HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-16, Page 7Times -Advocate, December 16, 1981
PROVINCIAL HONOURS — A large number of girls received Provincial Honours at Wednesdny's Perth county 4-H Achieve-
ment Night held in Kirkton. Back, left, Sheila Riley, Helen Kane, Julie Vanderschot, Margaret Harbinson and Trudy
Vandersleen. Front, Caroline Peel, Diana Vandersleen, Betty Upshall, Stephanie Hartwick, Suzanne Jaques and Joan
Stephens. Missing were Corinne Weernink, Patty Willis and Elizabeth Reynen. StaffP hoto
Attendance contest decided
Losers entertain at Kippen
- -
With a three point lead the
inners of the attendance
ontest of Kippen U.C.W.
were entertained by the
lasing side, December 8 to
Worship was taken by Mrs.
Keith Lovell, "Unto You this
day was born a Saviour."
Carols were sung and a poem
"Behold a Star" was read.
Business portion was
conducted by Mrs. Robert
Kinsman, who read a poem
at Kirkton
The Church service for the
parishes of Kirkton,
Saintsbury and Granton was
held in St. Thomas church,
Granton where the Sacra-
ment of Confirmation and
the Holy Eucharist were
Due to ill health of Bishop
Morse Robinson the
celebrant was Bishop
Appleyard. Candidates from
St. Paul's Church Kirkton
confirmed were Maureen
Elizabeth Blackler,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Blackler and
Sharon Louise Doupe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Junior Doupe and Catharine
Ann McCormick wife of Ber-
nard McCormick.
"It isn't far to Bethlehem
Roll call was, "A
Christmas I will never
forget." Treasurer's report
was given by Mrs. Bert
Faber. Mrs. Kinsman
thanked the ladies who had
helped her during her term
of office and reported that
the proceeds from the turkey
and ham supper were most
The budget for next year
was presented and will be
ratified at the next meeting.
Sunshine boxes were
prepared and delivered to
the shut ins by Frances
Kinsman, Susan Faber, Mrs.
Social committee will
bring in a budget for
January. A proposal was
made for a bale to be packed
to Dr. Betty Bridgman in
Zaire .consisting of pencils,
scribblers and pens as well
as good clothing.
Mrs. David Turner and
Mrs. McMullen gave a
demonstration of crafts.
There were two door prizes
won by Mrs. Laird Finlayson
and Mrs. Bill Bailey.
Courtesy remarks were
given by Mrs. Bert Faber.
Hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. Bill Consitt and
Mrs. Lloyd Lostell.
Mrs. Yvonne Kitchen can
be contacted at Seaforth'
Community Hospital if any
organization is desiring a
speaker on Alcohol and Drug
Abuse in Huron County.
Upstairs at
249 Andrew St. Exeter
Call Mari Hutchison
for the height of quality
Men's & Ladies hair fashions
Nelson Hood is a patient in
Clinton Hospital.
The junior show and sale
was. held in 'Toronto,
December 12. Beth Consitt
and Mark McGregor each
showed a calf.
At the St. Andrews United
Church, Kippen service held
Sunday "The Greatness of
the Day" was the theme
preached by Rev. McMullen.
The choir selection was, "I
believe this is Jesus" and the
solo part was taken by Rev.
Robert McMullen.
The Sunday School
Christmas concert was held
at Huron Centennial School
Sunday afternoon.
Program relates
why chimes ring
Exeter United Church
Women, Unit One, held their
Christmas meeting
December 10 in the
auditorium oi' the church.
The legend "Why the Chimes
Rang" was acted out with
Marilyn Johnson as
Narra tor.
Olive Hicks, as Sexton, and
Laura Dickey, as a former
member of the old church
told some of its history. Beth
Sorority stage
festive bazaar
Perceptor Beta Theta
Chaper Sorority held their
annual Christmas Bazaar
recently at the home of Pat
Sorority members and
their invited guests were
welcomed by president
Mary Jane Taylor. There
was a great variety of hand
made articles to choose
from, as one of Santa's
elves, Rosemary Schaefer,
auctioned the items off. It
was an enjoyable and
profitable evening.
December 8 a joint Christ-
mas party with the other two
chapters was held. The
social committees were in
charge of the evening and an
exchange of Secret Pal gifts
was held.
Following some "Getting
to know you Better" games
and a draw for poinsettia
plants a delicious lunch was
Batten, as minister, read the
Christmas story from the
Bible and led in prayer.
