HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-12-02, Page 20Page 4A Times -Advocate, December 2, 1981 Home, school group topic on vandalism The Biddulph-Lucan Home. School and Communi- ty Assoc. met Thursday evening. November 19 in the Lucan building, with an ex- cellent attendance. Constable James McDonald of the Strathroy O.P.P. Detachment, spoke on vandalism. He told the members and friends how the public could help by reporting any suspicious looking strangers in the area and said half humorously that the most helpful person is "a nosey neighbour!" Pathfinders keep busy Another thrilling month for the Pathfinders has gone. We started the month off by the bake sale at the craft sale at the arena which was a great success. We would like to thank Wendy Thomas, one of the leaders. for mak- ing agin erbreadhouse for a raffle. We sold 495 tickets, and Sue Wilcox pulled the winning ticket which was Anne deBoer. November 2Oth the Pathfinders went in to Lon- don to "University Man- nequin."which is a modeling and make-up studio. We went to Mother's for supper. and then Christmas shop- ping. We would like to thank Ann Schuesslar and Wendy Thomas for transportation and an enjoyable evening. Our • group is very small. Anyone between 13 and 15 years old will be most welcome to become a member. We plan to do many more things. e.g. cam- ping. outings. etc.. so come on out and register now! Allison Clark Constable McDonald spoke of the "Strive" program which basically means that the Board of Education pays schools so much per child to cover any vandalism at a particular school. Any balance left over at the end of the year goes to the school so it really pays off if the pupils and the . public can help prevent van- dalism by reporting. im- mediately. any unauthorized persons or vehicles on school property. A most interesting question and answer period followed. During the business period. chaired by president, Shirley Fowles, it was an- nounced that the Board of Education had forwarded grant money to cover the cost of the Creative Playground equipment, but this grant must be reinvested in school equip- ment before December 31, 1981. James Duddy, vice- president. outlined various needs of different grades and the decision was made to purchase new "crash pads" for high jumping and gym mats for tumbling, for use at both schools. A number of friends present became members and it was pointed out that it is not necessary to have children in school to become a member. You just need to be interested in your home, school and community. The next meeting will be held Thursday February 19, with Mr. Stewart Toll, Director of Education for the Board of Education as guest speaker, on the topic "'Where is Education Heading?" Mark it on your calendar and plan to .tend. Country Crafts & Things 175 Main St. 227-4033 LUCAN NOM 2J0 FINISHED CRAFTS & CRAFT SUPPLIES Yarns, Needlepoint, Macrame, Rug Hooking, Nearly New Clothing & Much More LUCAN We are now stocked up with all your Christmas supplies. Check out our supply of Cards, Gift Wrap, Gifts Eggnog 1 .29 litre Fifteen Years of Experience to Serve You Da,e • V/r. ^ �.e n ci /E ',EAR GUARANTEE on our workmansh,n 'Jr 1 • - / of our fine materials • et • Nylo^s • V,nyls • FREE ESTIMATES FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Why Recondition? • Save Money • Better Ouality (hand crafted) • Longer Lasting Hourt Tuesday to Soturdoy 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. MacMASTER CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 194 Main St lucon Ont 227-4818 4 r • •r SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR — The annual Lucan UCW snowflake bozaar was a success Friday Shown with some of the craft articles are Beth Cowdrey and Judy Campbell. night. and district mews'`' Cradle Don and Anna McGuire greeted worshippers as they arrived for service Sunday evening at Lucan United Church. Rev. Keith Brown con- tinued his series on the Ser- mon on the Mount. dealing this week with Jesus' teaching on adultery. Jesus emphasized that the lustful imagination is as wrong in God's sight as the outward act. Our present day per- missive society with its provocative T.V. programs. books. films and por- nographic material en- courages such lustful at- titudes. as does the teaching which claims that there is no absolute moral standard. Christiansneed to be aware of these pressures and to speak out against them. Christ taught that radical means are necessary to deal with the lustful imagination. He urges o to eliminate any habits. actions or relationships which con- tribute to it In dealing with this problem in our own lives. we need to fill our minds with Christ and the Former clerk passes away A life -time member of this community until 1976. pass- ed away at Huronview last week. namely Muriel 1 McCarter 1 Gibson widow of the late Irving Gibson. Mrs. Gibson lived on the 2nd G. McGillivray. and attended Public School near her home and Lucan High School. later marrying Ir- ving Gibson She served the village for 55 years as secretary - treasurer of the Hydro Com- mission and then as village clerk. retiring in December. 