HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-10-21, Page 26Page 10A Times -Advocate, October 21, 1911 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, salts, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters. 94 Main St. 232 - 1840 USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refngerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964. 281 HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car- dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watches and clock repairing guarantee. 3t CLOCK - Make your own. Use your own design. Quartz battery movements now in stock. The Country Spire. 229-6341. 17t USED BUILDING MATERIALS. Brick, barn board, steel roofing, barn beams, steel cattle pens, house and barn, doors and windows, two old fur- naces, two old tanks. Free delivery. Phone 235-0898. 291 SILK AND POLY flowers - new display, new colours. Country Spire, 229-6341. 36t TRAIN SET, 2 engines; 14 cars, power pack, 50 feet of track and many other extras. Sell as com- plete set S295.00. 235-2174 John Mol. 40:41:42' 16 For Sale LAMB for your freezer. Buy now at low summer prices. Phone Bill Batten 235-1331 or 235- 2184. 37tfx NOW IS THE TIME to change to wood heat. Government grants available up to S800.00. Canuck wood stoves and inserts for sale. Call Carl Bice, sales and installation 232-4521 or 681- 1674. 391 WOOD SPLITTER, 8 h.p. Briggs Stratton, 20 gal. per min. 2300 P.S.I. pump. 5" dia. cyl. 50,000 pounds splitting force. Mounted on 15" wheels plus trailer lights. 237-3587 evenings. 41:42c FALL WINTER SHOPPING Over 195 Ontario Factory Outlets to save. Famous brands - Wabasso, Bauer, Dansk, Es- mond, Kodiak, Harvey Woods, etc. Free Cambridge map with this ad. Send S4.50 to Booklet E3C Box 2173 Cambridge N3C 2V8. 41:42:43' G.E. HARVEST GOLD 17 cu. ft. refrigerator, 5 years old, good condition. Phone 228- 6531. 41:42c TOYOSET HEATERS, 10% off on first 10 units. We also have kerosene fuel and fuel tanks. Box trailer, 4 feet x 7 feet; 14" wheels, aluminum frame, wood box, $200.00. Railroad ties, S7.00 each. Phone 235-1655. 42t Nona To Cable TV Subscribers Excen Cablevision Ltd. has been approved a rate increase as per the CRTC decision number 81-681. The monthly cable subscriber fee will be in- creasing from $7.00 to $8.00 as of November 1, 1981. NOTICE Due to road construction on 5th Conc., Lot 5 ECR McGillivray Township a quantity of standing timber must be removed by December 7, 1981. interested parties with a proposal for the removal of same contact Bruce Karr 293-3344 or 293-3658 on or before October 30, 1981 Road Department McGillivray. Township McNair Estate Antique Auction Thurs. Oct. 22 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. 400-500 pieces being sold Lucan Community Centre Viewing 4-6 p.m. Pattern glass, piano rolls, hand painted plates, silver, pictures and frames and much more. For more information phone 293-3020 or 293-3402. AUCTIONEER Bob McNair Auction Sale of Farm Property, consisting of land for sale; land for rent and a large hen barn and equipment for the Township of Usborne, on Oct. 31, 1981 at 10 o'clock A.M. located on Lot 25, Con. 8, Usborne Township, 5 miles east of Exeter and 1 mile north. LAND FOR SALE: Approximately 35.197 acres, registered and sur- veyed, of which 27 acres is workable and balance in bush. It is very good cosh crop land. Subject to reason.ble bid. Terms: 10% down on day of sale with balance on or before Jan. 4, 1982. If not sold this land is to be auctioned for rent on same terms os parcel below. LAND FOR RENT: Approximately 50 acres adjacent to above land to be auctioned for rent for o 3 year term. It is very good cosh crop land. Terms on rental are as follows: 10% down for first year of lease on day of sale, balance for first year to be paid by May 1st. 1982. Terms for 2 following years: rent to be paid by May 1st of each