HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-11-04, Page 13SENIORS CELEBRATE — The Lucan senior citizens celebrated their 1lth anniversory. Thursday afternoon with four charter.nembers in attendance to cut the cake. Fromthelefl are Laura Toohey. first president Winnifred Jolliffe. first secretory Mary McCarthy and Kathleen Neil. T -A photo Discuss interfacing Calico The 4th meeting of the "Calico Cats" was held at the home of Darlene Paton Wednesday, October 21, with Lisa Kraft as secretary. Different types of in- terfacing were discussed and the leaders demonstrated how to use the interfacing in a waist band and or bodice closing. Meeting no. 5 was held on Thursday, October 29 at the home of Debbie Manders with Vicki McDonald as Cts 4-H club secretary. The preparation ration The "Crooked Hems" P of a waist band was members met at the home of demonstrated as was sewing Terri McRoberts, Thursday, it on to the skirt. October 22. Hems were discussed, Variations in vests were regarding how to get the hem discussed and the various accurate for the individual steps given in lining them. figure. The leaders The girls were shown how to demonstrated the use of finish the edges by top seam tape, the vertical stitching and using bias tape. hemming stitch, and machine hem stitching. For the next meeting each member will have a sample hem in her member's book. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L .era. Annual Christmas Craft Show & sale Lucan Comm. Centre Sat. Nov. 14 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission 50c Over 70 exhibits on display 111111111IIIII11111111111111111111{IIiIIU{Ilillllllllltllll{IIt111111111111111111{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�"rl"rl. INSURANCE SERVICES Registered Insurance Broker AUTO AND FLEET INSURANCE Private and commercial vehicles younger and older drivers and drivers with special requirements also welcome. All coverages available at competitive rates. Premium financing available. Phone 227-4339 Mbe Roped Canabian 31cion LUCAN BRANCH No. 540 REMEMBRANCE WEEK ACTIVITIES FRIDAY, NOV. 6 Commencing at 7:00 p.m., door to door POPPY BLITZ of Lucan, Granton and Clandeboye. Volunteers are required to drive the cadets. To assist the canvassers, please leave your porch lights on. SATURDAY, NOV. 7 Street distribution of poppies Lucan. SUNDAY, NOV. 8 All members and Ladies Auxiliary are requested to muster at the legion Hall at 10:30 a.m. for the An- nual Church Parade to the Anglican Church, Lucan. Following the service everyone is invited to return to the futon legion for the Act of Remembrance and wreath laying ceremony. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11 Members of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary are re- quested to muster at the Legion Hall prior to 10:30 a.m. in order to proceed to the Granton Cenotaph for the Remembrance Day Service on the 1 lth hour. Remembrance Banquet at the Legion Hall at 6130 p.m.. hot roast beef dinner. The guest speaker will be Comrade Charles McEwen. Wyoming. Ontario. Provincial Command Vice Chairman. This is on open banquet and all are invited to attend. 'AT THE GOING DOWN OF, TH1 SUN AND IN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMiER THEM' i The next meeting for both the foregoing clubs will be on November 5th with the "Calico Cats" meeting at the home of Vicki McDonald and the "Crooked Hems" group meeting at the Straatman home. The "Gaberdine Gals" held their 6th meeting at the home of leader Susan Barr, Monday, October 26. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge which was repeated in unison led by the president Donna McFalls. Leader Harolyn Sire demonstrated how to put a lining in a vest and to use seam binding on the gar- ment. The girls did a crossword puzzle together on their work. A snack was served by Susan Hodgins who was "making up" a meeting by attending this club. Guide groups are underway The Lucan Pathfinders' Unit has 9 girls registered and meets each Monday evening at 7 p.m. in the United Church C.E. Wing. They are working on their "Book of Bridges" at the bronze level on the "home". Ten challenges are presented in this book to receive their bronze awards. From this level they proceed to silver and then gold. At this age the members have more control of the program to be presented at their meetings and have taken part in many discussions in this con- nection. Their executive is as follows: chairperson Vicki Hyde, secretary Kim Blay, treasurer Jennifer Mac- Donald and social conveners, Sara Wells and Cloe Guthrie. The leaders are Anne Schuessler and Wendy Thomas. Guides The Lucan Girl Guides have 30 registered members, two girls Michelle Flood and Sherry Smith, are working on Tenderfoot Guiding. A large number of badges were presented the night of the Brownie "fly -up" in- cluding "Friend to the Handicapped," "Weathe- rman", "Naturalist" and "Outdoor Cook" plus a few individual.