1976. Mr. Gibson died May 13, 1977 and shortly thereafter Mrs. Gibson moved to Huronview where she served on two committees, "New Horizon" and "Home Com- mittee". In the latter capacity she visited various other homes to learn of their activities for seniors, retir- ing from this committee about two years ago. She will be greatly missed by her family and many friends. At United Church lve MVf. Hodgins 227.4714 roll meets today thought of what He has done one for us. and to turn our atten- tion outwards to seek the good of others. Dorothy Dedels' special story for the boys and girls on the theme. "With God all things are possible". challenged children and adults alike. Jean Brown gave a Library Minute Talk encouraging adults to read some of the fine Christian books in the Church Library. She gave a brief review of three of these books. The choir. under the direction of Doug Barr sang a lovely arrangement of Amazing Grace in which Marion Barr participated as solist. The Cradle Roll meets Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Kindergarten room. All mothers with their pre- school children are warmly invited. The choir is busy rehear- ing each Thursday at 7:30 for the Christmas music. If you like to sing. do come out and join them under the direc- tion of Doug Barr. The Couples club Christ- mas Supper and Programme is scheduled for Friday at 7 p.m' Next week is White Gift Sunday. A lovely service, conducted entirely by the boys and girls of the Sunday School is being prepared. For White Gifts this year, the children are asked to br- ing pens. pencils. crayons. rubbers and notebooks for children living in a refugee situation in Angola. Africa. Good support for apple day The Scouting Group com- mittee is grateful for the support of the community in the recent "Apple Day". The Cubs and Scouts had a very successful fund raising pro- ject Please by advised that any boy canvassing for Scouting will he dressed in the un- iform of his section. If he is not in uniform. he is not representing Lucan Scouting. Lucan Scouting has been successful in their applica- tion to handle the programs for the 1982 Plowing Match. Congratulations. A BUSY MARKER Phyllis Brady is shown marking articles prior to Friday's Luton UCW snowflake bozaar. T•A photo Sewing supplies (needles. threaa. nuttons. zippers. cot- ton material. knitting needles and yarn) are also welcome, as are donations of money to help cover postage costs. A Fellowship Coffee Hour sponsored by the Outreach Committee will follow the service. in the form of a light luncheon. especially to start off the Christmas season. Next Wednesday. December 9 at 6:30 p.m. the General U.C.W. Christmas pot -luck supper will be held. Ml women welcome. Lina Abbott was reporter A well,-rgrnembered lady on the Lucan-scene for many years. Miss Lina Abbott. died in Parkwood Hospital, London. November. 23. Lina received her education in Lucan and graduated from the London Normal School. She was a lifelong teacher, mostly at Perth School in Toronto. When she retired to the family home at the corner of Beech and Alice in 1950 she immediately became much involved in Holy Trinity Anglican Church as a Sunday School teacher and in the Guild and W.A. It was through her efforts that the "League of Loyalty" was started and many young peo- ple in the village still remember Lina with affec- tion. She was also very active in the Women's Institute of which her mother was a charter member and she presented her mother's pin to the Branch to be worn by each president. She became the T -A cor- respondent in 1951 and kept everyone. both near and far abreast of the happenings in the community right up to the time she sold her home and became a. resident at McCormick Home in December. 1968. Miss Abbott was also a correspondent for the Lon- don Free Press and the St. Marys Journal -Argus. Work meeting today Dorcas entertain Meadowcrest Members of the Dorcas Unit of the Lucan United Revival Centre Wednesday evening members of the Revival Centre Women's Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at the home of president. Mrs. June Henry. The meeting opened with joyful chorus singing. Mrs. Nola Murray talked on faith and praising the Lord. for victories from James 4:5. and Eph 4:15-16, and 3: 16-19 she showed our need to grow in the Lord and when we are humble and teachable, we will grow' Mrs. Murray stressed the truth that God anoints us with His Holy Spirit. As we obey God. He will minister through us. After the meeting, the ladies were treated to lunch. featuring "pitas" made by Mrs. Isobel Edwards. Sunday morning Doug Butler and Martha Sullivan sang Heti, I'm a Believer Now Rev. ('.J. Williams spoke on being a winner. from Luke 10: 1-2. 8, 16-20, asking "Who is winning?" Rev • Williams asked if facing the drug scene the young people face today if they could have strength to be winners. Jesus Christ came to redeem the world. The seventy went out to preach deliverance, when Jesus sent them. Realism of Christianity is seeing things as God sees them. Unless Christians go out.in the name of Jesus. they will produce nothing. Going out in Jesus Name. in His strength. they come out winners. At the close of the service. Doug Butler sang "The Love of God." Sunday evening Rev. Williams spoke on the theme "I did not know that". Talk- ing about some of nature's oddities we do 'not know about. Rev. Williams said that in Leviticus 25 laws were written that men could be freed from debts in the year of Jubilee, when men were given liberty. Upcoming events Next Sunday, December 6, at 7 p.mwill be the Sunday School Christmas program. Everyone welcome. