HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-02, Page 211 1 ZURICH BROWNIES — Joining the Zurich Brownie pack this year of (front, from left) (iso Rau. Amy Wildfonq, Carrie Ducharme, and Jennifer Morrison. (Back, from left) Patti -Ann Dickert, Natalie Brokenshire. Joanee Regier, and Vicki Regier. Missing was Amy Gelinas. tfinzime Mrs. Corm& Swoons," Phan*: 236-4702 CROSS COUNTRY WINNERS — Three students from St. Boniface were winners at a Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board cross-country meet. They were: Beth Sweeney, girls grade 7 and 8 winner; Ed Thuss, grade 7 and 8 boys winner; and Rosemary Regier, girls grade 5 and 6 winner JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- Emmanuel United Church Sunday, December 6 REV. U LAING B.A. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin 11:15 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. White Gift Service Thurs Dec. 3 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Thurs. Dec. 3 - 1:30 U.C.W. Thurs Dec. 3 - 7 p.m. Choir Practice Thurs Dec. 3 - 8 p.m. Choir Practice at St Peter's Church Mon. Dec. 7 - 8 p.m. Official board to meet in Zurich Please join us. We extend a warm welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. JACK DRESSLER Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, December 6 1000 - Worship Service 10:45 - Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor GORDON BAUMAN of Tavistock in charge Sunday, December 6 8:45 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 11:00 a m. Worship Service Wed. 8:00 - Bible Study 8 Prayer Service Sat. 8:00 p.m. Y.F.C. meeting at Huron Centennial School Meditation The Lord Is my Shepherd I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 St. Boniface P.T.A. meets Last Wednesday evening saw the first P.T.A. (Parent, Teacher Association) meeting held at St. poniface school, to discliss the school's dress policy (op- tions on Jeans) and to hear a guest speaker talk on drug and alcohol addiction. The P.T.A. is also holding a family skating party at the arena on Sunday December 6 from 2:00 - 4:00. Admission only $2.00 per family. Playing catch-up after quiet week Things seem to be unusally quiet in the Varna area late- ly. or I haven't heard about happenings until they are no longer news. One small item Varna. by Mary CkasrrlU doesn't make a column, either. So this is catch-up week. Nora Heard has purchased Vi Bell's house in Bayfield and will be moving in mid- December. We'll hope to see her back in Varna frequent- ly. Mervyn and Margaret Hayter have a beautiful, dark-haired baby grand- daughter. Meghan Lois, born to Glen and Lois on November 13 in Stratford Hospital. A couple of weeks ago, a grain bin holding fifty tons of corn collapsed on,top of the drier at Bev Hill's. For- tunately. no one was injured. Jerry Reid, who has been fishing with Ed Siddell on Lake Erie for several weeks. is home again. They were able to fill their quota for pickerel on Lake Erie. Cottontails and partridge are plentiful in the area this 1 fall. Our family has had good luck on their occasional Saturday hunts. There are lots of signs of a large deer population, too. The annual U.C.W. Christ- mas party is this Thursday, featuring a pot -luck supper and special programme. White Gift Sunday will be observed this week with money gifts for the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded. Wiebe and Jenny, Postma held a very enjoyable dinner party on Saturday evening to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They held it in the township hall in Varna. Over seventy friends and relatives were present from Sarnia. Chatham, Blenheim, Ridgetown. St. Thomas and this area. They have raised five children, four girls and a boy. We'd like to add our con- gratulations on this happy occasion. Same old thing... There is no way on God's green earth that no -name products can be any cheaper than brand-name products. In times like these he said, with a broad sweep of his arms to indicate to all and sundry the inherent aspects of the times. which he himself doesn't really un- derstand.... In times like these he winked. as if both parties, the writer and the reader, know each other intimately and think along parallel syn- apses.... In times like these he said, glancing at his watch to con- sult Mickey for his insights on the times... Practical people thrive. While the rest of us lose ourselves in furry -footed habits and other fantasy hob- bits. the practical amongst us (Oh ye of little im- agination..1 are cleaning up. People cash in on the poor defenseless stickers who, raised by their bootstraps on GRADUATE — Cynthia Anne O'Brien, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas O'Brien, of Zurich, graduated with an honours secretarial diploma