•interest badges. The members are busy getting ready for their food booth at the craft show November 14. Leaders are Linda Chatterson, Barbara Coughlin, Nancy Reid and Jackie Cuddington, and the group meets each Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. also in the United Church. Baptism at Holy Trinity The Feast of All Saints was celebrated at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Sunday with Holy Baptism and Eucharist. Greeters were Donna and Jack Atkinson. The Old Testament Lesson was read by Bryan Smith and the New by Norah Elson. The Gospel for the Day was taken by Rev. Bruce Pocock and it was on these readings that Rev. Pocock based his message. The candidates for Bap- tism were Shane Alfred, son of Allan and Heather Gillan and Lisa Suzanne, daughter of Brian and Sharon Haskett. We welcome these two children into the congregation. The flowers on the altar were placed there by those of the Parish who had lost loves ones during the past year. The annual turkey supper is once again in our books as a very successful endeavour and special thanks is given to all who helped. Volunteers are still needed to assist with the Helping Hands "Meals on Wheels" program. If you can help one hour a week, Tuesday or Thursday at noon, please call 227-4834. Members and friends are reminded of the Remem- brance Day service next Sunday when the members Dorcas Unit of UCW meets Members of the Dorcas Unit of the Lucan United Church Women held their Thanksgiving meeting on Tuesday afternoon in the C.E. Wing, opening with the leader, Mabel Froats, reading a poem "Everyday Thanksgiving." Roll call was answered with a verse on Thanksgiving. During the brief business meeting, plans were made for the tea room at the Snowflake Bazaar, Friday, November 27, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Members were asked to bring boxes with "see through" lids for Christmas cookies. The general meeting December 9 was announced, commencing with a pot luck supper, to which guests from other churches, etc. will be invited. Baskets for "shut-ins" and older members of the congregationio)so came under discussion and final plans will be made at the November meeting when we will also entertain the ladies from Crestwood and Crestview. Bible Study and worship were incorporated in an excellent presentation by Jean Brown on "A Method for Personal Bible Study", WIN CHALLENGE CUP -- The Lucan pee wee all stars were winners this year of the soccer Challenge Cup. Back, left, Brent Fowles, Mike Pratt, Mike Arts, Brent Bannerman, Lester Arts and coach Reg Crawford. Front, Jay Hayden, Jesse Crawford, Dave Radcliffe, Doug Fretz and Erin McComb. T -A photo Broomball for fireballs Lucan is aflame with broomball. Realizing that there are hockey teams that use the ice too, we try not to burn it up too badly, but these girls are fireballs. The hot-blooded Pink Panthers won Tuesdays game 2-1, with goals by that fiery Teresa VanGeel and, peppery Darcy Reid. The Cougar Hot -Shots' single was burned in by Lisa McLellan. Thursdays' match, thanks to Allison Clark's combusti- ble nature, held the Pink Panthers to a 1-0 win. The Cougars took another roasting. Now that adult mixed broomball is underway, Thursdays from 9-10, a hot- bed of contention is sure to smoulder, until challenges these big hot -heads to a match. The adults will probably go down In flames. CORRECTION We are sorry for the inconvenience. The following cid should have read Model # 1450 not $1,450 This Weeks special - Free Chimney Brush and Chimney Extension Brush with the Purchase of a Model CARMOR 1450 NORTHERN COMFORTS 200 Main St. LUCAN 227-1013 of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 540 will at- tend the service here. Following the service there will be a wreath -laying ceremony in the Legion Hall. Everyone Is urged to attend WHEEL MEALS