HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-22, Page 3904,(4,a
At this special time of year
we give thanks for many
friends, who have
remembered us as we ex-
perienced the loss of a
dear sister.
We feel grateful to the
Staff members al Huron -
view for their kind care
for more than four years.
Hugh and Laurel Wilson
Granton groups mark Christmas
the late Howard Ross by his.
St. Thomas Anglican church
Rev. Greg Smith con
ducted the service of mor-
ning prayer for the fourth
Sunday in Advent. "A
Celebration of Light" was
the theme for the service.
His message to the children
was "Light" explaining to
them that the real light is the
light of Jesus coming into
our lives.
The ceremony of lighting
the fourth candle in the
Advent wreath was per-
formed Karen Davis. The
hymn "The King of Glory"
was sung with music
provided by the rector on his
In place of a sermon a
Litany of Light was
presented with a leader and
responses. Flowers' were
placed in the church from
the funeral of the late
Howard Ross.
At the conclusion of the
service a children's concert
was held in the church hall
followed by a Christmas
luncheon. The chairman for
the concert was Roger_
Harmsworth and those
taking part were the
following members of the
Sunday school, class:
recitations were given by
Vickie Davis, Melanie
Beatson, Scott Hodgins,
Jamie and Gary Hoar, John
Hoar and Jeanine French
duet; Sylvia Beatson,
reading; Kaylene Roloson, a
reading; Ken Beatson "A
telephone call and then
everyone took part in the
Jingle Bell Drill.
Susan Noon was Santa
Claus and distributed gifts to
all the children.
Women's Institute
The Granton W.I. met at
the home of Mrs. Hamilton
Hodgins for their December
meeting and pot luck supper
on December 15. Everyone
was asked to bring a small
giftfor a boy or girl who is a
patient in the War Memorial
Children's Hospital in
London, also to bring a
dozen homemade cookies
for the shut-ins in the
community. These were to
be mixed. and attractively
Following the supper Mrs.
Clarence Lewis presided and
opened the meeting with the
W.I. ode followed by a carol
sing. The roll call was an-
swered by a Christmas
verse. Mrs. Elwood Morden
gave the members a musical
treat by playing a tape
recording of Christmas
music by the Mormon choir.
During the business period
At the United (Much, the
Rev. Elwood Morden wag in
charge of the worship for the
third Sunday in Advent,
"Good tidings of great joy"
was the title of the minister's
sermon. "This should be a
time of celebration for not
just one nation, but for all the
world." The first word of the
angels when they appeared
onto the shepherds was
Club Albatross
(Huron, Park, Ont.)
Wishes everyone a safe
Happy Holiday Season
Invites you to spend
New Year's Eve with us
No cover and No minimum
Buffet Lunch - S5/person
No tickets necessary 228-6733
Club Albatross
(Huron Park, Ont.)
Open 6 a.m. Mon. -Sat.
Daily Lunch Specials
Live Entertainment
Thurs. Fri. and Sat.
Fully Lkensed
1111,04ko •
flue you enjoy every
minute of u
Merry Christmas alai
share its good times
with those clear to Voll
Thanks all.
This marks our 22nd year of business in Exeter and
we sincerely thank our many customers for their
patronage of the past. We look forward to serving
you in the years ahead.
Mac Gregor Welding Ltd.
EXETER 235-1273
nommxiolsomwei. wsws. . . . . .
Time for us to
say thank you
for your loyalty
and patronage
throughout the
From the Management & Staff at
227 Main St., Exeter
"Fear not". Also the angel
when giving the news to
Mary said 'Fear not."
These two words have a
calming effect. Christmas is
for everyday of the year, it
should be part, of our lives
said Rev. Morden. Let us not
forget that life at its best is
short, we never have enough
time. Let us hope with the
conditions of the world at
this time that peace on earth
and good will to men can be
Special music for
Christmas Sunday was
provided by Miss Arden
Bryan with two violin solos,
accompanied by her mother
Mrs. Elwyne Bryan. Two
anthems by the choir and
solo by Mrs. Brian Hill. Paul
pr own performed the
ceremony of lighting all four
candles in the Advent
wreath. The fourth was
honoring the shepherds.
Flowers were placed in the
church In loving memory of
' IIommi111111tittiilllllllmittIttI11111111itI1tI1tItmoimmlitil11ptI11Imt0mmtm11 nomimunt
mutt cgs
Big things are about to
happen. I can tell because
I've had two baths in the last
three weeks. You can always
tell there's some excitement
when you have more than
just your monthly bath.
