HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-30, Page 14Page 14 Times -Advocate, December 30, 1981 PLAEA CLASSIFIED All QUICKLY UEASILY. . JUST P classifications I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 1I Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musicel Istruments 14 Appliences, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 3 Situations Wanted RELIABLE young man available for farm chores, full or part time, experience in milking. Phone 262-2687. 52:1c EXPERIENCED PERSON desires position on dairy farm as a relief milker. Phone 229- 6817. 52' 4 Help Wanted CAREER In heavy trucking - transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For interview and application contact Mery Orrs Transport Driver Training, Lon- don Branch (519) 432-1726. 49-52c BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 children to start January 18. Hours 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Phone 235-2878 after 10 a.m. Sit 6 Services L& P BOAT REPAIRS "No Job Too Big Or Small" "We Fix Them All" We do customized work on Boat Repairs and Fiberglassing. All makes of Travel Trailers and Motor Homes For prompt service and quality work CALL ZURICH 236-4426 CALL ANY TIME 39t HENSALL ROOFING Built-up Roofs Shingles and Roof Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Phone Hensall 262-2246 Exeter 235-0911 39t MILLER'S Welding, Lathe, and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Earl Miller 237-3365 6 Services EXETER CAB Your friendly Neighbourhood Cab Make Our Cab Your Cab SPECIAL Senior Citizen Day every Wednesday every week all day 10% Discount Available Christmas and New Year's Ph: 235-2110 for 24 hour service 51:52' For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 46t SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ontario PHONE 228-6946 36t UNIVERSAL Workshop Contracting We fix, a -model and make anything Carpentry, tree work, painting... Phone 262-5458 527-1566 35t ATTENTION MORTGAGE HOLDERS If you hold a 1st or 2nd mortgagc and would like to cash in on your investment, PLEASE CALL Tim Firth 519-23-0633 1 2t DOG GROOMING. Apply Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main St., Ex- eter. 235-1951. 3t John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 121 GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN 237-3707 Itit 19t Own And Operate an ARCADE with high quality video games etc. If you qualify, Investment of '50.000 to 950,000. Arcade locations available in Sarnia, Listowel, Exeter, Goderlch and Wingham, Port Elgin and Chatham. Also location of 5,000, 10,000, 15,000. Call: Mr. McDonald cot.uCT 416-444-5287 OR WRITE: 1252 LAWRENCE AVE., EAST SUITE 204, DON MILLS, ONT. M3A 1C3 ATTENTION MORTGAGE HOLDERS If you kold n first or second mortgage and would Ike to cos') in on your investment, we ore inti'rested For more information call: "Terry" Martoctia Manager 235-06'3 Between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. 414 Main Street Exeter CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone number or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - - 20 words 52.90, 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 94 per word minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - - 53.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- 52.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1'2 inches. Accepted in multiplei. of half inch.l BOX NUMBERS to this office - 51.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words 53.00 10c per word thereafter. DEATHS - 40 words 53.00 10c per word thereofter. MARRIAGES, Engagements. Death Notices - 20 words 53.00 each additional word 10c IN MEMORIAMS -- 53.00 plus 134 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words 53.00 each additional word 10c Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS -- 30 Words 53.00 additional words 5c each 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays Phone 235-1331 6 Services 1 Gene's siGns Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR I Dashwood, Ont. NOM (NO PHONE 238-8242 4t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. (3t PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone235-1751 14t ELECTRIC MOTORS • Rewinding • Repairs • Sales & Service Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 lit Water Well Drilling W. D. Hopper & Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Sea forth Neil 527-1737 Durll 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 30t JACK'S DECORATING pain- ting, papering, vinyl siding, Kaiser Aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, aluminum prefinished eavestroughing, sales and in- stallation. Phone Jack Cleave 235-2031. 42t 6 Services Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commer- cial, Residential and Farm Wino Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-35u5 12t Lakeland Sanitation Septic Tanks, Holding Tanks, Cleaned and Serviced Portable Toilets Residential, Commercial Farm 24 hr,service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd 238-2291 25t JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Farm Supplies Direct Plant Shipping, Trailer & Pot Rates Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 32t CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R.