crop year. BUILDING: On property o modern hen born to be sold with no reserve. it is to be torn down and removed above ce- ment foundation by June 1, 1982. Barn is 32 ft. wide x 120 ft. long. Barn is covered with steel, 2x4 stud- ding, truss roof. Contents of barn consist of 2,544 hen cages 8"x 16"; Ticunsch Feed cart with 4'1 horse motor. with capacity of 350 lbs.; egg cart; 8 of 16" fans with 'h horse electric 2 speed motors; 10" clean out auger -40 ft. long; clean out blade; cooling unit for egg room; outside steel feed bin with 8 ton capacity. Terms: cash on dayof sale. AUCTIONEER Larry Gardiner Telephone 345-2678 Prop: Usborne Township Harry Strang Clerk of Usborne Township { Telephone 235-2228 16 Fot Sole FIREWOOD, hard wood, delivered or pick up. John Navel 235-2767. 40:41:42c AQUARIUM 35 gal., accessories and stand. 235- 1243. 40:41:42:43' TRAIN SET includes 2 engines, electronic track cleaner, track switcher, flashing lights and other accessories. Phone after 6 p.m. 235-2815. 41t IF YOU HAVE a used Brownie or Guide uniform for sale or wish to buy one call 235-0403. 41:42c GOOD USED ladies clothing for sale. Sizes 14-20 (coats, dresses, dress pants, tops, sweaters, jeans, shoes, etc) Can be seen at 312 Marlborough St. or call 235-2461 or235-2444. 41:42• FIREWOOD - mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore 235.1267. 41:42• FIREWOOD FOR SALE, will deliver. Ask for Dave 235- 1726. 42c ROASTING chickens for sale. Call 228-6248. 42c BRUSSEL SPROUTS, cabbage, potatoes, cooking onions, spanish onions and apples. Phone 238-2758. 42:43:44c THREE PIECE livingroom suite, couch, chair and recliner. Brown in colour. CaII after 5 p.m. 235-1885. 42c QUANTITY OF Harlequin books. Phone 228-6917. 42' HARDWOOD FOR SALE, Ex, eter Kinsman club. Phone Bob Reynolds 235-2309. 42-46c 1973 POLARIS - 530, Duro Shallow well pump. White sew- ing machine. All.in excellent con- dition. Please call 228-6159. 42' HOPPER BOX and wagon; Ford 2 furrow plow. Call after 6 p.m. 294-6528. 42' HAND MADE KNITTED scarves for sale. 55.00 each. Phone 235-1402. Wool not supplied. Address 53 James St., Exeter. 42' SPY APPLES, no. 1 and no. 2 grade. Bring containers. McCIy- mont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna 482-3214. 42c STOVE - 22" white electric range, good condition, older model, 525.00 234-6344. 42' ANTIQUE OAK china cabinet, 62" high, 36" wide with curved glass door and sides. 3 removable oak shelves. Excellent condition. Phone 262-5245. 42' COLLECTOR'S PLATE - Maria by Pickard. 5295.00. Phone 229-6115. 42* ACORN FIREPLACE, good working condition. Some pipes. Phone 238-8533. 42:43' WOOD STOVE - Fisher, brick lined, air tight, used one winter, 5350.00 236-4479 after 6 p.m. 42c DOWN DRAFT wood stove for quick sale, 25% off retail price, 237-3453. 42:43c USED OIL FURNACE in good working condition. Phone 229- 6416. 42c 200 8" CEMENT BLOCKS, 50t each; McCulloch chain saw, 570.00; 10 panes of glass 24" x 36" each. Phone 235-1309 after 6 p.m. 42c 1973 750 YAMAHA; 1978 RM 100 Suzuki dirt bike; 10,000 BTU air conditioner; projector, camera and movie screen, 8 mm. Phone 236-4482. 42:43c LADIES CABRETTA leather coat, zip -in lining, size 221/2. Ask- ing 5150.00 228-6225 after 6 p.m. 42:43:44' MULTI FAMILY garage sale, windows, furniture, snow- mobiles, etc. Saturday, October 24, 8:30 a.m. Corner of Kent St., and 4 Conc., Lucan. 42c CABINET STEREO, excellent condition. Phone 262-2615 after 4 p.m. 42:43c FUNCRAFT CAMPER 1978 Ford, excellent condition, only 52,000 KM, automatic, power steering, power brakes, speed control, tilt wheel, air con- ditioned, radio, furnace, refrigerator, stove, sink, toilet, lots of cupboards, two tables, sleeps four, drapes all around. Captain chairs, new tires: Phone 235-0922. 42' SNOW TIRES Hi Way By Way 550-12 on Datsun rims. Used one season, S30 pair. Phone 235- 1320. 