from Westervelt Business College, London. She is now employed with the firm of Interior Trend, of London. TV and comic books. developed imaginations which take us to the stars at the flap of a jaw or the first sign of an inundating flurry of the old B.S. Zeth. what is that boy talk- ing about? Have faith Bea, the lad hasn't lead us down the gar- den path...vet. StT Nic of course would write it up later in one of his studies on power and its abuses (or was that Clausewitz? I. Freddy G. wouldn't let things be however and took Gus to task for civilizing the whole uncivil business. Gus barely broke his stride .in his tirade against i Miscellaneous Rumblings By Rob Chester sfi .sY The antennae protruding from the crown of my cranium began to quiver. In times like these. Bar- soom or Middle Earth, Neverwhen or Tatoonie, Oz or Wonderland. or even Nar- nia... A unit of 15 paperclips is debauching into a village of staples. Only the eraser stands between them and... (It wouldn't be wise to think of such an encounter.) Two tiny colums of air above my head vibrate with nervous energy. A con -job is in the air. I didn't spend 20 years in school and not learn anything. I know the essence of meadow muffins when I hear it. Tell that boy to snow again Zeth. I didn't catch his drift. Gustavous Adolphus, Marlborough. Frederick the Great and Nicollo Machivelli met for lunch one afternoon. Gus said Marlborough had been riding on his rep for years since that thing at Ramillies. The G. said Gus was correct and added that Churchill's unbeaten streak had swollen his head. It was only through defeat Freddy asserted. that genius could blossom. Marlborough was in a snit that day and simply called Freddy a ninny. Nic took copious notes. England when Marlborough! slugged him with his glove. This would lead Nic to change the name of his treaties from "The Queen". since Marlborough's habit of a carrying around a sissy set of gloves actually hid a half dozen Engligh crowns, black -jack style. Frederick also thought about changing his maxim from "God is on the side of the big battalions", to "God is on the side of he who plays dirty and strikes first." Gusthought this was an un- forgivable sin. He stormed out of the restaurant and im- mediately invaded Den- mark. As Bismark would later remark." What?". You have vegetables. You have a can. You have a label. You advertise. Unless your vegetables are lower quality and' cheaper. . Its the same old thing no matter what the wrapping looks like. The president of your( store advertising makes up' for the picture of the beans on the label. Somebody has pulley the wool over somebody's eyes. Introduction. Red Herrings. Allegory. Conclusion. Q.E.D. Badminton anyone? Times -Advocate, December 2, 1981 Page SA Zurich figure skaters hold national tests On Saturday the Zurich and Area Figure Skating club held this seasons first National Skating Tests for the Junior skaters. Congratulations go out to Jamie Ramer (beginners) De Ann Foreman (stroking), Doug Finlay (novice 1) and Chrystal Jones, Terri Maurer and Aimee Gelinas (dance 1). Chrystal, Terri and Aimee are now in- termediate skaters. The club is especially proud of Colleen Overholt who has passed her first 4 badges and Leanne Ducharme who had passed her first three badges, both in only four weeks. All of the skaters are doing very well and are sure to progress quickly. Badminton at the arena Anyone interested in play- ing badminton at the Zurich arena on Tuesday evenings beginning at 7:30 is welcome. Contact Jerry Rader soon at 236-4969. Home from India Ken Mittleholtz returned home a week ago Tuesday from a months vacation in India visiting his brother, Bro. Bob Mittleholtz (who sends a big hello to all his Zurich friends). Ken enjoyed his first trip there but found the food and way of life a lot different than ours. Open house at Craft Shop Drop in for a cup of coffee and look around at a open house on Thursday and Fri- day, (3rd and 4th) at the Self -Help Handicrafts on r• Victoria St. in Zurich. Native prints at library Take a nice little walk and drop in to see the interesting Eskimo and Indian prints on display at the library from now till the 17th of December. It's worth while. Draw winners The lucky winner of a Christmas turkey from a draw at the Tender Spot on Saturday was Mrs. Joan Deas Geoffrey Construction Homes, Renoras,ons, Add, ,ons Form Buildings & Repairs Aluminum Sid,g 6 Awnings Zurich 236.4432 Deysins. E;t.IH, 235.1961 ix.nings 1 McCann of Dashwood. (Two more chances till Christ- mas ). St. Peter's penny sale St. Peter's C.W.L. at St. Joseph held a penny sale at their parish hall on Tuesday December 2 with a very good turn out. (And lots of winners of nice prizes). School bake sale The school kids also held a bake sale recently to