Ann Brodie and Jean
Murray portraying two
sisters on their way to the
church w re delayed when
they stopp�d to help a sick
woman, Telma Russell.
One sister stayed and sent
her offering, a small silver
coin, with the other.
At the church service
people were trying to have
the chimes ring as they
presented costly gifts.
Gertrude Hamilton as a
wealthy woman, gave
jewellery, Mabel Jeffery, as
a rich banker, a bag of gold;
Beryle Elgie, as an author,
an expensive book; and
Stella Taylor, as a queen, her
jewelled crown.
None of these gifts made
the chimes ring. At the end of
the closing hymn, the sister
slipped in and placed her
small coin on the altar. At
once the chimes rang.
Mabel Jeffery concluded
the story by saying, "Truly
our smallest gift of good
works in God's name, can
indeed ring the Christmas
chimes in our hearts."
Bob Cameron, church
organist, accompanied the
carols and played the
A brief business meeting
followed. The slate of
officers for the coming year
was accepted. The induction
of these officers will be held
January 3.
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standard for quality watch repairs that is still being offered
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the pretnlses and all their work is backed byJohn Anstett's
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If it's from Anstett's It says, 'you're special'
8 Albert Street, Clinton
26 Ma In Street South, Seoforth
284 Main Street, Exeter
203 Durham Street East. Walkerton
135 Queen Street East. St Marys
SPECIAL AWARDS -- - At Wednesday's Perth County 4-H Achievement Night held in
Kirkton, Home Economist Nancy Ross presented a five year Leadership award to Mrs Doh
bie Rennie, RR 2 Staffa and an Advanced Honours certificate to Joon Ross, RR 1 St
Marys. Stuff photo
GET COUNTY HONOURS — Receiving County Honours at Wednesday's Perth 4-H
Achievement Night held in Kirkton were Sharon Fell, Laurie Bibby and Patricia Bertens
Evening group marks
season with program
The Exeter Evening Unit
UCW Christmas meeting
was held December 7 in the
ladies parlour. Mrs. Elsie
Tuckey welcomed all ladies
and guests and told them 'Tis
the season to be Jolly, keep
Christ in Christmas don't X
him out.
For the Huron County
Bureau good clean or new
clothing and toys are needed
for needy families in Huron
The yearly reports by
Ways and Means were given
by Mrs. Verlyn Lindenfield
and Mrs. Marion Dougall.
It was moved by Mrs.
Audrey McGregor to have
our January UCW meeting
remain the first Monday.
Report on the bazaar was
made by Mrs. Marion
Dougall when she thanked
all committees and women
who helped make the bazaar
another great success and
this can only happen when
everyone works as a unit.
Mrs. Elaine Skinner,
reported the General
financial highlights of the
year. The new slate of of-
ficers for 1982 was read and
Mrs. Elsie Tuckey thanked
everyone for their support
and co-operation during her
two years as unit leader and
hoped Mrs. Sharon Kirkby
would have the same sup-
Mrs. Dolores Shapton and
group presided for the
Christmas worship. A poem
Let Christmas happen to You
was read. Favourite
Christmas songs, Jingle
Bells, Christmas Chop Sticks
and We Wish You a Merry
r ertt
10% off
Christmas decorations,
Macrame,Stain Glass,
Figurine Candles.
Christmas I
T -A window
10% off 3
Wrapping paper
by the yard
Paper Tole
Classes begin
Dec. 19
7 p.m. - 10 p.m.
December Hours
Mon. to Sat. 9 to 6
Dec. 21 to 23 9 to 9
Dec. 9 to 5
4. e>r�s e+ra24 aw+i+rwir wei
Christmas were sung, by all.
A play Because of God's
Love was acted out and
enjoyed by all. Throughout
the play Christmas carols
were sung. The Christmas
Story was read by Mrs.
Dolores Shapton.
A recitation by Elizabeth
Coates and a singing number
by the Junior Choir One
to co�`�k it
Dream Will Do, were en-
joyed by everyone. The girls
were presented with booklets
by Mrs. Shapton. A prayer
How Can We Show Christ's
Love to Others closed the
A delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. Ellen For-
sythe's group.
Page 7
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Each year our thoughts turn
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May we express our sincere
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wishes for good Health, Hap-
piness and Prosperity in the com-
ing year.
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