41:42' 1.6 Fot Sole PIANO - older model, good con- dition. Asking 5400.00. 178 Columbia Dr., Huron Park. 42' 1971 VOLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON. Body fair. Good rubber. Should be seen to be appreciated. First 5950.00 will take. Call 235-1331 days or 235- 0555 evenings. Ask for Harry. 42tfnx MEDITERRANEAN styled stereo console. Complete with microphone cassette tape deck and in Al condition. No scratches, 5300.00. Phone 235- 2602. 41:42c THREE POINT HITCH Ford reversible snow blower. Phone E. Anderson 262-2637. 41:42• GIRLS FREE STYLE figure skates, custom made boot. Ask- ing 5125.00,235-0894. 41:42c SELF STORING alumium door, 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. 235-1252 or after 6 p.m. 229-6472. 41t MAN'S BLACK LEATHER coat, hip length and pile lined. Extra large 46-50. Phone 234- 6794. 41:42c 1980 PIONEER RECEIVER, 90 watts. Possible 2 decks, one reel and one phono, 5300.00. Phone 234-6741. 41:42' DEPRESSION AND CARNIVAL glass, paperbacks, books (Harlequin, Westerns, Mysteries) hard cover books, (readers digest) Lots of dishes. Call 228-6823 for an appointment. 41:42:43t GARRARD TURNTABLE very good condition (magnetic cartridge) needs needle. 550.00 Call 228-6823. 41:42:431 CORNER BUNK SET - 1 custom built, with built in shelves and drawers, mattresses includ- ed. 2 years old. S400.00. Phone 237-3290. 41:42c NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, shoes, boots, toys, skates, bikes, etc. Also accepting consignments of the same, as well as play pens, childrens furniture, winter coats and snow suits, etc. Fall hours, Thurs. & Sat. 9-5, Fri. 9-9 until Dec. 1st. Shady Rest Antiques, Main St. S., beside Beta's Beauty Shop. 41t COLLECTOR'S PLATES/ figurines, Peter Snyder prints, and Royal Wedding Commemoratives from 59.50 up. Fall hours. Thurs. & Sat. 9-5, Fri. 9-9 until Dec. 1st. Shady Rest Antiques/ Main St. S. Beside Beta's Beauty Shop. 41t CLEAROUT SALE - 1979 18' trailer, 54,500.00; 18' trailer, 54,- 400.00; 1981 Jayco hardtop, 52,- 650.00; Suncamper, 52,400.00; Toyota camper, 513,500.00. Phone 238-8764. One mile south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21. 42:43:44c 18 Wanted CRAFTS WANTED on con- signment, 13 Main St., Grand Bend. Call 238-8460 or 236- 4467. 42:43c BABY BASSINETTE. Call after 5,235-2879. 42c WANTED - uprightkype oil fur- nace in good condition. Phone 262-6309. 42' ANTIQUE POCKET watches or gold and silver jewellery of any description. Highest prices paid by private collector. Will pick up. 1-238-8692. 42:43:44:45c WARGAME OPPONENTS - Have miniature armies for most time periods. Major interests are Roman Republic and Colonial. Need mature "enemies". Call Rob at 235-2139. 39t CATTLE -.we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. 36t RESPONSIBLE FEMALE roommate wanted to share rent for a 2 bedroom apartment, cen- trally located in Exeter. If in- terested call 235-0770 after 5 or call 238-2758. 41:42• PAPERBACK BOOKS, tea figurines, dinky toys, old dishes and souvenir spoons. Call 228- 6823 anytime. 41:42:431 YOUR JUNK is my treasure, please call 228-6823 anytime. 41:42:43t PERSON TO SHARE house in Exeter. Call Mike 235- 2140. 41:42c J I I I I I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I III I I II I I I I I II I II I I II I11111111111111111111111111111111111M111t11111 Auction Sale VANASTRA, CLINTON i F. Saturday October 24, 1:30 p.m. a Commencing at Property # 1, and a offered For Sale in the following se- quence: 1 ▪ PROPERTY# 1 -- 29 and 31 Victoria Blvd., I Vanastra. 2 semi-detached homes in one parcel (mayiI be split). Each side has separate furnace and base- _ ment, 100 Amp. Hydro. Market rent $185.00 per = • unit (net.) _ a ▪ ft 87 14 II hardwood 1 #31 E E Y B _ 1 = I d =_ e I p ft 7 ft 1 q ) 9E = I E PROPERTY # 2 -- 31 Regina Rd., Vonastra. 