HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-16, Page 29Groups mark Christmas season
The Christmas meeting of
the United Church Women
was held Monday evening
with 38 ladies present. Mrs.
Ken Duncan welcomed all
the ladies present and
everyone repeated the
United Church Women's
purpose in unison.
Mrs. Duncan led in prayer.
Mrs, Don Richardson read
Thqrnes Road churc
the scripture Luke 2, 8-14,
and the Meditation "What
Does Christmas Mean to
You" by Mrs. Ted Kerniey<
A reading A Housewif 's
Christmas Prayer was given
by Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne. A
reading "Real Meaning of
Christmas Why Do We
Celebrate" by Mrs. Ken
A skit "Christmas Card"
by Mrs. Richardson,
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"Candle", by Mrs. Duncan
Etherington, "Christmas
Tree" by Mrs. Lorne
Ballantyne, "Christmas
Carol" Mrs, K. Duncan,
"Christmas Gift" by Mrs.
Ted Kernick.
The offering was received
by Mrs. Etherington and
Mrs. Richardson and Mrs.
Duncan gave the prayer.
Mrs. Ken Duncan moved a
hearty vote of thanks to Mrs.
Murray Dawson the retiring
president who has done a
very fine
Mrs. D
with a
Times -Advocate, December 16, 1981 Page 11 A
women choose new slate of officers
in her past two
vson opened the
rt of the meeting
em "On Christ -
roll call was
answered by how many gifts
you have left to buy.
Minutes, correspondence
were dealt with. The
treasurer's report was
given. It was decided to give
$50 to the Lion's Club for
needy families, $20 to Alma
College and =500.00 to the
Board of Stewards.
Several ladles volunteered
to go and visit the senior
citizens around Christmas.
Mrs. Dawson closed the
meeting with prayer. Group
C served a delicious lunch
along with the hostess Mrs.
Barry J. Miller.
Secret Pal gifts were
handed out and the names
for next year were drawn
which brought an enjoyable
evening to a close.
The following are the
LION ENTERTAINS — The large number of youngsters at Thursday's Exeter Lions Club
party listen attentively as George Godbolt entertains musically.
Cromarty women elect,
observe festive season
Cromarty Ladies Aid held
their annual Christmas
meeting in the church
basement December 7 with
26 ladies present.
Mrs. John Templeman
presided, opening with a
poem "The First Christ-
mas". Several favourite
Christmas carols were en-
joyed with Mrs. Ivan Norris
accompaning on the piano.
For the meditation Mrs.
Charles Douglas chose the
Christmas Story reading
from Luke 2 verses 1-20.
Christmas readings were
given by Mrs. Jean Cdrey
and Mrs. Charles Douglas.
Everyone enjoyed .a
demonstration on making
chocolates by Mrs. Gordon
Laing; and also enjoyed
given by
showing a
Mrs. Jean Carey presented
the slate of officers for 1982
which was accepted as read.
Everyone received a gift
from under the Christmas
tree after which lunch was
served by Mrs. Tom Scott
and Mrs. John Miller.
Officers for 1982 are
president, Mrs. John
Templeman; 1st vice
president, Mrs. Jim Miller;
secretary, Mrs. Tom Scott;
assistant secretary, Mrs.
Eldon Allen; treasurer, Mrs.
John Miller; assistant
treasurer, Mrs. Jim Miller;
work committee, Mrs.
Mervin Dow, Mrs. Jim
the finished
Reports were
all committees
very successful
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Used equipment savings too.
Waiver of finance charges and 13.9% financing
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Hurry! These price rollback savings
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lo Jan 1.1964
Total *9 payments (onsets
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$56.900 00
41 200 00
7.396 52
46.596 52
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Down payment 17.700 00
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Sept 1, 1962, or o91er tomes .rrangW)
Sherwood (Exeter) Ltd.
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Miller, Mrs. Robert Laing,
Mrs. TomScott.
Card committee, Mrs.
John Templeman; flower
committee, Mrs.' Calder
McKaig and Mrs. Jim
Miller.; shut-in committee,
Mrs. Norman Harburn; Mrs.
Calder McKaig; Mrs. Eldon
Allen and Mrs. Tom Scott.
Representative to
Manager's board, Mrs. Tom
Scott; flowers in church,
Mrs. Carter Kerslake and
Mrs. Duncan Scott; auditors,
Mrs. Larry Gardiner and
Mrs. John Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Parsons spelt. this past week
in Los VeiA .'
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Drake visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Belle Colquhoun in
Communion was held on
Sunday at Hibbert United
Church with a good crowd in
attendance. Following lunch
everyone had the op-
portunity to see the newly
renovated manse.
Officers for the United
Church Women for 1982.
Past president - Mrs.
Murray Dawson, president -
Mrs. Ken Duncan, lat vice
president -Mrs. Lee Webber,
Mrs. Mary Johns, 2nd vice
president - Mrs. Barry
Jeffery, secretary - Mrs.
Barry E. Miller, assistant
secretary - Mrs. Ted Ker -
nick, treasurer - Mrs. Ross
Hodgert, pianist - Mrs. Reg
Hodgert, assistant pianist -
Mrs. Glen Stewart, official
board representative, Mrs.
Murray Dawson, Mrs. Ken
Duncan, manse committee -
Mrs. John Pym, Mrs. David
Passmore, representative to
Board of Stewarts -.Mrs. Lee
Group leaders: U. Mrs.
