HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-09, Page 26ELDER ENTERPRISES) & SERVICE DIAL 262-6142 HINSALL - ONT. 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NJ 011 ON AT PINERY AUCTION BARN ON HWY 21, 1 mile North of the Pinery Provindal Pqrk, 4 miles South of Grand Bend. Sunday, December 13, 1 p.m. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES - Colour and B.W. T.V.'s, wood beds, dresser, commode, frig, washer, dryer, freezer, 6 pc. chrome set, chairs, sewing machine, small appliances, Bissell cleaner, wooden chairs, shelving unit, coffee and side tables, humidifier, quilting frame w/stand and supplies, stereo set, L.P. records, ceramic nativity set, copper kettle, elect. heaters and motors, Alabastor candle stick, setting for 8 solid bronze flatware, setting for six of Royal Albert "Poinsettia" plus serving Pc's, card tables, pillows, blankets, rugs, drapes, glassware, china, prof belt excerciser, prof. sent and bench exerciser, elect., drill, sabre saw, 81" indust elect., hand saw, Zyliss vise, Orb sander, plus hand tools, vac tube meter, ice skates, skis and boots, wrist and pocket watches. NEW Toys and toys, dolls, books, linen, towels, knife sets, socket sets, sliver trays, bells, etc., balls, brassware, coin sets, hair dryers, card tables, etc., etc. Plan to attend this, our last auction of the year. If you are planning on having an auction next year, hire a prof. full time auctioneer. Call me now. Pat Lyon Auctioneer N.A.A. Member Phone 243-2713 III III III III III III III III III Ill gis derdweg Or Ji.>L10(/IJ�LJ effi"Na AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK * * * * * * * * * * * Page 10A Times -Advocate, December 9, 1981 17 Wonted To Buy C A TTL E - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Can collect 238-27% John ansems, Grand Bend. 47t DESK - approximately 48" in length in good condition. Call 235-2815 after 5 p.m. 48tfx 18 Wanted WAR(- ME: OPPONENTS - Hate immature armies for most time periods. Ma}or interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t WANTED PERSON to share apartment. fully funished in (;rand Bend on Main street. Phone 238.8754. 49c Grand Bend For Rent Clean 3-4 bedroom house, electric heat, close to school, shop, no animals, 250.00 month, Apply Peter Warner 238-2391 19 Property For Sale ESTATE- LOTS - Naar Grand Bend 23 - I'.-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, IIw 4 bedroom hi -level house, garage. on 11/2 acre. 1-672-6863. 163 20 Property For Rent TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT. lisingroom, diningroom, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, I': baths, full Ease- ment. paved driveway, $330 per month plus utilities. 2235- (458. 48:49c MUST SUBLET large two bedroom apartment with dining room, refrigerator and stove. 235.0889 after 5 p.m. 48:49:50:5 lc FiVE BEDROOM farm house, 3 miles west of Zurich. Available December 1, 262-5708. 48.49:50' IN ZURICH, house for rent, main street west, 50 dollars a month. Urban Miller, RR 2 Seaforth. or phone 519-482- 7147. 48:49:50:51' LARGE ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment, available now. 5165 and 5195. Appliances and heat included- North of Ailsa Craig 293-3038. 48t LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment on Main Street. Heating included, 5225.00. Phone 235-2090 after 6 or 235- (570 office hours. 483 FARM HOUSE on highway 81. near Corbett. S175 a month. Phone 294-6119. 48c Two Bedroom Apt. For Rent Refrigerator and stove Fully broadloomed, balcony Laundry facilities T.V. Cable and heating supplied Available January 1, 1982 Second floor $275.00 month ONE YEAR LEASE 5 D Realty 235-2208 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 HOME FOR SALE a�saaaa�► 31 Sherwood Cres. Willing to sacrifice below cost for quick sale. 3 bedroom bi-level home with at- tached garage on large lot. Eat -in kitchen with breakfast nook, built in dishwasher and loads of lovely cupboards. Separate dining area and Targe living room. Patio doors from dining room to sun deck. Master bedroom is 12x18 with double closets. Bathroom on each floor. Rec room has down draft stove which makes heating very reasonable, also mud room off of rec room. This home is nicely decorated and carpeted throughout, with lots of storage and closets. Open to offers. For further information please phone 235-0114. 20 Property For Rent FOUR BE.t)ROOM farm house with family room, dining room and large kitchen. 41 utiles Fro Eveter Phone _'?5-0141. 483m -X P A R [St F N 1. 2 bedrooms, %iiin Street. 1 seter, heated, 5225 00 ('hone 235-0537 after 5 p Ila 48:49' 1 w O 111 DROOM apartment in new building Available January 1 Phone J.tck ay tor 229-6472 alter h p m 46t 1. ARG( MODERN ranch close to town Responsible tenants only need apply. One year lease. 23-2533 44t HFAll 1) IT RNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian 1 are 235.1497 or 235- (1451 42t 1-1110 L HEI) OO's1 country home. 3 miles nvtth of S. Joseph on H11\ 21 F,, Mails phone Zurich 236-4633 40t AI'AR15)1-NTS - 2 bedrooms, a,,vc and fridge. electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235_0141 16t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS One Bedrooms S238.50 AVAILABLE NOW Dec 1 or Jan. 1 Features appliances, carpet throughout, Laundry facilities. all utilities included Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t THREE or four bedroom farm house. Completely renovated. Close to Hensall. Available Oc- tober 1. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768. 38t GRAND BEND - Furnished - house, 5225.00 plus utilities. 15 Sauble Rd. Available immediate- ly. Phone 238-2366 or 236- 4689. 383 APARTMENT - 2 bedrooms, phone 236-4356. 47-52c ONE OR TWO bedroom apart- ment centrally located. heated, refrigerator and stove. Available December 1. 235-2087 after 6 p.m. 47f 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, in Zurich area. Phone 236- 4137. 47:48c SUBLET - 2 BEDROOM APT.. 5265.00 monthly, plus utilities. !'i month rent free. Phone Elaine at 235-1331 8-6 and 235-0268 evenings. 49:50x 3 BEDROOM HOUSE near Kirkton. Phone 229-6502. 49:S0c HOUSE IN EXETER. 4 bedrooms, close to park. Lots of privacy, beautiful area. Phone 229-6822. 491- 22 9t 22 ACRES, sod. recently, tile drained. Phone 228-6800. 49c ONE BEDROOM heated. partly funished. Available January 1st. Phone 235-2726 evenings. 49t MODERN ONE BEDROOM APT. in Exeter, broadloom, stove and fridge included. available immediately. Phone 235-2420. 49t HOUSE - I'. mile west of Dashwood. 3 bedroom farm house, available immediately. Phone 237-3363. 49c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer. Power Trowels: Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. CaII N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 1St FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman `ten's Shoppe. Ex- eter. 235-0991. 48t THE "OLD Town Han" auditorium for rentals including weddings. meetings. banquet room. lectures. exhibitions, fillms, etc. Kitchen facilities .available. Contact property manager Hill Dinney 235- 0231. 23t 22 For Sale or Rent TWO HEDROOM house with .aluminum insulated siding. Garage. full basement. new gas furnace. storms and screens. Phone 235-0736 Leslie Thomson 48t w'())D SI'Ll 1T ERS, tow bars. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235- 1655 48t 23 Wanted To Rent w'I (.L DR AINE.1) LAND. top dollar for lop land Apply to Box 44P. Exeter limes Advocate 48:49c 106 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the under- signed until 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 14, 1981 for the supply of gas- oline and 'or diesel fuel for the following Town Departments for the calender year 1982. Department Unleaded Regular Diesel Fuel (bulk) Police 5,000 litres 10,000 titres Works 1,500 litres 30,000 Iitres 13,500 litres Fire 3,000 litres Cemetery 850 litres CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER Separate tenders may be submitted for each type of gasoline and for diesel fuel or may be submitted for each Department. Lowest or any tender (or part thereof) not necessarily accepted. Elizabeth Bell AMCT Clerk -Treasurer 406 Main Street, Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 26 Leyul Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate al Elsie Case All persons having claims against the Estate of Elsie Case late of the village of Hensall in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 13th day of November, 1981. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of December, 1981, after K hich date the assets will he distributed has - ing regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth this 23rd day of Novemher, 1981. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 48149:50c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Doris Marjorie Johnson Late of the Township of Hosan- quet, in the County of Lamhton, who died on or about the 7th day of January, 1981. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars of such claims with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of December. 1981, after which date the assets of the estate will he distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. Little & Evans Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 48:49:50c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Walter Mervin Carter Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Walter Mer- vin Carter, late of the Township of McGillivray, County of Middlesex, who died on or about the 6th day of July 1980 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Deane and Laughton. Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 12th day of December 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DEANE & LAUTHTON Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter. Ontario. 47:48:49c NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' AND OTHERS In the Estate of Isabella Drover All persons having claims against the Estate of Isabella Drover, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, deceased, who died on the 29th day of January, 1981 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of December. 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 3rd day of December, 1981. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Box 220, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 49-51c Murray Gaunt speaks to F of A Hear about Task Force By Yvonne Reynolds Murray Gaunt, formerly Huron -Bruce MPP for over 18 years, was the guest speaker at the Huron county Federation of Agriculture meeting in the Blyth public school on December 3. Approximately 125 people listened as Gaunt, armed with facts and figures, graphically detailed the desperate plight of many farmers, crushed under enormous loads of debt and receiving less than the cost of production for their products. As a member of the OFA task force that recently made public its recom- mendations after holding a series of hearings in south- western Ontario, Gaunt had heard at first hand calls for help from distraught far- mers and their wives. Further research had given him more ammunition, and his prime target was the provincial and federal governments. In the late 50s, 60s and early 70s, Gaunt said, far- mers were advised by government economists, ag reps and business con- sultants to expand. Bigger was better. This, according to Gaunt, was grossly overdone, and done on credit. In 1971 Ontario far- mers were in debt for 1.2 billion dollars; by 1981 they owed 4.9 billion, an increase of 281 percent in 10 years. The cost of servicing that debt has become astronomical. Now the capital -intensive operator is in trouble. Canada and the US fell into the same trap at the same time. Now, with rising costs of interest and petroleum energy, large farms are the first to feel the sting because of their dependence on both. Bob Bergland, secretary of agriculture in the Carter administration, initiated a study on the structure and size of American farms. The study concluded that 90 percent of economy of size is achieved by the family farm. For example, a wheat - barley farm in the northern plains attains 90 percent of economy of scale at 175 acres, and 100 percent at 1,475 acres. Squeezng out that last 10 percent is not worth the effort or expense. Farmers have become increasingly more productive but have not, prospered in proportion. Gaunt's figures show they have increased production 700 percent in a decade while industrial workers increased to 150 percent and their rate has now dropped back to zero. A North American farmer feeds 52 people; his Russian counterpart 9. Farm -income in 1955 was $485 million; by 1980 it was $525 million but in actual, real dollars adjusted for inflation farmers have lost ground financially. "It's ironic", Gaunt remarked, "that the very thing that created a lot of the extra productivity is threatening the survival of a good many farmers today." Large amounts of borrowed money at high interest rates In farming causes more trouble than in almost any other kind of business because of revenue - to -asset ratio. The farmer's normal ratio is as low as 1-5 or as high as 1-10. On a million dollar investment a farmer would expect no less than $100,000 and no more than 1200,000. A retailer would expect a $500,000 in- vestment to generate 1 to 11/4 million in revenue. Thus an interest rate increase from 10 percent to 20 percent is ten times as damaging to a farmer as to a retailer. "Agriculture does deserve special and unique help," Gaunt asserted. He said farmers have one weakness; they have con- centrated on productivity and fled the market; they take produce "to the gate, hoping someone will buy it and send them a cheque". As prices drop, farmers step up production and the- bigger the crop, the lower the price. "Governments in this country don't take agriculture seriously", and Gaunt pointed to last year's provincial budget; a miniscule 1.2 percent of the total was devoted to agriculture. In the 1981-82 estimate», 217 million out of a 14 billion dollar budget is earmarked for agriculture, and almost half that is for drainage and farm tax SLIDING DOWN - Connie Heywood shows her father Herb how the slide of the Exeter Sunshine Kids nursery school works during Saturday's Open House for dads only.T-A photo licences on sale Red 1982 motor vehicle licence stickers went on sale Tuesday. Dec. 1 at 310 licence issuing offices throughout the province, Minister of Transportation and Communication James Snow said today. And there will be no in- creases in fees - 530 for a four -cylinder. 545 for a six, and 560 for an eight with an engine replacement of less than 6.5 litres. Owners of eight -cylinder cars with an engine displace- ment of more than 6.5 litres, registered after Dec. 1, 1977, pay $80. Trailer registration, now valid for the life of the vehi- cle. remains at the one-time tee of 525. Motorcycle and moped registration stickers remain at 520 and 55. respectively. Sticker fees for privately - owned passenger cars and motorcycles in the northern part of the province remain at $10. For vehicle registration purposes. vehicle owners must have an address in the territorial districts of Algoma. Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin. Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Timiskaming and that portion of Nipissing lying north and west of Algonquin Park. Fees for snowmobiles and historic vehicles are 510, anywhere in Ontario. To obtain a sticker, motorists are asked to fill out a licence renewal form available at all licence - issuing outlets, MTC offices and Ontario LCBO stores. Information relating to the owner and vehicle, and providing for a declaration of proof of insurance is re- quired. All non-commercial vehicles must have a valid licence by midnight, Feb. 28, 1982 if they are to be driven in Ontario. • • • • 411 • • • 6-4411fr • • 1101- • eaOn5 reetirig5 Each year our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have helped make our progress possi- ble. May we express our sincere appreciation and extend to you and your family, our very best wishes for good Health, Hap- piness and Prosperity in the com- ing year. South Huron District Association of the Mentally Handicapped e•• • • 111 i AI..+ • • • dudley e. holmes limited specializing in contractors insurance liability equipment floaters bonds hook insurance all other types of insurance coverage 1-1217 Oxford St. W. London, Ontario NSH 1VE3 519-472-2237 YOU '2J THE to, , SMART :J-Lt., HANDIER *(0.:P 1982 CITATION • 4500 2 passenger capability, 368.3 cm3 twin fan -cooled Rotax' engine. CDI ignition. Oil injection. Adjustable torque reaction slide suspension. Smooth lightweight han- dling. Electric start avail- able on 4500E model. HELP YOURSELF HELP CANADA, BUY CANADIAN Nieg- ski--don. • 1AMl's or SO.mApo.e RIC 1 1111, 11,,1.,,,,11110, n, ,,,,u ,,,,,, 101164,1i, 111,1111.1111., 1,11/ ya„M, .1, ,,l„ * GODERICH ESTATE AUCTION We are pleased to offer by Public Auc- tion for the Estate of Jean Smith; Fur- niture, Anitques, Appliances and numerous household items, to be held at the Rathwell Building, 77 Main St., Seaforth on Wednesday, December 16, 1981 at 6:30 p.m. FEATURING: English china pedestal jardiners, mint condition, Royal Doultonwoter pitcher, Royal Doulton 8 pc. setting dinnerware, hanging oil Tamp, glass, china, sterling silver pieces, Victorian Swan back sofa solid rosewood, walnut tulip -shaped sewing box, walnut butler serving tray with stand, walnut what -not table, 5 pc. maple dinette suite, 4 pc. maple twin bedroom suite, living room suite, bow - bock chair, maple china cabinet, single beds, dressers, chest of drawers, upholstered chairs, early Canadian writing desk, trunks, chrome kitchen suite, reclining chair, tables, lamps, pictures and frames, vanity and stool, violin and case, china hanging lamp with crystal prisms, 1 Gone With the Wind lamp. APPUANCES: Double door refrigerator, 30" elec- tric range, 7 cubic foot deep freeze, 20" coloured portable television and stand, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Coffield ironer. also offered for sale Bankruptcy: the remaining stock of an area florist, including wicker, silk flowers, vases, Christmas decorations and potting materials. REPOSSESSED ITEMS: New 15 cubic foot Admiral refrigerator with ice -maker, white, new side-by-side 15 cubic foot Admiral refrigerator and matching electric range, almond. (Subject to withdrawal). gita/4261/ V 54C. JOG/ des AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO (5191 527-1458 Large Bankruptcy & Consignment Auction Of London Cleaning Business, vehicles, farm machinery, etc. At Denfield Livestock Sales - Denfield, Ontario Saturday, Dec. 12 - 1:00 p.m. From Cleaning Business Bankruptcy the following: Burside 360 Steam Clean machine with floor and furniture tools, Fogmoster trijet fogging machine, Advance Frumatic shampooer and at- tachments, Filter Queen vacuum, plastic vacuum pump sprayer units, Hotpoint 18 automatic de- humidifier, heavy duty aluminum pail and mop squeezer, brooms, mops, wall paper brush, furniture dollies, wheelbarrow, metol file and storage cabinet, assorted tools, staple gun, electric vibrator sander, wall paper table, wood planer, skil saw, electric drill, ladders, pails, shovels, tarps, quanity of detergents and cleaning fluids etc., range hood fans, nails, electrical parts, winch for trailer, plumbing parts, woven and barb wire, shingles, cement, paint. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Metal desk, 2 drawer file cabinet, electric typewriter with case, phone answer- ing machine, office chair, cash box, City of London maps, other misc. office equipment, large electric Pop Shoppe Sign. VEHICLES: 1976 Mercury Colony Station Wagon 8 cyclinder, 2 wheeled homemade trailer, 1971 B 200 Dodge van automatic, 1976 B 200 Dodge van. All in running condition, selling as is. Rupp liquid cooled snowmobile, 1979 Chev Caprice Classic 4 door, vinyl top, power equipped, automatic 350 V8, air conditioned, 1974 Chrysler New Yorker, automatic, air conditioned, power, 50,000 miles. FARM MACHINERY: Such as - 27 - 5 watt generator with electric start and 7 h.p. Briggs - Stratton motor (new), old A.C. gas tractor, Westfield 16' wheeled harrows (new), old double disc, 9' Ford wheel disc, 13' 44 plate wheel disc, 12' packer, oat grinder, 5 fur. J.D. semi -mount plow, 3 fur. plow, 3 pt. hitch, Freeman loader, 7' 3 pt. blade (like new). TOOLS: Such as • Old and new blow torches, Blacksmith, table saw, electric motors, drills, socket sets, etc. TERMS: Cash Sale Night BOOTH Hugh Filson 666-0833 AUCTIONEER Tom Robson 666-1967 ******************* 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1