3 bedroom 1 17 storey stucco home. Surveyed lot 52.5 x ft. Fu concrete basement, ar wood floors, 100 Amp. service, F.A. oil heat. PROPERTY # 3 -- 33 Regina Rd., Vanastra. Similar toexcept with aluminium siding. PROPERTY # 4 -- 1 storeybuilding 40'x72' recent) usedfor pine furniture manufacturing. 2,000 sq. ft = shop area, plus paint room; storage, washroom. Heated by woodstove; recently updated wiring; 0.6 acres land. PROPERTY # 5 -- 1 storey steel 'quonset' building, recently usedfor auto bodyrepair. 32 x 16 (5,344 s. ft. buildin with concrete floor,forced air heat, large access door, parking area. 0.57 acres zonedIndustrial. Properties may be viewed on morning of Sale, or by arrangement with the Agent. g1 € TERMS: Cash, subject to low reserve bids, sold "as • is Bidders should have 5500.00 cash or certified cheque payable to John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd., In Trust. Agreements of Purchase and Sale drawn sub- = Sequent to Sale. 1 AGENT: John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd, 482. 3766 • AUCTIONEER: Jake Thalen Jr. 412-7922 III IIIII IIII III IIII IJIIIIII1118111111111111INIUM1111111111M011111pI11111NIflIQ111111IINMIIIIIIIIIIIII _ 18 Wonted OLD HOQKED MATS wanted: in good condition. Also folk car- vings or similar primitive an- tiques 296-5380 or send descrip- tion to Tremain's, RR 1 Forest, Ontario. 41:42• WANTED TO RENT land for 1982 crop. Call 262- 5708. 41:42:43c 19 Pr aper ty For Sale THREE BEDROOM HOUSE on 66x132 lot, south of United Church in Dashwood. Electric heat, village water, new roof. Call 234-6336. 41 t fnx 11/2 STOREY BRICK home, 32' x 40', workshop 40' x 58' bank barn on 3 acres, Lake Huron water available. Lots of shade trees. 539,900.00. Phone 237- 3573. 41:42c ESTATE LOTS - Near Grand Bend 23 - 11/4-4 acre lots. 200' frontage, piped -in water, new 4 bedroom bi-level house, garage, on 11/2 acre. 1-672-6863. 16t FOUR BEDROOM house, aluminum siding, 166' x 132' lot, good location in Zurich. Goshen St., North, contact Paul Bedard 236-4930 or 236-4258, priced to sell. 40:41:42:43c STOREY AND HALF, vinyl sided house. Elimville. Phone 229-8788. 40:41:42:43' TWO BEDROOM smaller home, 532,500 firm. Has 111/2 mortgage of 522,500 until 1984, low taxes, 235-1203. 40:41:42c 524,500 - THREE BEDROOM starter or retirement Centennial home. Pretty lot. Well cared for and immaculate. Handle with love. Owner will assist with financing. Arkona village. For more details phone Harry Palmer, 438-4121 or 268-3239, Century 21 Lauckner Realty Inc. 42c GRAND. BEND - Mortgage sale, 3 bedrooms, 1' storey white frame house, barn, 3 acres, 536,000, located on B line road 7/10 km. north of Huron County Playhouse. Phone week days 8:30 to 4:30, London 434- 2144. 42:43:44:45c 20 Property For Rent LARGE MODERN ranch close to town. Responsible tenants only need apply. One year lease. 235-2533. 42c TOWN HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, electric heat, laundry room, car port, 1st floor, near park. Phone 235-0537 after 5 p.m. 42' IN ZURICH 4 bedroom house, completely renovated. Available now. Phone 238-2758. 42:43:44c GRAND BEND 3 bedroom fur- nished .apartment, available November 1. Utilities paid, 5325.00. Call 238-8460 or 236- 4467. 42:43c FIVE BEDROOMS, broadloomed, living, dining and bath on acre of parklike setting in quiet .community. 12 miles north of London, 5400 per month, plus utilities. 225- 2607. • , , RI - 42:43c • ELIMVILLE HOUSE for rent, newly renovated, aluminum sid- ed, insulated, 3 bedroom, 4 peice bath, barn, basement, 1 acre. First months rent negotiable, 5240 per month. Phone Monday through Thursday anytime, 229- 6727. 42:43:44:45c COSY TWO BEDROOM home close to downtown, recently renovated. Available November 1, 5265.00 plus utilities. No pets. 235-1647. • 42t CEMENT BLOCK building ap- proximately 50' x 60' with steel window friends. Ideal for workshop. Interested parties phone 235-1023. 