#I, Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 8t PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 MAYTAG ejsndaIimtv MAKES A MAYTAG REPAIRMAN att gllY 133 King St. ST. MARYS now EIM.4:44stasiser 11.,A. rt ,inn'31 25 TY& AP MAKES (tot) RENOVATIONS General Carpentry prevent heat loss with new made to measure custom therms{ win- dows, Stanley In- sulated Steel Entry Door Systems and Alcan siding products. GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff Ron 234-6711 234-6224 6 Services R.H. & S. PAINTING & DECORATING - Painting - Interior & Ex- terior - Wallpapering - We have a good selection of wallcoverings available. Look at samples in your home. Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 29t PIANO TUNING and repairs. Call Bruce Pulsifer. 348-9223 or write P.O. Box 1204 Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1NO. 52c MOBILE FEED SERVICE WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate ser- vice Butler Bros., Lucan. 227- 4312 or 227-4254. 26t ORNAMENTAL IRON - porch railings, columns, posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc.- Elroy Desjar- dine. 236-4622 or 236-4242. 28t CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems For a free analysis and a presen- tation on the benefits of softened water, call us a 235-2230 and say HEY CULLIGAN MAN REMEMBER "We treat water seriously" C. MORLEY HALL 37t FARMERS - For a good farm building at a competitive price phone: Ray Lambers Construc- tion, RR 2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 43t EXPERIENCED electronic technician will repair stereos, tape receivers, radios, digital clocks, tv's and clocks. Please call 228-6823 after 6:30 pm. 41t CUSTOM MANURE irrigation with big reel irrigator. Agitation available. Visscher Farms 237- 3442. 40t IN TOWN SNOWBLOWING. Call Mike 236-4479. 501 7 Livestock BOARS - Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc, R.O.P. tested, government health approved. Ted Schendera.225-2734. 48-4c • 7 Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every Tuesday at II a.m. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips 232-4233. 25t 9 Sports Equipment,Veh MOTO-CROSS BIKE, 1981 YZ. 80, pointed and tuned. Excellent shape. Also moto-cross equip- ment. Phone 235-0114. 52' 1974 440 Olympic Ski -Doo in good condition. Phone 237- 3430. 52' 1973 EVINRUDE Bobcatt SS snowmobile. Licensed for 82, running. But needs track repair. Best offer. 235-2274. 52:1' 1978 340 KAWASAKI Invader snowmobile, liquid cooled, 1980 440 Kawasaki Invader, liquid cooled, both in excellent condi- tion. Phone 229-8868. 52t SNOWMOBILE - 1972 640 Nor- dic Ski -Doo in excellent condi- tion. Also used forced air fur- nace. Complete with tank in good working order. Call 235- 2547 after 5 p.m. 52' MUST SELL -1979 Skidoo, 350 Everest, 500 miles, excellent con- dition, caboose and double wide trailer. 237-3248 after 6. 52:1c 11 Cars, Trucks TRUCK WITH TOPPER - 1978 Chevrolet, black with red in- terior, Michelins, cruise control, low mileage. Topper has insert with broadloomed seats, which turn into full width bed, lights, curtains and storage. Phone 234- 6396 after five o'clock and weekends. 35tfnx CASH for good low mileage, used cars or trucks. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Bend, 238-8613. 34t 1977 PLYMOUTH Sport Subur- ban station wagon, power steer- ing, brakes, air conditioning, radio, roof rack, radial tires. Safety checked. Phone 235-0620 or 235-2298. 29t COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON 1979 LTd. Air, cruise, p.s. p.b. p.w. Good condition. 54800. Phone 432-7558 or 461- (086. 50:51• ig•r Aluminum Products Eavestroughing Replacement Windows Siding Carpentry Renovations Ken McCann Enterprises 234-6401 FOR SALE 235-1055 MI.III IN Paul Rohner 235-0302 Office 235-1055 Dirk Cooknan 235-1950 bite mmoi osms MF.C1 REALTOR 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER 15 Personal IF YOU Want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 234-6412 or 228-6577. 39t PERSON to share ride to Florida, my car leave Jan 2, 1982. Phone 235-2535. 51:52' 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235- 1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, shoes, boots, toys, skates, bikes, etc. Also accepting consignments of the same, childrens furniture, winter coats and snow suits, etc. Open daily 10-5. Fri. 10-9, closed Sunday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St. S., south of Huron St., 235-0299. 41t Custom Slaughtering a n d Processing hill I)as �1 t dnc�das t✓ v -r z DASHWOOD 237 -367 7 1 1 1 1 1 Ii 1 1 1 • Welton' 1 1 1 Np,via B Turning the leaf of a New Year, we wish 1 1 1 1 Happy New 1 Nancy, Paul & Dirk I me we we so so au in we you success and Itappint'S.. To you, our appreciation. Year 4 1111 RUSSELL REALTY LIMITED WE have building Tots in town and country, 7000.00 to 22,000.00. Call Doug. NEW LISTING Thedford area 5 year old home on Ausauble River with large lot. Only 6 miles from lake. Coll Tom. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 5 acre lot 220sow 'veaner operation. good house and barns excellent finan- cing con be purchased 95 a going concern. CaII Doug 459 ACRES - Irrigation pond, good single storey 3 bedroom brick house with inground pool. Large heated workshop with washrooms, barn ideal for ' _ second set of ' Or. 2 storey brick , fair. condi- tion. G ..er bank barn, fair condition with grain drying setup. 