Glen Stewart, Mrs. Murray
Dawson, C. Mrs. Bev
Alexander, Mrs. Jean Allen,
W. Mrs. Barry J. Miller,
Mrs. Wayne Rowe, convener
of groups 3 senior group
leaders, auditors, Mrs.
Donald Bray, Mrs. Lorne
Ballantyne, baby band
superintendents, Mrs. Ted
Kernick and Mrs. Rick
Parker. Nominations
committee, Mrs. George
Kellett, Miss Doris Elford,
Mrs. Arnold Cann,
Leadership and development
chairperson Mrs. George
Communications co-or-
dinator, Mrs. William Roh-
de. Stewardship and Finance
committee, Mrs. Howard
Cunnington, Mrs. Paul
Passmore, Mrs. Barry
Jeffery, Church in Society -
Mrs. Barry E. Miller, Mrs.
Jack Stewart, Mrs. Lee
Webber, Mrs. Lloyd
Ballantyne. World Outreach
Committee, Mrs. Gerry
Morgan, Mrs. Mac Hodgert,
Miss Doris Elford. Christian
Development Committee,
Mrs. William Rohde.
White gifts
The White Gift service
Sunday was well attended.
The theme was "The Littlest
Star", Miss Pat Hodgert was
the leader with the rest of the
Sunday School members
taking part.
Mr. Lorne Thrower told
the children a story about the
stars. The choir sang "Every
Star Shall Sing a Carol"
accompanied by the organist
Miss Agnes Bray.
Members of the Sunday
School put their offering at
the front of the church on
collection plates then the
church people went to the
front with their offerings.
Mrs. William Rohde
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ross, Mrs.
Marguerite Gibson and Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Hanna in
London Monday afternoon.
Mr. Lorne Thrower
Farm, home news
Continued from page 10A
stration evaluated the im-
pact of continuous corn.
(Each year of corn gave
about a 6 percent yield
decrease over 6 years - using
3 hybrids.) A summary of
corn rootworm trials showed
an average yield increase of
14 bushel per acre by
treating for corn rootworm.
To me all this points out
there are big yields to be
gained by working at trials,
looking at hybrids, tillage,
insect control and crop
rotations. You can make
faster gains in these three
areas than fooling around
with micronutrients. In fact
you will probably be further
ahead by taking the money
you would spend on
micronutrients and spend it
on'things for your wife for
Christmas or go on a holiday
- at least you will have some
Another reason for my
concern is that you are often
given the impression that
your declining yields are due,
to micronutrient deficiency.
If you a in continuous
cropping y'u are especially
vulnerable. You don't want
to admit that you should
rotate your crops. You are
hoping you can do something
else (add micronutrients)
and get your yields back up.
You can't. You have to get
back to crop rotations.
()8 the co.operato S
32 Nelson St.
Some of you are being
asked to use sulphur. Again.
This is because the research
behind the recommendations
comes from another country.
That country obviously does
not have an acid rain
problem. Furthermore, the
salesmen have obviously not
heard of acid rain. These
salesmen are recommending
low rates of sulphur an-
nually. We don't need
sulphur. A recent study in
Southern Ontario showed we
annually get, at least, 25 lbs.
per acre sulphur from the
air. Why would we ever want
to put more on, as fertilizer?
Excessive soil levels of
sulphur could be a problem
in the future, even if we don't
apply any to the soil.
Canadian lab testing
for micro nutrients
The soil test lab at the
University of Guelph will do
a test for soil levels of
manganese and zinc. And of
course, they still do the leaf
analysis if you want to tissue
Epilogue on micronutrients
Recently I was talking
with one of the big fertilizer
company representatives
about their fertiliz er
program, I was told that one
reason micronutrients are
added is to make their fer-
tilizer different from the
competition. Thus they can
ask a price for a starter
fertiliz er with
micronutrients and they
know you cannot comparison
The other companies'
blend will be different
enough to make you not
compare prices. This is the
same reason dealers would
rather sell- you a blended
fertilizer rather than a mix
of 50 percent 18 - 46 - 0; 50
percent 0 - 0 - 60. If they sell
you a mix of the two products
you will comparison shop
among dealers.
By: Pat Lynch,
Soils & Crop
John Heard, Assistant
Agr. Rep.
returned home from St.
Joseph's Hospital London
Tuesday and is able to get
around by using crutches.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rohde
of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Rohde, Karen and
Kathy, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Rohde and Tammy
were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Williafn
Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Hodgert, Joanne, Lee and
Pat attended a Venders
Christmas party at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mayo,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Campbell and Mr. William
Leeming of Winthrop were
visitors Monday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dun-
can, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Duncan and Floyd were
Sunday guests with Mr. Ken
Miller at Grand Bend. The
occasion being a surprise
house warming for Mr.
Miller and a surprise 35th -
wedding anniversary for Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jef-
fery and Connie, Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Jeffery were
Sunday dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp
and Barbara. The occasion
being Mrs. Allan Jeffery's
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rowe
and Shawna, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerry Morgan and Jackie
and about a dozen young
people went to 10 homes
We'll Do
the Job
Sunday evening singing
carols returning to Thames
Road church for pizza
which brought an enjoyable
evening to a close.
The Sunday School
Christmas Concert will be
held Friday December 18 at
8 p.m. in the church
Whatever the proiect, call on vs for
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