42c HOUSE WITH POOL, 4 bedrooms, close to park. Lots of privacy. Beautiful area. Phone 229-6822. 42t ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent, in Hen - sell, 5150 a month. Heat paid. Phone 262-3209 after 6 p.m. 42c HEATED FURNISHED one bedroom apartment above Cana- dian Tire. 235-1497 or 235- 0451. 42t FULLY FURNISHED at Grand Bend, beautiful 4 bedroom, winterized beach front home, 5350 plus heat and utilities. November 1 to June 30. 225-2692 after 6 p.m. 42:43:44c IN HENSALL - 1 bedroom townhouse. Available November 1. Phone 262-2014 or 262- 3446. 401 THREE BEDROOM country home, 3 miles north of St. Joseph on Hwy. 21. For details phone Zurich 236-4633. 401 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom garden apartment, appliances, parking. Available Nov. 1. 304 Andrew St., Apt. 4, 5138.78 per month. Seniors preferred. 472- 0986. 40t LARGE TWO bedroom apart- ment, 5230.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 235-1647. 39t APARTMENT • heated business office with vault. 237- 3224. 41:42' FIVE BEDROOM. house. Two Jedroom house, both Zurich area. Phone 236-4137. 41:42c CUSTOM CIDER PRESSING Call to Make an appointment 20 Pr UI't I 1y i sat Rent NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartment in Henull, heated, 262-3146' after 5 p.m. 39:40:41:42c GRAND BEND, two bedroom trailer, unfurnished, except for fridge and stove. Private loca- tion.9 Phone after 6 p.m. 238- 8656. 1 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available, reasonable rent. Brinsley Variety, 293-3038 (6 miks north of Ailsa Craig) 39t APARTMENT - one bedroom, centrally located, heated, refrigerator and stove supplied. Available October 1. Phone 235- .2087 after 6:30 p.m. 39t COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 500 Sq. Ft. Adjoining Main St. Ample park- ing, reasonable. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 36t APARTMENTS - 2 bedrooms, stove and fridge, electric heat. Available Immediately. Phone 235-0141. 16t ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS One Bedrooms 5238.50 Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario Ph: 262-3448 or 262-2615 24t GRAND BEND furnished home available immediately: 5300.00 monthly. Phone 238-2822. 37t TWO BEDROOM apartment in Zurich. Call 236-4356. 38-43c THREE or four bedroom farm house. Completely renovated. Close to Hensall. Available Oc- tober 1. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768. - 38t GRAND BEND - Furnished house, 5225.00 plus utilities, 15 Sauble Rd. Available immediate- ly. Phone 238-2366 or 236- 4689. 38t FOUR BEDROOM farm house, 21/2 miles south of Zurich, carpeted, chimney for wood'/ stove in Targe country kitchen, oil heat, car port. Phone 236- 4468. 41:42c THREE BEDROOM townhouse with rec room on Simcoe St., Ex- eter. Available immediately. Phone 236-4230. 41t HENSALL BACHELOR apart- ment, ground floor, private en- trance, separate bath, garden, off street parking. 262-2939 after 6 p.m. 41:42c APARTMENT - Quiet downstairs on Yogi Bear Dr. off Highway 21. Bedroom, large livingroom, 3 piece bath, kitchen, refrigerator and stove. Call 337- 6208 or 243-2166. 41:42c UNFURNISHED LOWER apartment, heated, adults only, available November 1, no pets, close to shopping centre. Phone 235-0354. 41:42c ZURICH -Frederick Street apartment, available .November 1. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living roam and full size basement, available November 1. Apply after six, 236-4193. 42x HOUSE - 8 rooms, . south of Grand Bend, 2 baths, 5 bedrooms, fireplace, stove, freezer, washer and dryer includ- ed. Phone 1-243-3036. 41t COUNTRY HOME on highway 21. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, 2 baths, large 25 x 60 heated shed. Phone 236-4019 or 1-332-0809. 41:42c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels; Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 15t 21 f or Rent FORMAL RENTALS - one of Canada's largest selections. Agent for Freeman's and Syd .Silver Formal Rentals. Bob Swartman Men's Shoop, Ex- eter, 235-0991. 