400 acres workable and systematically drained. This form has a producing, gas well. Call Doug. IDEAL BUILDING LOT in the homlet of Shipko. Owner would hold mortgage for 2 years at 15 percent. Call Tom. 150 ACRES form with four buildings. COTTAGE FOR SALE BAYFIELD AREA 'New home" with ex• (client mortgage. Owner will hold 1st mortgage for 2 years at 12°ro interest if buyer bus '.r down and is eligible for this mortgage. Asking only 544,000. Call Tom PARKHILL older home, large lot, make us an offer Coll Doug. PARKHILL - 1 '2 storey brick home on huge lot, will take 1st mortgage of up to 50% rate negotiable. Moke us an offer Coll Doug. COUNTRY HOME on 1 6 acre lot with 15,- 0(X) 00 down, vendors will take 1st mortgage of 14% Coll Doug. We hove approx. 15,000 acres available in Southwestern On- tario, if interested give us a call. Call Doug. W,• nr•r.rl more farm 'rstrngs, from 100 to 1000 • (l(rr S For more inforrnntion call DOUG RUSSELL 238-8283 TOM RUSSELL 482-3124 Call anytime 235- 1331 16 For Suie HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movement; now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. 17 t SILK AND POLY flowers - new display, new colours. Country Spire, 229-6341. 36t 16 For Sale OIL FURNACE (Anthes Imperial) and Oil Tank. Can be seen operating and will be available in about 2 or 3 weeks. Call Harry DeVries at 235-1331 daytime or 235.0555 evening. 43tfnx UTILITY SHEDS, we build sturdy wood frame sheds, clad with prefinished steel. Various sizes, 3 in stock, ready to go for your winter storage. Ken McCann Enterprises. Phone 234- 6401. 45t EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. tt. Elected on your lot. Further information Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 1 COMMERCIAL LOT -- in Hensall - Excellent corner lot location beside the Bank of Montreal. Older 2 storey well maintained brick house is on the proper- ty, but the value is in the lot. Call for information. EAST WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP - 141 acres with ap- proximately 70 acres workable. (some land has been cleared during 1981). 30 additional acres can be cleared about 41 acres of bush. Vendor will consider holding 50,000. 1st m ortgage at interest rate to be negotiated. Asking 5150,000. NEW LISTING -- building lot at Port Franks, 75 x 200 ft. includes concrete block, crawl space. Building permit and boat launching and docking rights, ven- dor will take back 1st mortgage at 10% for 1 year with 2,000. down $11,900. BOWLING ALLEY - Price Reduced from 565,000 to $55,000., 6 lanes automatic. Steady bowling leagues. Includes ice-cream cone concession with great future potential. Ideal set up for family business. Located north west of London. Owner anx- ious to sell, make an offer. VACANT LOT NEAR PORT FRANKS - 75 ft x 200 ft. boat launching and docking rights included finan- cing available for approved purchaser. Asking 511,- 500. VACANT LOT - (two adjoining lots). One lot 82.5'x132' and other lot is 28 x115'. Suited for many uses. Good location in downtown Parkhill. Sewer at property line. Was 539,900. now 534,900. - owner anxious to sell make an offer. Open to Offers on Any of These Properties Please Call Anytime Listings Required For Homes Farms Vacant Land Free Value Estimates DICK PARKINSON ROYAL TRUST REALTOR CaII 472-8930 or 245-4591 Res. 1-293-3403 RF/MPX r rr',n,vc .111 nutr'lx'r•.rtnnt 'nember brukt., WANTED FARM - I have a client with home in Exeter who would like a farm - cash crop within 10 miles of Hen - soli. His deposit would be his home. Please coll. FOR SALE GRAND BEND 2 plus 2 bedroom cottage in Southcott Pines. Large treed lot, fireplace, 2 baths, hos 28,000.00 rnortoaae until 1984 at 111/4 %. Owner will take back a second. Asking 561,- 900.00. To view call. CREDITON STORE RETAIL STORE owners residence. Plus 3 one bedroom apartments rouahed in This is a han- dymon'. special. 2 storey solidbrick building. Make cin offer. Priced at 534,500.00 and owner will hold mortgage up to 5 yeors. Call today. CREDITON - 1 ' ? storey 3 bedroom, 2 baths, full dining room, large kitchen, brick home. 1 acre lot hardwood floors throughout. A gem in this orea. Price 539,900.00. Owner will take back mortgage. A pleasure to inspect. EXETER - Beautiful Krick bungalow on double lot completely renovated throughout having an at- tached single garage. Large eat -in kitchen complete- ly carpeted Owner will hold mortgage. Price 572,- 500.00 HENSALL Now here is a home, beautiful firepiore in family room, good dining area, moder- nized kitchen, large livingroom, 2 bedrooms, at• torched oversized goroge, deep lot, price 554,- 000 00 Owner will hold mortgage. Make an offer. Coto d H(7 (1E HENSALL .eny Clean 3 bedroom, 1 ' storey full base- ment, single car garage, eat -in -kitchen, good sized lot Without question good starting home or retire- ment Priced to sell in the 30's. For information and inspection on the above properties. Please call mere' thompson sales representative 121 oxford st e (corner talbot) London, onlarto n6a 114 bus 673.0502 res (519) 681-5733 pager 672-4802 0565