday Public Skating 1:00-3:00 Open Ice 3:30-5:30 Seaforth Industrial Hockey 6:30-10:30 Monday Curling 7:00-11:00 d Ihv Turkey Beverages Ltd p, - "THE HAPPY GROCER" LV• til..• to Si, v,. You A L,ti,. P Ro•rt,., Thank You For Your Patronage TWO LOCATIONS IIENSALL 262-2648 ZURICH 2364316 Our Sears Order office 262.3316 Fresh Boneless STORl Hauls Men. • Wed. 11-6 Thurs.. Fri. 11.9 Sot. 5.6 Cut hem Canada Orad. A Chucks tFKsh Goss hosh Wade ROASTS or RIB . • STEAKS» ROASTS • 1.58. b. 1 Ib. 11 .88 F,esh Medium STEWING BEEF :b V6 GROUND BEEF lb 1.68/1 Stole Sliced Our Own homemade pure pork COOKED HAM h 1.91.39/9 sAusAGE +b 1 Elm Grove loft MARGARINE 1 Ib. tub 594 Nabob Trod ition COFFEE 1 Ib. baa 2.59 White Label BEANS ,cmeV 19 or. tin. 59( Carnival Smooth PEANUT BUTTER 1 kg. far '3e99 McCain Fro:en ORANGE JUICE 12 ai can 99( Laundry Detergent TIDE 6 litre box 3.99 Gerber (strained) BABY FOODS Jell -o JELLY POWDERS Table SALT Rio Pieces A,.Stems MUSHROOMS10 ar ►in 754 Maxwell House 4 a, aF. 354 INSTANT COFFEE 1°- lar 3 01 1 kg McCormick's 5 n„o,,,, 700 g GRANNY SNAPS 1.39 Chain*. Premium Plus CRACKERS 450 g NOUSE SPECIALS Kraft Velveeto CHEESE LOAF 500 9.2.69 5.99 Carn EVAPORATED 1.09 MILK Arctic Garden FANCY PEAS 2 Ib bag 994 Knechtel Brand White SLICED BREAD 24 Dietrich's 100% Whale of loaf 594 WHEAT BREAD 24 o1.loal 694 Weston Hambuig or WIENER ROLLS pkg. of 12 79( KIST GINGER ALE _. PEPSI -COLA 'l. 3/99 750 m ( while quantities last) (while quantities lost) all flavour% POYATO CHIPS 200 g 994 PAPER TOWELS Kroll 994 2 roll pkg MIRACLE WHIP 1.90 1 litre Neilson's Dairy 3 qt. BAG MILK Knothtel Brand No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER 1.89 1 Ib 1.98 Carton of Canadian Brand CIGARETTES Regulori 0.25 �(ing �f.10.35 White Label Toddler DIAPERS 385 ml. 584 24 t 3.49 Monarch All Puroose or Coke & Pastry FLOUR 10 kg 6.99 White label Choc Chip or Assorted COOKIES 450 g pkg 1.09 Produce of Canada Canada No 1 SPY APPLES . 3 Ib bag 99( Produce of Canada • Conoda No 1' CARROTS 2 Ib bag 2/994 Produce of Canada - Canada No 1 COOKING ONIONS 2 Ib bag From the Tropics BANANAS Produce of U S A - Canada TOMATOES Produce of U S A. SUNKIST ORANGES 2/994 994 1.00 No dor 1.29