481' THE "OLD Town Hall" auditorium for rentals including weddings, matings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager BIU Dinney 235-0231. 231 22 For Sole or Rent TWO BEDROOM trailer in Norwood Village. Phone 1-453- 0369. 42:43c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Gretta Marjorie Prout Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Gretta Marjorie Prost, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of May, 1981 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Deane and Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of October 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DEANE & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 40:41:42c Hallowe'en at Crediton Saturday evening the Crediton and District Social Club held their Hallowe'en dance in the Crediton Com- munity Centre. Several authentic costumes were displayed while dancing and roller dis- coing to the music of "Kadenza". Prizes went to Byron Clark for best actor as a lady, and to Kathy Winger for best dressed lady as a man. Wednesday evening the Women's Institute will meet in the Town hall at 8 p.m. Special speakers from the Childrens Aid in Goderich will deal with the topic of child behavior. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Pat and Don Coghlin, Fordwich visted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin, Ruth and Lisa and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cottel, Arlene and Allan. Thursday evening the Crediton Cluckers 4-11 club toured Schatz' egg grading station in Dashwood. The 4- H girls were shown how to candle and grade the eggs. They also were given the for- mula for pricing and shown how to put the eggs into car- tons and Lien cases. FIND IT IN THE ANT Notice to McGillivray Ratepayers Final Tax Payment due by November 1, 1981 Township office open 9-4 Tues. & Thurs,, Any taxes in Arrears will be charged 2% per month. 4<*if* 4<4<4<4<4<* *4<if4<*4<4<4< • DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. * SALES EVERY TUESDAY 11:00 A.M. ♦c Phone 666-1140 • Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Fat • Market. The number one place for you to market your fat cattle, stocker cattle, * cows, calves, vealers and pigs. * SECOND FALL STOCKER SALE * TUESDAY EVENING * OCTOBER 27, at 7:30 p.m. ♦c CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME. * Western Calves & Ontario Stockers * available on. request by contacting: * Hugh Filson Jack Phillips Tom Rushton* • 666-0833 232-4233 471-4148 * **7e1*******"* ********** NI Ell i♦ 111 INITSTANies AIJ CTI ON AT PHONY AUCTION BARN ONMWY21, 1 mile North of the Pinery Provindal Pork, 1 4 miles South of Grand Bend. 1 Sunday, October 25, 1981 at 1 p.m. 1 For Grand Bend Decorating Centre 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 A stock reduction sale of thousands of yards of fine quality floor coverings including carpets by name brand manufacturers with Jute or foam backing in many colours, designs and textures.from sort shags, hi -low loops and ozite prints, in rolls and room lots sizes plus rolls of Solarium and Vinyl floor coverings in 6 ft and 12 ft widths in a wide array of colours and patterns plus a selection of wallpaper, paint, stains and vtarnishes. Professional installation and delivery available. Following the floor coverings, a large collection of Canadian and American coins dating from 1888 plus some estate jewellry will be auctioned. VIEWING: Saturday 10 to 12; Sunday from 11 to sale time. TERMS: Cash, cheques with proper I.D., Viso or Master Charge. ANNOUNCEMENT: Get Your Consignments In Ear- ly For Our Next Auction On Nov. 8 Of Antiques and Collectables. a 1 Pat Lyon Auctioneer Phone 243-2713 1 dIII i•III rIII i•III III Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1r 1 1 Estate Auction Sale Some antiques, furniture, appliances, etc, to be held at Richard Lobbs barn, Clinton, Ontario for the estate of Henry Adkins and contents of Clinton home. Sat. Oct. 24 at 10:00 a.m. Small portable color T.V., nearly new, Kelvinator chest freezer, Admiral square model fridge, Harwick gas stove, clothes dryer, wringer washer, dehumidifier, humidifier, card table, Mason Risch upright piano, buffet with mirror, bedroom suite, china cabinet, upholstered chairs, couch,iano bench, small desk, cedar chest, chesterfieldand chair, small china cabinet, double bed, vanity dresser, dressers with mirrors, chest of drawers, drop leaf table, library table, roll -away bed, chrome table and four chairs, continental single bed, ar- tificial fireplace, screen and tools, footstool, T.V. trays, 2 old oil heaters, floor lamps, wicker clothes basket, brass candle stick holders, small appliances and glassware, pictures, fruit jars, books, patio um- brella table, self propelled lawn mower, gas push lawn mower, patio swing couch, 20' aluminum ex- tension ladder, picnic table, small wheel borrow, hand lawn roller, hand and yard tools. Terms: Cosh RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 482-7898 PUBLIC AUCTION Antiques, furniture, coins, vehicles, equipment, motorcycle and snow- mobiles, tools, toys, snowmobile clothes, etc. This Saturday, October 24, at 10:00 A.M. 23.4 miles south of EXETER On # 4 Highway (formerly Remkes Honda) FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES - horse drawn cutters (2), buggy, old tools, antique corner cup- board, drop leaf toble, cherry masonic bench (8 ), press back high choir, salt and peppers, old medicine bottles, council table, oak barrels, recliner (as new), child's rocker, bar or von fridge in cabinet w/sink, dinette set, refrigerator, coffee and end tables, child's rocking horse, stereo stand, guitar, knick knacks, bed and dresser, wooden'table and chairs, tape recorder, TV stand, Lithograph of Sistine Madona dating back to approximotely 1890, pain- tings, oak sideboard w/leaded glass front (very nice), etc. COINS - pre 1966 Canadian silver dollars, 501 pieces, silver centennial and dollar mint sets. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - metal file drawers, metal pigeon hole cabinet, adding machine, Thermo Fax Copier, typewriter table, steel shelving, etc. VEHICLES - '75 Ford wagon, '76 Plymouth Gran Fury 4 -door, new exhaust, 77 Fury 2 -door, all V8 auto, PS, PB, all sold as is, subject to prior sale. 1971 Chev '/z ton pickup, 350 auto, 62,000 miles, good condition, certified, 1978 Honda 185 twin star, as is, insulated truck topper, old Suzuki motorcycle for parts. EQUIPMENT - 9N Ford tractor w/hydraulic bucket loader completely rebuilt, 9N Ford tractor, 2 furrow 3 pt. hitch plow, discs, harrows, 3 pt. hitch sprayer w/60 gal. fiberglass tank, 8' boom, excellent condition, 184 blade flail mower, 7.6 gravely walk behind tractor w/front mount 30" mower. 22" snowblower, 6" mechanics vise, utility trailer. 1974 SUNSET CAMPER - (17') sleeps 6, propane stove, electric or propane fridge, hot water, toilet, shower, like new. MISCELLANEOUS - Hilty Ram Gun, electric bug killer, Snowmobiles, 1974 Yamaha 433, 1970 Sno jet, both good condition, new cement mixer with 2 hp gas engine,quantity new snowmobile clothes such as pants, gloves, jackets, boots, etc. 2 steel work benches, one with vise, overstocked and end of line items from local CTC store, such as; 5 heavy duty 7 1/4" circular saws, paint, staple gun kits, smoke alarms, tires, wheels, tools, tape measure knife sets, trailer hitches, 2 Yr cu. ft, cement mixer, etc., etc., many more items, Norm Whiting - Auctioneer Lunch booth on grounds day of sale Not responsible for accidents Terms: Cash or acceptable cheque For more lnfermation tall 235-1964 or '235-10511