Hi! I'm -Pepper, a black
and white springer spaniel.
A couple of years ago I
adopted - Mary and Victor
and moved in with them.
Whenever things get hectic
around here, I tell Mary I'll
look after writing her
column for her. It seems to
happen each year about this
And, as I was saying, big
things are about to happen
here. First, they brought
that tree right smack-dab
into the middle of the living
room. Then they put all kinds
of parcels under it. Now, I'm
pretty sure that one of those
parcels is for me, because it
smells a lot like the chew
sticks that were wrapped up
under the tree for me last
year. But everytime I try to
unwrap this parcel to see if
it's for me, I get yelled at,
and told to leave it alone
until Christmas. But do they
give me a calendar? No. So
every day I have to pick up
the parcel and see if today is
Christmas day. One of these
days no one is going to yell at
I'm all ready for Christ-
mas - like I said, I've had two
baths lately. If that doesn't
make you ready for a big
event, I don't know what
You see, a bath at this time
of year is a major ordeal. In
the summer, it's no problem
at all - I just jump in the
river. I consider that a bath,
but Mary and Victor don't. I
don't see why they object to
the smell of a wet dog.
But evidently they do,
because they frequently give
me a bath in my little per-
sonal swimming pool - you
know the one - it's plastic,
and the sticker on it says
Canadian Tire.
This time of year, un-
fortunately, they expect me
to climb into that tub in the
bathroom. The bottom of it is
slanted and slippery - there's
nothing to dig your claws
I just can't figure people
out. Sometimes, when one of
them is in the shower, I'll
stick my head under the
shower curtain to say good
morning. And what hap-
pens? I get yelled at and told
to go away. But next thing
you know, they want me to
climb right into that bath
. tub. Well, no way. They're
gonna have to put me in.
Which they usually do.
Now don't get me wrong = I
love water! But I like the
kind of water you can swim
in - rivers and lakes and
pools! Not warm stuff full of
soap bobbles.
But that's what I get - a tub
filled with Sunlight detergent
with the Water Pik Shower
Massage beating on my
back. Hard for a fellow to
maintain any dignity.
And things get worse.
After they're finished
soaping and rinsing with the
Sunlight, out comes the
Hartz Mountain Flea Soap.
Now that's a real insult - I
don't have parasites - when I
itch, I scratch; it's as simple
as that.
What makes the situation
even more embarrassing is
the fact that it takes two of
them to give me a bath.
Mary holds my collar while
Victor lathers my fur, and
then they switch.
After repeated soapings
and rinsings, and I'm just
about ready to take a bite out
of that Water Pik hose, they
let me climb out of the tub.
And get this, it takes five,
count 'em, five beach towels
to dry me. These aren't little
hand towels, and they're
certainly not those tiny
hairdressing towels, they're
not even bath towels, but big,
super huge beach towels.
Ones goes on the floor, and
two are immediately thrown
over me. Once they are
sopping wet, another two are
thrown over me. They
practically smother me, so a
fellow can't.. have a good
shake. So I stand there while
they rub and fluff me.
Sometimes they even get out
that blowdryer, but that's
when I bark and tell them
I've have enough. And I'm
usually able to hold off
shaking until I get in the
middle of the living room,
preferably near the coffee
And again I get yelled at,
what an ordeal! Next, out
comes the big red ribbon,
and I'm expected to wear a
bow around my neck. A guy
isn't allowed any dignity.
But you know, all this
bathing and sprucing up may
be worth it. After all, it's a
sure sign that big things are
gonna happen. If I have just
one more bath, then I'll know
that I can unwrap that parcel
the next morning.
In any case, clean or not -
so -clean, I'm sure to have a
tail -wagging good Christ-
mas. Hope yours is, too.
the 1982 International
plowing match was
discussed. A coffee spoon
commemorating this event
was passed around. This will
be fol sale as a fund raiser;
also a letter was read
requesting accommodation
for visitors to the match.
Mrs. Charles McRobert
conducted two contests and
Mrs. Elsie Dann demon-
strated how to make finger
puppets for the children's
hospital as they are in great
The rest of the evening was
spent in filling the boxes of
cookies. There was a prize
for the most attractive box
which was won by Mrs.