Volunteer drivers are still needed to help deliver "Meals on Wheels". Can you ., give one hour at noon, one day a week, to help in this great project for our more senior residents and shut- ins? Couples would be ideal to help. If you feel you can only give one hour a month that too would be a help. Please call Andrea Vahey at 22» 4834. in remembrance of those who gave their all. E.J. STEELE DENTURE THERAPY CUNIC STRATHROY 82 FRONT ST. WEST N7G 1X7 TEL -(519)245-4211 OR CALL COLLECT (519)542-8044 Times -Advocate, November 4, 1981 Page 13 PriankToui We would like to thank all the customers who patronized the Big Hitter Pizza it Sub Shop in Lucan. We encourage the residents of Lucan to continue to support the new owners Evan and Sheila Butchart and wish them success in their new endeavor Doris & Jim Wilson elmamlebaRISPRIFIefferammIlbelleforomallfmmeallIbseldRofframemmma =Mk AnG1=0 vmt► Ontario M 80352 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 284), as amended, • - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Village of Lucan for a quieting order with respect to the proper area and boundaries of that portion of the Village of lucan ly- ing within Lot 4, north of the Proof Line Road Concession, in ac- cordance with By-law 28-80, passed on the 1st day of December, 1980. BEFORE: H.W. KELLY, Q.C. Member - and - T.F. BAINES, Q.C. Member Thursday, the 17th day of September, 1981 THIS APPLICATION having come on for hearing before this Board on the 16th day of June, 1981, in the Village of Lucan; THE BOARD ORDERS that The Corporation of the Village of Lucan's application for a quieting order to the effect that the proper area and boundaries of that portion. of the Village of Lucan lying within Lot 4, north of the Proof Line Road Concession as described in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" attached hereto, in accordance with By-law 28-80 passed on the 1st day of December, 1980; is hereby granted; AND THE BOARD ORDERS that this Order shall be published, filed and registered in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act. K. Andrews Secretary SCHEDULE 'A' to the Order of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 17th day of September, 1981 Plan of Surrey of that portion of fM area and boundaries of the Village of Luton LYING wITHW LOT 4 , NORTH of the PROOF LINE ROAD CONCESSION County of M,ddlese. t..,• ,-- 300' 1940 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE • 0, ':' . ., i s /"i ,J •e: ..e.a6•.•• [ 1.•.(•[•• SCHEDULE "B" to the Order of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 17th day of September, 1981 DESCRIPTION: ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of Lucan, County of Middlesex and Province of Ontario and being composed of Part of Lot 4, North of the Proof line Road Concession (also known as North of the Proof line Road) formerly in the Township fo Biddulph, now in the Village of Lucan and being more particularly described as follows: Bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the Southwesterly limit of said lot 4 having a bearing of N 58 degrees 48' W as shown on deposit plan MRD 133. COMMENCING cit the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 4 north of the Proof Line Road. THENCE N 58 degrees 48' W along the Southerly limit of said Lot 4 a distance of 2162.35 feet tc the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 4, THENCE N 8 degrees 53' 30" W along the Westerly limit of said lot 4 a distance of 20.39 feet to on angle therein. THENCE N 8 degrees 37' W continuing along the said Westerly limit a distance of 121 6.93 feet to an angle therein. THENCE N 9 degrees 09' 50" W continuing along the said Westerly limit a distance of 82.68 feet to a point therein distant in total 1320 feet (20 chains) from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 4. THENCE 5 58 degrees 57' 20" E a distance of 2169.48 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot 4 distant in total 1320 feet (20 chains) from the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 4. THENCE S 7 degrees 51' E along the Easterly limit of said Let 4 a distance of 247.75 feet to an angle therein. THENCE 5 7 degrees 48' 30" E continuing along the said Easterly limit a distance of 556.81 feet to an angle therein. THENCE S 8 degrees SS' 50" E continuing along the said Easterly limit a distance of 515.44 feet to the place of beginning,