HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-22, Page 37Alr 6 Service'. 7 livestock 16 For Sale For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Cau TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Phon4 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips 232-4233. 25t 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1977 YAMAHA STX 440, ex- cellent condition, 5850.00. Lawrence Becker 234- 6486. 50:51c 46t CUSTOM MANURE irrigation with big reel irrigator. Agitation available. Visscher Farms 237- 3442. 40t MOBILE FEED SERVICE WE BRING THE MILL TOTHE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t CARL GOWER Weldingand Repair R.R.#I, Centralia Opn 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 St 7 Livestock BOARS - Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc, R.O.P. tested, government health approved. Ted Schendera. 225-2734. 48-4c FEEDERS - 74 Shortkeep average 800 to 850 lbs. 24 Charolais heifers and 50 Charolais hereford cross steers. Have had all necessary health treatments. Phone 527-1645 (collect). 50:51c A-1 USED CARS RENTALS $17::yr leihn Aluminum Products Eavestroughing Replacement Windows Siding Carpentry Renovations Ken McCann Enterprises 234-6401 11 Cars, Trucks 1976 MALiBU CLASSIC, power steering, power brakes, good condition. Call 238- 2830. 49-51c TRUCK WITH TOPPER - 1978 Chevrolet, black with red in- terior, Michelins, cruise control, low mileage. Topper has insert with broadloomed seats, which turn into full width bed, lights, curtains and storage. Phone 234- 6396 after five o'clock and weekends. 35tfnx CASH for good low mileage, used cars or trucks. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Bend, 238.8613. 34t 1977.PLYMOUTH Sport Subur- ban station wagon, power steer- ing, brakes, air conditioning, radio, roof rack, radial tires. Safety checked. Phone 235-0620 or 235-2298. 29t 1980 DODGE OMNi, excellent condition, high mileage, hatch back coupe, 4 cyl. 4 speed transmission, p.b. and p.s. 235- 1196 titer 5 p.m. 50:SIx COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON 1979 LTd. Air, cruise, p.s. p.b. p.w. Good condition. $4800. Phone 432-7558 or 461- 1086. 50:51515 Personal 15 Personal iF YOU Want to drink that's your business. if you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 234-6412 or 228-6577. 39t PERSON to share ride to Florida, my car leave Jan 2, 1982. Phone 235-2535. 51:52• 16 For Sole ORGAN COURSE. Complete beginning instruction, plus pop arrangements. Call 235-0206. 51c STEREO WITH 8 TRACK, Mediterranean style. Good con- dition. Phone 235-0105 after 5. 49x ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235- 1840. 21t USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 28t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks; cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t MATNERS MOTORS 134 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily & weekly rates PHONE 235-1525 SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and Freezer Meats HOLIDAY HOURS CLOSED KILL DAY Friday, Dec. 25 Kill Day for Beef and Pork Saturday Dec. 26 Tuesday, Dec. 29 Monday, Dec, 28 Closed Friday January 1 Kill Day for Beef and Pork Saturday, January 2 Tuesday, January 5 Monday January 4 *at▪ oll Hours -Mod., M,, $ a.m. • S p.m. Sat. 1 a.m. • 1 p.m. MILL ST. HENSALL,ONT. 362.3041 CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movements now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. I7t SILK AND POLY flowers - new display, new colours. Country Spire, 229-6341. 36t LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx DEPRESSION AND CARNIVAL glass, paperbacks, books (Harlequin, Westerns, Mysteries) Lots of dishes. Call 238-6823 for an appointment, 41:42:43t NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, shoes, boots, toys, skates, bikes, etc. Also accepting consignments of the same, childrens furniture, winter coats and snow suits, etc. Open daily 10-5. Fri. 10-9, closed Sunday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St. S., south of Huron St., 235-0299. 4It OIL FURNACE (Anthes Imperial) and Oil Tank. Can be seen operating and will be available in about 2 or 3 weeks. Call Harry DeVries at 235-1331 daytime or 235-0555 evening. 