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., will be the church Christmas banquet in the Church dining hall. Reception upstairs and meal to follow. After dinner. a special program follows. See Mrs. Cathy Mason for tickets. Church Wonten met in the Christian Education Rooms Tuesday afternoon to rehearse a Christmas play to be presented later in the afternoon. and to conduct their business meeting, prior to receiving guests from the Meadowcrest Home Inc. Highway 7. During the business meeting, chaired by the leader Mabel Froats, it was decided to turn all monies, except a small working balance in to the General treasurer. A work meeting will be held at 9:30 this mor- ning. Wednesday, to pack the Christmas baskets for the Church shut-ins. The general U.C.W. Christ- mas meeting will be held Wednesday December 9, commencing with a pot luck supper. at 8;30 p.m. to which representatives from the other churches in the com- munity will be invited, plus S.S. teachers and officers; choir members, and quitters. The next "Lunch Out" for village seniors, will be held Wednesday, December 16 at the Arena, with the U.C.W. in charge. All seniors wishing to attend must call the co-ordinator, Andrea Vahey. 227-4834, by Monday noon and if transportation is required please call the "Helping Hands" at 227- 1222. At 2:30 the special guests arrived and games were en- joyed led by Iva Hodgins, carols by Marjorie Park and a lovely worship period was led by Mabel Froats as Isaiah. Kae Thompson took the part of the questioning "Child". Joseph was portrayed by Bernice Lockver, Mary by Iola Goring, the shepherds were Marj Park and Jean Brown, the angel Iva Hodgins and the Wisetnen Mabel Cobleigh, Muriel Cobleigh and Greta Gibson. Members and guests were entertained by Tabatha Froats at the piano and Jane Holden singing "You gave me Love". Both girls are pupils of Helen Stanley, and did a lovely job. Refreshments were serv- ed by Jean Brown, Muriel Cobleigh. Iola Goring and Iva Hodgins. BAZAAR BAKING - - Leda Revington, Mari Park and president Shirley Ryan are shown with some of the baking at Friday's snowflake bazaar sponsored by the Lucan UCW Bazaar thanks The committee for the "Snowflake Bazaar'„ held Friday evening, would like to thank everyone who par- ticipated in any way to make it the most successful one in history. those who donated baking. articles for the different tables, working before during and afterward. the Pathfinders and their leaders and several of the Guides ser- ving in the tearooms. Those from other churches and the community who attended in "droves" must not be forgotten and we do thank you all. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 More Luton news on page 6A Craffs n' Jtimings A.\ 1 /' EAGER PURCHASERS - Jane and Jean Thompson were the first on hand Friday night as prospective buyers Lucon UCW snowflake bazaar. FIRE CALL The Lucan District volunteer fire department answered a call to the home of Joe Koricina on Conces.- sion 2 of Biddulph, on Thurs- day afternoon' where the chimney had caught fire. No damage resulted. LUCAN & DISTRICT MEN'S HOCKEY ASSOCIATION LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE 2nd Annual LUCAN CUP MEN'S N0 BODY CONTACT TOURNAMENT DEC. 4, 5, 6, 1981 FEATURING "A" CALIBRE ALL STAR COMPETITION SCHEDULE SAT. DEC. 5 8 a.m. Leamington vs. Lakeshore (Toronto) 9:30 a.m. Aurora vs. Intl. Stick (Toronto) 11 a.m. Redford(Mich. vs. Ilderton 1 p.m. Page Toyota vs. kltchener 2:30 p.m. Black Creek vs. Windsor 4 p.m. to midnight • Second Round Games FRIDAY DEC. 4 DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF DAYBREAK 9.1 FRI. DEC. 4 7 p.m. Lucan vs. East London Sports 8:30 p.m.St. Thomas' vs. London Quakers 10 p.m. Sherwood Forest (Detroit)va. Mableys Moonshiners SUN. Dec. 6 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Second Round Cont. 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Semi Finals 7 p.m. '8" Final 8:30 p.m. 'A' Final 1 THIS COUPON IENTITLES THE BEARER TO ONE FREE PROGRAMME ITELEPHONE 519.679 8810 'FREE DRAW FOR LAS VEGAS FOR 2 With Purchase of Programme 1 Compliments of„rn,rraamas�.o., 1 it's a•w ne. aw• sinal l world i travel ltd. 629 RICHMOND ST.; LONDON, ONTARIO, CANAflA N6A 3G5 figimmommeamwmaimma at Friday's T•A photo KJIsETrIP5 $300 only each at CRAFTS 'N THINGS Gift Shop & Garden Centre VALUABLE COUPON $ 1 50 OFF ALL Wood Craft when This coupon is presented Effective Dec. 1 - 11, 1981 Open Daily Mon. - Fri. 8:30-4:30 Two miles west of Elginfield on Highway 7 RESIDENTS OF LUCAN London & Middlesex Lung Association will conduct a Door - to Door Canvass for the 1981 CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN :; on 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Volunteer Canvassers are the Youth Group December 4, 1981 sss�v'7 St. Patrick's Romas Catholic Church, Lucan