C.G.I.T. Vesper service
The CGIT service, held
Sunday evening on the
United Church had a dif-
ferent format this year. The
theme was "Happy Easter!"
and then it's Christmas. "It
is to provide an opportunity
to show how Easter and
Christmas are linked
together. If there was no
Easter there would be no
Christmas. •
One of the elements of the
Easter faith is the emphasis
bn new beginnings. A
presentation by the CGIT
assisted by the Explorers
depicted three women of the
Bible whose contact with
Jesus brought on new
beginnings, they were the
woman with the bent over
back, the woman at the well
and the woman with two
much pride.
This service was in the
form of a responsive
reading. CGIT leaders were
Christine Currah, Joanne
Goos, Christine Jones,
Melissa Harding, Jennie
Anderson, Karen Hudson,
Heidi Hayden and Margaret
McGuffin. Explorers taking
part in the presentation were
Becky Bryan, Kaylene
Roloson, Tina Lansink,
Jackie Ketalaars, Corrie
Anderson and Kendall
A candle lighting
ceremony was performed by
the CGIT members with
leader Margaret McGuffin.
The leaders of these youth
groups are to be
congratulated for all their
work and time put into a
service like this. CGIT
leaders are Mrs. Robt
Harloff and • Mrs. Gordon
McRobert and Explorer
leader Julie McRobert.
The Granton Explorers
with their leader Julie
McRobert enjoyed an
evening of roller skating at
"The Wheels", London, and
later ate out at MacDonalds.
Parents helped to supply the
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank those
who give me their news all
year and to extend seasons
greetings to our readers and
to the T.A. staff.
4-H news
Congratulations to Julie
McRobert who was awarded
County honors for com-
pleting six 4-H clubs, on
achievement day, December
8uone Feste
Di Natale
E Capo Danno
sa±tivtians .+rnero►vxt.! vrsv .rro►etti ..
Times -Advocate, December 22, 19810•41171kia441•701101,011 got c•40 oft cft opp swimgifk 9i*
rove 15
From the
(Exeter Branch)
The Exeter Lioness Club would like to thank
our community, Churches, Schools, Women's
Institutes, Sunday Schools, lions Club, other ser-
vice clubs, Exeter Merchants and numerous in-
dividuals that gave freely of new and used toys,
clothing, knitting, food, and money to help us in
making the 1981 Huron County Christmas
Bureau (Exeter and area) a success. With your
help, we feel we have brought some Christmas
cheer to 70 families (approximately 140
children). Thanks again.
Co-ordinators Liz Bell and Marion Knowles
P.S. Early in 1982, we will have yarn available
for you avid knitters to start on items for the
1982 Christmas Bureau.
Call 235-0357 or 235-0310,
for more information
Ass Ali• AAO•ist%asAO Aim Airs AG A.0AG Ata AG Ao Ch Ad^ ArL Cris Owe► .
Tavern & Dining Lounge
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Lunch & Dinner Sat. & Sun.
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Reservations appreciated
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Carol Sing
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Three AAA See Restaurant
``, We, the management of the Three AAA See Restaurant and
l�� Dining Lounge, and the Yellow Submarine would like to ex-
press our gratitude to the many local businesses which have
1'� worked with us to produce a very successful year.
PP44-r°, We would like to express our appreciation to the following
Pikbusinesses for their fine service and quality which has made it
possible for us to provide the same for our customers.
11We wish to thank:
e': Darlings Food Market - for their finest quality meats;
iMilArc Industries - Bakery - for their delicious baked goods;
�,�" Local Egg Producer - for the best in grade A eggs;
1� O Soudant Farms for their potatoes and onions;
• Ersman's Bakery - for their lovely rolls.
�, and
Hurondale Dairy for their fine product
1, as been a great pleasure working with you in the past and we
forward to working with you in the new year.
We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a
& prosperous New Year.
We will be Closed Christmas Day
and Boxing Day
Open New Year's Day 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
olio WAWA Ch MAYwf1101160141MA11•AYs 1MAAIMW1W 111AlkinflYs
Gift Certificates
available for Christmas giving
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very happy
14- Moy your life be o feast of
joy and love. Our cheeriest
wishes of the season top
off our Christmas menu!
From the Mangement and Staff
411 Main Street, Exeter
New Years Eve
The Desjardines
Lucan Com. Centre
Smorgasbord Banquet
Party Favours
Tickets - Lacon District Lions Club
Contact John Huys 227-4911
$30 per couple
Sanwa Greet
From the Management and
Staff of the Burkley Restaurant
Come in and
relax and enjoy
our daily
Closed Christmas
and Boxing Day
Open Sunday Dec. 27
9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Burkley Restaurant
312 Main St.
For Reservations