43tfnx UTILITY SHEDS, we build sturdy wood frame sheds, clad with prefinished steel. Various sizes, 3 in stock, ready to go for your winter storage. Ken McCann Enterprises. Phode 234- 6401. 45t 1975 DOUBLE WIDE BENDIX Chantecler mobile home. Good location, 2 bedrooms, dining room, living room, fire place. For inquiries call Steve Virag, 235-1142. 46t COLLECTOR'S PLATES, figurines, Peter Snyder prints, and Royal Wedding Commemoratives from $9.50 up. Open daily 10-5. Fri. 10-9, closed Sunday. Shady Rest Antiques, 506 Main St. S., south of Huron Street. 235-0299. 47t RAINBOW TROUT, special offer, buy a fresh fish direct from the hatchery and fish out ponds at wholesale prices, stock your freezer, now $1.75 each. Call 357- 2329 Wingham before noon on Saturday. 48-52c HARDWOOD FOR SALE. Ex- eter Kinsman club. Phone Bob Reynolds, 235-2309. 48:51c BAND SAWS, power steel, wood lathe, grinder, drill presses. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235- 1655. 48t SKATES - Boy's Munari, sizt 5. Excellent condition. Used one season $45.00. Phone 236-4873 after 6 p.m. 49-51c CHRISTMAS TREES, spruce and scotch pine. S8, SIO, and S12. BP Station, Ailsa Craig. 49-5Ic BATH TUB - shower tub sur- round, new. Complete $50.00. 235-2222. 49-51* BOYS SKATES "Bauer" size 51/2. New condition. Phone 235- 1406. 50• CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, poles and boots, men's size 9, 545.00. 235-2581 after 5 p.m. 50:5Ic FIREWOOD Henry Eisenchink RR 1 Exeter. Phone 237-3405.50- 7' ELECTRIC TRAiN SET, Life like - 2 engines, cars, electronic track cleaner, transformer, extra accessories. 570.00. Phone 235- 2815 after 6 p.m. 50tfx CAMERA - Olympus Trip 35m., electronic flash, excellent condi- tion. 565.00. Brick Tined wood stove, air tight, used one winter. 236-4479. 50:5Ic GET FATHER a "Klean-Burn" fuel system for Christmas. A clean engine is the key to better driving performance. I will in- stall. Contact Wm. J. Armstrong. Exeter 235-2374. 50:51c SNOWMOBILE -1972 640 Nor- dic Ski -Doo in excellent condi- tion. Also used forced air fur- nace. Complete with tank in good working order. Call 235- 1547 after 5 p.m. 50:51 SEWING MACHINES - Hus- qvarna 2 used machines, ex- cellent condition, can be seen at Hopper Hockey Furniture. 235- 1990. 51c FOR YOUR Vanda Beauty Cosmetics. Phone 235-1823. 51' TENNIS TABLE and accessories, heavy duty frame. 550.00. Phone 235-0522. 51:52c SPIRAL STAIRCASE. Phone 237-3579. 51c SNOWMOBILE - Single cylinder RT300E Skiroule elec- tric start. Call 235-1736. 5Ic 17 Wanted To Buy CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems, Grand Bend. 47t DESK - approximately 48" in r` length in good condition. Call 11 01 I/ Art IntroducintIMV \‘\ V\VIV\VMW IsWAst g Space Age TIRETYTE 235-2815 a er 5 p.m. 48tfx 18 Wanted WARGAME OPPONENTS - Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t "The flat preventative" • Seals punctures automatically, • Lasts for the life of the tire • Fine balances tires • Improves gas mileage • Extends tire tread life up to 30% • Maintains correct air pressure Available for use in all sizes of tube and tubeless tires. For more information and a free estimate contact 4011 s/ 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent Times -Advocate, December 22, 1981 26 legal Notices APARTMENT = 2 bedrooms, phone 236-4356. 47-52c MUST SUBLET large two bedroom apartment with dining room, refrigerator and stove. 235-0889 after 5 p.m. 48:49:50:51c IN ZURICH, house for rent, main street west, 50 dollars a month. Urban Miller, RR 2 Seaforth, or phone 519-482- 7147. 48:49:50:51' LARGE ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, available now. $165 and SI95. Appliances and heat included. North of Ailsa Craig 293-3038. 48t LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment on Main Street. Heating included, 5225.00. Phone 235-2090 after 6 or 235- 1570 office hours. 48t TWO BEDROOM apartment in new building. Available January I. Phone Jack Taylor 229-6472 after 6 p.m. 46t LARGE MODERN ranch close to town. Responsible tenants only need apply. One year lease. 235-2533. 44t HEATED FURNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian Tire. 235-1497 or 235- 0451. 42t SUBLET - 2 BEDROOM APT., $265.00 monthly, plus utilities. 