raise a bit of money. The winner of a decorated cake was Ursula Regier, Zurich and Mary Ducharme of RR 2, Zurich, won a turkey. Personals Those returning home from being patients in South Huron Hospital Exeter last week were; Anna Marie Watson, Jim Wildfong and Barb Rau. And best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to, Bill Leibold, William Lansbergen and Edwin Regier who are in Ex- eter Hospital now. Welcome to town to Milfred and Blanche Overholt formerly of St. Marys who moved into the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer on Cen- tre St. over the weekend. Congratulations to Bob and June Fisher who recent- ly celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Corriveau of Bloomfield Hills Michigan spent the American Thanksgiving weekend visiting with relatives in Zurich. They are brothers. Wilfred, Lucien and Joe Corriveau and their wives. PERCr BEDARD Carpenter *Custom Built Homes *Renovations *Additions *Repairs *Free Estimates Phone 236-4873 After 6 Zurich AV Antenna B & T Sales & Service Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482-7157 .,.moreee __ TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually av;iilable. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560 1 Tasty Nu Specials! See our new variety of MUFFINS Apple, Raisin, Orange, Chocolate Chip, Bran and Blueberry SPECIAL 6/991 Mix'n Match Lemon or Jelly Filled DONUTS doz. 1.99 MOZZARELLA CHEESE Ib. 2.39 We have GIFT BASKETS °f: Cheese, Jams, Jellies, Honey and Fruit Cake The freshest bread Tasty -nu Bakery and Cheese House Zurich Seaforth 236-4912 527-1803 Over 200 people were on hand to enjoy the delicious and attractive turkey and ham smorgasbord (with all the trimmings - complete with Christmas pudding) on Sunday at the Blue Water Rest Home. The host and hostess were Joe and Connie Risi.It was the residents' Christmas dinner for their families and guests. The kitchen staff are to be -commended on a job well done (Ladies from the aux- iliary helped with the ser- ving I. Lovely organ music was provided throughout the afternoon by Mrs. Jack Turkheim. The dining room was also all decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Doug O'Brien attended the graduation exercises of their daughter, Cindy, who graduated from Westervelt Business College on Friday evening November 7 at the Holiday Inn. London. Mrs. Gertrude Flegman and Mrs. Mildred Cora of Dearborn Michigan spent their holiday weekend with a sister Mrs. Myrtle Deitz, and were joined tor dinner )n Sunday by Grace and Clarence Fahner and family of Crediton. Miss Joanne Van Raay daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Case Van Raay of HH 3, Dashwood returned home Thursday November 26 from being in Europe since September and stopping for a visit in Holland She will now go back to work in Brantford for the school of the blind. Joey. Sandra and Melanie Overholt London spent • the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs Phil Overholt. Mrs. Dot Hess has return- ed home from being a patient in .St,. Joseph's Hospital. =i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111 L F. Share Crafts Inc. E. Zurich, Ont. Invites you to zi OPEN HOUSEII _ Dec. 3 & 4 from 10-9 daily Have a cup of coffee on us. See first class self-help handicrafts from 3rd world coon- _ tries. Come and see our program of love in action. You help by buying as well Extra special prices _51111IIIII I1111111111111111n11111111111IIII11IIMIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII IIIIlII1II11II11II Ill I II1IIIlInI11I(IM YOUR Prices rs in effect while quantities last IMPERIAL 1 CROWN 20 PIECE SET STAINLESS TABLEWARE ORNAMENTS GLASS 2 PKG OF 9 - 50mm SIZE OR PKG. OF 6 - 60mm SIZE NOMA BULBS REPLACEMENTSFOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR STRINGS PACKAGE OF 4 NOMA MINI SETS 2.59 STRAIGHTLINE 20 LIGHT SET JUMBO WRAPPING 99 30 x360 PAPER OR 30 x 14 FOIL • PKG. BOW BAG PACKAGE OF 25 0 SELF-ADHESIVE DECORATIVE BOWS PER SET 4 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM TOOTHPASTE 99` COLGATE REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH 100mI. TUBE BABY SCOTT 30 REGULAR OR 24 SUPER TODDLER •3 DIAPERS BUBBLE BATH $1.59 MR. CLOWN LIOUID 1.9 LITRE SIZE GIFT TAGS ASSORTED SIZES & COLOURS PKG 79 GARLAND 177 DOUBL-GLO FOR THE TREE 20 LONG TREE ICICLES DOUBL-GL0 2 1000 STRAND PKGS 99` *WELCOME AP4D APPRECIATED GWT THAT WILL PLEASE ANYONE ZENRS GIFT CERTIFICATE P°t ft(*nds, relatives, Out*, neighbours, employees, • O.' a ltsations or buttin.slws. ticle40, sr ,\ ..'st , 0-.0t _0%0 -0,0: ,.10.0t 411 Silt. 0 .‘x Men:l ' Ciliiiintl.0 ',41.1i • 6 Nk" MR A MPG .CONN OOE ti NO. tiri 4P 111F AffIK ANY i8H ffiTf3gd MAtiIIiiLR F::t t1ETAtLS Oa MOW ZPHRS HEAD °tom (519) 0E34200 toot AOC CI*MPn4V IMI,,