HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-30, Page 13St. Marys native dies Routine Accident turns into murder charge A London man was to A London man was to appear in court Tuesday on a murder charge after what appeared to be a routine traffic fatality on Highway 7 near R o�nn.0 ....__.... Dorothy Elginfield. of Marilyn Dorothy Arthur. Raymond Bruce Rueger, Miss Arthur was found 31, of 771 Quebec street has dead beside her car after it been charged with first rolled into the ditch at about degree murder in the death 8 p.m. Christmas Eve. She United Church Christmas Wise Men's question to King Herod, "Where is He that is born King of the Jews?" was the theme of Mr. Brown's address at Lucan United Church on the first Sunday after Christ- mas. Although these scholars came from a land that worshipped other gods, they knew something of the Jews' expectations of a Messiah, and thus were prepared for the message God spoke to them through a star. "But"said Mr. Brown, "unlike the Jews who knew and did nothing, they put into practice the knowledge God had given to them, and came to do homage to the newborn King". So today, only when we obey the truth God shows us do we meet Christ for ourselves. King Herod, through his Jewish advisers, found the answer to their question in the Scripture. Thus the Wise Men were led to the Word of God that it might lead them to Christ. Some of us see no star because we have not obeyed the book as far as we understand it. But those of us who see the stars God uses to guide us - some event, some great joy, Revival Centre Sunday morning Allan Melanson read a letter of thanks from a man in Pa. the Living Waters singers had won to the Lord. Then he sang "My Desire." Rev. C.J. Williams spoke from Mark 9:20-9, saying Nothing can stop us from be- ing with God. When a person is born again into the Kingdom of God, then he begins to develop into the person God wantshimto be. In the absence of Mrs. Lorraine Armitage, Mrs. Williams played the piano for the evening service. Ken Allen, playing his guitar, led the singing. Rev. C.J. Williams spoke from Mark 9:23, 11:22-23 and 16:17-18 on believing God. Signs are supposed to follow those who believe, but too many Christians follow the signs. God wants Christians to make an open confession of who they are and in whom they believe. The Bible is our authority on what we receive from God. Upcoming events December 31, Thursday evening, at 10:00 p.m. a watch night service will be held at Lucan Revival Cen- tre. After the service a "Br- ing and Share Dinner" will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Busy Buddies to crochet Commencing next Thurs- day, January 7 knitting and crocheting will be the crafts offered to members and friends of the Busy Buddies' Craft Group. New members are welcome. The business meeting, with the Sunshine Group, commences at 1:30 promptly, with cards and crafts commencing at 2 p.m. Those intending to take the crocheting are asked to br- ing a No. 5 crochet hook and 4 ply Sayelle wool or the equivalent. For knitting, please bring two No. 5 needles and any 4 ply yarn on which to learn. Thanks for your help In this, the last issue of the Exeter Times -Advocate for 1981, I would like to take the opportunity of thanking all those who have helped to make the Lucan page more interesting reading during this year. It is hoped that you will continue to report regularly for your particular organiza- tion, thus letting the general public know that your group is "alive and kicking". Thanks again and a very Happy and Healthy and a more prosperous New Year. Your correspondent. some tragedy in our lives - must follow it where God leads us as the Wise Men did. Only humble and obedient seekers receive an answer to the question "Where is He?" The answer comes to us from God when we trust and obey Him. Flora Robertson's beautiful solo, "Trust in the Lord" brought a message of special hope to those who are troubled, and a word of guidance to all for the New Year ahead. During the ser- vice, Mr. Brown ad ministered the Sacrament of Infant Baptism to his grand- daughter, Christine Elaine, daughter of Wes and Helen Stanley. Church books close December 31, and those who wish 1981 Income Tax credits are urged to be sure the Church treasurer receives their donation before the date. Treasurers and secretaries of Church organizations are reminded that Annual Reports are due at the beginning of January. Members are asked to save used postage stamps from Christmas mail for the Bible Societ 0 ,v was on her way to her family home in St. Marys. Provincial Police at Lucan say they now believe a second vehicle hit the woman's car and she got out. Her body was found beside the car. Inspector Norton Rhiness ol the OPP criminal in- vestigation division said Monday night the woman was "cut acroes the throat" and the case was now being treated as murder. Rhiness, who was head of the Exeter OPP detachment a few years ago described the incident as "bizarre." The funeral service scheduled for Sunday was postponed. Apparently two autopsies were performed, one after the accident at Victoria Hospital in London and a second after the body was removed from the Ball Funeral Home in St. Marys. The woman, a secretary at Oxford Book Stores in London was described as a quiet and shy person who minded her own business. Three accidents