'h month rent free. Phone Elaine at 235-1331 8-6 and 235-0268 evenings. 49:50x HOUSE iN EXETER. 4 bedrooms, close to park Lots of privacy, beautiful arca. Phone 229-6822. • 49t ONE BEDROOM heated, partly funished. Available January 1st. Phone 235-2726 evenings. 49t ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, centrally located, fridge and stove, newly decorated. Available Dec. 15. 235-2087. 50t BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately. All utilities included. 11/2 miles North of Huron Park. 235-1927. 50t HOUSE iN EXETER, Anne Street, economical to heat. Please call collect 519-392-6272. 50t TOWN HOUSE - living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, full base- ment, paved driveway $330.00 a month plus utilities. 235 -I458.50 - 52c UNFURNISHED two bedroom garden apartment, heat, parking, 304 Andrew, Apt. 5, 5222.33. Seniors preferred. Phone 472- 0986. 50t GRAND BEND - Clean 3-4 bedroom house, electric heat, close to school, shop, no animals. 5250.00 month. Apply Peter Warner 238-2391. 501 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Crediton. Available im- mediately. Call London collect 433-8092. 50:51c APARTMENT In Zurich, 2-3 bedroom, centrally located. Available immediately. 236-4687 or 262-2648. S0 -52c HIGHWAY' LOCATION 1 mile from Zurich, 3-4 bedroom farm house. Available im- mediately. 262-2928 or 262- 5768. 501 FARM HOUSE for rent. 4 bedroom fireplace. 11/2 mile north of Exeter on no. 4 highway. Phone 235-0569. 50:51c COUNTRY FARM HOME on paved highway, recently renovated, available Jan. 9, 1982. Phone 262-2928 or 262-5768. Sit COUNTRY HOME. Near Brinsley, 2 acres of land. 3 bedrooms. 5275.00 monthly. I- 439-261 evenings. 51:52c EXETER - apartment, electric heat, balcony, available now. Phone 235-1303. 51t 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 15t FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoppe, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, fillms, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 235- 0231. 231 22 For Sale or Rent WOOD SPLITTERS, tow bars. Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 48t 23 Wanted To Rent BUILDING for 500 sq. ft. Preferable on Hwy. 4 and cen- trally located. Block or tin suitable. Phone 228-6159. 51* ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Bend 23 - 11/4-4 acre Tots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-level house, garage, on 11 acre. 1-672-6863. 16t MATTIONDendammi MAKES A MAYTAG REPAIRMAN dit Jeff McKay Bus: 453-0434 Res. 235-2727 e ply& i33 K1_11_ ft. .1T. MARYS Mao MINNS WSW Rnh i TT'sine" 3.1 ‘1,6"..11'e -1!•stk BOB'S TV S VPUMICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lloycinhlomas Late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the county of Lambton, Gentleman, who died on or about the I Ith day of June, 1981. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1982 after which date the estate assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND, McLEAN & GRAY Barristers and Solicitors EXETER, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 5Ic NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Edna Sarah Ginn • 1 Late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of ambton, Housekeeper, who :died on or about the 18th day of June, 1981. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- By James Desjardine ticulars of such claims t the un- Stephen Central d d on or before -the 29th TALK ABOUT PORT FRANKS - A Port Franks floodplain study was presented at Tuesday's annual meeting of the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority. Talking about the report are John Small, Bill Thirlwall, general manager Tom Prout and Bill Knowles of MacLaren's Engineering who presented the study._ T -A photo The elves went on strike erslgne day of January, 1982, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only•to the claims that have then been received. RAYMOND, MCLEAN & GRAY Barristers and Solicitors Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor 5Ic NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Isabella Drover All persons having claims against the Estate of Isabilla Drover, late of the Village of.Hehsall, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, deceased, who died on the 29th day of January, 1981 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3Ist day of December, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 3rd day of December, 1981. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Box 220, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 49-5Ic Alderson cops trophy The Jack Jamieson trophy was awarded during the Thedford Curling Club's Christmas party Wednesday evening. Winner of the Jamieson trophy this year was a rink skipped by Victor Alderson. Vice was Judy Prout, second was Wilf Sadler and lead was Rick Furley. The accumulated 331.4 points over three games. Taking second place was Ron G. Carrothers' rink with 25''2 points. Vice was 111 Sitter, second was Russ Burch, while Gary Eilers played lead. Third prize went to the rink of Tom Carrothers. Vice was Judy Prout, second was Archie Donald and lead was Mary Alderson. They had 24 points. Curling resumes January 8 when the women will be playing for the Verna Moloy trophy. NOTICE OF APPLICATION I, James A. Scott, R.R. 2, tucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 hereby give notice that an application has been mode for o licence to open establish- ed or operate a pit on the land described as follows, port lots 25 and 26, Conces- sion 1, McGillivray Township, Middlesex County consisting of 39 hectares more or loss. The estimated amount et sand and gravel to be •x- tnact•d annually la 50,000 tonnes.The operation will be an intermittent operation with a portable plant installa- tion. The last day upon which written objections may be 111- •d with the Ministry of Natural Resources is February 3, 1082. James A. Scott Dated this 21st day of December 1911 COAL Chestnut a11d No t3 4 By the Bag or Delivered in Bulk CENTRALIA FARMERS SUPPLY 228-6631 One day Santa asked ,the elves if they could spend some time to make toys for Christmas, The elves said, "Were going on strike". San- ta said, "Oh no you aren't." "Oh yes we are", said the elves." O.K. I'll tell the highest court there is." "We don't believe you" said the elves. Santa went to his sleigh and hitched up his raindeer and off he went. When he got there, there was nobody home. So he got out of his sleigh and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. He went back to his shop and Mrs. Claus was sitting out- side and crying. Santa asked her what had happened. Mrs. Claus said, "The elves just gave me their money and left." So Santa had a big fat idea. He hopped in his sleigh with Mrs. Claus and they started looking for them. As they came over a cliff they met a elf. He was crying because the elves had left him sitting there. So he told the elf were the other ones went. He said, "They went to that ice cream stand over there." So Mrs. Claus, Santa and Snoopy went to the ice cream stand. Santa picked the elves up by the ears and put them in the sleigh. On the way home they all said sorry to Santa, and they -had a very Merry Christmas after all. NO CHRISTMAS TO BE CBESRATED IN 1981 Sy Susanne Smith Stephen Central "That's exactly what Mr. Trudeau stated today at a press conference in Ottawa when he was asked why, his only comment was "Due to the rising rate of inflation, this Targe country of ours, Canada, can no longer afford to carry on the traditional Christmas festivities in the year of 1981". Since there will be no Christm l this year. the stores will not be stocking any ofthe traditional Christ- mas decorations. gifts. chocolates and expensive clothes. Because there will be no Christmas this par- ticular year. there won't be any holiday on December 25th and also no 2 week holi- day for school students. Life will carry on as usual, with no special festivities to celebrate the Yuletide season. in plain words. forget about Santa Claus and his reindeer who would normal- ly bring you gifts for under Your Christmas tree of put candy in your stockings. Just forget .Christmas ever ex- isted. Mr. Trudeau, however. might drop this dumb law next year, so that in 1982. there is a large possibility of a Christmas for us A FUTURE CHRISTMAS Room 10-E.P.S. Future Christmases are -going to be poor because of all the lay-off. If people spend their money they will have to spend it wisely. I think people now instead of keeping old rusty