were in- vestigated by officers of the Ontario Provincial Police detachment at Lucan with damages totalling $8,950. Monday at 3:50 p.m. a vehicle driven by Dwayne Martin, Zurich left Highway 4, north of Biddulph road 3-4. Constable B.D. Munro set damages at $700. Constable T.R. Chapman listed damages at =8,000 when vehicles driven by Jerry Stewart, RR 1, Ilder- ton and Carol Hill, RR 2, Ailsa Craig were in collision on County road 18 at County road 22. Thursday a vehicle driven by Alfred Sharp, Lucan struck a parked and un- attended vehicle owned by Earl Morgan. The mishap occurred on the IGA parking lot in Lucan. Damages were estimated at ;250 by Constable J.A. Wilson. Clandeboye choir sings A Christmas Eve and Communion Service was held in Lucan United Church. A large congrega- tion shared in the beautiful service of celebration when the Clandeboye Choir sang "What is This" and Jeannie Jones the solo "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne." Scriptures were read by Marguerite McRoberts, Gwen Lynn, Mable Froats, and Kit Hearn, and Dramatic Readings were given by Freeda Melanson. "Thoughts of a Servant Woman"; Wes Stanley "The Astonishment of the Shepherds"and "Reflections of a King" was read by Ed Melanson. LEGION WINNERS AT ST. PAT'S — Bill Smith of the Lucan legion was at St. Patrick's School Friday morning to present prizes to the various winners in the recent essay, poem and poster contests. Receiving their awards from Smith are Margaret Mitchell, Karen Lemmon, Tina Capalbo, Julie O'Shea, Dawn Reid, Christine Giesen and Tom Vandenberg T -A photo s -Advocate, December 30, 1981 WIN AWARDS AT BIDDULPH — Winners Friday from Comrade Bill Smith. From the Tabatha Froats and Carrie Moore. Missin Lions club celebrates Monday evening, December 21, some 100 Lions, their wives and children held their annual Christmas party, in the Leprechaun Room at the Community Centre. The Arena catering ser- vice, provided an excellent dinner and the children sat enthralled as they were entertained by a 15 year old magician, Jack Edwards of London. During a brief business meeting, chaired by Presi- dent, Lion Jack Ryan, a Cer- tificate of Merit was read from the "Leader Dog" School in appreciation of a donation of $1,000 and several cards were read from recipients of poinset- tias last week. Wayne Hall showed his video tape of the 1981 fair parade for those who had not seen it before Santa arrived to close off a super party, telling the children clustered around and on his knee, a delightful story before distributing bags of "goodies". Lion Jack thanked Santa for attending the party again this year, working the Lions into his busy schedule. The draws for the "Royal fat rabbits" resulted as follows: Brian Jones, Lon- don, a former member, first prize; D. Arrand, Hyde Park, Donna Evans, Ilder- ton, Ernie Zaple, Byron, R.J. Traher, Birr. Fire call The Lucan volunteer fire deparment answered a call at 8:10 p.m. December 25 to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Geertson Hwy. 4. A chimney fire was in progress but very little damage resulted for which the fami- lv is truly thankful. in the recent Lucan Legion essay, poem and poster contests received their prizes left are Peter Bates, Darren Neil, Noelle DeGraw, Jeff McLeod, Jim Kwasniki, a were Sharlene Barnes and Shona Craig. Photo by Daley NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of the Village of Lucan for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed to Section 39 of The Planning Act. (This Notice is directed to all property oweners in the Village of Lucan and in the Township of Biddulph.) TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Village of Lucan intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 12-81 passed on the 1st day of December, 1981. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith. A NOTE giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Village of Luton notice of objection to approval of the said by-law or any part thereof and shall indicate that if a hearing is held the objector or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the objection. ANY PERSON — wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Village of Lucan notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giv- ing also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be the 19th day of January, 1982. DATED at the Village of Lucan this 30th day of December, 1981. E.J. Melanson, Clerk, Village of Lucan, P.O. Box 449 LUCAN, Ontario NOM 2J0 EXPLANATORY NOTE RE: By-law No. 12-81 By-law No. 12.81 amends the public uses section of the Village's Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 13-79. The purpose and affect of the amendment is to clarify that certain public bodies, including Ontario Hydro, may carry out their work throughout the Village of Lucan subject to certain limitations as more particularly specified in the By-law concerning buildings and structures within the RI and R2 Zones. )B3MOLII s pxo ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 592 Hwy # 4 S. Exeter: 235-0995 (if no answer call) London: 1.800.265-7988 Mailing Address: 301 Wellington Rd. S. London, Ont. N6C-4P1 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Prov,ncroily I censed Conduct soles of nny bind any place We guarantee you more. 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