cars, should spend money on get- ting it fixed up. Then there wouldn't be so many laid off. One company didn't have a choice because the French took the money and closed the main plant. Then Admiral didn't have a choice because they couldn't pay the bank back the money which they borrowed. If people would save a little and spend a lit- tle" Christmas would be better. Just think that some Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Number B05 P.T. 82-01 On MOVE -OUT PAINTINGS as and when required at O.H.C. Buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above until 1 1:00 a.m. local time, January 15, 1982, by the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don, Ontario. N6A 2P3, (519) 679-7110 from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authori- ty, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5 (519) 524-2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Effective January 1st, 1982, the Stephen Township Landfill Site will be open on Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday each week exclusive of Public Holidays. New rates will also be in effective for large loads. Wilmar D. Wein Clerk -Treasurer APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 kids this aren't getting anything year. Imagine what it i will he like in the years come to Township. of Hibbert and the Police Village of Dublin Notice of Opening Dates of the Land Fill Site The Township Landfill Site situated at Lot No. 22 Concession No. 9, will be closed: December 26th, 1981. • Future opening dates and times: Saturday, January 2nd, 1982 9-5 p.m. Saturday, January 30th, 1982 10-4 p.m. * Saturday, February 27th., 1982 10-4 P.m. * Saturday March 27th, 1982 10-4 p.m. * *Weather Permitting Notice to Household residents of THE POLICE VILLAGE OF DUBLIN (Excluding Commercial Property From the 1st January 1982 Garbage Collection Cofitainers will be placed at the following sites, and will be emptied on the days of opening of the Township Landfill Site. This will continue until the first Satur- day of April, 1982 when weekly house pickups will commence. All garbage should be in securely fastened bags or containers. The yearly charge for this service, placed against taxes, will be $35.00. Site 1. West End of Peter Street 2. Union Street - East End North side. 3. Nelson Street, East end 4. Anne Street, East end. 5. Anne Street -West side of liffy Drain Charles Friend, AMCT. Clerk - Township Hibbert ONTARIO Environmental Assessment Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. Town of Exeter (Township of Stephen) PROPOSED SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS EXPANSION Thr Ontario Ministry of the Environment hos rc,r--vert an rpplication from the Town of Exeter for orf„writ of n ,'wage treatment works expansion con- ''t:r,o of the upgrading of the main pumping stot!on, od(I t ,,nal waste stabilization pond storage capoci- ts o•uf th•• inclusion of aerotion and phosphorus 'cmosal The main pumping station is located in the Town of Exeter and the waste stabilization ponds lo, -(,ted on lot 24, Concession II in the Township of Stephen. The Environmental Assessment Board will conduct o public hearing to obtain information and to hear 0, -views of the public so that it con make reconime-- (lotions in respect of the proposed sewage works Written rind oral submissions may be made to the Board of the hearing. The Board will not cons,cie• c,r,y submissions regarding the proposal ofte• the hewing hos been closed. The hearing will be held on January 12 1982 at 10 00 o dock in the morning, local time ,n •he Town of Exeter Council Chambers. MunrciL'o' Buildmct 406 Main Street, South, Exeter. Onto' o Plans of the proposed sewage works be ovoJohle for examination and inspection do"9 no, mol business hours in the office of the Clerk et fLe Town of Exeter 406 Main Street South. Exeter C.• 10,10 ,n the office of the Clerk of the Tow. -Ow Stephen. Crediton, Ontario, and in the office o' tie Environmental Assessment Board. 5th Floor 1 S' Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. V4V 1K7 CTATUTORY REFERENCES The Ontario Water Resources Act, R S 0 1081` Chopter 361 1 H. Browne, Acting Secretary, Environmental Assessment Board fated at Toronto this 9th day of December 1481 .4